When the executives of 'Gorgeous Smart' were boiling down to increased earnings......

The executives of 'Slumdog Mart' said what they were doing......

I had my head.

Primla is in Gankpuffle's office, stuck in the conference room.

As usual, I was sitting in a chair with my legs properly aligned...

My head drooped and my expression didn't clear.

There is no light in her eyes that always shined like a hissing or a naked moon.

The desk in front of you is scattered with rough sketches enough to fill.

Now all he did was blur and show many of his illustrations in his dark eyes.

Slumdog Mart development teams, including Primla, were dawning on the idea of a new product to be exhibited for the 'New Product Presentation' they withheld next month.

No, we had originally decided on the products to be exhibited and we were just in the mass production system......

It received a challenging letter from Fontine earlier and stopped production abruptly.

If not, it would have been a 'joint new product presentation'.

Although the last, Passion Robe guerrilla presentation was totally unintentional, this time I've been heralding it from the other side.

If so, Gorgeous Smart's new product is definitely considered more confident than a passion robe.

I didn't think I could fathom the new Slam Dog Mart product.

But we only have a little more than a month until the Joint New Products Presentation.

Primla had been through the day and night and had dawned on the idea of a new product.

There was a run sitting opposite the conference desk, but he finally spoke out of sight.

"Hey, kid, it's okay to worry, but don't try to drop off dead people like that."

Then Primla lifted her face haha and lowered her head looking sorry.

"Shh, excuse me, Mr. Run..."

"Well, you haven't slept much, have you? But I'm not giving you sympathy. Why aren't you tired and busy?"

When Primla is exhausted, she becomes like a 'beautiful girl of thin fortune'.

In the meantime, 'I want to protect you' increases and beauty is further polished.

If it were her now, any brave man would have been a blast fisherman.

But Primla herself is completely unconscious, so she says, "Huh?" and give a dumb voice.

That also got in the way of the runs.

"Damn, we've got a collection of stories about Konkoke's new product, so you can choose all you want! Only a man is more dull, just pick one and get some sleep!

There's a bit of a lower story in that, but it didn't go through the innocent and serious primula.

"No, that's not how it works. I failed once, causing trouble to my uncle. You can't fail any more. So think about it, and the next thing you know…"

"Haa? Temeye, what are you talking about? I can't believe I failed once or twice. I don't think he farted."

When Lan threw up like that, he rolled up the sleeve of a slapped leather jean and showed his wrist.

There was a tattoo of the skeleton.

It's not just the whole thing, too, try to surround your wrist, there are many of them.

It's as ominous as if the dead were buried. Plus, a primula that rounds your eyes.

"Ko, what the hell...?

But Lan did not answer the question, and began to speak with a distant eye.

... Atai lived in Kappalai when he was a kid.

Atai stole everything.

Not only for the rich, but also for the bread, fruit and sometimes dog feed that is in the store.

'Cause if I had to, I wouldn't have lived.

When I lived like that, Atai went into 'Gorgeous Smart' to steal it.

But I got caught a little dodgy.

The clerks were trying to poke Atai into the guards, but the manager wasn't.

How dare you let this Atai work in this store?

... Yes, I'm a jerk.

Oyaji pushed the opposite around and hired Atai as his clerk.

I can't believe he's ever said that to me.

That's what made Atai happy and worked so hard.

But Atai was still a little kid, and she wasn't even scratched...

Whether I did the cleaning, the product, or the customer service, it was just a failure.

That's not a bit of a failure either, it's just the worst kind of failure that involves all around and increases the damage......

The clerks were trying to kick Atai out, but for some reason, Oyaji never abandoned Atai.

Can you believe that?

I've been abandoned by my parents and even by society, this Atai thing......

That's what kept me sheltered countless times.

But the more Atai fails, the worse Oyaji's position gets......

Atai told Oyaji she was leaving the store because she couldn't bother him any more.

And what do you think he answered?

"... failure is like the dead. I can't help dragging you all the way, and sometimes I'm just about to remind you. And the dead should want it too. Happiness, if your death feeds the living now. If Mr. Lang quits here, there will be no dead people named Failure."

"So, but... if Atai fails any more, he'll be annoyed..."

"Mr. Lang has a talent for business. Great talent for getting around and turning it into a big twist. Now it works worse, but if Mr. Lan himself becomes aware of the power and can use it, he will surely succeed greatly. Trust me, why don't you just try a little harder?

... Atai quit the store.

And I started carving tattoos.

One bone per failure......!

You know how many human bones there are?

About 200 bottles.

So this skeleton in Atai's arm is wacky after 200 failures.

Since there are about five skeletons, Atai will have failed more than a thousand times until he serves one.

You know what this means, kid?

Atai has failed a thousand times more than Omei...!

Now Omei is soaking up to Atai when he tries to quit the store.

"You're annoying me," he slipped out of bed, playing with Atai.

Just in case, I'm not worried about adults!

I can't even put on my heels yet, kid. You suck, stretch your back!

Kid failed, naturally......!

If you have a troubled hippo, hit him first!

I couldn't help but stretch out, not walk yochi yochi...

Running on the ground, with all my strength, full of meh, Zugaan!

...... zgahhhhhhhhh!

To a drink of the run, Primla is shocked as if struck by a lightning strike.

Her face is even bluer because of lack of sleep and no blood.

In Run's monologue, there were countless surprise points...

Among them, I grabbed her heart.

"Back stretch......?

In the blink of an eye, in the eyes of a primula, lies the light of a full moon.

It's also a brand new glow from "January's Full Moon" …!

"Ah...... thank you! Mr. Lan! I... stretch out!

"Ha!? Hearing about Atai right now, why does that happen?!?

"You wanted to say that you haven't, like, stretched my back yet! From now on, I will stretch out more and more! And all the time, my uncle's dick......!

Primla was hurrying in to proclaim, but she noticed her mouth running absurdly along the way, closing her lips cuddly.

Lie down on your red face and start a new sketch on parchment to deceive you.

Seeing Primla go blue or red by herself, the run just flashes.

"What the hell happened to this kid... But, well, I'm feeling better."

Having made his own breakthrough, Primla worked out the concept of a new product in a matter of hours and even created a prototype in the course of the day.