Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 1201

After more than ten hours of rushing, Su Tao finally arrived at the base on the edge of the original deep forest in Yugoslavia.

Although the old king's faction was crushed and defeated by the militants, his temporary residence was still more magnificent than ordinary wealthy people.

However, Su Tao failed to meet the old king directly, but first met Crown Prince Miles.

Miles was a tall, burly man with short hair, well-groomed beard, and a kind smile on his face.

Although depressed, he still pays attention to keeping as decent as possible and maintaining the dignity of the royal family.

Sitting next to Miles was a young black girl, his daughter Daris.

Her hair was braided with many braids, like willow silk, scattered around her shoulders. The black hair, whether male or female, is dense and compact, and the total length of each hair does not exceed two or three centimeters.

Once this kind of curly short hair grows long, the tip of the hair begins to curl again, as if it is going to get into the fleshy skin all the time, making the scalp itchy and irritating and uncomfortable like being bitten by an insect.In particular, sweating makes it uncomfortable to stick to the scalp, so I braided it up.

Dai Lisi's appearance is still very beautiful, she has been staring at Su Tao, her eyes full of curiosity.

"You are Su Tao, the genius doctor of China, and I am glad to see you." Dai Lisi said with a smile.

After Ye Ling translated Dai Lisi's words to Su Tao, he didn't forget to remind him, "This black princess seems to be very interested in you. Would you like to work hard to be a consort?"

Su Tao was speechless. He is not good at this. His aesthetic standards are still very traditional and very oriental. Dairis is a stunning black beauty in Yugoslavia or in the Western world, but Su Tao will never be tempted. .

Although evaluating a woman, we must start from the beauty of her soul, but Su Tao is very vulgar in his bones, and likes ordinary people to look at appearance.Therefore, the confidantes around him are all beautiful women with beautiful looks.

Dai Lisi was really interested in Su Tao. Su Tao was wearing a Chinese-style gown with a tall figure and bright eyes. At first glance, she was a vigorous and handsome oriental guy.

Dai Lisi had heard that Su Tao cured Martial's condition and restored stability to the political situation in South Africa. It is really surprising that a doctor can exert such great value.

"Please tell Princess Dairis for me, thank her for her welcome. It is also my honor to meet her," Su Tao said politely.

Ye Ling took a deep look at Su Tao, faithfully translated Su Tao's original words, and thought to himself, this guy is not really impulsive, right?

Although Dai Lisi’s facial features and African features are obvious, her figure is unusually hot. The fat place is plump and enchanting, and the thin place is graceful and round. From a fashion point of view, she has a standard nine-head golden ratio. The body shape is a supermodel who was delayed by the status of a princess.

Myers smiled and said: "I and Mr. Martial, Vice President of South Africa, are old friends. You cured his disease. I also heard about it. I didn't expect China's Chinese Medicine to be so amazing."

Su Tao humbly said: "To cure Mr. Martial's disease, on the one hand, I have treated properly, and on the other hand, Mr. Martial is very cooperative. If the patient does not follow the doctor's instructions, even minor illnesses will cause serious problems. ."

Ye Ling interpreted next to him, thinking to himself that Su Tao was attacking on the sidelines, suggesting that Miles might deliberately delay treating the old king.

Miles reacted immediately and shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You may have misunderstood. It is not that I deliberately prevented you from treating my father, but that he is very stubborn. He is reluctant to take any medicine prescribed by the doctor. The reason is simple, he is afraid of food poisoning. In fact, I hope he can be healthy more than any other."

Su Tao was taken aback for a moment, and he knew the problem of the old king in an instant. He was worried that someone would kill the king, so he refused all drugs. Over time, simple diseases became complex diseases, just like Bian Que sees Cai Huan’s father. To reach the point of being dying.

Kings are suspicious, especially those who are seriously ill. They have so much memory for rights and wealth. Even their own children cannot easily believe them.

Miles’s remarks still have some credibility, because now Yugoslavia is in a mess. Even if the old king dies, he will not succeed to the throne. In comparison, if the old king is still alive, the situation is stable. Coming down will be more favorable to his righteous crown prince, so Miles hopes that the old king can live well at this moment.

Su Tao groaned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I have to see him first to determine his condition and give a reasonable treatment plan."

Miles said solemnly: "My father is very stubborn. When you see him, if he rejects you, please don't take it to heart."

Su Tao shook his head and said, "Thank you for your reminder. I have seen all kinds of patients and I believe this is not a problem."

"You guys are coming here in a hurry, why don't you go take a break first, I have arranged a sumptuous banquet, you can take a bath first, then settle down, and then try to treat my father." Myers noodles Said with a smile.

Miles was not in a hurry to take Su Tao to treat the old king, and Su Tao could not force it. He calmly said, "Then follow your instructions."

After Su Tao and Ye Ling were taken away, Dai Lisi stared at her father and asked curiously: "Dad, why not let Su Tao treat grandpa directly?"

Miles shook his head, and said helplessly: "I have to communicate with your grandfather, do you remember the doctor before? It's just that during the infusion process, he moved a little bit bigger and almost lost his life. He is now Be extremely vigilant to all those close to you."

Dai Lisi tentatively said, "Or, I'll talk to Grandpa for a while and let him relax."

Miles gently stroked Dai Lisi's hair lovingly, and smiled: "You are his favorite little princess, maybe you can make him change his mind and attitude."

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she walked towards the house where the old king was ill. After her figure disappeared, Miles' expression suddenly became serious. After a while, a tall white man came to Miles. .

"His Royal Highness, Jonah is now fighting fiercely with the coalition forces of Heller and Ye Sheng. Jonah has always been your friend. Now you need to act decisively and arrange for the King's First Army to support." Kotva said in a deep voice.

Kotva is an envoy sent by Jonah.

"Heller and I are also friends. There was a conflict between them. On whose side I am on, it is really embarrassing." Miles said deliberately, heartbroken.

Seeing that Miles was deliberately avoiding the topic of support, Kotva continued to persuade him: "They are competing for an oversized diamond mine with a storage of 80 million carats. Your brother Huska has arranged for Ye Sheng to provide elite support. Occupying the drill mine will gain more support from outside forces. No matter who of them wins the drill mine, you will lose your advantage."

Miles stared at Kotva with cold eyes, and said in a deep tone: "It's not that I don't want to fight for the mine, but that I am powerless. The King's First Army is the most elite unit in Yugoslavia, but they only listen to me. Father’s order. Now their responsibility is to protect the safety of the royal family and cannot act rashly."

Kotva's tone suddenly became tough, "If you can't send the first army to support, then your supporters will turn back, maybe supporting Huska is the right choice."

After that, Kotva turned and left without courtesy and respect, leaving Miles with a gloomy expression.

According to the outside world, Miles is a self-contained dictator, more arbitrary than his father, the old king, but this is not the case. Miles is an ambitious man. He hopes that after he becomes a king, he can Changing the backwardness of Yugoslavia and trying to change the original state power system and economic distribution form has touched many snobbery core interests.

Originally, the old king valued Miles’ courage so much that he named him his successor and gave him enough support, but he did not expect that because Miles promoted reforms, it was too radical, which eventually led to militants on all sides. With the support of the forces, it became stronger and stronger, which in turn affected the current kingship.

The old king now completely loses confidence in Miles. His few supporters are also waiting to change. Unless Miles can promise more conditions, he will continue to support him.

And Miles also knows that if he agrees to those unequal treaties that humiliate the country, he will become a sinner of the royal family and a stunned king of national history.

Therefore, the current Miles is actually an overhead puppet, unable to change his current "stigma".

Before entering the room, Ye Ling frowned and asked: "Are we going to strongly demand from Miles to see the old king treat him as soon as possible? This may help Miles send troops as soon as possible to solve Ye Sheng and Hai The crisis that Le is facing?"

Su Tao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If you come here, you will be at ease. Although I can't directly understand Miles's language, I can still see that he actually hopes that the old king's condition can be cured. Now Miles is the only one. His hope lies in the old king’s health. If I can’t cure the old king’s disease, it would be equivalent to destroying his last hope. That’s why he is so cautious.”

Ye Ling nodded and said, "Myers is not as scary as he thought. He looks very gentleman, which is really unexpected."

In today's public opinion, Miles and his father are portrayed as murderous madmen who do no evil, do not care about the living conditions of the people, and are outright anti-human beings.

So Ye Ling's impression of Miles is actually very bad, but Miles has a very gentle personality without any tyrant temperament.

Su Tao sighed and said: "History is written by successful people. If Miles can be reborn in the Jedi and solve this dilemma, he will rewrite his image from a dictator to an unprecedented saint. You Don’t be too anxious. It’s very hard to rush all the way. It’s better to take a hot bath first and have a full meal. I believe Ye Sheng, in a short while, he can still hold on, at least as equal as Jonah."