Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Lesson 41: Severe Sanctions

I get up on my horse's back and stretch my body out, but I can't see anything from here.

"Lieutenant, I'll hold the command temporarily!

Let the horse run to the rear high ground.

It is verbal and moral for the commander to leave the centre during the battle with the enemy, but now I thought it was more important to get a first-hand picture of the situation.

It was the heavily armed cavalry that was still trying to penetrate the enemy's side.

The enemy forces panic but move into a formation of side defenses, with a small amount of arrows shooting at the cavalry.

But it won't stop.

Few of the cavalry, dressed in armor and pushing forward with more shields, have received a falling arrow.

The cavalry finally collides with the front of the enemy, with flashy metal sounds and screams echoing on the battlefield.

Neither the sword nor the shield is as useless in front of a heavy-duty cavalry that can be described as a chunk of iron.

Not to mention a good sight to say tragic when that becomes an accelerated assault.

Those who are pierced by spears, those who are bounced off by horsebacks with iron together are still fine.

The worst is the ones who got knocked to the ground by horseshoes.

One cavalry after the other, and we no longer know if it was a man or even a beast.

Sometimes I can't tell you how experienced I am in battle.

Stepped from the front, the enemy's avant-garde collapsed completely, entering a state of breakdown.

"That's Sir Hardlett's 1st Cavalry Squadron, isn't it? Did you make it..."

One of the squadron leaders who was nearby leaked like a relief.

Bruno himself secretly sighs.

In an effort to rebuild the team that was being trampled, a long-spear unit appeared from the rear of the main unit as of late and was trying to create a spear.

"Stop the move! Stop it and I'll do anything!

An enemy commander scolds a soldier with a screaming voice.

Dealing with cavalry depends on how you take that mobility away.

The moat, the fence is ideal, but in a plain where there is no such thing, artificial walls made of long spears are ideal.

But a black knight jumped out toward the crown, which was being completed.

"Sir Hardlett!? What if the captain jumps out on the front line!

My voice leaks unexpectedly.

I know you're a militant, but it can't be a one-horse drive.

I'm guessing you're using that horse you've seen before, and it's going in a straight line at a hell of a speed toward the bamboo.

The soldiers around me also said, "Danger!" "They'll do it!" The voice flies, but he gently jumps over the wax and smacks the heads of two spear soldiers for nothing.

He tramples down all two more with his horseshoe and takes away the upper body of the captain-like figure of the Spear Squad who is losing his word.

Even from here away I could see the upper part from my chest flying away as I rotated, and the blood blowing up.

As soon as he confirmed that he had taken over the commander, he turned around and was attacked by a long-spear soldier.

Long Spear soldiers are defenseless against attacks from behind or on the sides.

The wretched soldiers are slashed, bounced, and crushed.

There was no way that a commander could maintain his line if he died and was attacked by a monster from the rear.

The hordes of cavalry looming from before, the bloody monsters looming from behind, finally the soldiers collapsed, fleeing at first sight, but could not possibly escape the speed of the cavalry, and were speared from behind and mostly desperate.

Other troops who rushed to reinforcements also look like they have legs crushed when they see the tragedy of the Long Spear Squad.

There is nothing more threatening than the sight of a man being poked with a spear and killed by a flying neck than being in battle.

That can also be called the everyday landscape of the battlefield.

But his is not, it's an impossible sight for a person to cut, be broken, bounce and fly.

"Calm down! Stop with the arrows!!

One arrow after another is released, but he spins the spear and strikes it down as if he were playing a toy thrown by a child.

It was the archers who fired arrows at him following the Spear Squad.

By that time a subsequent cavalry, completely crushing the avant-garde, catches up and the assault begins again.

"We're a clown like this! All units ready? Assault!"

My battalion will finally clean up the mess and resume its attacks from the other side of the cavalry.

The war situation changed and the enemy just had to keep rising to avoid annihilation.

Nor did it last long, when some cavalry, starting with Sir Hardlett, broke through the center of the enemy, killing all the commanders and their surroundings, and the entire enemy collapsed, later only to chase and retain fleeing enemies.

"Bruno, no, Sir Renster, it's been a long time."

"Long time no see, Sir Hardlett... thanks for your help"

Me and Bruno shake hands, the battlefields that have already been annihilated are in each other's hands.

Agor had Leoporto accompanied him this time because he was making him train infantry squadrons in the King's Capital.

By the way, he was firmly in the rear during the horseback assault.

I said if I got out a little while ago, but it was returned with the pinnacle of stupidity and disgust that the commander would get out at the beginning, which could also hit a stray bullet.

I was angry, so I ran him on the other hand, and Celia got mad at me later.

"Weren't you waiting for my arrival to start?

I'll say it with a laugh.

"It's disgusting... to miss an opportunity and get ahead of it..."

Bruno's battalion has lost more than 200 men.

Quite the damage.

My team is ten at most, which is also a lot of guys who got hit by a horse and fell, but are able to get back in person, even soon.

Four or five guys would be lucky enough to fall with an arrow stabbed in the gap.

Bad luck is everywhere, you have to stop it.

Leoporto is really efficient in hunting enemy soldiers who have already collapsed and fled to Chili when he shifts his eyes to the battlefield.

Looks like they know how to escape.

"My head hurts when I think about opening it to His Majesty."

"I won eventually, and I'll tell you what Eirich can do about it."

Bruno is one of the few trusted peers.

It's a shame to let you lose your legs.

"But... minus my rampage, they were certainly strong. It's not as easy as it ever was."

It is generally known in neighbouring countries that Arkland soldiers count 40,000.

And that is also the figure we are securing by conscripting almost all adult boys.

"That quality soldier is 40,000, or if we do it right now, it's going to be bad."

The central army has been greatly enhanced, at most 15,000, and only about 20,000 can move it in conjunction with the national army.

If it were a war, conscription would also be carried out, so they are mutually beneficial in terms of numbers, but they are not good for quality.

The infantry battalion under Bruno is also quite brilliant compared to the soldiers being trained in King's Capital.

"In any case, I shall send out to His Majesty a rush to" succeed in crushing the enemy forces ". When you return to the king's capital, you can convey their strength directly to His Majesty."

"You are a favorite called directly to His Majesty."

Bruno laughs ridiculously.

Maybe I'm worried about my limitations and doing it.

But later, I have not yet conveyed His Majesty's orders.

"Your Majesty has a message for your battalion."


His battalion, starting with Bruno, will correct his posture, and we need to be respectful of what conveys the message from the king.

"... Celia"


Everyone turns back to Celia with a strange face.

I'm not supposed to be a squire or anything, but I can't help it, I forgot.

"Invade the rest of the territory and thoroughly destroy the fools of Arkland. No need for prisoners. Send them back without distinction. That's it."

Everyone loses their words.

An order that is too harsh, but cannot contest a direct order from a king.

"Well, it doesn't feel good to kill every living guy, but I'm not complaining about cutting off the body's neck."

At the end of the annihilation war, you could cut off the head of the rolling corpse, put it in the carriage and send it back.

"My men have found the supplies they looted, so I'll check on them."

Bruno complains that I'm leaving early.

"Hey! You're not gonna let me do this order alone, are you?"

Of course it is.

"The orders were given to the troops, I'm reinforcements, you're the commander. Do me a favor!

You can let him do it when Leopold gets back.

I think I'm going to come up with a very efficient way to do this.

"They're provocative, then looting, whatever you want to do."

Cereals, vegetables and livestock are placed in carriages in front of them.

Reconciliation. What's the fuss? I guess I was going to bring it back as it was.

"Yes, they'll all kill you one day."

Young soldiers do not hide their anger.

There are women in the carriage in the back.

Were you going to take me back as a slave?

The women are hugging and trembling at each other even as they see us.

The peasants living in the pioneering villages of the border are so ignorant that they cannot be considered by the citizens of the Wang capital.

You can't possibly know the flag or crest of our central army, and you can't distinguish it from the Arkland soldiers.

"Are you hurt?

"Hih! Ha... Yes..."

"We are a Gordonian army. I'm returning you to your village, and I need you to tell me where you are."

Some of the women look at each other and cry out confused.

"There are no more villages... they burn us, they kill us all... we have a place to go"

Speaking of which, you said some pioneering villages were hit.

The pioneering village is a small village of 10 to 20 people.

Most people have no other place to go, such as those who have been deported from their original places or ex-convicts, set up in peripheral areas with no villages or harsh climates.

Most of the pioneering villages will crumble within a few years, but luckily the remaining villages will have people and become authentic villages.

Events like this one are not uncommon misfortunes for Pioneering Village.

"Take him with you when you return to the King's Capital, and figure out how to shake yourself. It's a hassle to take the other shipments home, leave them all with Bruno."

The women's eyes sparkle, they can't possibly know the ranks of the army, but the tone and outfit must have shown me to be the person in the upper position.

The women who had ever threatened to live in the king's capital could really come to me at some point.

"Then I'll come and tell Captain Renster!

"Oh. And I'll be on sentry, just in case, so tell me I won't be back for a while."


Young soldiers run horses.

I'm sure you'll be pursued by Bruno, who noticed the escape of my sentinel name, forgive me.

The annihilation war is coming to an end, and the soldiers are stabbing the bodies to see if they are alive.

You're done with my job.

This time it's just reinforcements, let's say we swing all the post-war processing to Bruno and get ready to return.

"Um... we..."

I wouldn't be able to tell you to just go wild.

Let the miscellaneous fish sleep in the spare tent.


Arkland Faction

I run my horse desperately.

"Captain Irigina! Please help!! Crouch."

"Stop it! Help me! I don't want to die!

My men are taken over one after the other, but I don't turn around.

We won't be able to do anything but die together where we tried to help.

The battle is over, and what is going on now is only a unilateral genocide, a war of extermination.

"What the hell! What are you doing?

It was the first time I had set up in Goldonia since I became commander, but I had heard of him as a more lukewarm opponent than any other country.

He said he loved peace above all else, and that he would send a Messenger of Peace as soon as he crossed the border.

Good until the first ambush.

The scouts they sent into this camp were quickly discovered, and the plan to attract and crush them disguised as ready to move went well.

I also led 200 of the squad to attack their sides, and I should have been able to destroy them with one more breath.

"But those guys!

A cavalry at a time like the one we targeted, a heavily armed cavalry comparable to our nation's Iron Spear Cavalry.

This one did not originally envisage a full-scale meeting, and the soldier's gear was dominated by short spears and swords with an emphasis on ease of movement.

The Tiger Child's Long Spear Squad was also devastated by a monstrous knight.

From there, there's no tactics or anything ahead.

It was the best I could do with an on-the-spot command just to deal with what happened.

The end of the day, that monster knight who had broken through the line and boarded the command... slapped the commander and his deputy in front of me and killed everyone else.

When the command is destroyed, the squad cannot be maintained.

We had no choice but to escape and scatter, with few orders to withdraw.

I can't forget that knight's eyes.

The big spear and armor that doubled the command vertically and stained with blood... the man who instantly bounced my spear didn't follow me for any reason when I screamed and fled without shame or hearsay...

The lucky thing is that I lost my spear and that I'm a big but woman and light weight.

They couldn't catch up with me running away alone in their main force, the heavy-duty cavalry.

Even the horse runs, and eventually the horse that reaches its limit is shot.

After rolling down the meadow, I accidentally check the back but no one is following me.

The terrain I looked around looks familiar.

I seem to have already crossed the border.

"Ha... thank goodness"

I open my legs to my inner crotch like a little girl and sit up petty.

Little water leaks slightly, but I don't care.

I've been drooling all my life since I saw that knight and then I ran away, and now what?

Naturally, no one has any men.

Maybe we should wait for one or two of them to come back here, but I decided not to do that and go back to the army base.

Because in case the enemy comes across the border like this, you have to tell your allies as soon as possible...

No, it's a lie.

I really wanted to get back to a safe place as soon as possible.

The imagination of that knight coming after me keeps my head off.

Embrace your trembling body.

"Rare Girls", "House of Walls Pride", "General of the Future"

How many times has my father told me if you were born a man?

If you look at me now, leaking my piss and shivering in tears, you don't know how many people will be taken aback.

I [Iridina-Wolth] shrunk its length and walked out on my own.


He said the "unpleasant thing" was generally over.

Later, I'm done waiting for dawn and letting the pack of carriages walk to Arkland.

I don't feel sorry for the guard who is turning in a cargo wagon with a pile of raw heads.

I've been up late.

Let's say it's time to go.

Celia grabs my clothes when I get up and try to get out of the tent.

"Where are you going at this late hour?

"Don't worry, it's just coming out"

Every time. Celia must have figured it out, too.

"... I'll be awake until you get back, so please come back soon"

If you don't hurry up, we're going to find you.

Mouth Celia and play with her tongue for a while.

Celia fell asleep in bed and stepped out of the tent.

This will buy you some time.

Heading, of course, is the tent that is putting the women who were caught together to sleep.

"I've been expecting you"

Out of tiredness and nervousness or sleeping like mud, only one of the women jumps right up and greets me.

The face is not particularly beautiful and the food was bad. There is no luster on the skin.

But the tight chest and butt are irresistible to the man after the battle.

Celia's many times more beautiful, but he's still smaller, and I'm anxious to insert a male root.

Dedicated mouth service and simulated insertion across the crotch is fun, but it's still instinct that makes me want to poke a woman's hole.

I'm going to use my position to hold this woman, but I'm not outrageous because I'm also going to be shown some way to live in the King's Capital.

"Enjoy, please"

The woman opens her hands to welcome her, and her crotch also opens and waits for me to come.

Without hesitation, he opened the front of his pants and took out his male roots, riding on the woman.

"... here. What? This..."

There are other women sleeping in the tent so it remains dark.

We can't even look good on each other's faces, so we can't do it well unless you adjust the position.

A woman shouted a surprise with her hand trying to lead my specialty into a woman's hole.

"Oh, big......!


"No...... I like it. It's big..."

"Then have fun."


A voice that is not small is raised when the male root is stirred in.

Hold your mouth with your hands to keep other women awake and move your body to shake.

A woman would do her hand on my hips and move up.

Tears flowed from the look of it.

"Does it hurt? Will you stop?"

The woman shakes her neck vertically in "pain" but when she asks if she wants to stop, she shakes her head sideways.

If a woman is ready, don't hesitate.

I shake my hips wide and stick them up hard.

Every poke a woman screams, but she's blocking her mouth, so it's not a voice.

Sounds like you're raping me when I'm holding my mouth and waving my hips in the dark like this.

If you look, the women around you are waking up and looking at this one.

Couldn't it wake up with this noise of beating meat?


I don't even need to hide my voice anymore, so I take my hands off my mouth, pick the granulation, and rub my breasts.

He lifted the woman and took a face-to-face seat, and when he put his mouth on his nipple, he was turning his neck against it and complaining about pleasure.

"... are you being offended?" "Don't look, I'm coming over." "Shall we be patient? If you turn against him, he'll kill you."

The women around me are hissing and exchanging words.

Apparently, he thinks he's being raped by a sneaky werewolf.

I was going to talk to a woman.

To solve the misunderstanding, turn on the lamp and illuminate the inside of the tent.

I can see a lot of things with the lights.

The woman is waving herself, repeatedly kissing my face, her expression distorted into pleasure.

"It feels good, Captain! Poke more, poke more."

With these words, you would have understood what she wanted from me and held me.

I hold her tight and ejaculate.

"Ah!? Captain's seeds are out... thick... hot..."

By the time I moved my hips a few times and finished ejaculating, the woman had gotten loose, so I pulled through and rolled the woman into the futon.

"That guy, Captain!?" I'm sure she'll introduce you to a good place to work. "

"It's sloppy! Even I want help!" "I'd rather have a face!

The atmosphere of the women has changed and they are leaning at my feet trying to fire back comfortably.

Its eyes roll with desires other than lust.

The women began to take off their clothes, and I had no choice but to respond. A voice was heard from the outside.

"Dear Eigil. It's an urgent requirement. May I come in?

The women pretended to sleep together in Celia's voice.

The woman I was holding is snagged with a big open crotch, so at least I'll close her legs.

You're overflowing with seeds like dark solids while I'm at it, and I don't have birth control pills and I might get pregnant.

"It's useless. I'll go."

Silent Celia pulls my hand and puts me back in the tent for me.

Celia comes in next door, put to bed.

"What are the urgent requirements?

"Please stroke my head urgently. Loyalty also requires consideration."

I laugh unexpectedly.

Usually when I treat a child, I tend to insist.

He didn't like me being with other women.

It's not bad to touch a woman without pornography.

"You're doing great."

I stroked her head and Celia buried her face in my chest, and after a while she started to get some sleep.

I know Celia likes me as a man, but maybe she also has love as a father or brother.

Because the emotion I have with Lucy is my mother and sister at the same time as she is my lover.

I felt like I knew how Celia felt.

You felt another woman floating in my heart. Celia stuck around intertwining her whole body, and I fell asleep in that warmth, too.


Outside Maria's Daily

Suddenly, I assumed the position of treasurer for the Hardlett family.

Because my predecessor, Mr. Nonna, was altered in the discovery of a fake teacup case.

Mr. Nonna is still fussing that it's Mr. Leoporto's conspiracy, but it's the only thing he's had because he's been a waste of money for a long time, isn't it?

It's madness to leave everything to Carla, and Melissa says I'm not appropriate because my wallet will be loose on the servants' kids, and I like the feeling of small citizenship.

I think they made a fool of me.

Now that Mr. Eigil and Celia have gone out, I have purse authority.

I was fainted four times yesterday...... I abused my authority by shopping early today, buying fresh high meat and vegetables to make beef stews.

You guys were delighted to have it delicious.

Especially the servants. They're stuffed enough to clog their throats.

Sometimes Alma seems in a good mood all day without Celia.

Mitty is crowned when Nonna tells her to redo cleaning her own window twice.

Anything goes through the window frame with your fingers.

"Ha, this is beautiful in your senses. You must be pretty clean, too."

They said something like that.

"That disgust! Yin! Keeeeeeee!

I can't let a servant criticize his family, but it's not a place to touch his eyes, and I'll decide not to ask him.

"Mr. Maria! Is it true that Mr. Nonna and Mr. Carla are having children with their husband right now?

It will be too early to know where you heard it...... did Melissa slip her mouth?

"Maria, let's join the fight! I'd rather call Maria [ma'am] than Nonna."

Um, I can't think of any kids yet - and I'm not really interested in blood muscle puffiness either.

"But Mr. Carla might be blessed first, right?

Mitty's face is distorted.

"That pervert... no..."

Since that incident, Mr. Kara's liking has waned between Mitty and Alma, and he's ranked down from [someone who doesn't know well] to [a pervert who doesn't make sense].

For some reason, Chloe calls me Sister Carla, and I'm starting to speak with respect though.

"No, not bad for the people in the house."

No direct cursing. Hey, it would be a bad thing if Mr. Eigil asked me.

It's not sneaky for these kids to get kicked out.

"I'm sorry...... but that's why! I want Maria in the war!

Yes, yes, sooner or later ~ is deluded and sprinkled with ash on the fire.

The stew tastes better if simmered overnight with slight heat.

Prepare and complete to keep the fire out, now shall we take a bath and go to bed?


You can hear voices from the back entrance in the kitchen.

Open it, Mr. Katrine... Was it Mr. Tory now? Either way. No, was standing.

"Oh, it's been a while - what's up?

Do you want some stew? And he doesn't want to invite me, even though it's delicious.

"Um, Hardlett... don't you have an associate baron?

Well, if you're here to see me, I wish I could get you in from the front...

"I'm out on a military job now. Maybe I won't be home for a while ~"

Seeking them all hard is proof that they're going to fight.

I'm worried, but trust me, I just have to wait.

"Huh!! Oh no... no, it's nothing. Thank you......"

Mr. Katrine walked away with a crunch.

Speaking of which, you didn't have a baby that you cared so much about.

They say there are people in orphanages who can take care of as much as they want...

If you look at your foot, a bright red handkerchief is dropping.

I cleaned it earlier, so it must belong to Mr. Katrine.

Looks like they rushed home, and it's no use chasing them now.

I'll give it back to you the next time I come.

And it's surprising to use such a conspicuous handkerchief...


Agil-Hardlet, 19, summer.

Status Third Mixed Battalion of the Central Army, Associate Baron of the Kingdom of Goldonia (800 men)

140 Yearly Salary Coins

1228 property gold coins (discount below silver coins)

Weapon Dual Crater (Great Sword) Large Valdish (Spear)

Plate Armor Black Cloak (Curse) in Upper Steel on Equipment

My buddy Nonna, Melissa, Maria Carla.

Servant Mitty Alma Chlornina

Subordinate Celia (squire) Leoporto (squire) Agor (deputy)

Karl (Squadron Leader) Christoph (Miscellaneous Fish) Schwartz (Horse)

30 Experienced