Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 1182 The Assassinated Prince

A castle on the outskirts of Moscow, judging from the exterior, it is antique, surrounded by mountains and pleasant scenery. It belongs to the architectural style of the Tsarist Russia era. It gives people a sense of solemnity and solemnity. If you look closely, you can find that there is a Bullet marks from the war in the 1990s.

Douala came out of the castle drunkenly. He was in a good mood recently, because the Kingdom of Yugoslavia is in aquatic heat, which means that he is not far from going home. Although life in Moscow is comfortable and pleasing, Douala I don’t want to set foot on my country’s territory all the time, because there is my root. If I can successfully inherit the throne, I will have countless people.

"If you become a king, you must choose the princess in the country once a year."

Douala has always had such a dream in his heart. Although he has tasted the taste of many white-skinned European girls, he always feels that the most beautiful in his heart are the dark-skinned women.

"Sir, everything is ready, and I will go to the military airport later. There is already a private jet waiting for you." Mikhailov is Douala's personal secretary and a Russian military general who equips him After Douala’s return home, there are many places to rely on Mikhailov.

Douala got into the back of the car with a smile on his face, burped alcohol, and said, "How many people are with us this time?"

Mikhailov replied calmly: "There are ten people, including me."

Douala's complexion changed suddenly, looked at Mikhailov in surprise, and said angrily: "I heard that right, there are only ten people?"

"Yes, sir." Mikhailov still said blankly. "Although the general promised to help you seize the throne, we cannot send troops directly to help, otherwise it will cause a large-scale international war. We can only provide Technical support to help you build a loyal and powerful army, and at the same time lend you enough arms. You also know that our Russian arms are stable enough on the battlefield. As long as you receive professional training, you will soon get a batch The invincible black warrior."

Douala stared at Mikhailov sternly, and he said solemnly: "I met the general alone, and he promised to send five hundred elites to help me return to China to seize power. How can I say nothing?"

Mikhailov continued to explain patiently: "Please be considerate of our current situation. This time Yugoslavia’s internal forces are complicated, not only you, but also other supporters. They will not act rashly and will only hide in the dark. If we arrange for 500 elites to enter Yugoslavia, the United States, China, Britain, France, Spain and other countries will also send elites. In the event of casualties, it will cause a larger-scale commotion. Now there are all major countries. Enough tacit understanding will not easily affect the overall situation of world peace."

Douala said with a lack of confidence: "Huska has more advantages than me. As early as a few years ago, he cultivated an armed force in the country. Is it too late for us?"

Mikhailov waved his hand and said lightly: "Please rest assured, the general has a long-term vision. As early as ten years ago, he established a military force based on the retired KGB in Yugoslavia's steel company, and extensively recruited and trained. There are more than two hundred Yugoslav fighters. They are well equipped and have participated in actual combat many times. Their combat effectiveness is sufficient to contend with Huska’s Second Army."

In the final analysis, these Russians still won't give themselves to their lives and help them build a black army in name. In fact, they hope that their own country will be a civil war, and they will be citizens of Yugoslavia. They are really cunning.

However, Douala's mood is a little calmer. Although he has drunk a lot of alcohol, his consciousness is still sober. The Russian military's layout in Yugoslavia many years ago gave him a feeling of being calculated. Maybe he came by himself. After studying in Russia, the other party began to plan one day to support his return to China to seize power.

On the surface, the Russian military is helping Douala, but in fact it is investing in itself and conspiring with the various mineral resources hidden in Yugoslavia.

However, Douala does not have much choice now, because he can only have the chance to compete for the throne by relying on these big-nosed Russians.Without the help of the Russian military, he would have no chance of winning against Huska.

Mikhailov observed Douala's expression and knew that he had been comforted by himself. This time, accompanying Douala back home, his mission is very important.

First, monitor Douala’s every move, and promptly report any abnormal behavior to his superiors. The Russian government has invested heavily in Douala. In addition to providing housing, it also gives him a monthly salary of US$10,000. Splurge, if Douala returns to China and is bought by other forces and breaks out of his control, years of investment will fall short.

Second, use Douala and the two-hundred-strong army as the basis to form an armed force to try to help Douala seize the throne in order to indirectly control Yugoslavia.Although the area of ​​Yugoslavian is not particularly large, the country is rich in mineral resources, and many places have not been developed. It has infinite potential. Controlling this country can establish a military base on the African continent and increase the country’s right to speak in Africa. .

Third, the war in Yugoslavia is expected to last for twenty years. Where there is a war, there will be a consumption of military resources. The military can use the civil war in Yugoslavia to consume a large amount of armaments and indirectly increase its income. Relieve economic pressure.In other words, no matter whether Douala has won the throne or not, it can't kill the hostile forces. Only by keeping Yugoslavian in the flames of war can the country create the greatest value.

Douala sat in the car, silent. He knew that since he set foot on a foreign land, he would come back sooner or later in such a day.

In order to rush to the military airport, the car turned into a muddy country road. Suddenly, a container truck rushed out from the front right. Two dark gun barrels protruded from the car. At this moment, Douala’s blood vessels were inside. His alcohol turned into cold sweat, emerging from the pores of his body, and he realized that he was designed.

Since learning that his father is critically ill, Douala has maintained a high level of vigilance every day. He used a large sum of money to hire eight veterans who had been in the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina to become his personal guards.

In addition to the group of veterans, several of Mikhailov's subordinates also reacted immediately, overtaking the car from the left and right sides to the front of the main car, forming horns and blocking the first wave of attacks.

However, the opponent came prepared, and the container truck rammed head-on, pushing the car backwards.

Mikhailov dragged Douala, who was urinary incontinence, out of the back seat, and dragged him toward the small wood next to the village road.Douala is always dignified, so he is very bloated, which makes Mikhailov very strenuous.

"His Royal Highness, please calm down. Get off with me now, our people will stop the killer, and you will arrive at the airport safely." Mikhailov madly comforted Douala who had collapsed.

Douala's body was already weakened, she shook her head frantically, and said in a collapsed voice: "I can't run. My bodyguards are dead. No one protects me. Will I die?"

There were already a few masked men jumping off the container truck behind him and rushing towards the place where they had escaped. Mikhailov turned and shot. His marksmanship was superb and knocked down one person, but the group of masked behind him He received professional training and quickly cooperated with his teammates to suppress Mikhailov with firepower. He could only lower his head to avoid the bullets.

Continue to wait, only passively waiting for death, Mikhailov gritted his teeth, snorted, and did not know where the power was born, dragged Douala like a wild boar, and ran desperately toward the depths of the woods, while he used the intercom Start calling for support, "We were ambushed on the way to the airport. There were 15 people on the other side. Please arrange for support in time."

"Wait for a while, we will immediately arrange for someone to support." A definite answer came from the walkie-talkie, which did not ease Mikhailov.

A bullet hit the position where he was standing just now. From the shooting point of view, the opponent should have a sniper hidden in a high place.

Mikhailov pressed Douala fiercely and warned in a low voice: "Don't raise your head. If you raise your head, you will die."

"Are we just waiting for death?" Douala said with a cry.

"No, our reinforcements will be here soon. This is in our country. The other party will definitely not dare to face us. If you can't get a blow, you will definitely escape quickly." Mikhailov calmly analyzed.

"No, I can't wait to die!" Douala was full of fear, especially when he heard the gunshots not far away getting closer and closer, and his heart was full of timidity. He didn't know where the power came from, desperately moving away. Ran away.

With a muffled "pop", the bullet passed through Douala's head, and a blood arrow shot out. Douala paused in the air for a few seconds before falling to the ground.

Mikhailov let out an angry growl, took out the Viper pistol in his hand and began to fight back behind him. However, the group of killers fought in an orderly manner. Seeing that the mission target had been killed, they did not want to fight and left quickly.

A few minutes later, three helicopters appeared in the sky, and the huge propellers roared.

Mikhailov sighed up to the sky and laughed blankly. He didn't expect to be out of school. Douala was assassinated before he arrived at the airport, and he had to shoulder the primary responsibility.He dialed the superior's phone and smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, my support object, Prince Douala is dead."

"What?" The bald general roared angrily. "What international joke are you making. Our plan hasn't officially started yet, but you told me that Douala is dead?"

"Please stay calm, we have a backup plan." Mikhailov said with sweat on the tip of his nose, "Although Douala is not married, he has an illegitimate child."

The bald general suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "Then implement the backup plan and remember that no more problems should arise, otherwise, you need to bear the corresponding consequences."

Mikhailov hung up the phone from his superiors, dialed the phone of a docking person in Yugoslavia, and said in a deep voice: "Duala has an accident and is dead. Now you have to control his illegitimate son..."