Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 158: Settlement
More than twice as many, as many as 13 dragonheads emerged further.
"Yamato, this situation is a mess... we're going to be wiped out"
The circumstantial determination of the wise Loki is accurate.
Because in the battle of the six dragonheads earlier, this battle power was greatly reduced.
Bales and Loki's devil swordsmen, the outline of the favor, consume a great deal of their magic power (mana).
We can fight, but there will be no power left to use the Devil's Sword.
The same will be true of Leanhardt and Sildria.
Not a lot of health left because I fought with all my might from the start.
Even worse to the Imperial and Barbarian armies.
There are many injuries. No more fighting would be possible for them.
"Oh, yeah, Loki. You've covered the war."
I concurred with the analysis.
So far there's room for two: me and Raylan. All that remains will be the Reesha and the rear members of the carriage convoy.
With this lesser force, XIII is also difficult to intercept a dragon head.
Even if I fight well, I'm in danger of making quite a few sacrifices.
The last secret weapon still remains in the wagon.
But to activate it, we need to scratch the attack of the thirteen dragon heads and approach the main unit.
The likelihood of achieving that is equal to none.
For this reason, this is a primary retreat and a plan to set up the system. Even that would have to be considered.
"Yamato, look! That's..."
Driven to disadvantage, at that time.
To his further movements, King Shui Long perceived the greatest danger.
"Is that...“ The Most Terrible Breath (Hyphia Breath) "? Not good."
I also remembered King Shui Long's movements.
Most fearful breath (Hyphia brace) … it is the greatest attack of the giant dragon-class spiritual beast.
A pitch-black temper aggregating on that huge jaw. Even one of them risked destroying the Empire.
That was now the thirteen dragon heads, ready for the "most fearful breath (hifia brace)".
Exactly a desperate ending situation. Everyone but me gets stunned.
"Are you after the water capital ⁉"
The spearhead of the jaw was turning toward the Water Capital, ignoring us.
The operation of temporary retreat becomes unusable for this purpose.
If we don't defeat them here, the citizens who have missed the escape will be devastated.
"Oh no... the water capital... ah..."
Raylan is becoming relieved by that fact.
Her precious family and companions will disappear in an instant. I may have despaired of myself for not being able to stop it.
"I have no choice. This is what happened to me..."
I decide to be ready for the last resort.
A secret weapon loaded in a carriage. Along with that, I storm the main body of the Dragon King.
If you were ready for that jade crushing operation, you could have made it in time.
Of course, then my life would be in danger.
But now I don't have a second to hesitate.
'... wait. Ball crushing is still early'
It was then.
I can be stopped by a different voice from behind.
"Is that Leilan? No, is someone else possessed?
The voice was coming from Raylan's mouth.
But she's unconscious standing up. The voice was also clearly someone else's.
"Wait, you inherit the blood and power of Leopard."
"What... knowing that means you're a pioneer... Sharan?
My ancestor, Nanbei Right Guard... one of the few to know his name.
Of course Raylan shouldn't even know.
And she had a strange dream.
In other words, what remains as a possibility is the Nanban ancestral Sharan.
Possessed lived in the same period as Nanbei's right guard, she's the only one who can.
'Oh, here's your answer. It's quick and helpful. Now I take over the blood and the soul, I owe this Raylan body.'
My guess was true.
Sharan explains the situation with no expression.
He said he borrowed Raylan's flesh, albeit temporarily.
"I don't have time. Explain later. As it is, that guardian (Gertian) who ran wild will destroy the temple... and destroy the water capital '
"Guardian (Gertian)...... you mean the Dragon King. And are you still after the shrine in Shuidu"
The word guardian (Gertian) sounded familiar.
But it is a word written in the ruins of the castle of Shuidu.
But I don't have time to hear the details right now.
We need to hear from Sharan what we can do to break this situation.
"How do I stop that spiritual beast?
"The Guardian (Gertian) will cease if he destroys the“ core "of the body."
"Is it going to happen? But why did you stop my special attack earlier?
"In Onushi's soul, there is still the power of Leopard Wemon. Use it. '
Says Kaizen Sharan has special powers.
Through Raylan's eyes, he was looking at me this far.
"That disappeared soldier, the power of the right guard?
'Oh, yeah. daughter of the Urd tribe there...... those who inherit that soul key (Mana Khee) will be the gates and will let the power of Hyoemon open again'
Sharan was staring at Riesha.
She would also have spotted that she was a soul key (Mana Key).
According to the explanation, I still have the power of a leopard. He said he needed Reesha's help to demonstrate that.
"I also remain in this soul, let me lend you my last strength. Now, remember the power in that hand. Feared by the super empire to be a" black demon "... who opened up all of us, the power of that mighty leopard emon... '
With that word, Sharan enters the trans state.
Magic (mana) overflows from its entire body and flows into Riesha.
"Hey, Yamato. It's time, it's bad!
Leanhardt, who was watching the situation, screams unexpectedly.
The Dragon King entered the firing system of the most fearful breath (Hyphia braces).
As it were, the water capital would blow up without a trace.
"All right, let's go. Rack, I asked for it!
"Ugh! I've been waiting for that word!!"
In response to my instructions, a wagon rushed in.
Exquisite timing.
It was a carriage loaded with secret weapons, and a rack came to me.
"Come on, Mr. Riesha too. We're on the move."
"Yes, Mr. Yamato!
I'll hold her and jump on your stand.
It's a waste of time, so I'm going to persuade you to run.
"Mr. Riesha, I'm sorry but... just give me one more hand"
She was afraid of the power of the soul key (Mana Key) within herself.
Its power is so dangerous and powerful that it annihilates the continent. Even though it was manipulated during the Spiritual Beast War, it indirectly hurt many people.
That is why we cannot impose cooperation. Wait for her to answer.
Yamato, it's okay.
Risha answered without getting lost. Look me straight in the eye and put your thoughts into words.
"" In the thoughts of those who use too much power, both good and evil "… This is an important word taught to me by Master Yamato. So now...... I will use my power at my will!
She was already ready.
Face the power of the soul key (Mana Key) in you. And to protect someone, now it's time to open up that power.
There was no straying in the words and eyes.
"Thank you, Riesha... Come on, Rack's coming too!
"Roger that, Dana.! But what exactly do we do after this?
Rack came to visit as he drove his carriage at a fierce speed.
Ahead is the cliff. The dreaded Dragon King awaited us even further.
"The carriage detaches the horse on the brink and hits the dragon king in the water as it is. Rack, with Mr. Riesha, evacuate me with a horse."
"Still sounds like an unscrupulous operation... but of course, I get it!
Danger is involved in hitting the body of the Dragon King with the secret weapon of the carrier.
Like chicken racing, it is necessary to advance to the cliff at the highest speed.
If you are a lightweight rack, you will do it safely.
"But what does Dana do?
I'll be the only one left in the carriage.
It would also not be impossible for Rack to question it.
"I intercept the thirteen dragonheads as they are. At the end of the day, we'll tailor the body in the water."
"That's so lame...... but Dana would have said so! Of course I believe you! I'll take care of Risha!
Rack answered me with a reliable grin.
Now we're all set. All you have to do is do your own awakening.
"Come on, let's go!
I go up on the roof of the carriage by myself.
Keep your sword up and declare war on King Shui Long.
From here, he said it was a one-horse ride between me and the Dragon King.
"Gufo on!"
In response to that word, three dragonheads are coming this way.
I came to intercept you so that you wouldn't be disturbed by the firing of your most fearful breath.
"Well... Nanbei right guard, do you hear me? Give me the power of the Black Devil again!
Remember your thoughts on the right-hand sword Gatons Sword.
Think of a clear image.
I was holding it during the Spiritual Beast War, that demon knife shape.
Eight giant dragons and a spiritual beast army... defeated all of them, the image of infinite power.
- And my right hand emits a strong light. The power of the Black Demon and Demon Knife is awakened.
"Yamato... be careful..."
"Dana, gamba!
Reesha, who awakened my power, loses consciousness.
Rack holds her passed out and rides into the ham horse. And as planned, we leave the carriage safely.
"Gafo on!"
"Gafoo on!"
At the same time.
Three dragonheads hit me from the top of my head. With that super weight, I try to crush every wagon I carry.
"I won't let you get in the way! Let's go!"
I activate the power.
The demon knife was embodied in the Gatons Sword on his right hand, as a luminous sword. The shape is slightly different from the previous one.
But there's a memory of Sharan's soul. Reesha's thoughts resided strongly.
"Three first!
Break the dragon head you came at once with a demon knife.
Without sound, the dragon head and the "core" disappear.
"The rest, at once!
I keep running up the dragon's neck.
Physical abilities were also awakened by the “Black Demon" in different digits. A vertical dragon's neck can also run like a flying one.
King Shui Long, who felt terrified, changes his goal. With all the ten remaining dragonheads, he attacked me.
I try to eat and kill a small, defenseless, existential ole with ten jaws.
"It's the right decision. But it's too late!"
I fly across the dragon's neck and sever his head one after the other.
The movement comes from those on earth, invisible divine speed. And the attack blows off the dragon head and “core" with a single blow.
The power during the Spiritual Beast War was completely revived in me.
"Thirteen now. And the body that stays..."
With all the dragon heads broken, I turn my tips into the sea at my feet.
"A royal hand (checkmate)!
Immediately thereafter, a major explosion occurs in the water.
The white water column rises and the shock wave widens.
"It's a Uld-style explosion."
A secret weapon burst safely into the wagon. That's a Uld-style blast.
The Fire God's Wrath, also built into the Strong Crossbow Spear (Barista Lancer), is an anti-submarine weapon made with its secret stone and spiritual beast materials.
It can only be used for spiritual beasts in the water because of its special properties. It was a very difficult weapon to handle.
The effect was immense.
When an explosion occurs in the water, a much stronger shock wave is generated than in the air.
In the wake of the shockwave of that awesome chain, the body comes to life irresistibly.
"Is this the main unit..."
The body of the Water Dragon King had an odd shape.
A giant Ei spiritual beast about Kojima. Nineteen dragon necks were growing from their backs.
"Are you going to do the last scratch?
The giant jaw of the body opens as it rumbles around. A tremendous pitch-black huddle accumulates there.
"Nucleus" is... there!
I sensed “nucleus (core)" from the depths of my jaw.
That is the "core" of the main body and the steep point of the Dragon King.
"Well, let me put Keri on"
I set up a Gatons Sword that turned into a demon sword.
The power of the English Spirit, known as the “Black Demon," is regarded as his whole body.
This power is the power of destruction that destroyed all spiritual beasts in the Spiritual Beast War.
It is the power that wiped out the spiritualized Ancient race administrator (All Master) from soul to soul.
"Wipe everything away as it is"
Just like during the Spiritual Beast War, the dazzling light is emitted from the demonic knife.
"Farewell, King of the South Sea... Dragon King"
I swung through the sword at once, along with the words of the direction.
The immense slaughter of the “Black Demon" is unleashed.
And the Dragon King, whom I feared since antiquity. Its existence was to disappear from soul to soul.