Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 138: Where the Virgin Is
During the investigation of the ruins on the outskirts of the Holy City, the Virgin Mary disappeared.
"Oh no... Maria..."
Risha was flashing the space her sister had disappeared into.
Even though I was right next door, I was attacking myself before I could prevent it.
"It's okay, Mr. Riesha. Maria has the magic props of communication"
I take out the magic props as I encourage her.
This is a communications magic prop deposited from Maria. It was a valuable ancient demonic prop capable of communicating at any distance.
"Maria, can you hear me?
I inquire about the magic props on the radio.
It should have consumed the user's magic (mana) to reach Maria.
"... Yamato... Sama... Yes, I hear you"
Reesha gives a relief look to Maria's voice as she hears it.
Slightly poor communication, but a healthy voice. Keep communicating with Maria so everyone can hear you.
"Maria, do you know what's going on?
'... yes... apparently I am a device of ruins... forced to transfer... so far there is no danger around'
Maria calmly analyzes and reports.
The destination is said to be among the dim ruins. I don't know the exact location.
But the tide of the sea and the smell of sweet flowers report flowing in the wind.
'... and it's so hot and humid... it's like midsummer, it's so sweaty...'
"You think it's hot and humid this season? Rack, get me a map."
"Roger that, Dana!
Give instructions while listening to the report.
Rack takes a single map out of his nostalgia and spreads it. It was a map of the entire continent of the Ganesha family's secret possession, with trading routes throughout the continent.
"Weird how hot and humid it is this time of year, huh?
It was already autumn season.
It is also chilly here near the Sacred Capital, where a long-sleeved jacket is indispensable.
"Yamato. South of the continent, it's not hot all year round."
"I see, is that what you mean"
I will listen to Sildria and compile the information.
The southern part of the continent is said to have a climate close to midsummer all year round. Then I'm satisfied with Maria's report.
But I need more information.
It is a vast region, even to the south of the continent.
Moving to the Dark Clouds doesn't reveal any. I want more information that will give me clues.
"Mr. Yamato... here it is"
It is then.
Risha snaps small. It points to the map and shows something.
"My sister... Maria is here"
What she was showing was the destination of Maria's disappearance.
It showed one of the islands south of the continent.
"Do you know where Maria is, Mr. Riesha?
"Yes, I can't say well, but I'm definitely here"
It was the serious look on Reesha's face to answer. And both eyes are luminous.
"Maybe Mr. Riesha still had the power of the soul key (Mana Key)"
Risha inherits the power of the Soul Key (Mana Key).
All of its power had been lost after the Spiritual Beast War. But the crisis of my sister Maria may have unleashed some power.
"I see. Now I know where it is. We'll form Maria's rescue unit."
Thanks to Risha, we found the exact location.
Where you can fly in the Uld carriage fleet at a distance. We need to leave in a hurry for Maria.
"Wait, Yamato. That place is a mess."
Leanhardt frowns pointing at the map.
It is a rare, hesitant expression for this knight full of justice.
"I will, Dana. It's a dangerous place in the South China Sea!
Likewise the rack is a dark look.
region situated on the peninsula and islands to the south of the continent. That's what they call the South China Sea region.
"Right, Yamato. It's a" Nanban tribe "that our empire can't even handle... they have a country to rule."
Syldria, the Empress of the Hizan Empire, supplements.
The South China Sea region is inhabited by more barbarians than it used to be. It is a taboo place that even neighbouring countries cannot exploit, he said.
"Not even our Imperial Army can attack in. It's the South Sea of Death."
Hizan Empire, one of the best military forces on the continent.
He said it was a dangerous area that could not be attacked with its great expedition.
"I see. So only this region doesn't have a country built"
I recheck the map, listening to my friends' warnings.
The Hizan Empire in the east and the Holy Kingdom of Romanus in the west. And each country in the Central Plains, including the trading city of Orn.
areas where completely different species nest. That's Maria's migrated South China Sea region.
"But what happened to it? I'm not waging an invasion war. I'm just picking up my buddy, Maria."
Tell your fellow dark expressions what this time is all about.
It is a handful of elites in the Uld carriage fleet who are on their way to rescue. We need to use the power of the Holy Kingdom of Romanus. Explain it's a safe journey, just to rescue Maria and come home.
"Well... no explorer or merchant has ever been able to reach the South Sea Islands. But I feel like I could go with Dana!
"Right, Rack. He's a really strange man."
Sildria and the others laugh bitterly.
It had purified the heavy air until just now and had a clear look.
"I believe in you Yamato, I'll follow you everywhere"
Risha had solidified her resolve from the beginning.
Strong readiness and will to save my sister Maria, no matter what the difficulties. After many trials with me, she was also growing strong.
"Mountain Hole's oral history says that the Nankai region has delicious fruit liquor."
"Then there must be some delicious fruit!
"Sounds delicious!
"Looking forward to it now!
Gaton and the children were also willing to accompany him.
He's stopped investigating the ruins and started getting ready to head south as soon as possible.
"Oh, boy. You're the same people who ate it."
A dangerous South China Sea region where no one has ever set foot. A journey into a dangerous forest ruled by horrible barbarians.
But every member of the carriage convoy was ready.
"All right, get ready and head to the South China Sea region!
Thus we went to the South China Sea region to rescue Maria.