Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 149: Ruins of the Water Capital
To solve the mystery, I decided to check with a temple (dust) in the basement of the Nanban castle.
"This is the temple."
Guided by Gowcak, you will reach the temple.
That was the room in the basement of the castle. The area isn't that big. A strange device is placed in the center of the room.
"Yamato, is this...?
"Yes, Mr. Riesha. This is an ancient ruin."
The identity of the temple was a relic of the super empire.
Unexpectedly, other members of the carriage fleet are also surprised.
"Did you know Yamato?
"Oh, it was just a prediction."
I had a feeling that the temple was an ancient site.
When I heard about Raylan's dream last night. With one person's name coming out of her mouth, she predicted.
"Well, I'll look into it. Everybody stay back."
I will carefully examine the ruins in order to find the person's name.
Ancient letters were readable to some extent, so there is still no obstacle here.
"There it is, here it is…" César le Cruz ", again"
"What... César... what's his name..."
Raylan, who was accompanying him, is reacting, shaking his voice.
Because she remembered the name of the ancient man. He had heard it many times in the dreams of his ancestors.
"Yamato..." Say "César le Cruz”... "
"Oh. Same name as the ruins of the Holy Capital."
Reesha and the members of the carriage convoy also remembered the names of the ancients of the
Ruins found near the Sacred Capital. It was the same name that was written there.
"Which means this is also the site of César Le Cruz."
I will decipher the letters engraved on the device.
According to the description, this is some kind of relay device. If you look at the similarities with those of the Sacred Capital, it would be a transfer device.
"And in the back...... there was, after all"
Just like the Holy Capital, I found ancient script graffiti behind the device.
Maybe there's some kind of hint hidden here.
"What's the graffiti about..." César le Cruz... and Shanlan's... just the two of them... with their secrets... with their guardians (Guardians)... "? No, this one's disappearing."
Just like last time, the graffiti was halfway there.
And the name Sharan was mentioned again.
Apparently, the two have something to do with it. And then came the new word "Guardian."
"Sharan... so...?
Hearing its name, Raylan is shaking his voice again. Likewise, Goukaku was reacting with Pickle.
"Sharan is... the name of the founding fathers... the name of the first Nambarian queen"
"I see, Raylan. The times are right."
According to the Nanban legend, Kaizu lived the end of the demise of the super empire.
It would not be strange if the ancient ruins had her name on them
"But why in the abominable ruins of the Super Imperial...... the name of the Founding Fathers Sharan?
But Raylan was wondering. Because the super empire, by unreasonable force, enslaved peoples throughout the continent.
Some of them include the ancient Nambarians. I mean, they had a very hateful relationship.
I'm unpredictable now, too, in connection with this. Maybe there were some special circumstances.
"Well, that's it for the investigation of the temple. Next time, Gowcak, tell me what you know."
Ask the Nanban King with a rugged look from earlier. I don't know how far this king knows the truth.
But you must have some information. Especially about Raylan's relationship with the shrine.
"Right, Yamato. If you've come this far, I'll tell you everything... about my sister when she died."
"Father's sister... Aunt Russ is only sick and young..."
Raylan reacts strongly to Goukak's words.
An aunt who is also a blood relative to her. You will be concerned about the cause of that death.
"I had one older sister, Russ. Russ drew the blood of his ancestors in darkness and was the best of his brothers and sisters..."
Gowcak speaks quietly. That was when this man was still young.
"But Russ, from one day on, went crazy.
As a matter of fact, my sister was dreaming of her ancestors. And around the same age as Raylan now, he died of debilitation... "
Goukak confesses a secret he only knows.
that my sister Russ suffered from the dream of her ancestors and died. I remember the time, and the look on his face is heavy.
"We still don't know the cause of death. But Russ fell at the end of the temple."
Russ got lost like a sleepwalker and said he was out of breath in the temple.
So Goukaku is a dream of shrines and ancestors. I had guessed from that time that these two had something to do with it.
"I see...... you mean, Gowkak. Is that why you hit her so hard after hearing about Raylan's dream? You wanted to keep your precious daughter out of the water capital... no, you wanted to leave this temple?
Those who dreamed of the opening of their ancestors, though the cause is unknown, were in danger of dying of debilitation.
Goukak, who knew that, would have acted to protect Raylan.
"Oh, yeah, Yamato. But since when did you notice what I was hiding?
"Gowcak's reaction in the Great Hall, that's when"
What I noticed was when Goukak gave Raylan his orders.
At that time, this Nanban king was whining so that no one could hear him. There was profound love there as a parent.
Besides, the true and false demon eyes were slightly cloudy. Perhaps Arre reacted to Gowcak's lies.
"I see, I didn't know they'd spotted you that far...... Yamato, do you have any demon eyes too?
"No, I just calmly analyzed the situation."
I am not aware that I am sensitive to other people's relationships.
But I've had a lot of experience with a lot of people in this world. Maybe because of that, I was growing a little too.
"Well, that's it for Gowcak. In my next prediction, there's got to be another device. It's also in the South Sea Islands... where Maria moved."
That was my last reading.
Sacred and Water Capitals, and the South Sea Islands.
Perhaps the transfer device is in these three locations. César le Cruz would have had some purpose and installed the device.
"Anyway, let's head to the South Sea Islands now. Perhaps there's a way to help Raylan there."
Maria's compulsory transfer. Raylan's founding dream. To figure out that case this time, we need to examine the last ruins.
Probably when the graffiti on the device turns out. When that was a hint of the whole story, I was reading it.
So we need to head right to the South Sea Islands. So Maria rescued, too, to solve everything.
"Well, Nanban King...... no, Gowcak. Lend me a boat to go as Raylan's father."
Ask Gowcak again.
I know the circumstances. Not against the Great Sheikh this time. Ask for help as one father who thinks of his daughter.
"Okay...... let's get the boat out. But just wait two days. There was another imminent threat."
Goukak promised me his full cooperation. But I frown and worry about something else.
"Another threat? You mean the Hizan Empire, Gowcak"
"Oh, yeah. This opponent has never been stronger."
"The Knights led by Roki the Crown Prince?
"Oh. That was your name. That brave commander."
After all, the commander of the imperial army's expedition was Loki.
According to the story, Loki has made a grand declaration of war in advance. So Goukaku also took a glance.
"The eastern fort is at the forefront now. That's why it takes time to get the boat out, Yamato."
"I see, that's the situation"
The Imperial Army was marching towards the Water Capital.
It is now a fort east of the Water Capital, and the two armies say it is in this state. Because of this, he said he was unable to prepare the boat manually.
"But Gowcak. Can I say one thing? Bad minutes when those Loki are opponents. This water capital could fall any minute."
"That's pretty clear."
"Oh, I don't like lying, as you know."
In my reading, the Nanban army will lose.
In any case, this time the opponent is Loki, the best soldier on the continent. Furthermore, the Knights of the Distribution are an array of fierce men who are not even frightened by spiritual beasts.
There will not be many on this continent, such as a country that can fight that Knights properly.
So far, the South Barbarian Army had also taken advantage of the topography of the tree sea and had a good fight in the guerrilla warfare. But a lot of them are passive. It will only be a buy of time.
"And if I'm Loki, I'll hit the odds at this time"
I will explain further forecasts.
Until now, the Imperial Army has marched in a positive manner. But I warn you that a terrible ambush or ambush will strike you soon.
"No, silly ⁉ you think it's an odd idea in this tree sea?
Gowcak was an incredible look.
In any case, the terrain of the southern tree sea is rugged and anomalous. I guess they don't think those in the lower realm can handle it.
"That Loki has no ordinary strategist. The only reason this continent is safe now is because of the man who guarded Orn."
The Orn offensive battle of the Spiritual Beast Wars was a battle between the Spiritual Beast Army, an outsider, and the powerless.
But Loki commands the Allied forces brilliantly there. He is a fierce man who held out until I returned.
It will also be easy for you to carry out odd measures without being noticed by the Nanban army.
"Gowkaku, it's tough!
That is the time.
A Nanban warrior rushed into a room with ruins.
"What's up ⁉"
Gowcak, who was excited, absurds his voice. But restore tranquillity to the warriors.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Gowkaku. But the Imperial Army has raided the southern gates of the Water Capital!
"Stupid ⁉ Says it's from the south ⁉"
Gowcak complains about the exact report.
Because the Imperial Army is marching from the eastern direction.
Yet emerged from a steep southern direction ⁉ which I could not understand.
"We will then report back. The first gate to the south was broken in one blow by the Imperial Army!
"Stupid...... saying it was a blow to that castle gate ⁉"
Gowcak was confused by the warrior's further reports.
The castle gate of this water capital is robust with strong lumber. Says it tore in just one blow.
"The watchman's report suggests that the Imperial Army has crossed the southern valley. And the castle gate was broken by a massive storm slaughter."
"No way, those in the lower realm have crossed that rugged valley ⁉ and do they have demon swords against them ⁉"
"Yes, we're talking about a big man like a beast being a user."
"Damn... no way..."
The quick ambush so far was unexpected by the Gowcaks.
As I expected, Loki is completely behind me. In a series of incredible reports, the temples were quiet between them.
"Hey. Did the Imperial Army just break through the first castle gate?
In such silence. To the warrior who came to report, I confirm the status of the war.
"Ah, yes. We are now responding at the second gate. But how long will it last..."
"I see. As far as I can tell. Write it on this paper."
Let me write a brief map of the Water Capital to see where the Imperial Army has been invading.
And ask for the shortest route from this castle.
"All right. Don't make it with this. Let's go."
After checking the situation, I get up from the chair. If the information is correct, it will still be on time.
"Wait, Yamato. I didn't know you were going... where the hell are you?
Raylan, who was confused, asks. He was leading me to my sudden destination.
"It is decided. General of the Imperial Army...... I'm going to stop Loki"
"Stupid ⁉ The battle has already begun..."
"I'm fine. We can still make it."
I had a cool grasp of the situation. Indeed, the battle has already begun.
But before the second castle gate is broken, if we stop Loki, we can still make it. We can minimize the damage of this battle.
"Oh no... it's suicide, like going to negotiate during the war..."
"It's okay, Raylan. It's a waste of time. I need directions."
We need directions from here to the castle gate. Especially now it was a time of war and the water capital was in havoc.
Raylan's companionship is necessary to move quickly in that.
"Yamato, let me hear it. Why are you doing all this? To get a boat going to the sanctuary?
Gowkak, calmed down, has asked quietly.
Why are we trying to stop the Imperial Army? I wonder why you're trying to protect this water capital.
"I took care of the Nambarians in the village of Takus, the rice and the inn, that's why"
"What... just for that reason?
"One meal at a time (all over the place) thanks. That's why I'm here."
What if I was in trouble? You have to spend the rest of your life giving back to someone who treats you to one night's bed and meal.
That's an ancient home lesson passed down to my Nan family. But I didn't hate that kind of homework either.
"Ha ha... Nanban King, don't give up. Yamato is stubborn. Now the concubines are coming, Lienhardt."
"Right, Sildria. Totally when this guy..."
The two knights, while poisoned, were already ready. Prepare to move while checking your gear.
"Are you sure? It could be rough."
Confirm again with the two knights.
Anyway, this time the Imperial Army is the opponent. Sildria is Loki's real sister and Empire Empress. Leannhardt is also particularly close to the Great Swordsman Bales.
In some cases, you may be able to cross swords with them.
"Of course I'm ready. No matter how much you do, Lord Loki and Sir Barez... it's hard to deal with those two at the same time."
"Hmm, Leannhardt's right."
The two of them were ready. The battle of this world is heartless. Even brothers and sisters and friends can exchange swords on the battlefield.
"That's why, Gowcak. Don't let the citizens and warriors be unscrupulous."
"Oh, Yamato. But not until the second gate is broken."
"Excellent. That's fine."
Goukak's words were taken. This reduced the risk of citizens becoming militias and scattering in jade crushing.
All we have to do is convince Loki to stop the war.
"Mr. Riesha will follow me. Rack, meet the gatons of the wagon and wait."
Give your friends instructions for the future. From here it was a battle of time and collaboration was important.
"All right. We're going to stop the Loki."
So we went toward the Imperial Army.