Paper Lover

Chapter 4

Seeing the krypton gold interface popping up on the screen, Li said that Star was calm and comfortable, not surprising.

Game developers also want to eat.

The game is developed to make money.

Li said that after a short pause, Xing watched the villain press the buy button.

At this moment, he was already fascinated by the game villain, completely forgetting that he was going to take his phone to brush when he went to sleep, just thinking:

After all, love needs nourishment and nourishment, I can understand.

The main thing is.

For a dollar, you can't buy a loss, you can't be fooled, just krypton this time!

The whole process of payment is smooth and smooth, and no game will challenge the patience of players here.The next moment, a brand new iron book shelf appeared in the room.

Su Mingqian followed the past subconsciously, and immediately, a big +60 came out of his head!

"Thank you very much."

you are welcome.

as long as you are happy.

This is the first time Li said that Xingxing got so many goodwill values. He was quite satisfied and gently rubbed the villain's head. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that although the villain hid, he didn't lose his favorability.

He scanned the interface again, and found that the total favor in the favor pool had changed to -37, and there was a new icon next to it. It was a gold medal, with the number "68" in the middle.

Li said that the star clicked.

The narration jumped out.

[Contribution value will be used to exchange rare items]

Li said that the stars understand a little bit. The favorability and contribution value in this game should be the gold coins and diamonds in ordinary games.Favorability can be accumulated through daily activities and then spent in daily activities, such as adding a dish to Su Mingqian or something; and the contribution value needs to be accumulated through krypton gold. At present, the ratio to RMB is 1:1.

After a brief analysis, he found that Su Mingqian had taken a book from the shelf and read it while sitting at the table.

The iron bookshelf has three floors.

In the three-story bookshelf, one floor is full and two floors are empty.

There are four books on the full floor. Li said that the star clicked and jumped out of the bookshelf menu.

[Read the Dream of the Red Mansion]

Read Journey to the West

Read the Water Margin

Read Romance of the Three Kingdoms

The option of Journey to the West is gray, showing that this book has been taken away by the villain for reading.

A page of books flipped over under the action of a villain, and the little light in front of the table moved from the left to the middle... Until the hunger stirred Li Shuoxing's nerves, he suddenly recovered from this monotonous and boring picture. Come, don't bother, get out of the game to get up and eat.

Alone at home, breakfast is not too much trouble.

Li said that Xing opened a box of milk, poured the grains, and after eating slowly, he picked up his mobile phone and started searching for strategies for this game. He first searched for "love" strategy.

The page jumped out of the dense results.

Ranked first, love games.

Rank second, girl, love it!

Ranked third, love Yo.

Ranked fourth...

It's not what Li Shuoxing wanted to find.

He then used a more accurate search for "love is a good opinion guide".

Still not.

Continue to search, "Love, Su Mingqian Raiders."

Still not.

Li said that Xingxing gave up searching for a game with a very popular name and a very small audience. He decided to ask for help outside the court and find a professional who he knew to ask.

Open QQ, enter the end of the food group, you will see Liuwei Xiaomon, Shi Lingling, Egg Dingziruo and the three are chatting in the group.

Almost all the people in this group are old authors who entered the finish line with Li Shuoxing at the same time, and the mutual relationship has been established. Apart from the author's vest, each other's real identity is not a secret.

For example, the six-character monk who always writes the protagonist of Buddhism is really a monk in real life. It is said that his temples followed the trend of the Internet and let him do some propaganda work about the temple on the Internet. After thinking hard for a long time, Decided to come to Dianwang to write a story about Buddha and turn his temple into a point in the story.

Then he was red.

Now his buddhist temple has become a famous red buddhist temple in the country.

Shi Ling Ling is also interesting. He is a football coach and a deputy clerk writing football games. He likes to gamble. He will lose every time he buys it. If he does not buy it, he will not necessarily win.

As for the eggs, this man is not easy.

He has been writing for ten years, and he has fought a lot of six thousand thunders every day, and he will even make more changes, but until now, there is only one book in the column.This is of course not because he wrote a 365*10*6000 word book, but because every time he writes a book, he will inevitably be hit hard by the Internet. After the hard hit, his last finished article will inevitably disappear, so his column There will always be only one novel in serial.

In order to break this curse, Egg Ding Ziruo changed many author names for himself, such as:

Able to bend and stretch, to be at ease, to be calm at all times, to be at ease with every encounter, to judge the situation, to be at ease with oneself...

Unfortunately, it is of no use.

The egg is still free from the discouraged egg.

Li said that Xing didn't pay attention to what the three were talking about, and directly knocked on people.

"@, do you know a game called love bar?"

This is the author of the terminal game channel and the master of the game. I have a deep understanding of the game. It is true to ask him questions about the game.

The knocked object will not appear for a while, and the three people who chatted and irrigated stopped the conversation and greeted him.

Eggs are at ease: "Sparse customers, Grandpa Ximu actually appeared."

Liuwei monk: "Amitabha, the donor of Ximu, has been gone for a long time."

Shi Lingling: "Why don't Xi Muzi report today, do you need to help @ than write less than anyone? That guy only writes 14W words a year, with an average of 383.5 words per day. He completed his goal yesterday. , Wrote 384 words."

Eggs are at ease: "I bet that Father Westwood wrote 500 words yesterday."

Liuwei monk: "Monk raises."

Li said: "6000."

He waited reservedly for everyone's admiration and sneered secretly:

Recently, everyone has spent the winter. The highest number of words I have seen in seven days is 6613, and my 6000-word winning face is not small. In addition to the egg, I can kill everyone!

No one spoke for half a minute.

Afterwards, the trio shifted the topic casually.

Egg Ding Ziruo: "Continuing the topic just now, is the gossip of the male author of the hidden rule female editor in the next group true?"

Liuwei monk: "The monk also wants to know whether it is true or not."

Shi Ling Ling: "Okay, you have six impure monks."

Liuwei monk: "Amitabha, the so-called color is empty, empty is color, and the monk can only seek truth."

Egg Ding sighed, "What shit luck did that guy go, really enviable."

Shi Lingling imagined: "The sound of the heart. Then why don't the editors come to me? I keep on exercising, and the eight-pack abdominal mermaid line is not lacking, as long as she gives me a word, I will fly right now, immediately, immediately Fly over!"

Liuwei little monk a serious: "Amitabha!"

Suoren suddenly appeared.

"@, love? Are you talking about love games or love?" He replied after Li Xingxing, and then said to other people, "You are so sure that the unspoken rule is a female editor? The editor at the end can be Usually men."

Shi Ling Ling: "..."

Liuwei monk: "The donor, please be careful."

Egg Ding sweats: "You man who is in full bloom, please don't interrupt our reverie!"

Soren: "Hehe."

Li Shuoxing: "It's not the two you said, it's the three words'love'."

Soren: "I haven't heard of it."

Li said: "I will show you a picture."

Soren: "Well."

Li said that Xingxing took the phone back, cut the pictures of the phone page and the game interface, and uploaded them to the group.

Soren: "I have never seen this game."

Li said: "It's strange..."

Suo Ren: "It's not surprising. You may have produced it privately, and it has not been completely completed or failed to pass the review and upload platform, so it has not entered the public eye."

Li Shuoxing felt that Suoren was very reasonable.

This seems to explain why the game has some incomprehensible bugs. Perhaps this game has not been completely finished.

Egg Dingruo suddenly jumped out: "Is the villain in the game a boy?"

Li said that Xingxing replied casually, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Eggs are at ease: " played a love-building game and actually chose a boy?"

The Liuwei monk hesitated: "Amitabha..."

Shi Ling Mausoleum: "Duke Ximu, you finally showed your true face."

Li said that the star was awakened with a word.

Yes, this game, why is there no lover gender option?Could it be... are the girls playing games by default?

Li said that Star felt a little weird and couldn't help glancing at the game.

At a glance, he snorted.

"Favouriteness -30? I remembered that the favorability was -37."

The favorability in the game increases silently by itself!

Li said Star was surprised.

He had no time to manage the people in the group and left the computer, holding the phone and holding it on the sofa.

He was patient and did not blink.

Waited a minute, two minutes, three minutes...until five minutes, suddenly.


A little favorability emerged from the head of the villain who was reading.

Li said that Star suddenly realized.

Su Mingqian likes to read books.

If you read Su Mingqian's book, he will add some good feelings from time to time, and the mosquito legs are also meat. This money is really cost-effective!

Li said that the star looked at it, and suddenly rekindled his confidence in brushing favorability.

He suddenly felt that the game's pricing was quite conscience.

To be honest, isn't it just a, isn't it 68 yuan?

As long as I krypton a 68, I can immediately go to a height of +60, and I can immediately unlock the chat function. When I and Su Mingqian can talk directly, I will talk to him about what he likes to do, and then put those things It’s all bought, and if left unattended, the villain can continue to develop goodwill.

Cost-effective is still very cost-effective.

Li said that Xing Yi was so excited that he couldn't control his hand.

He opened the krypton gold interface.

The krypton gold interface of the system is very gorgeous, but only the bookshelf and the book list are opened. The other grids are all gray and have not been unlocked. It may be unlocked after being closer to the villain. .

Li said that the star didn't stop, and bought a science fiction series book, still 68.

The payment is completed and the purchase is successful.

A new row of books filled the second level of the bookshelf.

The villain who was originally sitting at the table was awakened by the new movement and raised his head. Seeing this scene, for a moment, a new number floated on his head.


Li said that the star was shocked.

Shouldn't it be +60?

Why did he swallow more than half of his favor?

Does the same thing do twice, the favorability will decay?

It didn't wait for Li to say that the star had recovered from the shock, and the new writing bubble jumped out of Su Mingqian's head.

"Brought me another book? Thank you, I am very happy."

That's give me a good impression!

Li said that the star looked at the villain, crying without tears.