Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita
Episode Forty: The Last Fort...... Isn't it
Warm sunshine, aromatic floral aromas, and refreshing winds.
Unusual boys and girls dressed in brand new uniforms.
It's the opening of a youth that I usually find smiling, but what I carry is a dark cloud that doesn't resemble it.
Mariabelle Tempest, twelve.
Since today I am a freshman in the middle of Avantor School.
"Maria, it's time to let go"
"Last three minutes..."
"That's the seventh time. HR, it's gonna start."
Kate's uniform is tightly wrinkled in her hands, squeezed together. Nearly thirty minutes ago, I was holding Kate back.
It's a diagram like hers that squeezes waste if you don't want to leave for a moment on the front porch of the dorm. I don't know what to do. Objectivity makes my actions too depressing. Although not actually an annoying farewell scene for a silly couple.
As an intermediate sophomore, Kate stays in the classroom, and as a freshman, I attend the admissions ceremony.
Sometimes it's a little tricky to go to the admissions ceremony alone... but most importantly, I'm anxious to get Kate to go to the classroom.
I wish it were in the same class as someone second in throne inheritance or someone whose darkness is too deep to be black sick......!
"Maria, it's a bad idea to be late from school."
It wasn't too much of an honest argument either.
I don't know, if I did it these days and Kate didn't treat me like a kid? Although he was originally calmer and more ambitious than I was, and often turned to the tsukomi role.
After one stroke of my head, Kate headed into her classroom.
Having been left alone, I… headed to the hall where the entrance ceremony would take place in heavy footsteps.
× × × ×
"Er, Class C is……………."
I look for my seat, looking at the student notebook I just received at the reception, even though I jolted into a flashly decorated hall.
Students search for their own seats at the Avantor School admissions ceremony. We gathered in the classroom together, not everyone. Style of finding your own seat by the time and waiting there until it starts. Today is also the first time I know my own class because the student notebook where the class is written will also receive it by name at the reception at the entrance to the hall.
Because the Avantor School gathers wealth, I feel like I've heard about it before, so I can inform them in advance and prevent their parents from plotting against each other.
Is there really something like that novel...... maybe there is, what the hell, the facts are stranger than the novel. And this is the world of maiden games, because I played fully automatic bad girls until only twelve years ago.
"Oh, there it is."
Down the stairs, third row from the front. Class C letters written underfoot like a cinema. I counted the attendance numbers and sat in my seat.
Someone's been here quite a while, but it looks like the person I'm looking for is still here. It's a little after the start time, and I guess it'll be here soon.
You don't have to tell me who you're looking for.
"Morning! Ah, you're in the same class, hello!
To the bright voice I heard, a few voices went up as if they had been followed.
He must be a friend from before. Those who share the joy of being in the same class are about to see the beginning of youth. They look like they're smiling at each other.
Maybe the only person who's hardening herself right now is someone who's in love with one of them but is nervous because of it, or me.
"Sasha, where was the class?
A newly emerged boy student speaks to the man at the center of the wheel.
Sasha. That's the nickname of the person I was looking for earlier. Instead of "I missed you" on my mind, I was looking for "I'd avoid it if I could," for reasons that end the story.
Sasha, Sacia Dorothy.
Fresh looking guy with red hair and orange red eyes.
And the last attacker I had yet to meet.