Outaishihi ni Nante Naritakunai!!

An Unexpected Reunion with Her 3

I came to the outer gate with the captain of the guard and about ten soldiers.

I came to the outer gate with the captain of the guard and about ten soldiers. We went through the outer gate and exited the royal capital. The road was straight and green.

There are rocks and grassy areas, so it seems that there is no difficulty in finding a place to hide.

I wonder where he is.

Do you remember where Liddy let him go?

I don't know. ...... Cain.

I don't know where he is, because Cain brought him to me that time. When I called out Cain's name, he pointed to the east.

That way," he said. But since they can't be in the same place, isn't it reasonable to look for them in places where there are many sightings?

Freed agreed with Cain's words.

That's true. Captain, where are the most frequent sightings of the beast?

A little further. There are a lot of bushes, so it's easy to hide. There have been a few sightings so far.

All right, let's go up there.

We all walked in a circle. If there are more than ten people in a group, they will stand out. And most of them were wearing guard uniforms.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the following web site: .......

The situation was out of the ordinary, and one of the vendors called out to the soldiers.

What's the matter? There seems to be a lot of people here today. ...... Is there an incident?

There's no need to worry about it. There's nothing to worry about. I'm here to escort Her Highness and Her Highness the Queen.

"Your Highness and the Queen are outside the capital?

The peddler looked at us as we were leading the way. It was so loud that not only he but also the people around us looked at us like, "What? I'm used to being conspicuous.

I'm used to being conspicuous, but this might be a little embarrassing.

One of the vendors who saw Freed shouted in confusion.

What, dark hair? I thought His Highness was a blonde. ......

His Highness is not a blonde.

Is that so? ...... Authentic ......

"Of course it's real. Of course it's real. The queen is right next door. Of course it is.

Oh, .......

The gaze is painful.

I'm sorry for the people who are surprised, but I'm walking. This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your time with your family and friends. People who came from outside the capital noticed us and stopped every time.

It's like, "......, this is a big deal. Wouldn't it have been more inconspicuous if we'd come alone?

I whispered, and Freed chuckled.

"I wanted to, too, but unlike Alec and the others, they wouldn't say, 'Well, if you take Cain, that's okay.

"Yeah, right. ......

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.

It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

If the crown prince of their country were to go out without an escort, it was only natural that they would go with him.

If not, it would be a problem of responsibility, or rather, it would be impossible.

Here we are.

The captain of the guard paused.

The location was a few hundred meters from the outer gate. A wolf in such close proximity would have a negative impact on the people coming to the capital. If it was just a rumor, but if there really was a beast out there, it was only natural that he would want to do something about it as soon as possible.

I don't see any. ......

I looked around briefly, but couldn't see any wolf-like shadows. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Maybe he's hiding somewhere better.

Yeah, .......

We have the manpower to do this. I asked the soldiers who came with me to help me find the wolf. As we all scattered to search, we heard a father and son talking on their way to the royal capital.

"Hey, Mom. What are those people doing?

It was a cute little girl and her young mother. I wondered if they had come to play together.

The mother answered gently to the girl.

We're looking for a beast that's been popping up around here lately. I'm sure you've heard about it. You've heard of it, haven't you?

The child's face turned pale at the mother's words. The child's eyes widened and he said to his mother, "What?

"What? The guardian deity? He is the guardian god who protects us from bad people. You can't capture him!

It seems that the story of "beast = guardian deity" has permeated the child's mind. The mother seemed to be tilting her head, "Guardian god? The mother was tilting her head, indicating that she knew nothing about it.

What are you going to do if you catch the guardian deity? Are you going to kill him? You can't do that!

The parents looked troubled at the child's appeal.

The parents looked troubled at the child's complaint, as if they didn't want to be accused themselves. I know exactly how you feel.

"Liddy? Where are you going?

"Yeah, just a little.

Freed stopped me, but I walked towards the father and son. The father and son stared at me blankly.

The soldier said impatiently, "Your Highness! Don't be rude! You must not be rude!

"Your Highness, ......, the Crown Prince's wife?

The girl asked. I nodded at it. I bent down and made eye contact with the girl.

Yeah, I know. Nice to meet you. I'm Lidiana. What's your name?

I smiled at the girl who was looking back at me. I waited, hoping that she would let her guard down, and then she answered.

It's ...... Bell.

"Belle. That's a very nice name. I'd like to know more about the guardian deity, can you tell me?

Even children are not to be underestimated. Even children are not to be underestimated; they may have information that adults do not know.

When I asked her about it, Belle asked with a cute face, "About the guardian deity? Belle asked with a cute face.

"Yes, that's right.

"Oh, my God, Belle! You're talking to the Dauphine in a rude way ......!

I don't care, she's just a child.

So, but .........

When I was feeling sorry for my mother, who looked like she was about to cry, Belle opened her mouth and said, "Well, you know.

The guardian deity is a guardian deity. He drives away people who do nasty things to us.

"Oh, yeah?

It's big and black. I don't know what he looks like because he disappears so easily, but he protects us. You're not going to catch him, are you?

I smiled and replied to Belle's worried question.

I'm sorry. I guess I will catch him. But please forgive me, because it's for the purpose of letting the guardian deity go home and keeping him out of danger.

...... Are you going home, guardian deity? You can't protect us anymore?

An anxious voice. I had unleashed him into this place, and before I knew it, he seemed to have become a child hero.

You wouldn't like it if you couldn't go home, would you? You wouldn't want to be out there in danger all the time, would you?

"...... Yeah.

And don't worry, you'll be protected by the soldiers here. Okay?

Yes, yes!

The soldiers hurriedly responded to my question.

In fact, it was their job to protect the girls. I don't want them to think that they can't stay safe without their guardian deity.

I don't want people to think that I can't stay safe without my guardian deity. ...... You're going away, guardian deity. But I want to go home, don't you?

The girl seemed to agree, though she was disappointed.

You have a better chance of seeing him if you come earlier than now. You'll have a better chance of meeting him if you go a little earlier than now, and at a better location near the outer wall than here.

Oh, thank you.

Everyone was buzzing at the information Bell had given them. Even her mother was surprised.

Bell: ......

"The guardian deity is probably resting around the outer wall. I'm not sure if he'll come out.

Belle stared at me. I stared back into her eyes.

Don't be cruel to the guardian deity. Make sure you make him happy.

"Yes, I promise. Thank you.

She nodded her head and Belle shook her head in agreement.

She stood up and said to Fried, who had come to her side.

Fried, maybe you should come back.

I think so. Tomorrow, a little earlier, we'll look at the outer wall.

"Your Highness, Your Highness! Do you believe what the child says?

One of the soldiers said in surprise. I nodded at him.

Yes, of course. I have no reason not to believe them.

I don't see any reason not to." "...... That's what kids say. It's possible he's lying. ......

Belle, I'm not lying!

The soldier's words made Belle angry. I kneeled down beside her and said, "Yes, you did.

Belle is not lying. She knows exactly what she's doing, so it's okay. You trusted me and told me about the guardian deity, didn't you?

"Yes, I did!

She was so cute.

It's .......

The soldier still looked doubtful. I don't know how to feel about that, but I don't think she's lying.

Freed also told the soldier.

If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. If you don't want to believe it, that's fine, because it's not something we can force you to do. But if you ignore the words of a child, you will be hurt. Think about how it was when you were a child.

"Your Highness ......

Neither adults nor children try to deceive where it counts. Or were you not?

Freed asked, and the soldier fell silent. A look of embarrassment on his face.

So ...... you're right. You are certainly right. I'm sorry, little girl, for saying things that made you doubt me.

Then he patted Belle's head.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

'Belle, I'm not lying to you.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.


That convinced her, and she flattened herself against her mother. She bowed to us several times and walked to the capital with Belle. Apparently, they had come to the capital for shopping. Such shoppers often come from towns and villages near the royal capital.

There are things in the capital that they can't find in their own villages and towns. There are many people who come to the capital in search of such things.

I saw them off and looked at Freed.

He nodded and said to the guards.

Everyone, we will come back tomorrow. As for tomorrow, you don't have to come. Just carry on with your normal duties. Also, if you see any beasts, contact the castle immediately. In the event of a fight, do not get hurt. Do you understand?

At Fried's command, the soldiers gave their approval in unison.

As I listened, I hoped that I would see the wolf tomorrow.

--I hope he's doing well.

I'm living in an unfamiliar place. I hope he's not feeling too bad.

"Liddy, I'm leaving.

Freed is coming over.

Anyway, we'll continue tomorrow. We went back to the castle to prepare for tomorrow.