Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 140: To the Tree Sea of the South
Leaving the city of Unan, we had arrived in the Southern Tree Sea.
"That's a pretty deep forest."
Keep your perimeter alert and continue along the beast path in the sea of trees.
The Beast Road is a rough road with ups and downs. In the meantime, the off-road mode carriage worked great as planned.
I will check the direction with my azimuthal magnet.
"You have a lot different vibe than the Woods of Uld, Yamato"
"Right, Mr. Riesha. Lots of subtropical trees."
Observe the surroundings of the tree sea while advancing the carriage.
Unlike the northern mountainous area of Uld, this is a tree sea to the south. The trees and plants in the flock were also similar to the southern varieties of the planet.
Reminds me of the jungle on Amazon, taken at an early age by self-proclaimed adventurous parents.
"Less ups and downs in the terrain, easier than you think"
"But soil contains a lot of moisture. Be careful not to fit the wheel, Mr. Riesha."
There were rivers, large and small, running through this sea of trees.
The effect is that the ground contains moisture and is easy to get wet. It is dangerous if you get into a bottomless swamp.
For this reason, Klan and Han advance the horseback riding squad, checking the terrain and proceeding.
"Look, Isis. Those flowers... they're so beautiful."
"Right. It's a color that Orn doesn't even have. What kind of flowers?
As they guarded their surroundings, Riesha and the women were seen as the scenery.
With all the trees and seas, the unique colorful flowers of the South bloom.
Women of all ages in every world will like beautiful flowers. They're both making their eyes shine.
"Speaking of which, Mr. Yamato. Do you remember the first time you saw him, he gave you Orn flowers from me?
"Orn flowers... oh, I remember"
Second, Isis asked.
Years ago.
She gave me Orn's "Triple Thank You". The second is the flower of the city of Orn. I remembered it as a poor, beautiful flower.
"Actually, that flower meant“ courtship ”among unmarried women men."
"You think it means courtship? Is that why Rack looked weird then"
I remember when Isis gave me flowers.
At that time, Rack, who saw Orn's flowers, was surprised to say something bumpy. He was probably reacting to me for receiving courtship flowers.
Nevertheless, what is it now that Isis has brought up such a previous story?
"I don't believe in flowers or superstition, Isis."
"Of course I know. But I'll be waiting for your reply sometime."
Isis answers with a meaningful grin.
She's a bit of a natural personality, but she's supposed to be a brainy person. Maybe there's more behind the flower words.
"Kyu, courtship... Isis, were you doing that then?
Lisa, who was listening beside her, was surprised to see her eyes open.
But at that time she was busy at the market in Orn (Bazaar).
Reesha just found out about an exchange she didn't know about.
"Isis is a trick when it comes to romance. If you're bluffing, they're gonna get you out, Riesha."
"Isis is the magician of love..."
"Oh, Sildria must have secretly danced the courtship sword dance in front of Yamato."
"Hmm. It did jump. But Isis. Where'd you get that information?
"Orn is a trading city that gathers information from all over the continent, Mr. Sildria."
"I see. It's a lot of information network, Isis."
"Sildria... ask Yamato to marry you..."
There's a spark flying between women on your stand.
Mostly between Sildria and Isis. And listening to the facts that come out one after the other, it's a schematic that Risha is losing her word.
No malice to the three, but the spark was a mix of women's earnestness.
"I'm not sure what the story is about. But I need you to do this after you get Maria out."
We are now in the middle of a dangerous rescue mission, and brokering from troubles is a problem.
I don't know what the controversy is, but I want it after the rescue operation is resolved safely.
"Right. Yamato has a point."
"Maria is one of the parties. The four of us should discuss this properly after we rescue them."
"Isis... right. I will continue to do my best to protect Yamato's back!
Apparently, the dispute has become a temporary truce.
The three girls were renewed in their determination, somewhat united. I feel motivated from all over my body.
"Man, it's raining and it's hardening the ground."
At that rate, the carriage carriers go on through the sea of trees.
Going deeper while camping, a few days go by.
On the road it was going well without great danger. It would have gone quite far behind the tree sea.
Reesha's sensation is that we can reach the coastline if we go a little further.
We were approaching our destination, the South Sea Islands.
"Hmm? This is..."
On the move one day like that.
I feel signs of something.
It was not a beast, but another being approaching.
"Is this a bunch of people? That's a lot of secrecy."
I admire it as I look through the surrounding woods where no one is. So far, I was the only one sensing proximity.
I haven't even felt a sharp syldria in a row.
Perhaps those approaching possess secrecy that specializes in the woods.
"Dana, this is..."
"Oh, I know"
The next rack that detects the anomaly comes to report.
This man who hates strife is not exercised by combat ability. Instead it had excellent animal intuition.
"What's up, Yamato? And the rack... hmm? Come on, this is ⁉"
I also notice that Leanhardt is vacant for a little while.
Stop the horse, pull out the sword and guard your surroundings.
"They're finally having fun."
Sildria also pulls out her sword with a grin.
A smooth journey from the Sacred Capital to here. I was open and happy from that boredom.
"Careful, guys. This time they're in trouble in the woods."
"Brother Yamato says“ trouble ”..."
"Guys, you're on maximum alert!
On my signal, the wagon carriers make a quick stop and enter the fighting position.
Children guard all directions with crossbows (crossbows).
Strong opponent whom I have given a high reputation for “trouble”. Up to this point, the vigilance has been strong since the Spiritual Beast War.
"Are they spiritual beasts, Yamato?
I can't even detect the type of signs, Lenhardt asks.
If it's any ordinary bandit level, there's no way this skilled knight would allow him to approach.
In other words, he would have guessed that the spiritual beast, which is outhuman, was his opponent.
"No, unfortunately it's not a spiritual beast. A bunch of people."
"Stupid, I didn't know we would allow approaching to this distance..."
"Probably the ones who specialize in the woods."
"I see. You mean that? Be careful."
Lienhardt retightens his mind to my guess.
At any rate, the battle is not all about the square format at the training center. It is forbidden to be cautious when fighting in these woods, even if you are an armed knight.
We lay a defensive net around the wagon and wait for the opponent to leave.
"... this forest is an impenetrable forest"
That is the time.
A voice can be heard from the bush where no one is supposed to be.
"Outsiders, turn back now. Otherwise I won't give it back alive."
The opponent moves with that warning.
Countless figures emerge one after the other from the bushes around them. All were warriors fully armed with bows and spears.
"I see. Is this the Nanban tribe? Now, what's the matter?"
It was a tribal warrior regiment nesting in this southern tree sea that showed up.
We were completely besieged.