Outaishihi ni Nante Naritakunai!!

Prince of Grey Silver and Princess of Neighbourhood 1

She was an interesting woman...

Leave the nightclub venue and enter the carriage to the Duke's residence under his care.

I ordered the Duke of Pegegrini to use another carriage because he was restless when others were there. The only person by my side right now is Fabius, the escort knight.

"Your Highness."

As the carriage ran quietly, Fabius knelt beneath his feet and lowered his voice.

I closed my eyes and was delayed in my thoughts I slowly opened my eyes and stared at Fabius.

Engage with eyes that stare at me in fear.

Fabius slipped his gaze gently.

I should have known I was going to buy an upset. Still, I guess the fact that I spoke up went into some kind of sudden project.

So I finally thought about what I was ordering.

- Oh, that thing?

You figured something out.

The woman who deserves her righteous queen I've been searching for.

I was in such a good mood to find a woman who matched all my criteria for not being here.

Even if it still belongs to someone else.

"Yes. I got a call from a secret detective who left me alone. Confirm the existence of Reaper in Wilhelm Castle. Whether to make contact or not, because there were apostasy on the side, it was forbidden. The infidels are probably under His Majesty's life. You can't be a bad handler. One victim."

"... well, were you still in Wilhelm"

One of the orders my father had given me.

Contact and solicitation with reapers.

But naturally I didn't intend to do what my father said.

I was going to welcome you to my subordinate as soon as I found you, and that's what I came all the way to this Wilhelm for.

Honestly, it doesn't matter anymore - -.

I remember the woman who danced with me until earlier.

Think about it. That woman has changed since the day meeting.

A woman who says she is the fiancé of Prince Friedrich.

My first impression was that it was only a beautiful but just a woman.

I was honestly even disappointed to see if that totally indelible prince of kings chose a woman to this extent.

I had the consciousness to call from here, but I'm not even willing to bother to say hello.

Rather than that, I was more concerned about Prince Friedrich, whom I hadn't seen in a long time.

That's why I deliberately ignored the woman and tried to speak only to Prince Wang.

There may have been times when she wanted to try out what was going on with the ignored woman.

King Friedrich's prince has also rarely gotten on my story just because he'd rather be where he wants to be.

As far as I know, I was greatly surprised that that man, more calmly deposited than anyone else, spoke of a line that provoked him, but it didn't take him long to realize that it was because he didn't want the woman sitting next to him to turn his attention.

If you witness the woman over and over between stories, any idiot will know.

I see, this seems like a lot to get into. If you are so drowning, it could also be a trump card against this king prince.

With that in mind, I still had no further emotions.

It wasn't until a while ago that it collapsed.

Heavy tongue battle with Prince Friedrich.

It was rare for me to come aboard, and I really forgot about the woman.

But I remembered its existence when I saw King Friedrich's prince turned to his neighbor in a manner taken aback. I was following that gaze so I could stick with it.


Out of the question.

I didn't know for a moment what was going on with my own eyes.

I couldn't believe it.

What I saw in my eyes was the fiancée of Prince Wang, with a heartfelt happy grin and cheeks of sweets arranged with the crockery on his desk.

It didn't look like I was pushing it at all. That roaming grin shouldn't be something you can try to make.

No matter how you look at carrying confectionery into your mouth for fun, you just seem relaxed.


Until now, me and King Friedrich Prince had almost earnestly taken the word for themselves.

Both sides naturally realized that it would have been a hard atmosphere for a normal person to just be present.

Even so, this woman doesn't seem to care about it at all, and she sips tea by herself.

I wasn't talking about where the liver was sitting.

You would naturally have noticed that it was completely ignored by me, but there is no way that only people can do it, such as concentrate even on confectionery without any concern about it.

For the first time, I observed the woman properly.

If it's just the way she looks, she's a thin, purple-eyed woman with light brown hair.

The distinctive glamour that only the nobles possess is also properly wrapped around them.

You can say that your appearance passes well as you first saw it.

Indeed, according to the information, this woman should have been the only daughter of the lead Duke's family in Wilhelm.

So this woman is the undisputed best lady in the country.

There are no problems with both the pattern and appearance.

I was amazed by the gall power that kept me and King Friedrich Prince in front of me without flinching at all.

... Interesting, I felt that somewhere in me hurt.

Suddenly I was interested and deliberately shook up, I could see the face of Prince Wang, who seemed grumpy, which I would not always see, and I was amazed at that.

But what made me laugh more than that was the reaction of the woman I could finally see.

The moment I said I wanted to jump, only for a moment, but I did distort my face.

Apparently he doesn't quite like dancing with me.

I've never had a woman react like that in my life.

Fresh reactions sparked further interest.

According to Prince Friedrich, the woman is not interested in his face either.

I'm not interested in the face of that king prince who is flawlessly beautiful.

I thought she was a rare woman.

Speaking of which, I think.

A depressing, feverish gaze I usually feel.

I didn't remember taking any of that today.

I'll try and gaze at the woman. I'm not getting any reaction back.

It's the end of getting a frivolous face and being distracted from your gaze.

I thought you were just shy, but no.

You really don't seem interested in me.

I fully understood that my appearance was better than the crowd.

In fact, there is no way to count the things that were seen at first sight, and some of the women who were forced up as side queens suddenly changed their attitudes when they saw my face.

I've never really had a reaction like this that didn't matter, and I'm starting to feel more like fun.

Rare not to fall in love with me for my style, appearance and courage.

Well, what's coming next?

I want to know more about this amazing box-like woman.

But the scheduled time for the meeting is almost over.

You don't want your own fiancée to be interested, Prince Friedrich wants to kick me out as soon as possible.

Against the odds here, I can't wait to be absent from the night club.

I found a woman who looked interesting around the corner. I want to observe more.

I took my seat and decided to quit the place.

I didn't care. I was kind of looking forward to the night club just thinking I could dance with this woman.

That's how the night club started and I invited the woman to the dance hall as planned.

That man's face when he took the woman out. My eyes were eloquently telling me not to do anything extra.

Of course, I don't have an in-laws to follow.

I've been waiting for a chance to dance with this woman. I was going to make it fully enjoyable.

Waltz begins and steps begin to be taken.

I can't help but be surprised at the woman's dance technique until it's more stunning than I thought.

If this looks like it, you must still have a lot of other things to hide.

It's been a long time since my heart has danced to see what I can show you next.

The woman's eyes don't try to reflect me, they stay cold.

I can't wait to see why the look on your face just says you're just going to fulfill the duties you've been given.

I want to break this look.

That's what I thought, and I put a verbal complaint on my mouth about the play.

More exciting than I thought, more words than I thought.

Put the smile you made on it and smile at the woman.

It's been a long time since I've served a woman this far.

I heard the sighs of exclamation of the women from around me, but it didn't matter.

All I want to know is how this woman reacts in front of me.

In conclusion, the woman did not move enough to say the least.

I just told him not to be ridiculous. I snorted and pierced my indifference.

How funny...

No woman has ever ignored me so far.

At first I doubted the hobby of the Prince Friedrich woman, but this is not bad.

No, not bad, but maybe this woman will serve my righteous queen.

That makes this woman suddenly seem like a superb gem.

I need to know more about this woman...

I needed to see with this eye if she really deserved my righteous queen.

I don't know anything about a single waltz song.

I forcefully caught a woman trying to escape from under me, occasionally requesting one of my country's traditional music.

To be honest, I didn't think I could really dance.

Even when it comes to traditional music in our country, this is difficult during which only a limited number of people can dance in the country. Wouldn't it be better if one or two of my concubines could dance?

I wanted to get you in trouble.

I wanted to observe how you would react and how you would respond.

But the woman nodded and showed as before without showing her cowardice, in response to the question of whether she could dance.

I didn't expect that.

Then I thought I'd show it to you, and I started dancing silently.

I didn't even think I could follow you, but that prediction would be betrayed in a good way at an early stage.

Because the woman didn't change one expression, she danced brilliantly to show it.

The foot judgment ran out to a word of amazement.

Make a light decision about a number of difficult points as if nothing were going on.

I made him do it without a place or complexion that I didn't think would be possible here.

When I'm purely surprised, the woman laughs and shows me when she tells me not to.

Its challenging face seemed glistening and, if you noticed, it was strongly attracted.

A woman who says that even this difficulty is just one of her hobbies.

The laughter spilled unknowingly with that courage and confidence.

By the time I realized I was like that, I was already saying something inviting.

"Princess Lydiana, are you interested in Sahaja"


I was instantly answered, rather more fun.

I never dreamed that there would be a woman who refused this invitation from Prince Taru, king of Sahaja.

Spin one inviting complaint after another.

If I provoked King Friedrich Prince Hilariously along the way, he would have returned an interesting response.

When this woman gets involved, it's like someone else.

I know that's all you're in love with this woman, but I think he understands enough that it could be weak.

If it's love that you can't stop even if you know it, then I think love is a real pain in the ass.

But I'm not like that guy.

I don't get emotional. Calmly identifying everything is the key.

If I continue to rock the woman with words, I have forgotten and stared at her whether she was angry or respectful.

Of course I don't have the hair to blame.

Instead I stopped decorating, I even wanted to know what a vegan woman was like.

A woman refuses to give me a jewel, a dress, or even a country.

At the end of the day, I have clearly declared in my mouth that I hate it.

I hate...

To fresh words, I can't stop laughing for some reason.

Yeah, it's really funny.

You don't seem bored with this woman.

Getting this woman literally means turning that King Friedrich prince against the enemy.

I want to avoid turning that man against his enemies, even though the Queen deserves it.

So I was going to joke half the time, but I totally changed my mind when I got here.

I want to make this woman my own.

I realized that I started to really want to put it on my side.

Sufficient qualities. It will be possible to conceive as many children as you want from now on because you are still a teenager and young.

Now, when I was seriously worried about how to take him home if that's the case, the woman uttered a hell of a word.

"It's just unusual because it doesn't impress me. I know I'll get bored soon enough, so make it a woman other than me. Roughly eight men with side rooms have not been covered from the beginning. I refuse."