Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 328 Daybus: The Land of the Armies 2

August 15, 7451

Jerez, Duke of Stalls, Kingdom of Daybus.

With a population of 7,000, the city is the most important stronghold in the western part of the Duke's Realm.

From the west of the city of Jerez to the north and northeast, it is not 30 meters away from the city, but it is the provisional territory and border line.

There are several small villages dotted between the city and the border, all of which are open to a relatively convenient location along the river flowing from the Kinlu Mountains.

In particular, because the yield per square meter is lower than that of the land reclaimed in the Dart Plain, perhaps because of the original soil, the villages have not developed much.

However, every village is an important production base for the Duke of Stalls, and thus for the Kingdom of Daybus.

It goes without saying that the villages in the Dart Plain are more important because they are also less productive than the Dart Plains.

Until a few years ago, the castle was built in Muse, and since it belonged to the Kingdom of Daybus, it was taxed every year.

Then, Muse Castle was built, but it was left behind north of the Raster Mountains. The ten villages, including the village of Finuto, were said to be very important lands for the Duke of Stalls and the Count of Gardool, who divided and owned the Daybus Kingdom around them.

Especially for the Earls of Gardool, the village of Rokkemura alone boasts a yield of more than 30% of the grain produced in the territory, and it is also a land that can never be abandoned.

It is an inconvenient territory that is difficult to contact without passing through other territories because the Raster Mountains are lying, but it is obvious that if it falls out of control, the food it supplies to the territory will be financially difficult.

It should be noted that the Earl of Gardool was an emerging Earl's family that separated from the Duke of Stalls about 70 years ago, and since it falls on the far edge of the Duke's family, the Earl of Sikilak Stoles, the leader of the White Phoenix Knights, cannot help but exert much more power.

― ― I wondered what would happen when the castle was built in Muse, but since it turned out that there were no more than a thousand people there, I could only secure a line of communication to the west of Finuto.

In the first place, the first reason for leading 12,000 troops to this point is to secure the contact line.

Of course, the attack on Muse and the nearby village of Lombert was an important expedition, but it was inferior to securing a contact line.

In general, even if the defense force is estimated to be high hundreds, if you attack Muse with a high and sturdy castle wall, the damage will be 1500 if you think common sense, no matter how much you look at it.

If you think with a little pessimism, you need to be prepared for 2500.

And even if you sacrifice enough to fall, the people and supplies of Muse village will be evacuated before we surround them.

There is no point in enclosing a muse that is said to be as much as 10 kilometers around the entire circumference. Even if 1200 people enclose the muse, the thickness will finally be enough for one person, and the enclosure of that degree will be easily broken.

It doesn't mean anything more than a thin dispersal of forces.

It's much better to use multiple ladders to push your soldiers against the wall without causing any damage.

And if there are only a few hundred defensive forces, I think it is possible to fall.

From a purely military point of view, if you can capture one of the mighty castles at the cost of 1,500 to 2,500, you can say that it is a great victory.

But that's not the case in the Kingdom of Daybus.

With great sacrifice, the soldiers' grievances will soar without even looting.

In addition, the opponent has the power to build a mighty castle for as long as two to three months.

--In the vicinity, another castle was built. And......

If that were the case, I certainly wouldn't be watching the construction of the castle in silence, just like the Count.

Get in the way with that hand.

However, Rombert is not a fool, so we should send a large garrison to the castle under construction.

If you want to recapture the Muze we've taken from you, there's a good chance you'll gather more troops than just the garrison.

There is little chance of winning even if you hit an extremely demoralized army there.

However, if you just keep protecting Muse with your cage, you won't even be able to secure a line of communication to the west of Finuto, which is the original purpose.

Then the end is over.

Therefore, if Lombert is to start building the castle, it is absolutely necessary to stop it.

Of course, we must expand our forces.

Ask Land Grease to send a backfill to replenish lost troops.

If you fall into a gigantic castle, the House of the Three Dukes, including the royal family, will be happy to organize reinforcements for you.

However, even if we were to have a supply of units that didn't have any collaborative training, we wouldn't be able to make a busy plan.

I pressed my strength directly in front of me, or at most split my strength in two, aiming for a pincer shot.

When I stampede, the opponent is a castle with high defense in the first place, so how much that means... it doesn't have more effect than dispersing the opponent's defense forces.

In the first place, there is no way that Ronbelt will do anything while we send our soldiers, so we will prioritize putting up defensive walls.

In the long run, there is a mobilizing power that can build a 10-metre high castle wall over several kilometers in a short period of only three months.

In a logical way, it is synonymous with being able to create a land surrounded by a city wall that is only one meter high in nine days.

With a height of one meter, you can't get over it.

We can still do something about the deployment of our defense forces and our maneuvers.

But, why don't you get taller than two people?

No, what if it was a narrower area of common sense as a citadel, rather than a stupid range of two to three meters in diameter that would cover the entire arable land of Muse Village?

You don't even have to do detailed calculations.

I can tell by my intuition.

You can build walls with a height of more than 2 m in no time...

--If you say that there is a difference in national strength, it will be until then... But that's the height of the city walls. Where did you get the stone to make it?

I just imagined that it would have consumed a lot of labor and money.

Compared to any great power, the Kingdom of Lombardy, it is not so easy to accomplish.

How many years and how much money did you spend collecting stone...?

Did the sorcerer build it as rumored?

Speaking of which, Tancourt, Denan, and Kincaid were also covered by high earth walls in a few days...

Nikkemura is estimated to be able to be built in a few days by putting in about 30 talented members of the court magician class.

Although there was an opinion that the Daybus Kingdom was a waste of human resources, the Lombard Kingdom has a track record of putting court magicians into the battlefield of the Dart Plains, known as "black witches".

The magic technique of some witches, who were only rated as court magicians, was very high. In our defense battle, we could easily build a bridgehead fort in the cultivated land of the village, and even the attacking magic of extraordinarily high power, which could be drilled with a single blow with an average horse-proof fence.

After the three villages of Tankur, Denan, and Kincaid were electrocuted, there was even an opinion within the Royal Palace and the Knights that the Lombard Kingdom had anticipated this time from that time and had been doing some kind of experiment.

Of course, there are quite a few people who support it, and considering what Ronbert has gained, the operation is a possible way for us to do it. Landgreens has also started research to make it a reality.


Don't be ridiculous!

The walls of Muse are stone, if not earth.

Compared to the count, magic can be used on a human scale.

Rather than being an amateur at all, I've used offensive magic to defeat enemies in real battles. To some extent, I've also accumulated knowledge about magic and trained.

That's why I can assure you that's absolutely impossible.

Anyone can use elemental magic alone to emit elements, but even if you use local magic, it's just a piece of soil that contains subtle moisture.

Of course, I could use a stone if I thought it would come out, but the efficiency of using magic power was extremely depressing.

Not to mention the magical power of plastic surgery in order to produce a stone that can make up a structure.

It had to be said that the amount a sorcerer could produce was well known.

Sentinels have been built all over the city walls, and soldiers have been reported to be packed inside.

It's impossible to build such a complex structure with stones unless you put in at least a hundred talents of the court mage class.

And there were only about thirty court magicians in the Lombard Kingdom.

Even if we were to gather powerful mages from Ichii - such as adventurers and retired court mages - we would have to ask if we could collect them with considerable effort and reach 100 people.

Well, let's build a tower of complex construction that will let you get inside when it's done?

There are not one or two towers built on the walls of Muse.

One of the magical stone shapes was going to require a lot of training.

- It's not realistic.

The Count also understands that as the level of the magic special skill rises, the amount of elements that can be emitted beyond the simple level number will increase.

However, the court magician of the Daybus Kingdom, who existed in the past, reached his active age with an elemental magic mastery level of seven.

According to the records, a soil wall with a height of 5 m and a thickness of 2 m could be produced over 100 m, but if a similar wall was made of sturdy hard stone, only about one hundredth or one meter could be produced.

Then it should be called a pillar, not a wall.

There were about a hundred highly skilled magicians, such as building stone walls that stretched many kilometers in height and thickness, but it had to be said that it was impossible in only three months.

--If so, the castle built in Muse...

It is likely to have been built normally.

It was possible that a really skilled magician was mobilized by adjusting the gap between the stones, but it wasn't the main thing.

In that case, a castle of that size is not so easy to build as the Kingdom of Lombert... "

--No, but a stone castle was built in Gimali...

With little delay in Muse, the village of Gimari was attacked and all its inhabitants and garrison were evacuated.

At that time, it was also reported that the village was surrounded at once by stones like slate.

The village of Guimari, near the middle of the Dart Plain, was occupied by Lombardy, which built a castle that was blocked by a lid on the west side north of the Raster Mountains.

Thanks to this, ten villages, including the village of Finut, north of the Raster Mountains, were left behind.

--Isn 't it something that escapes reality...? The castle can't move in the first place. We just need to make sure that we have a road that serves as a communication route.

If we secure the road that leads to the village of Finuto, it can be quite dangerous.

Especially once we're inside the Dirt Plains, we need to be careful not only with Lombert's troops, but also with the monster raids.

It's the same Rombert who will come to get the roads sealed at the corners.

However, in contrast to the fact that it is possible to move along the street, deploy, and in some cases park in squares such as the riverside watering yard, the Rombert side must use the road as a beast path to the street, and there is no place where they can consolidate and deploy their soldiers.

It is impossible to loot villages, but it is possible to steal weapons and other weapons equipped by the returning Rombert soldiers and obtain prisoners.

With that in mind, we will be able to maintain our morale.

And if you simply defend an elongated road, you don't need to deploy your troops, so you don't need deployment drills.

No matter where the attack occurs, the neighborhood forces will only rush on the street, so there is no need to consider working with other units.

--Worryingly, the sorcerer who built the castle in Gimali was supplemented by a small number of people who penetrated the street and built a fort that served as a defensive base on the street...

At that time, at that time.

You can retreat with the thought of breaking your intestines, or you can charge into the fort and take it away with some preparedness for damage, and use it as our defensive base instead.

The count made up his mind.

"Tomorrow morning, the whole army will fight to secure the road to Finuto." I've been eating and drinking a lot. Let the soldiers cut off the booze. "

In addition, when he instructed Muse to allocate personnel for the surveillance, he assembled the subordinates who were the main ones.

It was to confirm the operation against the sealed street capture, but with this amount of force, it would be difficult to move off the street in the first place.

You can't do more than determine the order of deployment of the troops who will be the first to attack each of the blockade points confirmed by the scouts.

― ― It is difficult to deploy heavy forces on narrow streets, but it is said that only about 10 people are posted in the sealed areas.

The Ronbelt side will also be able to detect our movements and possibly increase their forces in order to defend the blockade.

Because they may be aiming to shut down their lines of communication, they may be able to concentrate their defenses only on one location that is easier to defend.


― ― It was easy to defend, but I knew how much troops I could use to defend the blockade. We have a large force. Can you keep exposed to the next attack and keep it forever?

Having thought about it, my men came in.