Pacific Rim Godzilla beats monsters violently

Huan Pacific Costra Venerabine Monster Chapter 245

This is the case when it is on the earth.

In addition to facing the enemy, Costra will show the gesture of the battle.

Costla This king usually performs endless majesty, but sometimes it is terrible, it is a typical representative of the fertilizer world, the favorite is to take a break.

Let him show this angry posture, must be there!

The human beings have been looking for a self-study, but it has never found it.

Is it difficult to hide the hands of the hands and whatever? Can it cause the Gossra's dislike?

But there is no reason, isn't we doing this before?

Whether it is the first meeting of human and Cosla, or this meeting will be promoted backwards.

This is the case, I have never had this situation before!

Since it is not a problem, then ... The problem must be in those Guo Hit people!

In the camp, many soldiers have a bit funny while holding up their hands, while looking at the eyes of angry hatred toward the Guo Hit people arrays in the distance:

"Destroy them! It must be that the appearance of those guys makes Coslans are dissatisfied!"

"Yes, they are not coming out of our Earth's ecological circles. So foreign life must be seen by Coslan as a enemy!"

"Kill them! The monster they sent to how many destructions in our planets, killing how many humans we have - they are dead!"

Thanks to Dr. Chen's ecological circle guard, in the latter, human and Cosla are affiliated to the role of the Earth's ecological circle, so that Coslai will be so friendly, two The party is a natural allies - this set of theory has been promoted through the high-level, which is already aware of the general warriors.

- However, all things that have been vigorously promoted are what the people think to see, but they don't want to see those opposite statements, will never be known by the public.

For example, there are also a large number of experts according to Dr. Chen, directly derived a reverse speech:

Human and Costla are the guardian of the Earth's ecological circle, is a natural allies?

Fart! Costra is an ecological guardian, which is determined.

And human beings are the guardians of Earth ecology? The destroyer is still almost!

Some experts pointed out that if there is no foreign star, if there is no Ao Hitter invader, then according to the current development trajectory of the earth, the number of people manufactured in human beings will be layered. Again, the overall environment will become more harsh.

The environmental pollution caused by the monster sent by Guo Hit, will be replaced by human beings, and become the pollution caused by human crazy development!

If it is at that time, Costla wakes up under the call of the Earth's ecological circle - you say this great Titan king will lead the Titan giant beast who regards him as an enemy?

- The above hypothesis is the rumor of individual brick houses, because suspected that their mental problems have been sent to mental hospital treatment.


The human warriors shroud to the Guo Bit array of guns, and Guo Hit is not a fool, and it will be frightened when you are awkward.

Under the command of their general manager, they are both hands out, and there may be in addition to some small knives, the weapons that can be seen, and the weapons that can be seen are automatically distributed, one will not stay.

"Mongoli! Mr. Meng! Mongolia! You know! This is why! You explain to your human people!"

In the near-site aircraft, Guo Hibit Mongoli said loudly, like court, no.

Two small life that they escaped as the only two from Guo Hibi farten, can be said to be the root of each other.

The two can always go here, but also because of the private reach an agreement - Guo Hib will take the initiative to pay all Guo Hit people, let them give up the threat to the Earth!

And Monapi is a promise to bring the remaining 'Guo Bitren who will not threaten to the earth. After the earth, Guo Hit is dead, and it is not a big relationship with Meng Ejiao.

In Meng Ejiao, the general manager of Guo Bit No. 2 is very confident and grasping behind the earth, leaving a fire to his civilization - this is what Guo Bite is planning, how to apply it is not Meng Ejiao. The problem threw.

He is also happy to reach this agreement, let the former general manager pay all of the remaining Guo Bit people - let them, all become meat on the board!

Meng Ejiao is also very important to know that Guo Hit is what grasps, and it is possible to change his identity of the meat on the board, and become a qualified condition for the earth!

But things are often not expected to develop, changes and accidents, which will always be endless.

Meng Ejiao knows that it is his own commitment ', and he is calm, and he is calm:

"You can rest assured, I know what to do - let your Guo Hit are dead here, and it is the loss of our human beings."

Subsequently, in front of Guo Bite, Meng Eli once again opened the news, this time, he is reported to the highest commanding to the scene.

"Luo Command! Guo Hit has been submitted to threatened the threat, and we should bring them back to the Earth trial, rather than staying here to be killed in this way."

"For a while, a moment of resentment, often only cause greater regret!"

Luo Bing is as good as this, does not oppose:

"I understand these, I don't have such a hit that you think - but it is astonora!"

"I can order let the soldiers stay calm, but can let Costla keep calm?"

Luo Bing is extremely impatient and uneasy:

"Can you? Do you know why Casera? I don't know, those soldiers don't know, they only determine what they think!"

On the other hand, Meng Ejiao coughed a scorpion:

"Luo command, I really know the reason ..."

"On this road from Guo Hibit, Costra destroys all the planet channels that are invap the planet."

"I doubt, the idea of ​​Cosla is - let us happen, roll back to the earth!"

"Then he put the last four of the four stars, it is also destroyed!"

"At that time, perhaps in the eyes of Costla, there is no 'intrusion' this."


Section 323 010.

"Leave? Mongoli you determine that you have not mistired?"

"Costla's anger is because we stay here? He wants us to leave?"

In the headquarters, Luo Bing has not yet opened the first time, and some people have already issued a questioning voice.

Meng Ejia has left the earth for a long time, so he doesn't know what the earth is now developing.

After getting out of the anterior and greenery of the alien, the power now has the power now, it is unimaginable in the past.

The science and technology day is different, and the number of new machines has been greatly improved while the new machine has been updated!

And all the sources of the earth are all in the planet passage, and there are all the resources collected on those resources to do it all.

No resources, everything is empty!

In some aspect, Guo Hit people invaded these resource planets, and now, the profit will become a planet.

From another perspective, the identity of the Earth people is also extra exception!

The previous Earth people were invaded and were colonized.

Now, although the Earth is not invaded, the colonization is, but, a 'plunder' famous, is no matter how could not run!

This should be considered alternative to the dragon.


"Meng Ejiao! You must be wrong, we are all members of the Earth's ecological circle, Costla will not shoot us?"

Earth technology is only one of the reasons.

The real focus, or from these 'resource planet', there is enough resources, which makes the earth have enough test error, and has manufactured enough machine A.

Human scientific trees are in this area, and there is no corresponding resources. If you want to make those big treasures, it is purely a smart woman.

Now, the four resource planets that have been invaded, it is just solved the greatest problems in humans.

At this point, human protective power is to enter the stage of explosive growth.

The Earth has got so many gains from this aspect, and in the future, such a profitable incident will continue to continue.

Human, you can use this opportunity, a lot of resources, and quickly grow itself.

It is not a problem at all, so that other alien forces have been surprised.

In the future, human beings can kick your little green people with their own power, punching booths, not dreaming!

What is this hearty spring and autumn dreams!

As a result, in this great time to surrender this Guo Hibite civilization, Meng Ejiao's words are like this, just like this!

Human protective power has just entered the stage of explosive growth, then directly into the steps truncated


Don't worry about this, anyway, no one is willing to believe this is true!

No one is willing to believe that he is not willing to believe in the truth, as you can always call people who don't wake up a sleep - unless the house bought by his loan is fired.


It is more exciting in the distance, and the dissatisfaction in the roaring sound has become more intense.

This is not full of screaming, and it is also clear that many people are clear, and the symptoms of the head fever are excessive.

- Yes, human beings are reluctant to give up these four already occupied resources, but also want to continue to continue to strengthen themselves from these four resource planets.

This is a thing that is reluctant to be awake and deliberately.

But when Costla roars in your ear - you are sure, do you dare to continue to sleep?

This is not Mongoli to make a choice in the high levels of the forced headquarters.

This is the decision of Gossra!

It is precisely because of this, the high-level will so question the words of Meng Ejiao and suspect the authenticity of the latter discourse.

Maybe it's as Monthi?

Maybe Meng Ejiao will miss it?

Even if Meng Ejiao is right, Costla is in the face of human beings, maybe it will raise your hands?

Human greed is so desired.

For your own greed, in order to continue to suck blood, even if the threat of Costra has stayed on the head, it is not willing to hang.

Meng Ejiao was observed.

He smiled in a hurry:

"I can determine what I am talking about ... this way, Costla has put the 18th of the 18th Star Walks of the Star Ball!"

"I believe that after we return to the Earth, this left of the four planets of the four planet will be destroyed by Costra!"

"The guidance of our planet is the protector of the ecotropic circle, and the thing he mostly can't see is such an invasion and plunder!"

For various reasons, what happened on the Mother of Guo Hit, Monoli did not dare to talk about it, even the relevant details did not disclose.

But he only needs to know a thing is right: Guo Hit people civilization, along with Guo Hibitong female star, although it is finally destroyed in the hand of Cosla, but the real reason for their destroyed is the planet channel!

It is the unknown threat brought by the planet channel, which completely makes this invasion of the desire to be strong, and die!

Therefore, for Cases destroying the Planet Channel, Mon Eli is a hands-on feet agreement.

But he can't think of it. When he spent hard, he finally returned to the earth, he was a horrified discovery - human beings, actually did not know how to enjoy the convenience of the planet channel. We enjoy everything that Guo Hit people have once.

This, but Guo Hibite civilization and the death of their motherstar!

And human beings at this time is to walk their old way!

Although human beings have no ability to build planet channels, although these resource planets are in the invasion of Guo Hit, the earth human beings are only taken more than the beneficiary .....

Such a reason is that, it can be found that hundreds of reasons that can be refuted.

But all this has changed a fact that the path of human beings is changing to the road to Guo Hit people!

That vampire other planet, the terrible road that is finally destroyed!

"It turns out ... The clown is actually our human beings?"

After the Monarch body, Guo Bit scorpion became a sharp and vigorous, and then slowly opened:

"Guardian gods, I believe that your earth will not step our Guo Hit people's back!"

Meng Ejiao shook his head and was not taken into the ditch.