Pacific Rim Godzilla beats monsters violently

Huan Pacific Costla Venean Monster Chapter 193

Simply bombarded the power of the building, all the power savings in the reinforced cement entangled objects, such a case is the first time.

Also said that when you feel the enemy, you will not be obvious. Now the situation turns, turns into a child abuse, which feels relieved.

Just witnessing the unusually sturdy buildings in front of you, and the extremely high temperature slow burning is melted under the sundial light.

This kind of hot landscape is undoubtedly a tidist.

As the handle of the Costla Space Mode, the power of the sundial light is not the most powerful, but it is the most controllable.

This is inspired by the Yongjian stars, and finally the light of its own strength, maybe the monomer killing is not much, but the wavefront in a wide range of killing area is sufficient to be the most wide.


Costla finally removed the red lotus model using Honglian nuclear explosion, there are other full map of maps!

And if the energy input is enough, then the destructive power of the sundial light, improve the extent of the red lotus nucleus - should still be too powerful, not to say that it is also the red, which is the red-bombing. Lotus explosion, power is more powerful.

At the moment, Costra is obviously not able to do this.

And killed chickens?

It has other benefits than the red lotus explosion compared to the uncontrollable degree.

The sundial light is even if it is put more energy to increase the power, but it is still within the control of Coslans.

Unlike Honglian nuclear explosions, it is possible to cause accidental injuries.

The reason why it will be melted in the eyes, saying that the building is still a building of Guo Hit, seems to be strong and sturdy from the outside.

However, in the case of the attack in Costla, how strong defensive power is, and there is no difference with the mud.

The sundial light is full of freight, just like a star appears in front of the body, and there is no obstruction block.

Such a hot high temperature is enough to let all live or objects that can't live, all melted into the synthesis, turned into you, I have your ending.

Gossra flew over the front of the Guo Hit, and looked at the horrific shape on the ground.

There is no steel iron plate building in this time, some are just a big burnt steel pestle on the ground.

The entire steel base is blended by extreme high temperature.


Costla is a dramatic iron, and there is no extra traces to leave after any extra traces.

No alarm, no scream, no mourning.

If it is not a far-reaching Guo Bite, even he will suspect that the front edge base is completely mechanized.

However, it is more reference value than this, but also a gold finger's experience tank.

After a massacre, the experience trough of the Costra's cash finger, slightly rose slightly.

Almost one percent, may not be, but it must be rising ...

This is already able to explain a lot of things.

At least, Costla decided to come to the world's main purpose, it should be achieved.

As for how it is reached, it is a monster, or ...

Then I don't say it.

It turned around around and did not find other Guo Hituts, and Costra turned away, not staying.

It is obviously a world that has been invaded.

In addition to this frontier base belonging to Guo Hit, Costla came from the way to the existence of any buildings.

This is a already withered world.

It is definitely not a big camp of Guo Hit.

In recent time, the Guo Hit is in full, and there may be only the team volunteers that only the earth dispatched.

But Costra has not found the traces of any volunteers.

Very big probability, they have been fierce, just like the supreme Muro on the same day.

The Supreme Moto is still strong for resistance, which has become the slate model.

And the group of volunteers ... is still with the scientific research people of Zou Zou, Meng Ejiao.

There is no subsequent intelligence to pass back the earth, in fact, there is a lot of cases.

Lao Luo and other base commandments have now expected.

It's just that they still be silent. Before I completely determine this dust, they will always be silent, just give everyone a chance to survive.

Even only only in the expectedness.

Costla still keeps space model in speed, and does not consume the consumption of the Benira gold line.

The MCL is already following it for a long time, and some can't keep up.

One fly is a large half of the planet surface, which can't help.

Mosla flight relying on wings, Costra is controlled to gravity, simply hanging.

For a long time, the wings are like human calls, and it is very happy in a short period of time. If you can't stand it for a long time.

At this point, the Queen's adults have already squatted on the Gossra dorsal fins, and they don't let go with your hard work as a support.

At the same time, she also has a reward of some scales as a bonus of Coslament, and high-altom moth.

I used to sit on the back of the big fertilizer. I watched the sea and land view all the way.

Now I have a high empty view, it is quite new and happy.

On the other hand, Costra is a surprised discovery that his physical consumption has fallen significantly after a scaly in the MCL.

This is not the most important, the most important thing is that the scales of the magic husband make his shoulders on the consumption of the Lord Lajin line, and it has slowed a lot.

It is a mission!


"Some are not right."

The frontier base of the earth is so relating to the frontier base, which is so lax, and more distant few bases don't say.

Until the Frontier Base has not passed the message in routine public exchange time, the high level of this base is not all right.

Although everyone is the situation of the high emperor, it is usually a lax and fish.

It can be described as a model of work with salary, and you can't wait to eat in the toilet.

However, the message report of routine matters is impossible.

Because this thing is related to attendance, it is related to the value of pay, and it is related ... the last money money.

No one will go with little money, and the opposite world is the same.


Push: "I built a new city in the original God."

"I built a new city in the original". "

"Miss Qing, do you think that the strongest city of Taxat is the city?"

Starfish: "Yulong City."

"Miss Qing, which is the strongest city in the military force in Twovite?"

Sunny: "Yulong City."

"Mr. Zhongmin," Mr. Zhongzi, can you think that the most threatening city of Tifwat is? "

Mon: "Yulong City."

"So, as the city owner of Yulong City, what do you think about this?"

Yi Pingzhi: "I ... I said that I just want to build a small village."

Starfish: "Is there a navy in your village?"

Qing: "Your village directly gives Amstrians to the Armstrong Cannon?"

Mon: "The slogan of your village is dignity only on Jianfeng, the truth is only within the cannon range?"

Yi Pingzhi (the red face): "Sprinkle! This is a naked poor!"

The fourth day of disaster: "The city owner, I think, we are time to dominate the mainland."

Section 263 016. It turned out that

Calling is not connected, and the message is not returned.

Located on the forefront of the base, the attitude of dealing with the front line base is this.

Changed to other bases, there may be no such a large reaction.

But the two sides are so close, and if the latter really has something, then it is possible to implicate it to this base ...

"What should I don't have? The front line battlefield is so smooth, can there be anything?"

The high level of the second line base is still unprotten, and it feels that things should not be so serious.

After all, how many big winds in Guo Hit have experienced it, and the world invaded is a major.

There have been many small problems, but it has been handled clean.


No matter how unrealistic these ideas, there is a fact that the fact that happened in front of him cannot be ignored.

That is, the front line base has been reported on time for performance, and the information is sent back to the information.

How can I make a mistake today?

One two may have problems, and the head is not normal.

But it doesn't want everyone to make a small money?

"Some time ago, the front line report reported that it was in the already occupied resource downtown, discovered the exploration squad of indigenous dispatched ... The latest discovery of this resource downtown, the indigenous, courage, and past those who are obviously bigger than A lot! "

"But that only the exploration team was discovered, it was dead, it seems to be inner? Finally, only find a good luck of indigenous alive, then this good luck guy is brought back to the company ..."

The Guo Hibite of this administrative thing will gradually become subtle after a few things happened.

Indigenous dispatched the exploration team, and the courage is super big ...

The forefront of the base is not absented from the report, but there is no more than the audience in today.

These two things, if they are placed together, maybe there is any connection that can be done.

Just let this Guo Hit are not solving.

Even those indigenous dare to resist, can they really do not cause any threat to the front line base?

Even the worst possibilities can be considering the worst possibilities, the district indigenous can threaten the front line base, then the frontline base is difficult to be a fool, do not know what to ask?

"So, what is this?"

"It is difficult to make the power of the indigenous, have a moment of destroying the front line base, so that the time does a big base continue to react?"

"This is really funny!"

The Ao Hibite of this administrative thing thought of this possibility, and he kept laughing.

No matter who is, it is impossible to believe this possibility.

Even if the front line base is powered off, all spare power supplies, the machine equipment is damaged, which can not use the instrument, which leads to no way to transmit messages.

This possibility is higher than that of the frontline base!

Just thinking about these funny things, this administrative Guo Hiter suddenly feels some slight fever around.