The mermaids in this world are real pure carnivores.

And their tastes are quite picky.

Do not eat too many thorns, do not eat the meat too old, and dislike the fishy smell.

Even if it is a pure wild mermaid that is not raised in captivity, it is very picky about its prey. After eating the most tender belly and spine willow, the remaining part of the prey body will be discarded.

Just like the appearance of a mermaid, their stomachs are equally delicate and difficult to serve.

But mermaids are blessed with unique beauty and natural beauty, even if they are arrogant and critical, they are still very popular among humans and other races.

This male mermaid, which you are temporarily in charge of raising and taking care of, can be said to be the iconic sign of this Cowherd shop. Many female customers are willing to pay for this beautiful mermaid to watch this beautiful mermaid up close. After all, in the human world , Domesticated mermaids are rare, and their rarity is comparable to that of the giant panda, a national treasure in your original world.

Because the mermaid race has an extremely loyal spouse concept, once a partner is identified, even if the other party dies by accident, the remaining mermaid will not look for another partner, and the female mermaid will have sex with the male mermaid during the reproduction period. After mating, each time spawning is not like other fish, which can produce tens of millions of eggs at one time. The female mermaid has only one receptive egg in one litter, and the little mermaid may also die during the growth process. Therefore, the number of mermaids as a whole race is actually very rare, and captive breeding is even rarer.

However, once a mermaid becomes an adult, its character and strength are much more ferocious than giant pandas. With their beautiful fish tails covered with scales, it is easy to overturn or smash a fishing boat with a full blow, and the singing of mermaid is not It's just pure and beautiful, and there are not a few sailors and boat passengers who are lured into the sea by the singing of mermaid every year.

In other words, the human race is also on the mermaid food list.

After being lightly bitten by a mermaid with his teeth, you later realized that you recalled the racial characteristics and food preferences of the mermaid that you reviewed before, and the whole person involuntarily froze.

Could it be this male mermaid who treats you as a food candidate?

Thinking of this, a few drops of cold sweat slipped on your forehead, and lasagna tears shed silently in your heart.

Sure enough, a high salary means a high risk. Otherwise, how could a simple job like this kind of nursing care give such a high reward?

"Sai, Mr. Segon..." You suppressed your flustered heartbeat, with a gentle and friendly smile on your face, "Are you hungry?...Can I bring you some food?"

The captive mermaid has a much milder personality than the wild mermaid. As long as they are not deliberately irritated or under extreme hunger, the captive mermaid will usually not attack the breeder.

So you decide to adopt a soothing policy first, and when the male mermaid is fed, you think he will not treat you as a food candidate.

It seems that human flesh is not very delicious, right?

After hearing your words, the male mermaid who was slowly scratching your knuckles with pointed fangs lifted up the silver eyelashes with the same hair color, half-hidden blue eyes were slightly dissatisfied He sank, as if punishing you. With a little effort, the sharp teeth left a clear tooth sound on the back of your fingers. Although they did not bite the surface of the skin, they did make you feel a little weak. Of pain.

Although your face still maintains a calm and calm look, your heart has actually been screened by the famous painting'Scream'.

You really regret it now!

If time can come back, you will never choose this high-risk part-time job just because you are blinded by shiny gold coins.

The gold coin city is precious, and the price of life is higher.

When you regretted in your heart, Segon finally loosened the fangs that bit your finger with compassion, but he still did not let go of your hand, but directly took your wrist and touched him. The breastbone goes down a little closer to the chest.

You, who just breathed a sigh of relief, involuntarily held your breath due to the unusual behavior of the mermaid named Saigon again.

I don’t know if it’s because of being too nervous. You feel that your lower abdomen has a kind of familiar, but not entirely certain, subtle falling pain.

If you remember correctly, it seems that your menstrual period is approaching this month?

However, because your body was not healthy when you were young, and the conditions were not good when you were young, and you did not keep up with nutrition, your menstrual period was a little irregular, and you would occasionally have symptoms of intermittent abdominal pain, but you could not find out the cause. At first you thought it was because your magic power level was too low, but then your teacher personally helped you to check it carefully and found no problems, then you classified the occasional abdominal pain to your basic physical fitness Up.

Mermaid are standard low-temperature cold-blooded creatures. The temperature of their body surface is much lower than that of humans. In addition, the skin of the mermaid is sickly pale without sunlight all year round. Even touching a living mermaid is like touching a cold corpse. Normally, I can't feel the slightest temperature or warmth.

You couldn't help but shudder, but you still managed to resist the fear in your heart, and reluctantly smiled and asked: "Mr. Segon? Are you uncomfortable here?"

You didn't notice that the tip of the silver-haired and blue-eyed mermaid's nose moved slightly, as if it were catching some special smells emitted into the air.

His eyes are no longer as cold and indifferent as before, but an indescribable deep and soft feeling, eyebrows and even a relaxed state. If you describe it with human emotions, he looks now The look in your eyes is even almost'gentle'.

The softening of the mermaid's attitude has greatly eased your tension and fear. After you find that he has not eaten your sex, you can't help but relax.

After all, if there is no threat to life, a beautiful creature like a mermaid that has no dead ends at 360 degrees and comes with a special effect filter, visually speaking, it is a great enjoyment.


A beautiful voice that makes you unimaginable, as if it can penetrate the soul, slowly spit out from the mermaid's mouth. The deep, gentle and delicate emotions contained in it are numb, and the chest is hot, as if the soul has been washed.

When you didn’t really hear the mermaid’s voice, you thought it was someone else’s statement that is a bit exaggerated. After all, no matter how good the voice is, it’s impossible to be deified to this level, but after you experience it yourself, you suddenly understand that. Knowing that the mermaid is a dangerous, cruel and cold-blooded creature, he still couldn't help being charmed, and even lost his life for it.

Your consciousness was in a trance for a while before it eased.

Then you feel that the mermaid touching under your palm gradually hears a clear and powerful heartbeat from his chest.

The cold body temperature of the mermaid also began to slowly rise, as if the body's frozen organs and blood were awakening with the recovery of the heartbeat.

Especially the silver-white tail of the mermaid hidden in the water, as if feeling the joy of the owner, starting from the tip of the tail, the pale fleshy pink like a newly-born flower bud spreads up layer by layer, as the tail is in the water. The swing, showing a beautiful luster that is almost dreamlike.

This, this is too beautiful!!

You, seduced by the unparalleled beauty in front of you, even forgot your previous fears, staring at Saigon’s fishtail intently, with the undisguised affection and surprise in your eyes, which makes you use this look The male mermaid who was watching was greatly satisfied.

You who are so excited, seem to have forgotten something important.

In nature with a wide variety of organisms, in order to win the attention of females during the reproduction period, males must show their advantages and advantages to attract females to win the favor of their favorite females. That is to say, this male mermaid treats you as For the female that can be pursued, I will show myself in front of you like this.

Then why is this male mermaid, who should be in hibernation, suddenly begged you for love?

In fact, the reason is your own.

Like most species that can emit female hormones that attract males only during the estrus and estrus stages, the estrus and estrus stages of the female mermaid are also slow and short, while the estrus and estrus of the male mermaid are affected by the female mermaid. Oestrus is controlled. Once the female mermaid stops the secretion of estrogen, the male mermaid will also lose sex.

But human women are a few exceptions. No matter what period of time, as long as they meet a person or object they like, their body will emit a seductive and sweet female scent. Even in normal times, their scent will not Completely disappeared, so human females are actually very popular in the eyes of males of other races.

Especially when the menstrual period of a human female arrives, the soft female scent emitted from the whole body will be several times thicker than usual, which is very terrifying and intolerable for males with sensitive smell.

Because of your upcoming menstrual period, your body suddenly becomes stronger, with a more fragrant female scent than usual.

I was mistaken by this male mermaid, and you are wooing him.