Parallel World Pharmacy

6: 7 story 37817; of the gears of the

"I'm picking up Wi-Fi -!?"

Farma thinks there was no way he could accidentally have voiced himself by dropping a bomb so unintentionally. The empress turned around, and the clerics looked odd, but couldn't afford to fix it. And the empress just asked me.

"Hmm? What's up, it's Pharma. You think it's Waifa?

"My stomach is getting sick, I'm sorry, can you give me a moment"

Anyway, Pharma wanted to check the situation once she was alone.

Even if I had to wait around somewhat, I don't know how long I'd be picking up the waves, so I have to. The Empress and the Privy Cleric said Pharma's health had changed dramatically, so they had to promise to be late.

"I don't mind. Let's wait until you're feeling better, and I'll tell you when I'm a little late, Pius."

"Excuse me... I'm not feeling well"

Farma was put through to the rest room with the nearest toilet.

The toilets of the Holy Nation are thought to be state-of-the-art and washable in this world.

Under the potty seat of the perforated ceramic is connected to sewage, a similar Victorian water closet invented in England in the eighteenth century, where plumbing water is flushed from the reservoir stored at the top and excrement is washed. If you recall, it was still a chair-style potty in the Saint Fluve Empire, with drawers at the bottom of the chair, commonly taken by servants and thrown away in designated places.

The toilet in the Holy Land is clean, I think, but for now, I don't need it.

Enlarge and confirm the photo of the door leading to the basement just taken with the smartphone in your hand.

The photo screen doesn't show anything strange.

Farma had not spared a photograph in his smartphone because of his visit to the Holy Land, tourism, surveys and records. Because the smartphone that Pharma brought out of the lab was treasured and invisible to the human eye, and he didn't seem to hear a shutter.

But I never picked up a Wi-Fi wave, something like that since Farma brought out his smartphone to this world.

Naturally, just, never.

And wifi is out of range in this break room. Pharma approached a window closer to the door she had just picked up Wi-Fi, and when she opened the window, she was hard pressed to pick up the radio waves and connect.

The source seems to be in an earlier direction. Farma is also beyond comprehension that the Holy Nation Privy was a free Wi-Fi spot.

"I can't believe you're here to connect to the internet. Where is it, the company that sold the waves to the other world..."

Pharma just checked the SSID and looked at the identification name of the access point.

But what was there was a completely unexpected ID.

"Ha!? This... of our lab..."

It was an in-school radio LAN from the university where Pharma lived, and what he used in his lab. And when I checked the radio situation, there wasn't one flying Wi-Fi.

But to Pharma's recollection, neither radio nor wired LAN had flown among the laboratories of the other world that had been put in from the Holy Springs. In other words, does this holy nation mean a place close to Earth? Pharma connected to the Internet via that and Thoughts of the Earth network as her hands trembled and nearly dropped her smartphone. Time information and numerous apps start data communication.


Pharma's nostalgia has crept up. From the end of the universe, it's like coming back to Earth......

(Come on, when. On Earth, when is this!

Then, exactly that day when the drug valley died, the time was displayed.

As I waited for about five minutes as I did my research, the time unwound for about an hour and appeared on the clock.

(Is that it? Back. Um, is the time between my death extended and repeated to connect with this other world...)

Pharma tried a brief post from SNS. But I can't stay updated forever. I could download the data, but not upload it. I can't send one of the empty emails.

In other words, even if you can view only about an hour's worth of information on the Earth's network, you don't seem to be allowed to communicate here. Is time cut off?

Also, I looked at the location information, but it is still not retrieved. Literally, this is a different world.

(To sum up, the space and time I was in was cut off and connected to another world just before or after my death...)

I can't believe we're only getting a glimpse of the Earth through a smartphone LCD.

And I can't believe that the information that Pharma is now able to connect to the network will never be updated any more. I thought so, I was careless.

I wonder if this is what a ground-bound spirit looks like. And Pharma thinks.

(Still, I'm glad I didn't see the information and news about my funeral, thank goodness)

After the death of Pharmacopoeia, it will be a fuss, first and foremost.

Fully healed Pharmacopoeia had a global track record. At least it would have been spared by academia, and it was famous enough to be big news in Japan. The media would have been rooted in the past, leaves dug, and beauty stories and scandals would have been shed about the good news of his death. The classmates may have been interviewed, and relatives' comments may have been taken.

Or is one of the drug valleys that Pharma only allowed to survive under the cover of cause and effect once in the laboratory of the other world, living the time ahead as if nothing had happened, and only a part of his self divided within Pharma drifts across the other world in absurdity? That makes me feel vain.

I was somewhat distracted that I wasn't glad to see those things in one-way conditions.

No one has yet observed that the drug valley is dead. Or, he may be alive, but the time when the life and death of Pharmacopoeia fully healed overlapped.

What Pharma is accessing is such a timeline.

Nevertheless, where the hell is this world? And Farma thinks.

I was about to be crushed by loneliness.

"Farma, do you have a stomach ache"

From outside the room, a paralyzed empress called.

Her voice felt like it saved Pharma from the vortex of thought for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I don't have much to add."

"Stuck in shit, then take your time"

Farma is also somewhat embarrassed because it was the one who gave such an answer, which must have meant that some of the emperors suffered from constipation. Anyway.

There's something in the underground temple. Excessive expectations should not be expected.

But at least, I have Wi-Fi access points. There may be dangers, but the information you get if what has been offline is online, and if you can find the source, is huge.

Either way, we just have to make sure. Farma made up her mind to go to the bottom of the earth.

Both the Empress and the clerics were kept waiting, so I apologize and head to the underground meeting place.

The staircase leading to the basement was steep, and when it was clocked enough to descend, the material changed from stone to crystal stone. As Pharma walks her smartphone careful not to step off the stairs and roll, the Wi-Fi waves get stronger and stronger. That excites Pharma. There still seems to be an access point in the basement.

What Pharma and his men poked at was a thick, clear crystal stone decorative door. They are several times taller and wider than adults.

"It's a door to forensics."

The guidance cleric said that in the meantime, only the chosen one who can open the door can proceed,

The crystalline stone door combines a divine dynamometer, saying that when those who lack divine power open the door to mullies and go inside, they destroy the spirit. Inside, only Pius and two superior pivotal clerics are standing by.

"On the contrary, there are only three who open this door in the Great Temple"

"Is that the door to testing divine power? It's interesting to invite guests to join forces. Open the door, and I'll remind you who was the Emperor."

The Empress touches the door with both hands and pushes inward as she pours her divine power.

Then three beast eye-like patterns appeared on the surface of the door, and after staring at the empress, he accepted her and opened the door to the inside.

"Ha ha, light"

"Your Majesty the Emperor is qualified, please go inside. We'll be right here."

"I'll try, too."

Once Pharma tried to open the closed door, following the Empress, the door was completely open before he touched it.

When you welcome one Pharma, the door closes with prickliness. Following that, only those to whom Pharma had opened his divine veins, of the few holy knights of the offering who had accompanied the emperors, let them in. The disguised Salomon was also firmly in the midst of that group, but he never found out. The cleric looked surprised and complimented him with a blue face, "Those are the nearest samurai of the Saint Fluve Empire."

The wide cavity just as the Pharmas entered the interior of the door was still like a crystal stone palace. Inside the glowing interior was a round table in the center, where Pius and the others waited for Pharma about their seats.

"Welcome aboard. Oh, that sounds like a big crowd. I heard Lord Farma got sick, how about it?

"It's okay now. Thank you for waiting."

"Well, it's a secret meeting from here, and it's not on the record. I would like to hear a story without abomination. Your Majesty the Emperor is here, but this time we would like to speak to you."

The Empress looked annoyed, but Pius had nominated Pharma from the beginning. The Empress is a figurehead or bodyguard and escort.

"It's a bump, but may I call you the medicine god soon"

"I won't accept it"

Pharma kept smiling, but firmly dismissed it.

And before the conversation began, he put the box of medicinal sceptres he had brought to the table.

"Before I do, I will give you back the medicine scepter. Through Mr. Salomon, I've been borrowing it for a long time, thank you for your patience."

"This is fine. I didn't expect you to return it. And if you're not a drug god, how could you have used a drug scepter? Strange story."

"I used it because I could, nothing else. Being able to use the drug scepter and who I am is a completely different story. First of all, I've never been named that way."

"I don't know what it means to hide things that are obvious."

Pius seemed distracted by Pharma's fortitude, but instructed the pivotal cleric who was beside him to first receive the drug scepter box-by-box. I took the time to find out if there were any scratches or unusual parts.

Still, they couldn't dispel the suspicion that it wasn't a fake object, confirming that ”people can't have it” in mind.

"Fine. It's real. Then Lord Pharmacist Pharma. Let's get down to business at last. Did Juliana tell you about the gear in "

"I wanted to talk to you when Mr. Juliana attacked you, and that's when it happened? If that's the case, I just asked for an overview. So, I gave Mr. Juliana the divine power. I was wondering if you could use that divine power effectively."

"I'd love to hear more about that, Pius."

The Empress has embarked on a pursuit. Pharma hasn't stopped, and the Empress hasn't stopped for example raids. But Pius gently retreated from the empress he had been holding onto and calmly apologized.

"I apologize for the discretion of my men and the fact that there were too many sides. I want to make sure this doesn't happen in the future."

Pius insisted that he was unaware of the example. When they say that, neither Pharma nor the Empress can say anything back. There is no way to prove that Pius' instructions were given.

"But in the future, how do you intend to operate the gear of ? Lord Farma."

"Wait a minute. I really don't know about the" gear of 37817; "What the hell is that?

Then Pius looked suspicious at Pharma's words.

From that reaction, Pharma finds that he may have doubted the effect of the confessor.

"Don't you really know that?"

"I really don't know. First of all, can you explain what the gear of is and why it needs divine power?"

What's so messy about Pharma as well, I'm going to hear it from Juliana.

The gear of is tightening up with gear to keep connecting this world to another, saying that it takes divine power to move that instrument. That's what I heard, but I don't know any more, Farma told him.

"Is the device real? Can you see it somewhere?

"Come on, Pharma. It's dangerous, stay away from the groans."

The Empress tries to stop Pharma from approaching the detour. Pius smiled.

"If you're interested, you might actually want to see it. I've never seen it in person, either, because it's an invisible device to humans. You might see it. Let's go."

"Let me see. It's hard not to look this far."

"That's fine, thank you."

Pius took his seat, leaving the Privy Cleric on the spot, lighting the Divine Wand, and slowly stepping down the dark aerial corridor of the universe across the underground cave.

For quite some time, it creases a slope with bad scaffolding.

The footsteps of Pius, the Empress, and Pharma echo through the vast space.

Looks like we've come a long way to the basement, how far down it would have been.

When Pius brightened the light of the Divine Staff instead of lighting, he could see a crystal stone making hall with a planar mirror laid on one side of the floor.

The walls that make up that space are covered with black crystal stones, with geometric patterns floating on the surface. It reflects indiscriminately like fluorescence, with colorful fluorescence pulsating over it.

The empress was pulling out her cane. Salomon also had a cane. I guess that geometry looked like a theological formation, Pharma observes.

Farma didn't feel any sign of a theological formation being set up, so she had been filming videos on her smartphone since before entering that space.

And a blue-white lump of light invisible to the naked eye, as it reflected like a human soul, felt a fuzzy gathering around Pharma. I can't see, but this space is filled with countless dead people.

(What, here...)

A snug, dense white mist began to set in, containing divine power.

Pius stopped his leg and turned to the Pharmas.

"Beyond this is the gear of . I know very little about this device."

"The device? Where did you get that?"

Pius answered the Empress's question by showing the floor with a cane.

"The gear of is a device that connects the two worlds, driven by the divine power of the gods. When this gear stops spinning completely, the world is said to collapse. Once or twice in history, there was a year when we were in a critical situation to the point where we would stop in a few years. At that time, two continents and several races are said to have vanished. Traces of the destruction of the continent were left everywhere on earth. Believe it or not, we believe in its inheritance, and we stop the collapse of the world with strict commandments and bonds."

The authenticity of that inheritance was that, in the end, Pius couldn't even be sure.

Salomon had heard the words of Pius from a little further away. Salomon unleashed the divine art of the wind, and paid off the thick fog. Then a clear mirror appeared.

"It's just a mirror floor here. It looks that way to us, and the mirror reflects us. That means this mirror is not going to embrace humans. But, Lord Farma, what does it look like to you? You and I should look different, your figure is still not visible, not reflecting in the mirror means we can go to the other side."

Pharma has no shadow.

So in this special mirror, Pius assured me that Pharma would not be reflected.

When Pharma is stiff on the spot, Pius canes the middle letter of the mirror floor. Then the decorated crystal stone pedestal appeared to grow out of the mirror. Pius called Pharma by the pedestal.

"Here, it is assumed that the gear tip of He said the patron saint marked it so that people could see one end of the gear. Juliana's returned treasure sword came here, and this mirror sucked up your divine power and sent you into gear."

On the surface of the pedestal, Pharma says it can't read, but it shows a countdown to the point where this gear stops working and the world goes to ruin.

Hundreds of light strips, like blue and white laser light emitted from beneath the pedestal to the other side of the mirror, were seen attenuating as they proceeded to the back.

Farma stood in front of the pedestal, relying on the light, gazing into the back of the darkness.

Instead of Pharma's appearance in the mirror, what I saw across the mirror was... a large space reminiscent of the huge gear mechanism and black hole in a rind bowl.

I feel like I'm about to get sucked in by an infinitely connected gear spin, but I also feel like I've seen it somewhere. And it looked like a gateway to the other world. Pius, who found out Pharma was obviously looking "beyond", told Pharma another piece of information.

"It is said that when divine power passes through the pedestal, the entire gear of moves. It's up to you what you do."


Pharma focuses her divine power with her hands on the pedestal in an attempt to brighten the structure behind her. Then a bright flash emanated from the pedestal, and the thin laser became a thick ray, cutting through the darkness, and Pharma saw clearly what was there.

one end of the internal structure of the gear of .

When I quickly checked my smartphone, the Wi-Fi waves were the strongest. Is this gear itself that connects the Earth to the other world?

I don't even have a feeling about that. And I jumped into his eyes...

(That's Mebius' gear...)

It looked like an uninterrupted giant gear, with a planetary gear mechanism and a mechanism like the merger of Mebius' wheels. The material of the surface layer is pitch black with a smooth stone-like texture. In the middle of the gear, a pattern like was knitted in light and polarized like a hologram.

Pharma has also seen a motif resemblance to this gear, actually produced on Earth. It has a very complex form and I remember it was like I couldn't even make a model without output with a 3D printer.

(Such a big device, it's not a silo thing that people can make...)

When this gear rotates, the back and surface are replaced. I can't even keep up with the analysis of what that means or what it connects to.

The Empress speaks as she peeps behind Pharma. Of course, she doesn't seem to see 's gear.

"Do you see anything, Pharma? Explain it."

"I can see it. What can I say... it's hard to describe."

Pharma turned off the camera shutter, but it's dark and it doesn't show. I'm willing to show it to the Empress as well, but it doesn't seem so easy to expose the world's hubs. And I learned who Pharma had been feeling for some time.

(Oh...... was this space seen through the lab windows of the other world)

Pharma had difficulty deciding what to do while confronting spaces like the universe that swirled as she slowly, nodded and spun in conjunction with the rotation of the gear.

After a moment, the world behind the gear, separated by mirrors, may be connected to the original time and space. Pharma recalls that when he came to the other world, his opponent was the opposite of his lifetime, and that the note he put on his lifetime in mirror letters was written.

(I mean, is this other world, paired with the Earth, the other way around? Then if I jump through the mirror and into the gear, can I go back to Earth?)

The space ahead was terrible and seemed fascinating. Shall I jump in to examine the structure in the back, and Pharma, who thought so, realized that the Empress's hand was clapping on her shoulder and calling it, was much more on me. The Empress called it quite seriously. Salomon was also right around the corner, trying to use divine art to bring back Pharma's consciousness. Pius seemed to notice Salomon.

"What's the matter, Pharma, you didn't move with a shudder the whole time. I thought you died standing up."

In Pharma's sense of body, not so much time has passed. However, the time of the smartphone has passed to an extent sufficient. Looks like time has frozen.

(My consciousness was... pulled over there...!

The gear, which may have swallowed up the patron saints of history and lured them in and crushed them like ant hell, continues to move silently. Pharma stood still at the spot.

Had I been closer to here by myself, I would surely have been fascinated and gone to the other side by now. Farma thanked those on Pharma for coming so far and letting them stand back at us personally.

Pharma came here and felt strongly that it was necessary to solve the mystery of this device, to move it into perpetual robbery in the future or destroy it, to gather old information that would sleep among the treasures scattered all over it, and to follow in the footsteps of the historical patron saints to the right conclusion.

"I can't do anything right now. May I also come and see this"

Go ahead, Pius nodded with a meaningful look. When Pius and I got here, we could have been stuck in gear. Nor did such suspicions clear up.

All we know is that the gear of is real.

That became a new headache for Pharma.