Have heat as if the meat stick embedded in me affirms his words.

Slowly shaking his hips, Fried licks his neck muscles as he slips. The tip of his pointed chest was included in his mouth, and he made a strong contracting voice.


"Pretty. Smoke here and you'll tighten up with Liddy."

Fried sucks up the tip of his chest many times with exquisite strength as he says.

Each time I tightened his males cuddly that I accepted into myself.

Heat builds up in the back of my body and it's hard to help.

"Feel good. Freed... Freed... I like it..."

Whimpering like he was floating in a fever, Fried said happily.

"Yeah, I love you too. Look, I'll make you feel better, so listen to me with a sweet voice? I want you to say you want me."


At the deepest end of the spectrum, the meat stick can be hit with a knack. I was grittily pressed against the meat stick in the most pleasant place, and I whispered as I cling to Fried.

"Ahem... Ahem, the back, hit the back..."

"Hehe... Lots of love liquid came out of Liddy's again. It sounds so nasty."

As Fried said, there's a noise coming from Gupupupu and the two connected places. The sound of Fried's running liquid mixed with my honey can't wait to rip it off.

But it feels better than that, and shame flies right away.

"Huh... Huh"

"It feels good, Liddy."

"Ugh... ugh"

That kind of Fried's voice was also sweeping hot.

When I think Fried is feeling it too, my body gets hot to respond as well.

But this feeling is nothing like the intense pleasure of wanting to let go of your usual reason. Anyway, it's sweet and it's as comfortable as I'd like to taste forever.

Its sweetness twitches and spreads all over its body.

I couldn't stand it and raised my voice that I liked it more than once while clinging to Freed.

"Freed...... like...... like. Feel good..."

"Yeah. In Liddy, he's freaking out and he's so hot. Ha... it feels good"

"Ahem... Fried..."

"I love you."

Freed pressing his hips slowly and repeatedly. Slow movement brings exquisite pleasure.

It's also hard for my head to clamp and breathe.

Though not as intense as it seemed to reach, that's why the shaking that could last forever seemed like torture in a way. It feels good, but I can't give it any more, and it's getting scarce.

"Fried...... please, make it stronger"

Fried stops moving and asks me in a swinging voice when I impatiently beg him.

"Hmm? Don't you like this?

"I don't hate it... it feels good, but I want you to be strong as usual"

"Oh... well, Liddy's not good enough?

Freed laughing as I thought. Glad to peek into my face.

I got kind of asexually embarrassed, and I couldn't take Fried's gaze and strayed.

"... Ugh"

"You want to come? You want me to feel better?


Nodding silently, Fried dropped his lips on my forehead.

"Hehe, fine. If Liddy wants you to be strong, I will."


Fried, who was stopping the movement, suddenly pressed the meat stick hard against the back of his vagina. Surprised by the sudden stimulus, my voice goes up.

"Ah...! Hiya. Do it... suddenly... ahhh"

Thoughts quickly erode into pleasure into powerful abstractions that have changed since hitting earlier.


"I was going to have you hang out for a long time today, so I can't believe you insisted on me from Liddy, even though I suppressed you from flying too far from the start.... Glad. I'm so happy for you. Hey? That's all Liddy wanted about me, right?

"Huh... Huh..."

I'm flirting with too intense a move, and I can't even respond to you in a busy manner.

Totally unlike earlier when I was drifting in a sea of sweet honey, I was pushed away by the mainstream of pleasure and I could only groan.

But it feels good.

Whenever I can poke up the back of my vagina with strong force, I realize I'm being held by Freed.

I can't wait to see that.

"Freed...... hiccup, ah, I like it. More... do?

"Fine. I'll do more for you. But Liddy, it's a little too tight..."

My feelings seemed beautifully conveyed to my body. Freed skewed his face spicidly about whether he would unconsciously tighten the meat stick.

Fried has zeroed his hot breath and sweat is seeping through his forehead. The look on my face I couldn't afford, I couldn't wait to love it.


Reach out and gently wipe the sweat off your forehead. I grinned as I took Fried's meat stick in the back of my body.

"Love it...... shah"

The moment I spun the words, the abstraction became faster and stronger.

I can't think of anything at the earliest and I'm desperate to stick to Freed.

"Ahhh... ahhh..."

"Liddy, Liddy... I like you... I love you..."

Wearing the place you feel more than once, you go up and up in search of a place where the pleasure that had accumulated in the back of your stomach spits out.

In conjunction with the sensation that was likely to be reached, I found that the meatballs were complicated and the Fried meatbars were tightened up even harder.

As Fried skews his face, he asks.

"You want to come?


I can't even afford to respond. Just slightly fluttering his neck vertically, Fried put his lips close to my ear and asked me out.

"Fine.... So, let's do this together?


I was whispered with a crisp bass and my body trembled.

The meat bars are pushed into the back of the body with momentum. Docs and fine spit out of the hot, swollen meat bars.

Take a warm splash in a deep part of your body, and I'll reach it again at the same time.

All thoughts scattered at that moment.

"Ha... eh"

Your body cramps freaking out and your strength falls out of your whole body.

The clouds were still releasing inside, but what a comfort it was, I closed my eyes and was intoxicated by the feeling.

Doing so, it's like telling me to open my eyes and kisses are dropped all over my face.

"... ugh... Fried"

Tickling and opening his eyes, a turquoise with heat was staring at me.

"Liddy, you know what? That's not the end of it, is it? Instead, this is the real deal. Because today's Liddy is my reward."

"Mm-hmm. I know. Fine."

Nodding at Fried's words. Even I hate it when this ends.

My body, loved like every day by Fried and completely replaced, is not at all satisfied as once held in horror.

So I drew Fried and told him in my ear, just like Fried earlier.

"Freed, I like. So more... can we? Full of them?

"... say things that stir me up like that again. I'm glad, but you don't know if you regret it, do you? I'm not going to stop today."


When you mouth it slowly, the expression turns into a feverish one as you look at it. I checked that and closed my eyes. As soon as possible, the abstraction resumes with stormy intensity.

"Liddy, my Liddy. Again, I swear, to no one... because I will never give it to anyone. I won't let someone take it from me again. I'll protect Liddy."

I'm more than happy with the powerful words.

I hugged Fried's back and nodded.

"Yeah. Don't give it to me. Because I want to be with Fried."

Freed is the only one who wants to transmit each other's heat in this way. Because he's the other guy, I want to forgive him all, and I want him to be a child.

Because I'm your fiancée, it's not because that's your duty or anything.

The reason is so simple. Because I love Fried, that's why I want to.


"Hi-chan... Fried..."

A meat stick ravages the honey road severely. When you can hit your hips hard, you just reached it, but once again the top twitches and crawls up. It feels so good that when I can poke it up, I'm going to cry.

"Hin... Hin..."

Even wheezing at the pleasure given, it caused the body to become in such a way as to cuddle with Fried. Nature and lips. I swayed my body with a sweet, deep kiss.

"Liddy... my connection... my righteous queen. I love you."

"Yeah...... me too"

In response to Fried's words of love, I thought.

If it feels like Fried right now, I'm sure he'll have a good chance tomorrow that his hips will be heavy, sloppy, or sleepy -.

But at the same time, I think. I don't mind that. Because that's how much Fried loved me.

- So now I just wanted to take all the enthusiasm he would give me.