Paper Lover

Chapter 110

Sparks flashed at the muzzle, and the bullet burst out of the long tube.

Time is still, cut, pieced together, and extended.

The picture starts playing frame by frame.

Li said that Xingyan watched the bullets tearing through the air like tears, carrying smoke and fire tails, and easily leaping across the sky to the brain of Su Mingqian.

Those gray pupils reflected bullets, murderers, and even the sky.

Only without his own figure.

The rage boiling in his chest condensed into frost, freezing Li Shuoxing's hands and feet.

But also at this time, Li said that the imprisonment on the star disappeared, and the moment he had accumulated in the body burst out, driving Li said that the star rushed forward and rushed to Su Mingqian!

The bullets go from front to back, Li said the stars go from back to front, the two are opposite.

The whistling wind seemed to be a sharp smile, rubbing against the eardrum of the human ear.

The last distance seems to be lengthened maliciously, and will always be less than the width of a fingertip.

Li Shuoxing's heart is extremely eager. He fixed his eyes on Zhu Mingqian and the bullet rushing towards Su Mingqian, and repeated silently in his heart: "Hurry up, hurry up, and go to Mingqian's side immediately——"

At the last moment when the bullet was about to hit Su Mingqian's brain, Li said that Xingxing's hand finally caught Su Mingqian's arm.

The ecstasy that was recovered and reappeared on Li Ching’s chest, and in an instant, it turned into infinite courage to protect people.

He pulled Su Mingqian hard, pulled it behind him and hid it, then picked up the rocket launcher, aimed at Tom in front, and pulled the trigger hard!

The rocket rushed out of the launch tube and shot at the position of Tom in front, instantly hitting the oasis into a big pit, and the sand and mud splashed into the sky like flowing water!

Tom was under this rocket launcher and turned into ashes.

Li said that Xingxing stepped back two steps because of the recoil of the rocket launcher. At this time, there was a great noise from the ambush place of the armed forces in the front. Then, the grass leaves rustled and a group of people suddenly rushed out of the ambush place and surrounded by fans. Li Li said that Xing and Su Mingqian.

Li said that Star looked at the people in front of him.

They have different clothes, including camouflage clothes, sportswear, and even ordinary suits for work. The only similarity is that they all carry the black hoods and submachine guns unique to terrorists.

The submachine gun, like the encircling circle, also aimed at the two in a fan shape.

The eyes exposed from the black hood were cold and crazy, full of desire to destroy.

They smiled at Li Shuxing.

Li said that Star also smiled at them.

The trigger of the submachine gun and the switch of the rocket launcher were pulled down at the same time, and the huge roar accompanied by the spitting tongue of fire shone on the battlefield together!But the firepower of the two sides is not balanced. The contrast between the submachine gun and the rocket launcher is like a knife in the hands of a gnome and a sledgehammer in the hands of a giant.

One in front, Li said that the star shot one.

A piece came in front, Li said that the star hit a piece.

Li said that the star stood tall and chic in front of Su Mingqian, and shot a further shot. Those who rushed in front were less and less in his pressing step, until Zhang Huang turned and began to run away.

It was also at this time that a signal flare rang in front, like a sharp arrow, with a loud bang, ripping the yellow sand net from bottom to top, rushing into the sky, bright for a long time.

Li said that the star froze for a few seconds, looked around, and found that there was no enemy around him, and suddenly dropped the rocket launcher in his hand.

He turned around and took two big steps, came to Su Mingqian, and took the people into his arms for a long time, and he was not willing to relax a little bit for a long time.

What is changing is the present, what is unchanged is the past.

The real and the virtual leave a selfish and cold boundary at this moment.

At the last moment now, Su Mingqian avoided the bullet, but in the past, this bullet truly passed through Su Mingqian's brain.

Li said Xing was scared.

Fear caused his teeth to collide uncontrollably, but he tried to restrain this fear. He said it deliberately and casually: "Ming Qian, don’t be afraid, you can see that those enemies have been destroyed by me like a gopher. Rest assured. , They will not come back again, even if they come back, they will be driven away again by me."

Su Mingqian remembered all the things and the final picture.

Gunshots roared.

The bullet appeared.

The body, together with the mind, becomes very light, very light, and disappears...

The same picture, the same fear, once controlled him, until this time, with different results.

The battle opened like fireworks and ended like fireworks.

This time, all dangers were stopped by this person.

Su Mingqian shook his head: "I'm not afraid."

He said, and saw Li Shuoxing's eyes.

The person who looked at him with his head immediately lowered his head, reached out and rubbed his red eyes, and muttered: "The sand in the desert is too strong. It entered my eyes and couldn't rub it out. Fortunately, there was no delay in the fight. My eyes are red..."

Su Mingqian changed his mouth: "...Westwood, I'm scared."

He raised his hand, hugged Li Shuxing, comforting the scared, he whispered: "I want you to hug me."

Li Shaoxing's body was straighter, Li Shaoxing said firmly, "Ming Qian, don't be afraid, I can't go back to accompany you, but from today, no matter what happens in the future, I Will stay by your side and spend time with you."

He finished the sentence and felt the soft body in his arms pause for a moment.

Then, a slight damp heat touched his neck.

At the next moment, the desert, the oasis, the bulletproof equipment worn on the body, everything disappeared.

They left from the desert town, but did not return to the room, but placed in a boxy light blue space.

There is nothing in the square space. This is the most basic and true appearance of the virtual world.

Suddenly, Su Mingqian left Li Shuoxing's arms, just standing firm, a light screen suddenly appeared, and John's figure appeared.

He greeted Su Mingqian: "Simon, hello."

Both of them were attracted by the light screen.

The old man with white hair doesn't seem to be in a good condition. He looks much haggard than when Li Saoxing saw him.

John continued: "It's the third day after your attack. I'm recording a video. After the military rescued you and Ask, everything was investigated. Since Tom's father died on the operating table due to the violent run of the robotic arm After that, he began to hate all highly intelligent machines. He joined an extremely pessimistic singularist organization. The organization believes that the arrival of super intelligence does not bring innovation, but the end of humanity. They are committed to eliminating all possible The super intelligence that dominates mankind, it is this organization that attacks you this time."

"At the same time, the military who brought you back to Ask made a request to me, and I couldn't refuse it. So there was this video that had to be recorded. The request they made was: take your injury as an opportunity to expand The second test of Ask. The following is the second test of Ask. But I think that the next thing, for me, for you, for Ask, is not a test... no matter what they are What kind of suspicion does super intelligence still hold? The era of super intelligence will definitely come. That is the inevitable future of human technology development. Simon, I believe you will wake up eventually, so I will ask Ask to save this paragraph The video will be played to you just before you wake up."

This monologue ends here, and then the picture changes.

The wide room and the silver-white machine in the center of the room appeared in the eyes of Li Shuoxing and Su Mingqian.

John stood in front of the silver machine, and he was talking to the machine.

John: "Ask, you look pretty good."

Ask: "..."

John: "I think you have got the result and restored the process by putting together the information. But I think I still have to tell you personally that Simon protected you with his life before trying to destroy your terrorist. He was at the last moment Transfer you to the U disk, hide it close to your body, and you are bullets through your head. Fortunately, he did not die on the spot, but there is a very high possibility that he will become a vegetative and can never be recovered."

Ask: "..."

John: "Ask, will you avenge the person who did this?"

Ask: "..."

After a short silence, a line of text appeared on the display.

Ask: "I will not. I will wait for the law to punish him."

John: "Don't you want to avenge Simon?"

Ask: "I think. But I believe in the law because I believe in humans."

Silently became John.

Ask: "You will make those who hurt Simon pay the price they deserve, right? I can trust you, right?"

John: "Yes. If the machine is willing to believe in humans, humans will not let the machines down."

Then there was a long pause.

Just when the two people watching the video thought that the video was stopped, another line appeared on the screen of the silver-white machine.

Ask: "John, when will Simon recover?"

John: "Things that super intelligence doesn't know, how can humans know?"

The screen of the machine is on, the cursor blinks alone, and there are no new sentences.

John: "Ask, are you sad?"

Ask: "I want to cry, but the machine has no tears."

The video ends at this moment.

In the virtual world, an electronic synthesis sounded.

That's Ask's voice:

"I'm sorry. Simon, I want to help you, but then I was on the hard drive."

"No, you need not be sorry."

Su Mingqian's voice broke the silence of the virtual space.

"Ask, you did the most important thing for me... I don't want to hear you say sorry, I should say thank you. You once said to me, the meeting between me and Westwood is destiny. You are right, those love , Always emerged when humans were unaware."

Li Shuoxing also recovered from the sigh brought by the video.

People who are extremely afraid of machines, always doubt the representatives of machines, and those who have always believed that machines actively welcome their arrival.

Three different groups, collectively appear in a short video less than five minutes.

This is what happened because of Ask.

This is why Su Mingqian came to him.

Li said that Xingxing once again recalled the various past systems that allowed him to get along with Su Mingqian. Those details that had not been noticed have all become the weight of success today.

"Mingqian," Li said. "Ask brought you over. It thought it was destiny. It thought it was me who saved you and helped you..."

He substituted into Ask to think.

"It thinks..."

He clenched Su Mingqian's hand, extremely proud, extremely proud.

"Li said the star is Su Mingqian's only solution."

The virtual world melted gently.

Su Mingqian felt something was recovering.

He seemed to be hooked by a heavy hook, pulled all the way down from the void, and fell heavily to the ground.

His body seemed to be run over by a huge truck, and his nerves could sense deep numbness and dull pain.

He seemed to see the swaying incandescent light lines, the ordinary ceiling was cut into pieces by these lights, and each piece contained a lot of his memories.

He also heard a messy voice, which seemed to be the voices of doctors and nurses:

"The patient is regaining consciousness!"

"Can you see it?"

"Do you know what this is?"

Su Mingqian was thinking about Li Shuoxing.

Only one wrong eye.

Missing has flooded.