Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 147: Raylan's Dream
Tree sea at night.
Fountain a short distance from the carriage. Raylan was all alone in his thoughts.
"Yamato. What... I can't sleep a bit..."
Raylan was staring at the water with the look on his mind.
She is an armed woman warrior, and there will be no danger to one.
But things were a little different than before.
"If I remember how the Yamatos were doing during the day, I'd wake up..."
"Fellows across ethnic and national hedges...... you mean that?
"Oh, yeah. It was a mindset we didn't have..."
What Raylan cared about was the interaction between everyone in the wagon convoy.
She also had a look that came up with something back then.
"Can I ask you one thing, Raylan?
"Oh... what?
Ask Raylan what he cared about.
Maybe listening to it can solve her problems.
"Why are the Nanbans refusing to interact with the outside world... outside the tree sea?
That has been a concern since I heard the story of the Southern Tree Sea in the city of Unan.
The Southern Tree Sea is warm and fruitful.
On the other hand, the beast is also ferocious and dangerous. With as much force as the Nanban, it would also be possible to build a safe village in the flatlands outside.
But for generations, they have cut off interactions with the outside world.
"You mean that? Simply put, we preserve the temple (here) left behind by the opening. That's why you can't leave the woods, Yamato."
Raylan points in the direction of the Water Capital and opens his mouth quietly.
In the basement of the castle in the water capital, there is a temple from ancient times. The temple also contains a key to an important treasure on the continent.
To protect it from external enemies, the Nanbans say they live in the tree sea.
"You think it's the Nanban ancestry?
"Oh. The Great Patriarch when he defeated the Super Empire...... that's the opening. That word is more important than anything."
With an unprecedented serious look, Raylan was speaking.
So much so that the existence of the Founding Fathers will be great among the Nambarians.
"That's why we can't get out of the tree sea..."
But Raylan's last words were lost. I can feel stray about the words of the Founding Fathers that are absolute.
"I see. You know what?"
One hypothesis emerges in me.
That was a guess from her words and attitudes so far.
"Does Raylan want to go outside the woods?
"No way... no way..."
Raylan's face reacts with Pickle to that hypothesis.
Obviously I was upset and hiding something. Perhaps he was troubled in his heart and suffering alone.
"If you want to spit something out, say it. Don't worry, I'm not interested in treasure or anything."
"Well, Yamato is sweet. Actually, I... I had a dream."
"A dream?
"Oh. I dreamed of opening my ancestors..."
Raylan speaks quietly.
The first time she had dreams of opening her ancestors, she said, was about a month ago now.
The first dream I had, he said, had the appearance of a pioneering ancestor living in a tree sea. Another day I saw her fighting the super-empire army outside the tree sea.
"It was a strange dream... days go by as if I were the founding fathers..."
Raylan said the dream he had was as clear as it was real.
He said he was following his ancestral daily life like a diary.
The only thing left to say is that the name of a person named César is always in the last memory of a dream.
I was familiar with the name.
But now I dare not touch you to move on with Raylan's story.
"I see, the age of the Founding Fathers...... I mean ancient dreams. Why would Raylan do that?
"The great chiefs of history draw the blood of their ancestors. I mean, I'm one of the descendants."
Raylan was a descendant of the founding fathers.
In order to be closed, the Nanban say the blood of their ancestors is protected with care.
"And descendants are a little different from other warriors, giving them special powers"
"I see. So Raylan was the only one who couldn't fly."
Only her combat ability, even in the battle the other day, was distinguished among the Warriors.
That is also one of the powers of the descendants of the founding fathers, he said.
"And it's a dream of the founding fathers. What about Raylan's other brothers and sisters?
"I asked casually, but I was the only one who dreamed of it. Probably because my blood is thick."
The blood intensity is said to be directly linked to the high level of physical ability.
Raylan had a distinct power among his brothers and sisters.
"Originally, he who draws the blood of his ancestors darkly leads the next generation of tribes..."
According to such a Southern barbarian decision, Raylan is a candidate for the next Great Sheikh.
"But Raylan was being flushed into the village of Tax. Is that what this has to do with dreams?
"That's because I was punished for breaking the code."
"Oh, don't go outside the tree sea... we broke that code"
Raylan whispers his eyebrows and talks about himself.
Keep dreaming. She said one day she was driven by a strong impulse she couldn't contain.
“I want to go outside the sea of trees just like my ancestors!"
I couldn't contain the thought and went out like a sleepwalker.
"That's when I infiltrated the city called Unan and came back alone"
"I see. The city over there."
Unan is the last city where the carriage convoy stopped. It is geographically the closest city to the tree sea.
With as much covert technology as Raylan, no one would have noticed.
"Unan... and the outside world was truly strange..."
Raylan snaps as he stares at the distance.
She had grown up in the sea of trees since she was born.
I would have been in a cultural shock at what was going on out there in a completely different world.
"When I got back to the Tree Sea, I told my father only a series of stories. About the dream of the founding fathers... what I've seen in the city outside... well, now I think it's something I've done stupid"
Raylan grins at himself for claiming to be in the mood. He would not have been punished if he had kept his mouth shut.
But she really wanted you to know. Tell your father, the Great Sheikh, what he felt.
"And even though she is the daughter of a great chief, the code must be observed. As a disposition, I was expelled from the Water Capital."
At the same time, it also means that he was removed from the candidacy of the next great chief.
But there was no regret in her face telling that. I was still dreaming of the unknown outside world.
"I see, that's the story"
Closed tribes like the Nanban take care of old shiatsu.
Innovative opinions, like Raylan's, would have been treated as heresy. There are parts of her that she couldn't help but be punished.
"And it was a month before Raylan started dreaming..."
As I listened, I noticed the commonality of a certain period.
Maybe Maria's disappearance causes and dreams are deeply related.
But now it's just a guess. Keep it in your head without telling Raylan.
"I got the story, Raylan. If you're lost, come visit me in the village of Uld."
"Become, Yamato... go outside again. ⁉ But I have a role to play in protecting the tree sea..."
"And the role counts, too. But in this world, there's also the idea of" all things circulating. "
"Bang bang... you say?
Explain it to Raylan, who will shake his neck.
Everything in this world always shifts the meaning of the word….
It is also truly important to observe the words of the Founding Fathers.
But I live like myself against change.
Tell him that's not a bad way to live.
"Will all things constantly shift…?"
"Oh. The Southern Barbarians...... there's no need for Raylan to change now. The last decision is nobody's word. Trust your thoughts."
"My thoughts... believe it..."
Raylan has been troubled by only one person so far.
The princess of a closed tribe and herself, where curiosity has sprung. It would have been slated and tormented by those two conflicting emotions.
"The village of Uld... well..."
But now he had a slightly clearer look.
Looking at the two moons floating in the night sky.
Raylan was quietly squealing like that so that no one would listen to him.
It will be the next morning.
We'll resume our journey in the early morning and continue into the tree sea.
"Yamato, you can see the water capital."
And I have a report from Raylan, who's feeling better. We saw the castle gate of the water capital up ahead.
"That's the biggest capital of the Nanban tribe... the Water City"
A huge settlement can be seen behind the tree sea.
Thus we arrived in the South Barbarian capital, the Water Capital.