Pacific Rim Godzilla beats monsters violently

Huan Chao Costla violence monster Chapter 60

Section 84 083. Big sister, add iron! (2)

083. Big sister, add more iron! (2)

I saw that a gimmick drops from the sky, it is like a pendant posture in Taishan, and it is smashed in the brain shell!

The short fifty-meter behemoth, with the air flying landing offensive, make up for the height gap and strength gap between themselves and poisonous lizards.

After the vulnerable trees accelerate after this string, even if a watermelon is comparable to a bullet, let alone a dozens of meters long sharpened big tree?

After listening to a scary crash, the poisonous head was smashed in the ground, and the big tree is directly poked directly on the neck of the latter.

The poisonous lizard has not reacted between a moment. Under the premise of preparation, the body suddenly crushed by the giant force, directly to the ground.

That thick head is also an intimate contact in an instant and the ground, issuing a weird sound.

Under such a brute force, the stick is directly poked the external protection of the poisonous lizard, stabbed.

But it didn't completely run through, just a pointer.

The king of the monster is the body defense, it is not vegetarian.

But this heavy hit is enough to let her eat enough lessons.

Hey, the head is chaos, I want some joints that are slightly fragile, and there should be a lot of broken.

However, these do not play a decisive role.

The poisonous lizard gradually recovered, and the head of the head opened the trees, and he opened the giant pressure of the King Kong at a little bit.

Just just fifty meters, still in the wild king of the body, it is only a king that has not been able to grow up.

Perhaps the future he can compete in the king, but it still needs development.

The venom lizard gradually recovered from the previous gravity, and the four giant claws in the nest were also stood straight.

She stands straight, reach out of the purple blue tongue, and looks at the short huge beast in front of you, and I sent an annoyed roar!

Countless blue blood and purple venom were sprayed with her, covering the fact that she had injured.

This is also her most annoyed.

As a king who can order ordinary monsters, call the monster to make a large-scale intrusion, actually give a sneak attack by such a short guy in an accident.

Especially the latter is also sneaked!

The venom lizard is a hundred meters long, and the height is also 78. meters, while the little guy in front of him is only about 50 meters.

Even if you are there, she is more than the other party!

But so disadvantage, eventually wounded by the other party?


Do you have this!

When she stopped roaring, she found that the short guy had already roaring blue blood and venom, and several arm swinging, and then climbed a building next to it.

It has been far away from her!

Can you run B?

Does the poisonous lizard open a big mouth, no matter what to spit is a poisonous blood, it is poisonous, and it is aimed at each other.

King Kong back and forth from nearby buildings, just like still living in the mountains of Chongshan.

In the end, he came to a tower, looked at the tower of the tower, the King Kong eyes, quickly put the tower into his own new gift.

Big sister, eat more vegetables!

Oh is not right, you should say how to make iron!

The King Kong is between several buildings, and he is relying on his flexible pace to jump.

Subsequently, he slammed out from the back of the high-rise building. He took his new weapon to the back leg of the poisonous lizard!

Lack of , look at your sound weakness, it is fixed, it is necessary to come to the two iron frames!

The King Kong roared, his hands were hard, and the tower was deformed, and finally poked in, and then pamped the poisonous lizard.

But it is clear that the little guy who has never drooped, dealing with the general monster, and the king of the monster of the poisonous lizard, there is a bit of strong people.

The venom lizard did not care about the new wounds on his body, and directly biting Jin Jiguo!

If it is not a King Kong, I will retreat again, and it is definitely explained.


"After it, this new Titan beast is not a poisonous lizard's opponent!"

The driver of the dawn knight Jon is saddened.

When the King Kong fell from the sky, Joen once thought that the latter was the savior.

Then I found that the savior has not grown up, but also needs to play a period of time.

But the threat of poisonous lizards is already imminent.

But it is not a good news.

At least the poisonous lizard has been blocked by Kimang, stopping here.

"Those people should leave a lot?"

Jon's consciousness looked at the direction of the city center, and then got to vomit blood.

It is still a crowded look as always.

Jon even saw some brain damage not afraid of death, and the scene was shot on the spot!

Simply - I don't know how to live.

Joe biting the teeth, and finally there was no choice but to loose.

And the distance, King Kong has gradually been able to go.

There were still many high-rise buildings for him to avoid and climb jumping.

However, when the poisonous lizard is extremely angry, the top floor is not such a discount!

I have no bunker protection, and I have gradually started to be a hard time.

But he still did not give up, with his flexible body, and took a few wire cords and pamped a few.

And what he made is not in vain.

Because he also insisted on the arrival of the aid!

When the distance, the distant, the distant poison lizard, when the latter flew over, the King Kong is obviously revealed.

He also wants to have this force!

Unfortunately, he has not yet grown yet, and he will not consider these things.

Then he slowly retired, gradually withdrawn from the battlefield center, and handed the poisonous lizard to some people who could deal with it!

In the distance, the beast king will gradually come over the pace of the six-pro, it is gradually coming.

He was calm and calm and did not put the poisonous lizard in the eyes.

Only a slightly poisonous lizard, look at the short-term king, how much weird eyes are very weird.

Looking at the latter, Cosla couldn't help but remember a few very old photos. I can't wait to accompany the three bowls of rice with green vegetables.

Subsequently, he took these less than a patient who copened the brain, turned to the poisonous lizard.

Although I didn't put the latter in my eyes, I also paid attention to it in the strategy.


PS: I can't do any six today, I will stew me.

Section 85 084. Watching the total violent beast! (3)

084. Keep a small monster! (3)

Joen's mouth is really open.

I can't think of it, Liu Qinghua is another village!

"The king of Titan! Costla!"

Joen driving the Dawn Knight, holding his hands and high-spirited military ceremony, directly using the external root tone and shouting, to express his hiking mood!

And in the distance, those who have not left, but doing the dead death, they see their hero drivers, they are also unfair, they are like learning!

Costla! "

The number of foreigners is so few, and at least this kind of death, the general, is unpredictable.

After hearing this bursm, I am annoyed to the extremely poisonous lizard. If you don't say it, you turn your head and spit a poison.

This old sputum is thick and thick, directly on the ground, splashing out of many poisons splashing to the people.

What is terrible to have a venom of the monster, I don't have to say more. After this poisol spits out, I am a ghost crying on the spot.

Seeing, the venom lizard is comfortable.

Then she was waiting, turning his eyes to the beast Cossra.

The latter stepped back step by step, it seems to be a very common pace, but the poisonous lizard is tensione to the extreme.

She has a strange voice, and her eyes have always stared in Cossra, and it is judge what the latter wants to do.

If there is no beast king, then she should have a bunch of the younger brother now, have embarked on the land of Sakura.

That is what she is the most started.

However, after the beast king appeared, the monster cleaning around the Sakura Sea will become a lighthouse from Sakura.

Compared with an island country, the difficulty in invading a continent has risen more than one step.

Even if there is no Cossra, you will be blended, and this land also has a Titan behemoth such as Bechi Mas.

In short, it is not easy to deal with.

Emain the land, gradually expand the range of intrusion, is to be a little bit.

Their ritual swallowed went to it was not to be done directly.


The venison lizard did not sit, let the Coslan stepped step by step to give her a pressure, but the first to scream, a poison sprayed out!

This is a dead venom.

But the huge tail of the beast king is gently smashed, and it directly smashed it in the half-air, and the splashing venom is even more effect.

"The gift is still, since you can't wait, then I can't let you be so lonely!"

The Costra Zhangkou is a variant atom to spit out.

This genuine certified atomic toast has changed, increasing the particle reaction and a little penetration, and has been preliminary with the charged particles.

Gossra did not expect that the maximum change in the first-level charged particles, the biggest change turned out to be instant.

Perhaps because of the charging of the charge, it is not very obvious.

When the instant is turned, it has changed a sufficiently significant difference in the absence of gold fingers.

Turnover power is significantly enhanced, the launch speed is significantly accelerated, the kinetic energy running is greatly strengthened!

Many seemingly unambiguous enhancements have been added, and the power of instant moment is greatly improved!

This cannon go directly, just a big pit in the poison lizard, once again fried.

It can be imagined, if it is tens of tens of points in the tipping particle skill, maybe the filling of the gun is really not a dream!

I saw a viral lizard. Seeing that the latter did not have any retaining over the ground.

So the beast king took this opportunity, and the poisonous lizard was just yelled in Jin: