"Here... here?

Speaking of what I expected, my voice flipped to the way I expected it to unfold.

Fried nods affirmatively at me like that.

"Nobody's coming because they've paid for it, and the royal palace baths are huge, so you feel open, don't you? Sometimes these unusual plays are good."

"Hey... let's at least get you in bed"

I remember promising to do it later. So I don't mind being held.

But what about... in the bathroom?

"No. You don't like Liddy either, do you? Otherwise, Liddy would have been the first to refuse, wouldn't he?


I lost my word to a line that completely grasped this character.


I predicted that maybe this would happen. So if you really don't want to, you should have said no at that point. There's no better way to beat me than it is.

Fried laughs happily convinced of his own victory.

Damn, I just regret it a little bit.

"Hey, if you know what I mean, shut up already..."


Fried, who was talking at a distance between touching or not touching, packs the last step.

My lips touched me as I was embraced.

After being kissed just to gently touch him a few times, he licked his lips with his tongue.

I feel myself being sued silently for opening it, opening my mouth with a snack.

I got the feeling he was going to take everything to his hot tongue as soon as he broke in to screw it.

"Phew... ugh... ha"

The sound of mucous membranes intertwining with each other sounds nasty, echoing in the tub.

I couldn't help but put my hands around his neck when I was supposed to cuddle with Fried while holding onto the hot water.

Baths are brighter than indoors. I couldn't help but be strangely ashamed to think that my dementia was clearly in his eyes.

"Liddy...... I love you"


Fried's voice echoes over and over between kisses. Just hearing that voice made me feel like I had a fever in the back of my body.

My lips are blocked like this again.

My tongue plunged in and ravaged my mouth violently. They look behind their teeth and their voices leak.


Mindful of the reaction, he crawled one hand into his chest.

The other hand is stroking around the waist.

His big hand rubs his chest.

The tip of his chest was early because he had been scolded in the stripper earlier.

Totally out of strength, I honestly reacted to his fright as he did and delighted Fried very much.

His fingers gently touch the buds in his chest. Inspired by the buds that had already risen with excitement, he raised his voice as loudly as he could.


"Hmm? Feels good?

She stroked around softly to draw a circle when she did, and her hips were shaking if she noticed. Every time a fried hot meat stick touches the skin, the irritation causes the body to have heat again.

Fried, who noticed me like that, narrows his eyes and laughs.

The blue eyes like the sea were stained with deep passion. Heat-lit eyes staring straight at me. When I fell in love with him like that, I was sure to pinch the tip of my chest, and I felt very tearful.


My body trembles with joy at the strong stimulus I've been waiting for.

Fried looks like he's having fun. Now he crawls his tongue on the other chest.

When I was licked up snuggly, the numbness ran.

Hold his head, just intoxicated by the stimulus he is given.

The sound of my tongue crawling echoed in the bathroom.

Eventually Fried raised his face and slowly set up a deep kiss that tangled his tongue.

A hand that was stroking his hips and back around him conveyed his abdomen and finally headed towards his lower limbs.

The feet were wide open because they were snug in a way that was almost like a face-to-face seat.

His fingers touched there and his body moved tingly.

"Oh... Liddy's Naka, it's so hot"

Fried fingers back and forth around the entrance so as to tangle and remove honey.

I couldn't help but feel painful in the back of my body because I received a persistent caress on my chest for a long time.

He's right, I'm sure Naka is swinging.

It feels good to be touched, and I raise my voice as sweet as it was on my nose unconsciously. That sounded more like a strong contract.


"Hmm? Does that feel good? I've done so much already. Are you excited about Si in the bath?

While I hear that mean, the other arm draws me hard.

You know I'm vulnerable to verbal blame, and this man is doing it deliberately.

"That's it..."

"Hehe, Liddy gets excited when the place changes, doesn't she? It was the same when it was Liddy's room. Look, honey's overflowing again. This isn't hot water, is it?

As we explore, Fried's fingers have broken into one body.

It melts all over the place, and it makes it easy to just pinch my fingers.

His long middle finger moves to explore.

I was stimulated by a plump, swollen flower bud with another finger, and the back of my stomach was full.


I can't stop raising my voice. I found myself tightening his fingers hard.

"Pretty. I'd love to hear more. But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting around the water. Shall we finish this place early?"


Freed putting a second finger in Guchu and following my perceived point more accurately.

I get flirted with, I don't get the translation.

The feeling of hot water getting in occasionally adds up and makes me feel weird.

When I wanted him to kiss me and put his face close, he gave me a biting mouthful. I also feel like such a forceful act.

Even in the meantime, now three fingers were moving to push apart and spread inside. My insides are hitting sluts for something thicker and hotter that's completely untied.

Not enough Freed. I couldn't wait and I begged him.

"Hey...... hmmm...... FREED! Already... wish."

"Yeah, it's time to insert you"

No matter how many times you even get a nice place, you can't reach the best place with your fingers.

I wanted a stimulus in that place that wouldn't arrive unless it was his long thing, and I stared at him like I was forced to.

Is Fried's the limit, too, snorts hard into my gaze?

Those eyes complain that I want them.

My skin felt what I was looking for and my whole body got a little hot.

Fried pulls his finger out in a hurry and puts it on his honey mouth to explore what had become so hot and stiff. My heart rejoices in the feel of a hot meat stick.

I feel honey overflowing from the back of my body again to the expectation that it will finally be inserted.

I let my body float just a little so that Fried could easily be inserted.

I couldn't help but want it fast.

Somewhere here, everything like that was flying.

"Hey, get it quick.... inserted."

When I forced him to do it again, his hips were pushed a lot.

I trembled when my body blew at the feeling I wanted.

"... tight"

"Ha... ah, too much"

Is he excited too? Stiffer and fatter than usual. Hot it came in twitchy and I held my breath.

Fried keeps himself in a face-to-face position and quietly advances his hips.

Completely untied, my interior welcomes his hot meat stick with joy.

Whenever a thicker meat stick passed through my body, my body jumped with pleasure.

"Ah... ugh, I feel good"

I hugged his back, and when I whispered sweetly, he looked up with one hand and kissed me.

Even in the meantime, his movements towards the back will not stop. It seemed like a terribly sweet act, no matter how slowly I pushed it up.

"Ha... ahhh, Freed Eh"

As he took the time to insert into the back, Fried pressed his hips and slowly moved out.

He was poked in the back in a gentle motion and twisted his body in comfort.

Whenever my body shakes, I make noises in the bath. It was a strange feeling.

Lips together, hips pressed. Naturally my voice grew louder when I was rubbed where I felt groovy.

"A, hey!!

"This is where Liddy likes to be, right?"

Looks like Fried decided to focus on my weak spot, mainly because it's in the tub or not moving hard and rubbing the back instead.

I rub the same place over and over again and look at my reaction and I am gladly narrowing my eyes.

"When they rub this place, Liddy feels better."

"Ha... ahhh"

You're right, so I can't say anything.

With Freed in my arms I managed to overdo the pleasure. Still, the loose sweet stimulus continues and I raise my voice over and over again.

"Tight...... Liddy, too tight"

"Huh... Feeling... Yikes!

Fried sucked at the tip of his chest all the time and gently twisted there.

When I finally couldn't get over the top that came up each time and zeroed my words, Fried stood up with me in his arms and sat down on the edge of the tub.

When you hold me back to stabilize, your hips move more intensely.

"Liddy, Liddy!!

"Ah! Ah! Freed! Intense."

Every time he calls my name, I tighten his stuff up all the time.

I can't wait to feel good.

"Ahhh......!! Ah... no... yik!


At the sudden peak moment I was unconsciously tightening up even harder on Fried himself, who was in Naka all the time. He couldn't stand the sudden tightening, either, spitting his sperm straight into the back.

His fever spreads in the back.

"Hmmm...... ha"

The long ejaculation is over and the body is out of strength. I almost collapsed for a moment, but Fried supported me so I didn't have to expose myself to the ugliness.

"I couldn't stand it either because Liddy would react so cutely."

With the meat stick embedded in his body, Fried hugged me tight.

Drop a kiss all over your face and smile softly.

"If I suck any more here, I'll be around the water. Why don't we slow down in the room later?

Saying so, he lifted his right hand, basically squeaking his fingers properly.

I can hear a strange noise over my head called Bu 'un.

Looking at the ceiling holding onto Fried for something, a white magic formation appeared there.

The sorcerers are glowing lightly. That means it's active.

Shortly after asking if anything had happened, the scenery changed.


I open my eyes to a condition similar to Cain's instantaneous movement.

If I noticed, it was on his private room bed, which I'd already gotten used to seeing.

"Nah...... what?

I don't know why.

I panicked with my eyes black and white on my ass, and Fried waved hard this time.

The wet body dries in an instant.

Since then Fried has finally explained the situation to me, which solidifies in amazement.

"It's an application of returning magic. As Liddy knows, I have a lot of magic to waste. I don't usually use it, but I make some of my own return points in the castle for when something happens. Now he just flew in using the points he had made in his room."

Is this the first time you've seen returning magic? I snort silently at Fried asking.

Of course I knew about returning magic, but this is actually the first time I've ever experienced it.

The fact that you brought me flying should mean that the amount of magic is simply twice as much.

I guess Fried, who still doesn't show up at all like that, is really highly magical.

Or even I know how much magic and magic I don't know.

Surely there wasn't only one place to set the return point for the return magic.

Though that should have been one of the reasons they say it's not user-friendly.

... I knew Fried was cheesy. Too many things out of standard.

"Will, the head magician, should also be good at returning magic. You've never seen me use it?

To Fried's natural doubts, he shook his head.

"Because Will hardly uses magic in front of me. I don't think you can use it. You care about me."

I don't need that kind of attention at all.

But even though they didn't say it to me face to face, there's no way I could say, "You don't have to worry". This is only my discretionary prediction.

Seriously, Fried has asked as he was convinced.

"Yeah. Liddy doesn't like witchcraft?

"Yeah, that's not true. As I said before, I want to use it if I can. I have trouble knowing what to do the other way around being weirdly concerned."


So you didn't hate flying in like this, did you? I nodded honestly because they asked me.

Sure, I was surprised, but that's all. Rather, it made me have an interesting experience.

It feels different from Cain's instantaneous travel.

Freed relaxes his mouth to me when he agrees with me. And you've been staring at me.

"Well, Liddy, I just figured out what happened, and it's time to go on just now"

"Huh?... hih... ahhh!

"Kusu...... cute voice"

It was declared a continuation, and the moment I wondered what it was about, it rocked my body. So I finally remembered.

It flew right after I fucked him in the bathroom.

That means. Still, me and Fried stayed connected.

"Hey... wait... ahhh"

"I won't wait. I let it out just now. Let's have a long time next time, huh?


Shortly after he resists, he is pushed down by the bed.

When they get rhythmically in and out of what remained inserted, all they can do is scold. If they focused on the weak, there was nothing better than quietly turning his hand around his neck.

Fried comes up with a thick kiss.

As soon as my lips were blocked and my legs held in, my thoughts melted sweetly.

The fact that it was easily flushed meant that I didn't like it either.

That's how for a few hours.

The livestock specification sex of no break and no insertion was extended until his monstrous lust subsided to some extent.