Perfect Superstar

Chapter 717: The Protagonist in the Protagonist


The more power, the more responsibility!

Lu Chen not only fits his own story, but also has a deep connotation, has a considerable social philosophical significance, but is also shallow and understandable, and has adage charm.

The greater their abilities, the greater their responsibilities should be, but there are many people in the world who have no power or strength but prefer selfishness to self-interest.

In contrast, Lu Chen's courage and responsibility are truly admirable.

He wouldn't have ignored the danger, he wouldn't have ignored the power of the bullet, but in such a dangerous situation, he resolutely rushed toward the uncontrolled Wolf. Cook...

In addition to capabilities, the most important thing is Lu Chen's willingness to assume responsibility for matching capabilities!

“Now that I think about the situation, I'm afraid too...”

“But if time flies back again, I don't think my choices will change! ”

“Stop Wolfe. Mr. Cook's irrational behavior was not only to save everyone on UD725, but also to save myself! ”

“If I were to evaluate my own behavior, I think I did. ”


When Lu Chen's words went down, there was a thunderous applause in the big conference room of New York City Hall, and many journalists stood up and applauded his wonderful answers, even with their thumbs up.

Journalists who are eligible to sit here, all from well-known local media in the United States, are by no means easily persuaded, but the admiration of Lu Chen has given them the warmest and most sincere applause for abandoning all stereotypes and prejudices.

The scene was faithfully recorded by live cameras, sent back to the television station in real time, and then transferred to thousands of television sets over cable and wireless networks.

In fact, Lu Chen did not say for the first time that "the greater the capacity, the greater the responsibility”. The last time he said the same thing, he was in Seoul. He was also confronted with a journalist's inquiry, also because of his heroic behavior.

Lu Chen's senior fans were certainly not unfamiliar with the phrase, but the American people hadn't heard it, so it was quickly known and accepted as a true motto through the dissemination of media journalists.

Later, the Hollywood Lion Film Industry in the United States used the phrase as the subject of the film when shooting the film "Overflying the Pacific", adapted to the UD725 flight incident.

Of course that's the last word.

The press conference is continuing, and the interviews with journalists are even more intense.

They basically used their valuable questioning opportunities on Lu Chen and left FBI, FAA and New York City officials all alone.

Instead of caring, however, the officials enjoyed themselves and watched Lu Chen communicate with journalists with ease and pleasure.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Lu Chen, is this a trip to the United States or a career? ”

According to the Internet, reporters here know that Lu Chen is not an ordinary person, but a big star in the Chinese entertainment industry, who has made movies and televisions on record and is extremely popular in the country.

They are naturally very interested in this, and guess if Lu Chen came to the United States with the intention of going to Hollywood.

This speculation is not a journalist's fantasy, because Hollywood is the dream factory for world films, the dream place for actors around the world, and there are a lot of stars who used to come from China to storm Hollywood.

Only few have succeeded.

Unlike Lu Chen, who experienced the UD725 incident, he had become familiar with the vast majority of Americans, holding a VIP ticket to Hollywood and qualified to knock on the door of any American film company.

Needless to say, the UD725 Flight Incident alone is perfectly capable of shooting a large film.

Lu Chen himself is the best lead!

According to the reporters, Lu Chen, even if he came to travel, could say that he was looking for opportunities to work with Hollywood. After that, there must have been a large number of movie companies who came to give him this opportunity.

Lucky Chinese boy!

A number of journalists have labeled Lu Chen in their hearts.

Yet Lu Chen answered unexpectedly.

“I am new to the United States and this time I am mainly here to participate in business negotiations, as my own shareholding crowdfunding network is preparing to be listed in Nasdaq. ”

Lu Chen is not a fool, how can he not know the journalists' thoughts, but now he really doesn't pay much attention to Hollywood where everyone tends to be, and takes the opportunity to put an ad on the crowdfunding network.

This ad is worth at least a few million dollars, right?

The questioning reporter stunned and couldn't believe it: “Are you a shareholder of Crowdfunding? ”

The crowdfunding network first appeared domestically, but soon after Li Muxi accepted it, he launched the crowdfunding network into the world and established branches in both the United States and Europe to promote the online crowdfunding model.

With its uniqueness and convenience, this new online fundraising model was quickly sought after by netizens and microentrepreneurs, and the market potential was favoured by investors, so that it could be ready for listing in Nasdaq so quickly.

This reporter was very surprised when he approached and participated in online crowdfunding and had a certain understanding of the US crowdfunding network. I didn't expect Lu Chen to be a shareholder of the crowdfunding network!

In addition to him, there were a few journalists present who knew that the crowdfunding network was not a small group. They were equally surprised to hear Lu Chen's answer.

Lu Chen replied: "Yes, I personally own 10% of the Founder's Share of Crowdfundry Network. ”

Now that advertising for the crowdfunding network, he is not afraid to reveal the details, because once the crowdfunding network is launched, shareholder information is to be made public to all investors and cannot be hidden.

“Founder stock? ”

Journalists say, “Are you the founder of Crowdfunding? ”

Lu Chen nodded with a smile.

The whole thing was so loud - this must be Hollywood!

Lu Chen is from the “mysterious” Oriental kingdom - China, tall, handsome, young, handsome, is a famous Chinese film and television song Mitsubishi star, and has had the body, hands and courage, has just become a hero in the eyes of the American people...

In addition to his skin tone, he's already a template for the Hollywood protagonist, and now he's the founding shareholder of an internet company with endless potential and upcoming listings, and he's the protagonist of the protagonist!

Journalists suddenly realized there was so much to write about when they got back!

What else is there?

Lu Chen is a deeply buried treasure trove. The more treasures are discovered, the more treasures are revealed.

Almost all journalists raised their hands again!


First of all, it will be 2017 in a few hours. Happy New Year to everyone first.

As usual before the New Year's Eve!