Perfect Feast

Chapter 526: Brush and Wash

Zhong Wanhua just left, Lin Yufen came in: "Liu Shu. Remember, I am a little immature about recycling agriculture, I want to exchange ideas with you...”

Liu Yang asked her to sit down and look at the divine color on her face. She couldn't help but smile and say: “What's wrong? Are you here to persuade me? ”

“Convince you of what? Don't be impulsive? You don't want to be happy?” Lin Yufen shook his head and thought about it before continuing: “To be honest, from the first day you came to Huling County, I noticed that you, unlike other people, were full of cheer, and that's why I didn't hesitate to choose to support you. It's just... I really didn't expect you from the county governor so soon..."

Lin Yufen looked at Liu Yang and laughed. “Stop talking about it, it's a bit off the record. These things that you did after coming to Huling County, the big guys are looking at, and I'm sure you must have thought it over this time to do circular agriculture. This is something you have to do, and it doesn't help to be persuaded. I'm here just to let you know that I'm definitely on your side, absolutely unconditional. ”

Liu Yang looked at her and smiled bitterly: "Governor Lin, what makes you think that I look like Nam Ba Tian? I don't want anyone to say goodbye. Anything you want to say, I want to hear your real thoughts. As deputy secretary in support of county government. Remember, Deputy Governor, if you don't dare tell me the truth, then I'm the county commissioner. Remember about the end of the day. ”

Liu Yang's face was already heavily curled.

Lin Yufen shook his head and said, “That's not what I meant. I mainly wanted to say something. Instead of continuing this discussion, I should give the order from the top. ”

Liu Yang stunned for a moment and asked: "Oh, what does that mean? ”

“The benefits of revolving agriculture are obvious, why is no one else willing to do it? Just because the work is not always overnight, results can be seen. To be honest, you wanted to do this thing, and it was a surprise to me at first. It's only because I know how hard this job is that I admire you more and more. ”

Lin Yufen hesitated for a moment and looked at Liu Yang. His eyes revealed a worrying color: “Such a large project requires the entire county to do its best. It will take several years of hard work to achieve the results. If the leaders above are not satisfied, the people below do not understand, and the leaders who make this decision on the slap board are also responsible... Before today's meeting, you did not convene the Standing Committee to discuss this issue, that is, you have to shoulder it yourself, right? But have you thought about it? I don't care what others think, I Lin Yufen is the standing committee of Huling County and the managing deputy county governor. I will definitely split my share of credit, and I have to shoulder my responsibilities..."

Liu Yang really didn't expect Lin Yufen to say this from his office. To be honest, Lin Yufen's gesture still moved Liu Yangxin a little. However, this matter is really considered, but not as difficult as Lin Yufen said.

Of course, the difficulty is, but Liu Yang doesn't think he can make it. In that case, Liu Yang is confident that he will not go into the minefield foolishly.

The reason why it was not discussed at the beginning, Liu Yang just felt that this matter had been taken up in the Standing Committee and said, in fact, that there was little point. Billions of dollars may have to be invested in the years before and after, which is undoubtedly a huge investment project for officials in Huling County who have been living in poverty. They cannot have the courage and capacity to share.

After all, Liu Yang now has enough confidence. He has unprecedented control in Huling County. In fact, he doesn't need them to bear it. As long as they do what they say.

But now, in front of Lin Yufen, this idea cannot be truthful in any way.

Liu Yang shook his head with a smile and said: "You were right about this. If we really want to succeed, we must be supported by what has been said above. I am confident that there is no problem in the city, and the key now is in the province. The fact that the Standing Committee had not been convened in advance to discuss the matter still did not want to embarrass everyone or hear the murmurs. Oh, I'm afraid everyone's saying how much sleepy I am, scaring myself. After experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Provincial Agricultural University have come to visit the site, we will still prepare a report to be reported to the provincial and municipal governments. If Governor Lin has no objection, he can sign the document with me. ”

Whenever necessary allies are important. Now that Lin Yufen has taken the initiative to come here and want to share the risk, give her a little bit.

Whether this risk really exists or not, Lin Yufen wants to come, but it is a heavy responsibility. She can only stand with herself if she presses her shoulders against her shoulders.

This is also the motivation for Lin Yufen to move forward with himself.

Lin Yufen looked a little excited and said: "Okay, then we have a deal. I will definitely sign the document. ”

Since Lin Yufen left, Liu Yang has been thinking about this issue. In fact, her words also reminded Liu Yang that if you want to do the job well, it is best to have a heavyweight leader from the province to affirm that Huling County is engaged in circular agriculture.

However, this leader needs to have a certain weight and stand up clearly to support himself. For a moment and a half, Liu Yang really can't figure out who to look for.

Seal book. Remember is undoubtedly the most suitable person. No one dares to say a word as long as he speaks and keeps himself stabbing a hole in the sky over here. Besides, the seal book. Remember also Zhao Jingjing's uncle, it is not unlikely that he will find him by himself.

But it's a big achievement, and maybe it's the point of being attacked, if the seal books... Remember to make a statement now, Mona, but there's no way back. Can't use his old man now, or try not to.

In fact, in the provincial capital, Liu Yang wanted to go and find the deputy governor in charge of agriculture in Fengnian. He is the standing committee of the provincial committee, the weight should be enough, at the same time, he is also in charge of agriculture, and he comes out to speak more rationally.

However, at that time, Fang Yuzhu went to the capital for a meeting, and suddenly came to the door. The governor of Yu Province did not have to know who he was. If he took the trouble to find the past and was rejected by the governor, even after Fang Yuzhu returned, it would be difficult to communicate with him about this issue.

In view of this, Liu Yang did not go to the Governor. But to think about it, you have to hit the Deputy Governor of the Standing Committee.

On several occasions, Liu Yang grabbed the phone and tried to call Fang Yuzhu for instruction. Then he put it down and rejected the idea in his heart. The more important it is, the less urgent it is. Still wait for the experts to come and improve the program, and take it to the provincial capital to teach the right way.

This thought turned to later, even Liu Yang himself did not know whether it was for work, or because he had not seen Fang Yuzhu the last time he went to the provincial city, he always felt sorry for himself. He was looking for an excuse to go to the provincial city to meet Fang Yuzhu.

When I got home from work, it was almost dark. Seeing Mei and Ping standing in the yard picking up food, Liu Yang felt a warm breath coming up.

Now that I'm at home, I finally feel a little at home.

However, from the looks of it, these two girls are two very ordinary young girls, but how can they not see that they are actually highly trained. If they were willing to change into more gorgeous women's clothes, two college students like Hanaya would believe it.

When Secretary Wang Jiankun sent Liu Yang into the door, he did not forget to ask him later: "The Book of Liu. Remember what else to tell us? ”

Liu Yang shook his head: “Nothing important at night, don't disturb me. ”

That work phone is still in the hands of the secretary. Liu Yang doesn't want to take care of things anymore today. She left home for a few days before returning. Tonight, Liu Yang intends to spend time with his wife.

When Liu Yang heard Xiaomei speaking in the courtyard, Zhao Jingjing greeted him from the living room and, as usual, took Liu Yang's bag. Liu Yang helped her to go inside and said as she walked. “I'll be sitting in the house in the future. You can't go anywhere, you know? ”

Zhao Jingjing smiled and said: “It's only been six months. I think I can still go for a run..."

“Don't you dare, I won't smash your little ass...” Liu Yang quickly and seriously strangled her with the idea. Zhao Jingjing smiled slightly: “I heard you did well in the provincial capital, County Commissioner. The wind of memories is shaking to the capital? ”

Liu Yang looked at her and asked: “Whose mouth is so quick, did I tell you anything outside? ”

Liu Yang's reaction made Zhao Jing Jing depressed for a while. He reached out and touched Liu Yang's head and said: “What exactly is your brain made of? I just said one thing. Can you think of anything else? Someone told my brother afterwards, when my brother called me, when he told me the joke, that this man I was looking for was amazing, even in the provincial capital, no one could bully you... I am rare, no one is watching you...”

Zhao Jingjing's means of shifting the subject is really not smart, but Liu Yang didn't mean to keep asking. Even if he continues to ask himself, Zhao Jingjing should still say to himself, he should not say anything can not be asked.

If you are in a hurry to ask, you still look like you are imaginary.

But did he know or didn't he know that he was dating another woman in the capital? From Zhao Jingjing's dark color, Liu Yang can't really see anything.

Dinner was also peaceful, and Zhao Jing showed no unusual behavior throughout the entire meal. After putting down the bowl of chopsticks, Liu Yang entered the study and opened the bag to see the documents brought back.

As the door of the study gently pushed open, Zhao Jing Jing gently put down a cup of tea with a calm face. Nothing was said. When he turned around and was leaving, he was grabbed by Liu Yang and gently pulled into his arms. Zhao Jing Jing smoothly sat on Liu Yang's thighs.

“Quiet, you worked hard!” Liu Yang reached out and gently caressed the woman's stomach. This move made Zhao Jing Jing suddenly blush. As Liu Yang hugged her and wanted to kiss her, Zhao Jing twisted his body and whispered: “Go take a bath and wash the smell contaminated from outside, otherwise don't go into my bed...”