
“I know where Aeon is, so that's fine.”

And Ilya lifted up her face, and was dumbfounded in the words of her father.

"... is Aeon returning to the island?"

"No, that's not true.I just know where he is.... we're negotiating for him to come back. "

"... bargaining? Someone caught you or something?"

Ilya asks for more details about what her father is unclear about.But the father shook his head to the side.

“I'm sorry, I can't say anything more.... you're already the princess of Irvine, aren't you? "


"This is the story of Arcanum Island."Conclusions discussed by all the chiefs.I can't tell you anything after I left the island. "

When she was told not to enter deeply, Ilya's face almost wept.But I don't know if I understand the reason, but I shake my head vertically.

"I understand... but only one thing.Is Aeon safe?... are you coming back to the island? "

"... oh, I'm trying to be."

I see.

"When Aeon comes back, I promise I'll contact you."Of course, through His Holiness Hendrik, I can be a master.... I don't mind, Your Highness. "

“Sure, I'll be happy to do it.”

Thank you very much.

Ilya's father bows his head to Prince Hendrik.And he said, "I don't want to stay too long," and he said at the end of the meeting.

Ilya's mother comes to me.

"Duchess Lydiana"


When she replied, she laughed with a smile.

"Thank you. Let me see my daughter.His Royal Highness Friedrich has told me that this visit was made possible by the wishes of Lady Lydiana. Thank you very much. ”

I wish you'd been happy.

When she returned her smile, she stared at me.

"What? What?"

"Why have you done so much?"Of course I appreciate it, but it's also about Lena.I didn't mean to want any more than that. "

She looks seriously doubtful and strange.That's what she told me.

"I just didn't want the two of them living far away to leave without seeing each other.Also, when I talked to you, I remembered your mother's face, right? "


She laughs and tells Ilya's mother that she has been told unexpected words.

"Before I got married, when I last saw my mother, she cried when I asked if I could come back.Sure, tell me. I somehow remembered my mother's face when I talked to you.That way, I won't be able to leave you alone anymore. "

I didn't tell Freed, but that's why I wanted to see Ilya.

Mother who was crying before she got married.I can't stand the loneliness of being glad that I'm going to marry.It was useless to remember such a face.

"It's been a long time since I've wanted to see my mother.When the international conference is over, I think I'll go home. ”

And when she was ashamed, and told her the truth, Ilya's mother broke her face.

"That's right... you really let me see your daughter with just a little generosity."Thank you, Queen Lydiana. Please show your face to your mother. "


Ilya came over and told me that she was going to do it.

“Liddy, thank you so much. I never thought I'd be able to talk to you and your mother.”

"I'm glad Ilya was happy."

"- Wendy, it's time to go."

And Ilya's father called the name of his wife.She nodded honestly and went to her husband, but said to me with a face as if she had decided something.

"Lydiana... actually..."


Ilya's father reprimanded me.He opened his eyes to a harsh tone.

"What were you trying to say?"

”You... but I... can't just... keep silent like this... imitate me like I'm returning this kind of favor... a proud beast shouldn't be able to do that”

"I know what you mean."But we've already made up our minds about this.I don't think it's a good idea to judge on our own. "

"I know, but..."

“That's terrible. You forgot our mission.”


Being severely reprimanded by her husband, Ilya's mother fell into a depression.Pulling her shoulders back, he---aura's sheik bowed his head to us.

"Excuse me. My wife does extra things.--This is an island problem, so please don't pry.Thank you very much for today....... Ilya, get along with His Highness Hendrik. "

"Father... can I see you again?"

“... if I get the chance”

And the two of them went out of the chamber, and answered the answer of Ilyah, which was not answered.

Prince Hendrik comes and tells Freed.

"Hey, Freed, what do you think your mother-in-law was trying to say at the end?"

"... I don't know, but it looked like I was trying to give Liddy some information.I mean, that face is guilt. "

"That's right. That's what I looked like."That's what it was like to feel sorry for Lydiana. "

Hendrik, can you think of anything?

"Unfortunately, it's not for me."

"I see..."

"And you?"

In response to Prince Hendrik's words, Fried shook his head to the side and replied.Prince Hendrik had a difficult face when he replied that there were no verses to think of.

”Hmm... I'm curious”

But I don't think you're going to answer me.

"That's right."No, I know. I can't say anything confidential about Ilvane, no matter how much my father-in-law. ”

I see.

They looked into each other's eyes and both sighed.

Prince Hendrik says.

"If I find out anything, I'll call you."

Alright, we'll be in touch as soon as we have the information.

"That's the only way." Ilya, I'm going back to my room. "

Prince Hendrik called out.And Elijah was concerned about the condition of his parents, but he could not help it.

However, I just wanted to let my parents and children meet, but I didn't expect this to happen.

"I'm sorry, Liddy, but you did what you could for us."

Ilya apologizes.He shook his head to the side.

"It's not that Ilya's fault."And if you change your mind, you might be lucky to know there's something there. Hey, Freed. "

That's right.

When I spoke to Fried, he agreed with me.

"Lady Ilya's mother seemed to be indebted to Liddy.What she tried to say.... it doesn't have anything to do with our country, does it? "

"Well, then, I'm glad I know if there's anything extra."Look, don't worry about it. "


I nodded that Ilya, who moistened her eyes, was fine.In fact, as I told her, I wasn't particularly pessimistic, and I just thought I was as lucky as I could be.

"It's okay, I have a freedo." You don't have to worry about it. "

He strokes Elijah's back as if he could repent.

I can't help thinking about it right now.Because nothing is more futile than to think that there is no answer.

I decided to leave this matter aside for the time being, and it was dissolved today.