"what is this?"

The dragon man slowly rubbed the side of your neck with the back of his curled fingers, making you a little itchy.

Larut’s fingers are different from humans. Except for the palms and the pads of the fingers, the five fingers, including the knuckles, are covered with a layer of fine, uneven red scales. Although he has put down his strength, you still feel a little slight The tingling pain made her shoulders shrunk.

The Dragon Man narrowed his eyes, and after a soft snort, he withdrew his hand.

"Is there something here?"

You somehow raised your hand and touched the position he just touched, but you didn't find anything unusual.

The look couldn't help showing obvious confusion.

What you don’t know is that dragons are a very possessive species, especially adult male dragons. Their possessiveness for everything, even if they are only touched by an outsider, can escape the remaining weak aura. Perceive it.

If it weren’t for the fact that Larut was not a pure-blooded dragon and mixed with half of human genes, perhaps he would have been unable to suppress his strong instincts long ago, and would bring you back to his dragon’s lair with spikes and barbs. The dragon's tail encircles your body, and the golden vertical pupil is always on guard against outsiders, preventing anyone from touching you.

But even so, even the dragon people who inherited half of the dragon blood line have much stronger possessiveness than other races. Even the spouse of the dragon people cannot tolerate this almost paranoid and perverted desire for dominance, so most women, even if They are female dragons of the same race and don't like to find male dragons as partners.

It is precisely because he knows his own racial characteristics that every time a dragon sees you, he must be very restrained from his manic sex and instinct, so that he can barely maintain his rationality and get along with you normally, and resist killing every thought. The cold killing intent of the opposite sex to be close to you.

This is why every time you see Larut, he always frowns, his expression is gloomy and shows a bit of impatient anxiety, and the look in your eyes is also a bit of depression and gloom that you can't understand. .

Because of the arrival of your menstrual period and the day's work, you actually feel a little tired, so your patience at this moment is inevitably worse than usual.

"Do you have anything else?" you asked with a frown.

Although you are simply asking the other person, the indifferent tone sounds more like being bored and eager to drive him away.

Although he has special strange feelings for you, it doesn't mean that the dragon man does not have his own dignity and bottom line. Hearing your impatient tone of rushing people, his expression suddenly cooled.

"Tell your sister for me, don't call me for this kind of thing next time."

After saying this, Larut suddenly turned and strode away.

You were stunned, feeling very at a loss at the sudden change in the attitude of the dragon people.

Recalling the conversation carefully, you think about it in another way, and you find that your tone is indeed a bit hurtful. When someone ran over to give you something so late, you just drove people away when you took it. Hey too much.

Regardless of the indifferent and arrogant appearance of Larerte, he is still very sensitive in his heart.

Your instinct tells you that if you don't catch up to resolve the misunderstanding just now, maybe the dragon will not care about you for a long time in the future.

"Wait a minute, Lal!"

As you catch up, you subconsciously call out a closer nickname.

Because you know that if you call him by his full name, he will definitely not stop and wait for you.

As you might expect, after you called out that very familiar name, the dragonman’s footsteps stopped for an instant, but he didn’t turn around to look at you, but just stayed there waiting for you. Catch him.

"Just now, I didn't mean to drive you away..."

While you explain intermittently, you carefully pull on the corner of his clothes, and your voice trembles slightly because of embarrassment and shyness.

"It's just... you should know that we human women are uncomfortable for a few days every month... So, I..."

Although it is to explain the reason, if you tell this kind of female private affairs to the opposite sex, you who are shy and introverted are really embarrassed. In the end, your voice is getting lower and lower, and the top of your head seems to be white. smoke.

"So you vented on me?" Longren sneered suddenly, and then coldly mocked: "I know that your human women are selfish, cunning and fickle, thinking that if you apologize, you will forgive others. Are you guys out?"

and many more!Why use such a strange word to vent?

Although it is your fault, do you need to say so much?

And he actually used this enemy's group of mocking tone!

Be careful of being beaten up by other innocent girls with sack!

Being so excited by him, you are also a little angry, "Then what do you want?"

Larut slowly turned around and looked at you, whose cheeks were red from anger.

"Is it revealed so soon?" He sneered.

This guy who is in good measure is too owed!

You suddenly regretted running over to apologize to him.

The dragon's tone changed suddenly, "If I want to forgive you, it's okay."

You opened your eyes in a daze, and your thinking really didn't keep up with the other's changing brain circuits.

In terms of fickleness, you think the petty and vengeful guy in front of you is more suitable.

Suddenly, the dragon man stretched out his hand to you, lifted the soft black hair around your ear, and then suddenly bent over and bit your ear tip when you were not paying attention.

The force he used was not heavy, but he still left a faint tooth mark, as if he had marked his own mark.

You were startled by his sudden attack, and you subconsciously covered your bitten ear and stepped back.

As soon as he looked up, he met Larut's handsome face with a smirk.

He licked his lips, as if he still couldn't say enough: "This is a return."

"You bastard……"

You stamped your foot angrily, never wanting to pay attention to him anymore, turned around and returned home and closed the door heavily.

You plan to not want to talk to the dragon man again for the next month.

After taking a long sigh of relief, you suppressed the extra upset mood and found that the lamp oil at home ran out. At this moment, the room was completely dark and looked weird.

You proficiently found the lamp oil bottle placed in the corner wooden cabinet along the wall, then poured the oil into the lamp and re-ignited the wick.

The dim light illuminated the whole room again.

In fact, this world is not without items that can replace oil lamps. For example, the various magic crystal lamps invented by the Alchemy Guild that use magic spar as energy source are very useful. Not only are the light bright and soft and not dazzling, but also only a small piece of magic spar is needed. , It can be used for several years, but once it is linked to alchemy products, the price will also increase exponentially. Now, you who are heavily in debt, you can only think about it.

Hey, poverty is really the root of all evil.

You sighed in melancholy, and as soon as you turned around, you were scared to death by the figure standing behind you not knowing when.

"...Lei, Lord Renault?"

After seeing the other person's face, you breathed out with lingering fears.

"Why are you suddenly..."

The knight suddenly reached out and touched the tip of your ear that was bitten by the dragon.

"Did he touch you here?"

Renault's tone couldn't hear the joy or anger, but it was a little bit unusually hoarse and dry.

You were stunned, turned your head a little unhappy, and avoided his touch, "Master Renault, since you are awake, please leave as soon as possible. After all, we are not familiar."

After your words fell, the knight was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed softly at himself.

"Sorry, Miss May, I'm the one who is nosy. After all, we... are not familiar at all."

The knight's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally it seemed as if he was talking to himself.

You think his state is a little bit wrong. When you react, Renault's body has fallen towards you again, but this time he has no time to turn around holding you.

Fortunately, you supported his upper body in a timely manner and did not let the two of you fall to the ground together, but because the movement was too large, the crystal bottle you put in your pocket fell from the edge and fell to the ground. , The liquid inside was also poured out.

The strange thing is that after the translucent liquid in the crystal bottle touches the air, it turns into water vapor and floats in the air instantly.

After you helped Renault to the side of the bed, you quickly ran back to pick up the broken crystal bottle, but all the liquid in it disappeared, leaving only an empty bottle.

Isn't it just a prank?

You can’t help but have some black lines. At first, you were worried about what dangerous things were in the crystal bottle that the glamorous and sexy devil sister gave you. But Mr. Aleucus just used something quite a headache and helpless. The tone warns you not to open this bottle easily, but it does not necessarily make you throw this thing away.

Adding the characteristics of the Cowherd’s shop from his reaction, you can roughly tell that the bottle is not dangerous. It is probably a kind of fashionable stuff for Cowherd and female customers in the shop. Gadgets?

Out of some weird curiosity, you didn't throw away this crystal bottle. You originally planned to wait for some time to study it later, but now it's broken and it's useless.

You quickly left the matter behind, and after working all day, you actually felt very tired. After feeding Renault who was still feverish with some anti-fever medicine, he ran to the sister's room next door to sleep.

When you wake up in the morning, you suddenly realize that something is wrong.

Every time the menstrual period comes, you will feel very uncomfortable for the first two days. Your stomach feels as heavy as a stone. When you move, you feel that your intestines are all stranded together, your limbs are weak and weak, and your spirits are sluggish. , It is no different from a waste person.

But you didn't feel this uncomfortable during your menstrual period. Rather, you think you are now strong enough to kill a cow with your bare hands.

You sat up very confused, and suddenly realized that you were back to your room again.

Wait, didn't you rush to your sister's room to sleep?

Could it be that you came back from sleepwalking in the middle of the night?

Suddenly remembered something, you looked around, but you didn't find Renault.

It seems that he has already left.

You can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and pat your chest habitually. After two pats, you are stunned.

Wait, why does this feel so strange?

And where is your breast that is not big but at least the size of a small bun?

When you lowered your head dullly, looking at your chest and the underwear that was obviously male, you froze like a lightning strike.

This is the sound of faint footsteps at the door.

You look up subconsciously.

I saw a black-haired girl about sixteen or seventeen years old holding the door frame pale like a delicate sister Lin. Her slender body seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind. She curled her lips and curled her long black eyelashes gently. Trembling, her dark and translucent eyes were slightly moist, and there was some kind of embarrassment and daze.

You and the girl looked at each other in silence for a moment.

"...Miss May?"

"...Master Renault?"

After an exit, the two of them became silent again.

It seems that for some reason, the two of you exchanged bodies overnight.

Before you could get over from this thunderous fact, you heard Renault tremblingly ask in your voice: "Miss May, I feel that under you... it seems..."

"...Don't talk, let me be quiet."