Lunch time. I happened to be walking in the mansion yard and found a ski growing.

Suki withers in winter. It's rare that it's still there, and I crouched in front of it.

Blurry view of the suki shaking as it is.

If I raised my gaze overhead, I could see the moon. It's a full moon.

It's been a long time since a quail and I feel something in me thrive.

This is, yes, the so-called willingness to create.

I took Suki and laughed.

"Good thing I came up with"

When I stood up, I turned my suki back on my heels with one hand.

The season is winter. The time of "Mid-Autumn Fall Famous Moon" has passed in Japan, but I don't mind that.

Nobody knows anyway. There won't be any guys to stick around with.

On the way is the kitchen.

"Yes, let's have a moon look!

In other words, make a moonshine dough.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Master, what are you making?

Thomas, the chef who welcomed me happily when he suddenly stormed the kitchen, stared at me with interest.

Speaking of which, I'm still singing my nose in a good mood, and I'm just making a little dough with my new powder.

I don't mind thirteen, but I feel fifteen nights, so fifteen.

So I thought I'd stop, but I got a hot glance from around me and decided to make a little more.

Drop the raised dough one by one in boiling water.

"This is called moon sight dough."

Peek into the pan as you answer Thomas's question.

Because the pan is suitable for caution, it is really a concise answer.

After a while, I gently shrugged the dumplings.

"Moonsight dough...... is it? What the hell is that?

I guess I couldn't imagine what it was like. Think about what to say to Thomas who tilted his neck. Of course I won't stop my hand in the meantime.

"Um, should I say lunch dough? Oh, by the way, moon sighting is about watching and enjoying the full moon."

Explain it that way, all the cooks around as well as Thomas looked delicate.

"Do you... do you see the moon? Which month, by the way?

"... uh"

I guess everyone thought the same thing. Say so and wait for my answer.

I felt my gaze, grinning bitterly, howling up the last dough for now.

... I know what they mean.

In the first place, there is no such thing as a moon sight in this world.

Because the moon is not deliberately viewed and enjoyed.

The moon is just for knowing the day of the week.

What does that mean when it comes to the fact that there are six moons in this world?

One sun and six moons.

The week of this world is seven days, where it is the same as in the previous life.

The only difference is that every day of the week the moon switches daily.

Monday month is silver. Tuesday month is red. Blue on Wednesday. Green on Thursday. Friday is Friday. Tea on Saturday.

Thus, the colour of the moon that rises every day of the week is different.

Each month is full, but the order never switches, so I often look up at the sky to check the day of the week.

This moon shines well during the day.

By the way, it's snakefoot but the moon doesn't go up on Sunday.

Sunday without the moon is especially enacted as the Sabbath, and all battles are forbidden on this day. Don't work, not.

It's the day of the week when all battles and strife are forbidden.

I won't go into details, but this is a religious story, and even if we are at war, if it is Sunday, we must always have a truce for one day that day.

If you break it, you'll get a big boost from other countries, and it can be like breaking doors from country to country. That could be a big problem raising the state.

Much has been said, which means that all of our cooks were wondered by the unique common sense of this world.

That's what I mean by purposefully watching and enjoying the moon used to confirm the week.

I kept talking, laughing that I could understand that too.

"Well, I know every month is fine, but I can't just give in to saying full moon.... Yeah, but maybe today is just the right day"


Face up and look out the window from the kitchen. It's Monday.

In other words, it is a moon that shines silver.

of the previous life...... the moon of color closest to the earth was in the sky.

"I have a sense of weird things to say, so don't worry too much. It's a strange time, too. Because I just had a ski. That's all we're talking about.... Ok, I can do it. You can eat the rest of the dough if you like."

I wish I had three treasures, but naturally I don't have one like that.

Stack the nine, four, or two pieces of dough in a pyramid shape on the plate you want to flatten without a choice.

"Rise and shine. Come on, then, I'll go"

"Thank you, Master!

They eat treats they don't know about, even if they don't find the significance of moonshine.

When I placed the beautifully stacked and finished lunar dough in front of them, I could see the "ooh" twist running and observing it from the top to the bottom.

"When your fathers beat you, you'll be in trouble again, so you'll eat it. The reproduction... if you want to. I don't think there's any demand, because it's a lunar dough."

If you don't do moon sights, you won't need moon sights dough or anything.

That's what I thought I said, but the cooks are intrigued and observe the moon dough.

I left the kitchen behind when I had the crease and my share in the gap.

◇ ◇ ◇

"So, you're going to Grandma's?

I called out when I was out, and I went out.

Finally, the house arrest life was lifted, and even if it was as frequent as before, it would no longer be angry outside. I'd like to think it was because I restored my credibility, but unfortunately not.

It seems that after breaking through Fried's siege net, he came to the conclusion that my brother and father, who knew the backdrop of the matter, had no point in placing me under house arrest.

On my father's face announcing the lifting of house arrest, it said it was bigger than getting away with it on your own.

"Hey, why aren't you showing up?

I don't see Cain talking to me in a whisper.

I could hear my voice, but it felt weird not to see it, and I just looked around.

"Amma, don't be silly. Suspicious. You're not leaving because the princess's guard is on you. I was alone before, but I have two today. Just in case."

"Oh, really?

"It's only natural to be the queen of the future. Well, if I'm alone, I'm good enough."

They had more escorts before they knew it. While I'm surprised at the story that wasn't heard at all, I'm convinced it might be something like that.

"Yeah. By the way, where are those two?

I have no idea.

It just seems like you're walking by yourself.

"Hmm, you just said the princess was too far away to recognize. Maybe you're told not to be noticed. If anything happens, I'm following you as far away as I can run."

"Heh. Oh, can I talk to Cain like this? Are you okay?"

"I didn't show up. You don't notice. Don't worry, I'll sprinkle them or I'll leave when I get to Grandma. Because I'm nearby."


Take Cain's word and nod.

I guess it's definitely close because the conversation makes sense. But I have no idea where he is.

It feels weird to only hear voices when you can't see them, but I think this is one of his techniques again. Brilliant stuff. That's My Ninja.

"Yeah, but if that's what you mean, so are the people in the agency."

"Hmm? What?

He even picked up my soliloquy exactly.

I told him what I honestly thought.

"I don't know where Cain is, I don't know where he is, so I thought it was amazing."

"What? You bet. Amateurs will notice, Hema. Who will?"

"... yes"

I meant to compliment you, but the answer I returned was neither myself nor a lid.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Hello! Mr. Derris! All of a sudden, let's have a moon look!!

Open the door and go down the stairs.

He opened the box he had brought on a simple desk made of wood and showed off his moon sight dough more and more.

Plus put the suki you've picked next to it.

Mr. Derris opened his mouth with a rare look on his face.

"Moonsight? I've never heard that before."

You laugh and deceive Mr. Derris, who tilts his neck to say things I don't know every now and then.

Cain, who had shown himself since entering town, said as he pointed to the dough.

"He said that everything is an event to watch and enjoy the moon. You don't know what that means. What's so fun about looking at the moon?

They were listening to the cooks very carefully. Cain tells them as if they were frightened, but it's not the purpose of looking at the moon.

I'm just trying to make it look good and have fun.

The Japanese left a really good word. "Dumplings over Flowers"

The main thing is moonshine dough. That's the thing.

"What matters is the atmosphere. It's not a good idea to eat dough while enjoying that feeling. I don't know why."

"I don't know. You must be eating. What a jerk-off."

"Cain, that's too emotional."

To Cain that I don't understand, I wonder if this feeling is specific to former Japanese people.

It was common in previous lives to indulge in events that had nothing to do with it for any reason.

Japanese events, of course, are Christmas and Easter even though that is not the believer. Halloween even though it doesn't matter. Ha. Also recently. The beginning and end of bringing up what a night in Walpurgis is all about.

Anyway, it's a people with no eyes for an event.

Well, let's leave it at that.

I made a corner. Doesn't it want to be in the form of a lunar view for once?

Ms. Derris went to Cain to help me explain what a moon sight was like while serving tea with a bad example.

"I've lived a long time too, but I didn't know what happened to Moonsight. Here."

"Oh, thank you. I'll have it!...... Guha"

This is like a ritual of passage when I first came to visit this house.

I only had one cup of tea for a long time, and I turned away.

Still not good. I don't really know what that tastes like.

"Ku...... you're doing great today, Mr. Derris. By the way, what is the potency of this tea?

"Hmm. It has the effect of light mental stability. Doesn't seem to work very well for you."


I think they told me something I shouldn't listen to.

Cain blew out small next door.

"... that means the princess is so loud that the medicine doesn't work right now"


"Well, that's a little calm."

I sat down heavily, recommended a chair by her laughing.

I'm a little embarrassed when they point out the excitement.

"Su... excuse me. I haven't made a new one in a long time, so I was tense."

If I choked my neck off, Cain, who sat next to me, kept talking about it.

"But in fact, I can't help but see the red moon and the green moon? Is that emotion? I don't think there's anything like that."

"... sort of. I don't think I told the boulder that if today's moon was red or something, I'd give it a look at the moon. But it must be silver today, right?

It's Monday.

Nod at Cain, who says it as a matter of course.

Silver, even though it is silver, is close to white. It's true that today's moon is very similar to what we were looking up at in Japan.

That's why I wanted to try to see the moon.

"... okay. Try it. So, what do we do about moon sight? Should we go outside?

As I was putting my thoughts to grief, Mr. Derris came aboard in contemplation.

"Right. I know you don't have to go out of your way, but the classic is to offer lunar dough where you can look up at the moon and decorate the skis...... … is it a bit difficult from here?"

'Cause you're covered in bonds.'

I watch Mr. Derris snort and move his gaze out the window.

The view outside the window is different from normal because of the sturdy junction. One side is just spreading gray.

"Honestly, I didn't even think about the view outside the window here"

The basics come to mind, unplanned moonshine.

I just thought Mr. Derris or Cain would enjoy it with me. Honestly, I didn't even think about the details.

If you can't do it, can you? Decorate the sushi and everyone eats the dough, and that's enough.

That's what I thought, and Mr. Derris stood up when I nearly opened my mouth.

"... wait a minute"

"Mr. Derris?

Leaning her neck, she brought a large wash bucket that was placed in the corner of the room. Keep it on your desk and strain the water.

Cain also observes Mr. Derris' movements with interest as to what to begin.


Mr. Derris hands over the water and says something.

Sorcery floats over the water after a while. When it disappeared after a few seconds, the surface glowed like a mirror, and eventually a silver moon was reflected there.

"Wow... the moon..."

Surprised, staring at it to eat in, Mr. Derris said it was something like this and sat in a chair.

"Grandma, what's this magic?

Mr. Derris put in a brief explanation for Cain, who sees the same.

"This is an application of far-sighted magic. I'm just transcribing what The Eye is looking at here. Well, it wouldn't be the same as looking in person, would you mind?



I was just staring at the moon on the water, remembering one word.

- - Wednesday moon.

Japan has long had the habit of enjoying the moon on the surface of the pond and in the cup.

Unexpectedly touching an ancient tradition, I unwittingly cover my face with both hands.

I don't know, something came up out of my chest like I wanted to scream, and I meditated my eyes all the time.

With a trembling voice, I somehow thank Mr. Derris.

"... rather than enough, it's more than that, Mr. Derris..."

Thank you. Speaking of which, she nodded naggingly.

"... well, good for you"

Japanese culture enjoying the breeze. Tear glands loosen to unexpected nostalgia.

Vision seeped in, and this seemed desperate to keep tears from spilling when bad.


You shut up.

Cain called out to me, just silently staring at the moon on the water, but Mr. Derris praised it quietly.

You would have figured out something strange about me and so on, but you don't ask me anything.

I'm just grateful for that now.

... Nothing, I don't like this world.

I don't remember the cause of death, but I ended up raw in a country called Japan.

I'm convinced of that, and I've decided to live my life to the fullest.

This is the world I live in.

That's not why I want to go back to that country now.

I just miss it.

I can't tell you how sad I am.

Japan that I will never see again.

I thought again that I could still touch the remnants this way.

Driving away tears, I smile at both of them.

"I'm sorry, because I was just getting a little emotional. It's okay now."

"Something went wrong, but are you okay?

"Yeah, it's really nothing"

Answer that to Cain, who looks worried about this one, and show the dough.

"Look, I'll decorate the sushi too, so why don't we all have lunar dough? I'm pretty confident."

"The treats you make are delicious. I hope so."

If I tell you to delude me, Mr. Derris read the air and rode me too.

I'm so happy to take such care of you, I feel refreshed.

One day, I want to talk to her about my past life. I thought so.

"Yeah, of course. Eat a lot."

I made sure the two of them stumbled on the dough, and I also carried the moonshine dough into my mouth.

Until now, I didn't think anything about eating Japanese sweets, but I still thought I'd miss the impact of seeing Mizuki unexpectedly.

I know it's temporary, but maybe it's a little nervous.

"That's good, this.... I'm starting to think it might not be too bad to look at the moon this way."


Cain's words made me laugh gladly, but I couldn't say anything to the next.

"But I still don't think there's a red moon or anything"


... Oh, yeah. Surely there is no red or anything.

I can't believe I'm bothering to look at you, it's just disgusting the other way around.

I can also lose my appetite.

I don't mind seeing the moon because it's this moon's color.

"Hmm, you just want some tea. Save it for one."


Satisfied with the taste of the dough, Mr. Derris tried to get up again, but I desperately put it together. Cain imitates that too.

I only have a bad feeling about keeping her.

"Hey... wait a minute! Mr. Derris!! That's not good tea, is it? Water! Water is fine."

"O... me too, water! I like the water!

Cain's complexion is bad when he comes together and blues.

Maybe I have a similar face.

Moonsight Dumplings and Mr. Delis' Tea?

What a collaboration.

I don't even want to think about what would happen if we ate together.

The dough is ruined because of it.

That's what I thought, but she seems to disagree.

"Really? Too bad. When you get used to drinking, that's what you can't wait to think of your habits."

"... you're lying, right?

Cain solidifies in amazement. I also looked out for him.

The boulder is the witch of medicine.

I'm slightly concerned about the word to get used to drinking, but when I get to that stage, it seems that Arre also acts as a regular tea. What a horrible story.

I categorically refuse to eat dumplings for you.

That's what she's saying, that's what I mean.

"... I'm sorry, but I don't want to drink enough to be a habit"

To me in the face, me and me, and Cain nodding over and over next door.

Mr. Derris laughed fun-filled when he saw how we panicked like that.

I'm glad she laughs.


... Let's hurry up with green tea development.

While reaffirming the manufacturing method in my head, I seriously thought so.