The next day I was busy running around in the morning. Visit Reid first and ask if there is a place I can source it because I want an iron plate.

"An iron plate? I mean, you want to make something?

"Yeah. I need you to process the iron plate."

When I heard my explanation, it was the blacksmith in the king's capital who told me that Reid was tilting his neck as well.

"There, they'll make something like what Liddy says. I know him, so I'll go with him."

Apparently, he's interested in what I'm going to start.

You're welcome to help, so I'm going with Reid to the blacksmith. The escort is, as usual, Cain and Edward, her escort knight.

Fried wanted to come with me, but he had a meeting he couldn't take off, so he left me to Reid and headed that way.

Apparently, today, we're going to talk about importing coffee.

I also drank the fried coffee I bought for my souvenir, but I was surprised that it was easy for him to drink it too. He said he would use this as an opportunity to increase the variety and rethink the volume of imports.

Until now, there's not much demand, and a lot of it hasn't been imported. However, knowing that coffee has the same and varied flavors as tea will increase demand even in Wilhelm explosively.

Sounds like an adjustment about that.

In Irvern, Fried's offer was a boat to cross, as he was just hoping to export more coffee, a specialty. We seem to be considering each other positively.

If delicious coffee can also be drunk in Wilhelm, the range of beverage choices will be widened. I think it's a very good thing.

That's why I went out without a frid, but that ended with no particular problem.

The blacksmith I was introduced to was also a very good person, and he responded comfortably to my unexplained orders. The shape of the octopus baker is very distinctive, and I was just the worst prepared to be told that I didn't like making things that I didn't know what to use for, so I was thankful to be able to get the item exactly as ordered.

"Are you sure that was a good idea? It's been... weird."


I ordered three of the same boards and arranged for them to be delivered to the royal palace later before leaving the blacksmith.

And then, Reid says, he thinks what he needs.

"I don't know what you're doing, but it's the boat you boarded. Let's hang out till the end. Let me know if you still have something else. I'll arrange it."

"Is it good?

That's what I said. As for the blacksmith, there was nothing I could do about it, so I thought I'd let him rely on it, but I was going to manage to prepare some of the ingredients for the octopus grill myself. There was a prospect that if we went around the outhouse, we'd get together quite a bit.

"Good. It's just one deal. I'll help you with what you're trying to do. So put me in that plan, too."

"That's good..."

"That's settled."

What I'm trying to do is have an octopus party on the beach. It would be very helpful to help, but is it really good to take the Princess of Irvern?

Explain the thrust. Reid's eyes sparkled when he told everyone he was thinking of eating a dish of octopus.

"Wow! You cook that demon! Make sure you join me on that plot!

It seemed useless to worry about the princess.

I wondered if Reid would mind, I stopped thinking any deeper and went around the dewstore with her. Buy the ingredients you need and have Cain or Edward hold them.

For a moment I thought about letting the escorts have their stuff, but it was an amount we couldn't hold alone, and, well, we had no choice. Wouldn't he who stands be allowed to use it even by his parents?

Let me take full advantage of it.

Thus, on my way home with a ton of baggage, on my way to the royal palace, I spoke out to Reid, who walks next door in the same way.

"Hey, Reid."


"It's late, but thanks for the book. Yesterday, I let you read it. It was so funny and I read it in no time. You know, there's no continuation of that?

"Oh, have you read it already? Thanks."

Now that I know what I'm talking about, Reid makes me smile.

Yes, a book she gave me last night, that she wrote.

I made time yesterday to read it.

Her written story is a romantic novel for men and women, as I had heard. It was a fun story with some mystery elements added to the sweet development. I just want to read more because it was a top and bottom roll.

It was over where I was concerned, so I would like to buy it if it is on sale.

But Reid looked down sorry.

"Continue...... bad. I'm writing right now, and I haven't even set a release date yet."


That's too bad.

But if you ask me what I'm writing right now, it means I'll be able to read it soon. Speaking of waiting for the launch, Reid looked like he was in trouble.


"No... and I think we're almost there. I told you before. Now I am a ramp and have stopped writing for the past year or so"

"Not for a year...?

"Until then, I enjoyed my creative activities every day. Now, it's hard to write a few letters. I have something I want to write, but I can't. How many times have you broken the cuts? Still, creativity is like my hobby. If you don't want to stop it, you're scratching your feet."

"Oh well..."

I just nodded that I couldn't comfort myself badly.

The situation where you can't do what you love for a year is hard, even if you just imagine. If I were you, for example, I wouldn't be able to sew or cook hobbies.

I think it's unimaginably spicy.

"Something, I'm sorry. Feel free to read more."

"No, I'm glad you said you wanted to read more. It helps to think you're waiting for me, and if you don't like it, I won't give you a book from the beginning. I just wonder if it'll be awhile now. I'm glad you're waiting for the temper."

"Of course."

If you want me to read more someday, let's wait a long time. That's how I nod.

Return to the royal palace's own room and arrange the ingredients on the table. I used the knife and slab I bought when I bought it out, cut the leeks, etc., and was ready.

"See you tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you. Thanks for today."

I thanked Reid for helping me to the end and dropped her off. I silently watch her knight follow, and somehow, I remember Ilya.

You know, watching a knight like a wanker reminded me of Cat Ear Ilya for some reason.

"... I think I'll invite Ilya too"

Tomorrow, an octopus party on the beach.

I may not be able to, but I would be free to invite you. I sent a letter to Ilya in a hurry to see if I could see her now, thinking maybe she could snort and give it a try.

Time is already evening. I thought he would say no, but Ilya responded with pleasure.

It meant you could come to her room, so I hurry up to her room.

There was only Ilya in the room, waiting for me.

"Ilya! I'm sorry all of a sudden"

"Yeah. 'Cause I missed Liddy too... we were talking about a rush requirement"

"Yeah. That's it."

I briefly told him about tomorrow's octopus party.

When she said that her sister-in-law was coming too, Ilya looked surprised, but immediately lay her eyes down sorry.

"I'm sorry, Liddy. I... don't like places with too many people... I'm so glad you invited me, but I guess..."

To the answer as I thought, I shook her hand and said:

"Never mind. Because I, too, maybe, felt about it. Oh, and good news. Reid... it wasn't, Princess Ophilia said she wanted to get along with Ilya."


Pa and Ilya face up. The face looked unexpected.

"With me? Friendly?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's what he said."

When I told her with a smile, Ilya now leaned down in the light.


"Ugh, happy. Because I didn't think you had favorable feelings."

Apparently, he was pretty happy. Ilya's voice was playing and I could tell she was really happy.

"So I was hoping you could come with me, but it's hard for Ilya. Tomorrow, we'll go as planned."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's not like Ilya's bad."

Ilya started talking to me normally, but I'm pretty sure it's a personality friction and backwards or a pull-in idea.

I don't think she can suddenly think about a takoyaki party on the beach or anything like that normally. It was me who made the unscrupulous invitation. I hope you don't mind.

I've asked you if you've regained your mind, and Ilya is not afraid and not afraid.

"By the way... how is Brother Levitt?

"Levitt? Yeah, I'm fine."

Levitt that he knew Ilya. I haven't talked to him personally since, but I know he encourages the escort business fine every day.

"I'm sorry. He's too busy to let me see Ilya."

"Yeah. Um... I think maybe it's better not to see him, because his Highness doesn't look very good when I talk to a guy. I just wanted to ask you how you're doing. Thanks."

"He said he doesn't look good... I knew he was a jerk?

When she heard that, Ilya shook her head vertically.


"... right"

I was convinced of the answer as expected.

So does Freed, but anyway, they basically tend to be all the more reluctant to meet two men other than themselves. I'm not talking about us having an affair or anything. I'm just saying I don't like them. In that case, I think Fried and Prince Hendrick are very similar.

That's my friend. I guess he fits because he's similar.

I felt deeply sympathetic to Ilya, knowing that with me.

"I know. You're basically narrow minded. Fried's with me. I don't know how you feel, but I want you to take a big look at these special occasions."

"Your Highness tells me you know I'm not an attractive bitch to the Beast Man, but you still don't like it. There's no such thing as a lord other than Your Highness."

I can see you're serious.

Nevertheless, there's no point in saying "that's not true" to her. As a matter of fact, her companions disconnected her as a 'female' because she was unattractive and consequently decided to respond to Prince Hendrick's proposal to marry her.

Thanks to this, Ilya is happy now, but until then she feels complicated that she can't even let go and rejoice.

"... uh, anyway! If Ilya wants to talk to Levitt, you can be present, or whatever, because I can give him a message. You don't have to meet him in person. Letters, you see, there's a lot of other ways. I often ask Levitt to escort me, so it's easy to make contact. So rely on me when you have to."

As I said to Fried, if Prince Hendrick is jealous, I have no choice but to find a way to attend or not meet him in person.

Levitt is one of the escorts I brought in, and Fried won't say anything if I talk to him somewhat. I know what's going on.

In that sense, I thought Fried was more rational than Prince Hendrick, but no, first of all, he remembered that he was still jealous of his brother, and concluded that he was whimsical.

"Thank you, Liddy"

Ilya thanked me with tears, but when I had husbands who were too jealous of each other, I seriously thought it would be hard.