Did you remember that time, Zion's face looks bitter? Just looking at the look on his face shows that Tarim wasn't a good memory for him.

I knew somehow that Theon would have had a hard time moving to another world, but I think there must have been some light suffering beyond my imagination.

― ― Senpai Ziyuan, you've been struggling.

Reincarnated in a good way by the head duke's house, I would be angry if I told you that I grew up without any problems, but I still feel sorry for you. Of course, I won't say it out loud.

I stare at Theon in a complicated way. As he stretched his spine again, he bowed his head towards us.

"Your Highness Friedrich, Your Majesty." Thank you again. Would you mind listening to me say that I am an alien? From start to finish. I have to tell you everything. ”

All of them?

"Yes, I'll tell you why later..."

"All right."

I nodded with Freed. If he wants to hear it, he has no choice but not to listen. If there is a reason I have to talk to you about it, that's all.

Fried said to Theon in a sincere tone.

You don't have to worry about the time. I want to hear it from you.

Thank you very much.

Raising his face, Theon looked at me. I'll also nod my head. Theon slowly opened his mouth.

"Let's start with the explanation of the other world I lived in." I lived in Japan, the land of the stars called Earth. ”

Zion speaks with a face reminiscent of the past.

Starting with the word "Japan", I was also shaken by my own memory. I feel like the past that was deep in my heart is coming up.

“I worked there as an assistant professor at the university. Universities are so-called institutions of higher education--"

And Zion began by telling him what had happened to him before he came into this world.

In a faint tone, he loved someone he loved. And he told her that she was dead, or that she was suddenly transferred to this world on her way home from the night.

“I had no idea what was going on right after I moved into this world. I've been in a place surrounded by concrete until now, and suddenly I'm standing in the middle of a meadow. The line of abduction was thrown away early because it was where I was. They probably decided it was something they called a hiding place."


Fried raises his doubts in unfamiliar terms. After thinking for a moment, Zion explained the words.

"That's right. One day, it suddenly disappears from the world. Hidden in a being beyond the power of human knowledge. That's what it means. The people who disappeared suddenly returned to their original places after a few days or decades, or disappeared as they were, but they were perceived as a kind of paranormal. After all, it was a world without magic and sorcery."

Nostalgic, Zion with his eyes narrowed and looking into the distance. However, he also shook his head and continued to talk as soon as he swung away.

"Having concluded that it was a mystery, I decided to move in confusion. I realized that even if I stayed here, I would die. In the middle of the steppe. It's probably going to be cold at night, and I'm lucky to see something like a tent in the distance. Then I thought I'd aim for that first and figure out what's going on.”

Understand the status quo. You will be amazed at the strength of Theon, who is thrown into a strange world and able to take immediate action. I'm sure I'm dazed and can't move.

“It was the locals who welcomed me to the tent. They were speaking a language I didn't know at all and I had no idea what they were talking about. Still, I've spoken in all the languages I know - probably counterproductive. They were wary of me for manipulating unexplained words, and they unleashed the magic of fire on me."

"The magic of fire..."

The first thing that came to my mind was when I was attacked on my way back from a date with Freed.

The assailant who attacked us. The sorcerer among them used fire magic all over the town.

- That's scary, isn't it?

He remembers and trembles.

At that time, how shocking and terrifying was Theon, who did not know the concept of magic? It may not have been important to be here right now, but a man who had no way to fight was exposed to the flames of sorcery. My heart ached just imagining it.

"--I was amazed at the incomprehensible phenomenon, but I quickly covered my face. I closed my eyes and prepared for the coming shock. But the shock never came.”

Theon tells me with a face that can withstand the pain. Freed asked quietly.

Why is that?

Because I've subconsciously used reflection magic.


Understanding the meaning of the words spoken, I took a breath.

Reflective magic.

Along with the neutralization magic I used, it was a special power that was considered unusual. I knew that Theon had it from him, but I can't believe the name comes out here.

“I know it's an excuse, but at the time, I didn't realize I could use reflection magic. After all, as I said earlier, there was no magic or sorcery in the world I lived in. When I opened my eyes, I saw hell in the world. The reflected magic was burning a man who was a magician. The world of snorting, I thought it was a nightmare.”

And he told him to mock himself, and Zion crooked his lips. He looks at me and Clinton.

When he bowed his head without knowing why he saw me, he told him to blame himself.

"--Don 't you think I'm a terrible man?"


What are you talking about?

I really didn't know.

After all, Theon was suddenly sent into this world, and yet he took the action of asking the village for help in order to survive. I don't think there's any reason for him to be blamed.

"I'm... a murderer."


"Burned by the magic of that flame, a man died. It's not about one or two people. You still don't think it's terrible?"


I was asked to confirm, but I thought:

I think that Zion's words are true. But that's it.

If you turned it back, if you didn't accidentally activate Reflection Magic, Theon would be dead, right?

"Eh, that's... yes"

"Then I don't think Theon should be blamed."

I nodded, telling my thoughts.

He was the one who attacked Zion for help, and Zion had no intention of attacking him. Then I think what Theon did is a legitimate defense.

"No, but... that's..."

Freed, are you going to be guilty of this?

Ignore the bewilderment of Theon and ask Freed. He shook his head loosely from side to side to deny it.

“No, Liddy's right, I think we should be allowed to defend ourselves. It's a problem that the opponent is dead, but it's the other side that launched the attack.”

It is, isn't it?


Theon listened to our story with a stunned face.