Perfect Feast

Chapter 681: Satisfied

Ever since Jungwanqing shot Yan Qinghua and Gao Wen Army black materials and arrows, he has waited for months, but there has been no wind and grass transmission. At a time when almost all of Jungwanqing has begun to die, he finally received news of Gao Wen Army, Yan Qinghua and other people being arrested last month.

After receiving the news, Jungwanqing immediately realized that his chance had come, and went to Yu Linglong.

At some point, because of the appearance of two variables, Guo Ziming and Pei Wenjie, the Provincial Discipline Commission and the military only caught Gao Wenjun, but did not have time to conduct further trial of Gao Wenjun, so they began to organize an operation to rescue Pei Wenjie, and naturally did not expect to capture Gao Wenjun's wife.

In time for Jung Wanqing to go, in Yu Linglong not only took Li Xiulan, but also Fu Ailing and Sun Yan.

At first, Pai Erin and Sun Yan and Li Xiulan could not have imagined that Gao Wen Jun would fall into it this time. There are three women who count what their men do. The three women know better what's behind their men's backgrounds.

Gao Wenjun, who has no other skills, has not entered or exited the public security bureau several times. They wanted to come, but this time the Gao Wen Army was just caught for a few days, and coming out was a nail on the board. As long as what you have is not stolen, you can avoid the wind for a while.

However, the next thing was unexpected by a few women, Yu Linglong was sealed, the army and police sent out collectively, the whole coastal city chicken dog jumped, all those with black edges were caught.

The three women were acutely aware of how different the situation was this time.

The news brought back by Jungwanqing made these women look silly. The public security bureau surrounded the blockade, even went to Li Xiulan's hometown, and the coastal city was more closely inspected. It seemed as if they would never be found out, so that the three women, Erin Fu and Li Xiulan, no longer had that blind optimism.

Though the world is big, it seems that there is no safe place anymore except for the house on the side of the dormitory of the Jungwanqing Public Security Bureau. In the words of Jungling, it is: "Except here, it is not safe for you to stay there. As long as you go out, you'll definitely get caught..."

When he said this, Jung Wanqing looked at Li Xiulan's beautiful face, and his deep depressed ambition slowly rose. I put my hand on Li Xiulan's shoulder in front of Erin and Sun Yan.

Li Xiulan trembled and struggled to lose his hands. Jungwanqing stood up from the sofa with a cold smile. The shady eyes looked at Li Xiulan and said: "Li Xiulan, you already know my heart, we all know this. By now, if you're still like this, go back to jail with Gao Man Jun. ”

Saying, Jungwanqing's eye demonstration seemed to look at Eileen and Sun Yan, staring at them coldly and shaking vigorously.

After following Gao Wen Jun, several people thought about this, but when they were going to jail one day, a few people knew that fear was not as resilient as they imagined.

“No... I didn't commit a crime I didn't want to go to jail... I... I beg you to let me go..." Li Xiulan grabbed Jungqing's hand and looked helplessly at the man who was now in charge of his own destiny.

“Oh, that's right. Just listen to me, I will naturally help you...” Jungling angry burst face instantly clear, heavy sat down again, held Li Xiulan's shoulder, brutally wrapped Li Xiulan's head, a kiss on the woman's lips, one hand across the shirt hugely pinched Li Xiulan's chest mountain, the other hand caressing back and forth on her long thighs.

These beautiful long fucking legs are finally mine!

At this moment, the eyes are glowing with joy and excitement.

Li Xiulan closed her eyes powerlessly, leaving the man in his arms to play, slowly fainting red on her beautiful face, and her body gradually warmed up.

“Er... don't... no, Ling... Sister Yan, help me...” Paying Eileen and Sun Yan are still sitting on the couch opposite each other. It's embarrassing...

“Don't... Ling Sister... Ling is still here...” Li Xiulan tried to struggle and didn't dare to struggle, making Jung Wanqing look in the eyes, making the movement more difficult to stop.

“Afraid of what? I don't believe you've played with Gao Man since you were with him? What the fuck is innocent... get up and stand here...” Jung Wanqing asked Li Xiulan to stand in front of the window and turn his back on himself.

Li Xiulan wrapped around the crowd is full of temptation.

“Ah!" Li Xiulan shouted, her dress had been lifted with one hand, black lace pants had been picked to her knees, and the snow flaps were suddenly exposed to the red light of the bush, so beautiful.

In more than a year, Jungwanqing has played with many women in Yuling, but this is the first time he has seen it so perfect. Snow and white, round and natural, I just can't think of anything to describe...

Jung Wanqing rubbed Li Xiulan's trembling butt petals vigorously. I just felt the flesh of the hand and couldn't slip away. It was really comfortable.

Li Xiulan could not resist the instinctive reaction of his body under the play of Jungwanqing. Although he knew this should not be the case, he could not help but open his mouth and shout in a low voice.

In this scene, Fu Erin and Sun were blushed. They tried to escape and were afraid to piss off the blue.

Jungwanqing didn't even care that there were people watching, even more excited because there were two good looking women watching beside him.

Looking at the scenery, Jungwanqing couldn't stand it anymore, untied his pants, pulled out that ugly thing, and stabbed Li Xiulan hard...

With Li Xiulan shouting, her legs could barely stand down against the window.

Jung Wanqing grabbed Li Xiulan's breasts from behind, and his body moved wildly. Li Xiulan bit his lip tightly and his tears poured out.

Stronger women are also naturally weaker in this kind of thing.

Although Li Xiulan was sad, the feeling inside her came from wave to wave, letting her not know if she should be this man at this time or enjoy the joy she brought to herself.

“Dear Ran, why are you crying? Rest assured, as long as you satisfy me, I will cover you in the future...” Jungwanqing, while exercising, comforting Li Xiulan, rubbing her full hands harder: “You say, am I good, or is Gao Wen army good? ”

Li Xiulan was fooled by Jungwanqing. She already felt a hundred grievances in her heart, but Jungwanqing still asked herself so shamelessly, which made her feel even more humiliated.

However, this humiliation accelerated her unbearable heartbeat, and the feeling of diamonds in her body continued to grow, a taste that she had never seen before when she was with Gao Wen Jun.

Life is like a stronghold, when you can't change, you have to learn to enjoy. I don't even know who said that. Can life compare to strength? Li Xiulan couldn't help but sigh and close his beautiful big eyes, forcing him to enjoy the feeling of being with Jungwanqing.

Outside the window is the door to the family yard of the Public Security Bureau. Between the platoons, if you look closely, you can clearly see the eyebrows of those in uniform walking down the road.

At this point, who would have thought that in the room inside the neighborhood where they lived, a wonderfully young and beautiful woman, holding on to the window sill with her hands, her waist soaring tall, her long burgundy hair flying like a messy colored flag behind her head, was taking a massive blow from a man?

Dark body tone contrasts strongly with a woman's fair skin, and the room is filled with crackling sounds and two impatient wheezes.

Watching a woman who had just been righteous and sincerely unwilling to bow in front of herself, the feeling of conquest of a man rose.

Li Xiulan sensibly felt the change in Jungwanqing, twisting his body with a panicked voice and shouting: “No... I didn't use contraception...”

But it's too late... maybe it's Jung-ming who has no intention of evading. As he howled loudly, Li Xiulan shouted, his helpless body slowly softened...

This kind of thing, once there's a first, there's a second time. As long as Jung Wanqing wants it, Li Xiulan will obey. It's not just Li Xiulan, even if she pays Eileen and Sun Yan less outstanding than Li Xiulan's appearance, Jung Wanqing hasn't let them go.

Originally three women belonging to Gao Wen Army, turning a blind eye, became a private object.

Just on the bed in this room, on the sofa, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the balcony, there are signs of pride everywhere.

Just as three beautiful wives were being baptized by other men, their husbands were being tried by law. And the root cause of all of this, though Gao Wen's army took its place, is also the mastermind behind it. Well, that's ironic.

With the arrest of the Secretary of the Political Affairs and Law Commission, the Director of the Public Security Bureau, Yan Qinghua, the Political Affairs Commissioner of the Public Security Bureau, Liu Kaicheng, and the Deputy Managing Director, Zhang Jikun, Jung Wanqing jumped forward several times and presided over the work of the city as Deputy Director, which was not even dreamed of by Jung Wanqing.

It wasn't until he sat in this position that he really tasted the true essence of power.

Life was a piece of shit. What kind of life is that?

The power is in hand, wherever you go, there are people following your knot, calling out to you, saying no different, these days are the real men's lives.

Money, beauty, all this together, has no right to be the biggest stimulus for a man.

It was precisely the increase in rights that gave him access to the Gao Man Army case. Turn over the Gao Wen Army file, and the record of the Gao Wen Army is eye-catching.