After you accidentally smashed the crystal bottle given to you by the devil’s big sister in the Cowherd’s shop, and informed Aleucus of the oolong event that caused you and Renault to exchange bodies, he soon let the little girl in the shop My sister sent you the antidote for this medicine, and by the way, I also gave you a bit of science about the source and knowledge of this potion.

The main ingredient of this kind of body-changing potion is extracted from the gallbladder of a high-level monster called Pangarella. When encountering an undefeatable enemy, Pangarella will secrete this from the gallbladder. The liquid, spread in the air through the mouth, nose and other parts, can confuse the nearby creatures within a certain period of time, numb the senses of the five senses and paralyze the body's perception, causing unsuspecting enemies to chaos, and then use this to turn defeat into victory.

Later, a certain alchemist of the Alchemy Guild had a whim, using Pangarella’s gallbladder juice as the main raw material, and invented this kind of magical potion with peculiar effects. However, due to the high manufacturing cost and mutual The limited time for changing the body does not have much practical effect, so it has not been widely promoted. It has only become some gadgets for aristocrats with special hobbies or similar legal cowherd shops and customs in the industry to make fun of intercourse.

In fact, if you don't ask Aleucus for help, the effect of this potion will not last long, and the antidote he sent is only a decomposing potion that speeds up the consumption of the medicine.

When you understand the reason for the abnormal change that happened to you, it is already after you and Renault exchanged their bodies back.

To be honest, you didn't expect that the male body would be so sensitive, and Renault's appearance belonged to that kind of indifferent and holy ascetic knight, so you did not associate him with that kind of thing.

Even if he meets again after a few years, his attitude towards you has changed from the indifference and alienation he used to be in college, and he has become more enthusiastic, but you can feel that he does not have the same sex as men and women towards you. , It is more like looking after another person who is very similar to you through your nostalgia.

Maybe it's because he saw in you the shadow of his long-dead lover that he was so gentle and special to you.

You do have some sympathy for his experience, but you don't really like being used as a substitute.

Even if you are just a lowly civilian girl, you still have your own dignity and personality.

You originally wanted to distance yourself from him, but because of a sudden accident, the two of you had a series of terrible memories that could not bear to look back, especially when you thought of using his body to affect the body containing Renault’s soul. With that embarrassing physiological reaction, you are ashamed as you want to dig a hole to bury yourself in it.

It is estimated that in his heart, you are already equated with the shameless pervert.

Woo...It's really shameful!

Fortunately, the knight is more attentive. I guess you can guess your current embarrassment and awkward mood. After changing back to his body, he held on to the wall with one hand, his shoulders were slightly bent, and he looked at the statue outside the window for a while in silence. Waiting for the body's abnormal reaction to slowly subside, then turned around and smiled at you with the same gentle and calm smile as usual: "Miss May, is there any other discomfort in your body?"

"No, it's okay..."

You lowered your head and did not dare to look at him, red ears were exposed between the black hair, the hair in the neck fossa slipped to the chest, and the white and soft neck skin became more delicate and attractive against the scattered black hair.

Renault stunned, and subconsciously stretched out his hand towards you, trying to flick your scattered black hair back behind the base of his ears, but when he was about to touch the tip of your hair, his fingertips suddenly stopped and he slowly restrained his grip. , Before you noticed his unusual behavior, quickly took it back.

"...Sir Renault?" You whispered suspiciously.

"Sorry, Miss May, I caused you trouble yesterday."

He curled his lips at you, but his smile showed obvious alienation and indifference: "I have to go to work outside the city, so I won't disturb you."

After the blond knight said goodbye to you politely, he left directly from your house.

...Sure enough, I was disgusted.

You silently covered your chest, and spontaneously regarded Renault's sudden coldness as a shock and aversion to your awareness of your nature.

But this is also good. You and him are not people in the same world. It would be better to draw a line earlier, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble later.

The world’s human monarchy’s national class conception system is very serious. The combination of civilians and nobles is absolutely forbidden. Unless they are willing to be unseen underground mistresses or concubines serving Israelis, women of civilian origin want The case of becoming the wife of a nobleman is almost impossible. Even if they break the worldly shackles in the end, the empire will forcibly deprive the nobleman of his title and territory, turning him into an untouchable.

How could aristocrats who are accustomed to a life of pampering, richness and luxury accept such a big gap, so they may raise a beautiful mistress of civilian origin outside, but it is absolutely impossible for the mistress to become their own mistress.

This is why when Renault first showed you his favor, you would feel that he just wanted to play with you, not take you seriously.

You don't think he will abandon his status as the son of the noble duke for you, and secondly, you never thought of becoming a shameless underground mistress.

You don't have any lofty ambitions and pursuits, and you are satisfied with your current life and identity. You can live peacefully until you grow old and die naturally. This is your biggest wish.

If you can meet a lover who meets the conditions in all aspects in the future, you don’t mind starting a family with the other party, then buy a house with its own backyard and fish pond, and grow vegetables and flowers in the backyard to be self-sufficient. When the weather is good, set up a lounge chair in the courtyard to relax in the sun and fish.

Ah, life is complete.

Compared with other fellow travelers who shine in various worlds, you who are content with the status quo and have no pursuit are like a salted fish on a chopping board.

I don’t know if it’s because Renault’s Son of Fortune Aura gave you a little bit of good luck when it was transferred to your body. You originally had to hurt you for at least two days each time your menstrual period came. After swapping back to your body, It feels less painful than before. Although the lower abdomen still feels a bit dull, it doesn't affect your normal actions.

There is nothing to do at home when you are left and right. You suddenly realize that you haven’t been to the mercenary camp for a while and gather with other people. By the way, you also wanted to see Shalena, who hadn’t returned all night, and made some cheese floss at home. Bring the cake with my own modified sugar cake snacks.

The girls in the mercenary group all like the snacks you make, and some uncles who have become families occasionally bring some home for their children to eat, so your craft is still very popular in the mercenary group.

It's just that you didn't expect that you would meet an unexpected acquaintance on the way.

No, you are not familiar with each other, especially when he first met, he was very ruthless and ruthless about sending you to the adjudication office as a heretic. To be honest, he really frightened you.

But looking at his situation at this moment, you have a very strange and absurd illusion inexplicably.

Maybe that adult actually has a twin brother who looks exactly the same?

Otherwise, the small milk cat in front was forced into the corner by a few meowing little milk cats and froze. The tall body became a human-shaped cat climbing frame, and even the pair of white feathers hanging from behind was also Who is the poor little who grabbed a lot of feathers as a cat toy?

Originally, you wanted to walk past as if you didn’t see it, but the other party has already discovered you. The only exposed ice-blue eyes on the face covered with the helmet are staring at you, although there is no emotion. Inside, but your instinct tells you that he is calling for help.

Well, the other party can be regarded as your direct boss anyway. If you offend him now, what if he wears your shoes during the crusade?

You sighed helplessly, walked over resignedly, put the basket with muffins on the steps, then squatted down, picking up the cats hanging on each other's body and wings, one by one. .

Probably I think the smell on you is better. The kittens who originally surrounded Garuche turned their targets toward you and acted coquettishly. Then, under your skillful furry eighteen, they were stunned. You turned over with your feet, four little feet dangling, and there was a comfortable grunt in your throat.

"...Thank you." A low, indifferent voice came from under the metal helmet.

You scratched the chins of the kittens with both hands. Without knowing what topic to look for, you asked casually: "Master Galluch, do you hate cats?"

The other party was stunned, and replied in a brief and horrified manner: "Not hate."

He doesn't seem to be good at chatting with people, and it takes a long time to say: "...They are cute."

You looked at him with some surprise: "Then why are you..."

"It's too weak." Garuch's gaze skipped your face lightly, and then hung down, "I'm afraid it will be killed by accident."

You are almost choked by this answer. Normal people will want to touch and hug a cute kitten. How could he have such strange thoughts? Is it possible that this adult has abuse. Treating small animals with abnormal habits? ?

"I once raised a Beru."

After saying this sentence, Galluk stopped speaking, just staring at you silently.

Some of your scalp is numb when he sees it, because his face is mostly covered by the helmet, you can only guess his thoughts from his only exposed eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, you cautiously asked: "That... and then?"

"Then it died."
