Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 1349

Ding Dang obeyed Su Tao's arrangement and stuffed a few red envelopes to the staff of the program group, and at the same time told them that they could have dinner with the fans later, which really made the staff of the camera crew feel more comfortable.

There are three videographers who are responsible for capturing material without blind spots. The main videographer is a young man in his early thirties, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, and his name is Dong Dawei. He whispered to He Yue, "I have met many stars, but I was the first one to invite fans and staff to dinner. Su Tao is really different."

He Yue shook his head and said lightly: "His personality is indeed more easy-going, but because of this he does not appear to have personality. When we do reality shows, we want to capture the unique things of the guests. If he doesn’t have anything worth digging, When we post-produce the program, it will be very troublesome."

Dong Dawei nodded and smiled: "Xiao He, don't worry, he is so polite to us, I will surely let the brothers catch good material. Actually, the reality show, if you want to show the characteristics of the guests, doesn't it depend on your later editing? Even if you are a fool, after your later editing, you can still look like a fool, right?"

He Yue laughed dumbly and reminded: "What is right, but Su Tao is the second male in this reality show. We must try our best to build his image, otherwise, Song Hao will get too much limelight. Song Hao belongs to the kind of star who is born with a protagonist halo. As long as he is present, all cameras will involuntarily sweep at him. Moreover, his words and deeds can drive the topic and rhythm. If Su Tao's performance is flat, our team will fail. ."

The reason why Xiangnan Satellite TV can have such a high ratings is that there is not only competition between the program and the program, but also competition among its own internal groups. Bi Howyue is responsible for docking Su Tao’s daily shooting. She must make Su Tao the show The guests with the highest attendance rate, otherwise, during the internal scoring process of the group, the evaluation indicators of their group will be lowered, which will not only affect their monthly income and year-end bonus, but also it will be very difficult to obtain good resources in the future.

In short, He Yue must be responsible for the effects of Su Tao's performance after participating in the reality show. If his scenes can arouse the audience's heated discussion and favor, he is successful; if Su Tao's scenes arouse the audience's popularity Bad reviews, then she will be busy.

And the show producer Chen Xiao pays great attention to Su Tao. If he messes up this mission, he will lose Chen Xiao's trust and become a marginal figure in the show team.

As the director of the whole shooting team, He Yue is undoubtedly the soul and core. Whether the camera, logistics, or assistant, they all shoot materials according to their own will. How the camera moves and when to focus on the content are all based on He Yue. In short, He Yue is the brain of the entire filming team, so she also knows her responsibilities.

Ding Dang has always been in contact with He Yue at ordinary times, so both of them are already familiar.Ding Dang is about the same age as He Yue, so there is no generation gap. The two exchanged a lot when studying how to position Su Tao's role. He Yue also knew that Ding Dang was young but a very intelligent agent.

"This is He Yue, the director of the program group. She will be responsible for docking you and arranging all the shooting procedures." Ding Dang and Su Tao took the initiative to introduce He Yue.

Su Tao nodded with He Yue with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "I beg you for this time."

He Yue also smiled, "I hope we all go well and strive to complete the task smoothly."

Su Tao frowned, hesitated, and reminded with a smile: "If I guessed correctly, Director He should stay up often?"

He Yue knew that Su Tao was a doctor of Chinese medicine, and she was a little surprised. Did Su Tao see anything?He Yue nodded and smiled awkwardly: "The daily routine of TV workers is completely different from that of ordinary people. So not only I stay up late, but everyone around me does it. Could there be problems with me?"

Su Tao said seriously: "Have you often experienced symptoms of insomnia, bleeding gums and hair loss recently?"

He Yue was shocked, "Yes." She was so frightened, could she have some terminal illness?

Seeing He Yue's face pale, Su Tao quickly eased his tone: "It's not a serious illness, but you'd better go to the hospital for an examination recently. Your liver is a bit problematic. Because you are young now, you have no obvious symptoms, but leave it alone. , Over time, something will definitely go wrong."

In fact, He Yue always wanted to go to the hospital to see her body. On the one hand, because she was too busy at work, on the other hand because she was lazy, she never took time to go to the hospital. Su Tao’s words made her aware of her physical problems. It really can't be delayed.

The reason why Su Tao suggested that He Yue go to the hospital to check her body was not because he could not get He Yue to take good care of her body, but because he met for the first time and brought up her physical condition. If he took the initiative to ask He Yue to be treated, he would instead. It made her feel confused, thinking that she was trying to figure her out on purpose.

He Yue’s liver was severely strained due to long-term irregularities. Go to the hospital’s TCM department for an examination. A slightly experienced TCM doctor prescribes some liver-protective drugs for her. It will be back to normal within a month.

Su Tao's expression was deliberately serious, because he was afraid that if He Yue didn't pay attention to it, minor illnesses would lead to serious illnesses. If you don't go for treatment in time, you will get serious things.

The camera has been following Su Tao, which makes Su Tao feel a little uncomfortable. Although his lens phobia has improved a lot after a period of training, it feels like a normal person is stared at by several cameras at all times. It's not easy.

You have to worry about every movement and expression, because any indecent behavior will be recorded.

In order to make the pick-up screen look more noble, the staff also mobilized the remote control non-*human machine to hover overhead.

"Director He, can you take away a few cameras?" Su Tao said stiffly with a smile, "It's a bit too much fanfare, and it also affects passersby?"

Originally, they were crowded and crowded, and attracted the attention of other passers-by. With the camera with the logo of the Shonan Satellite TV station, everyone was curious, who was this filming?

"Ah, isn't that Su Tao?" A young girl finally recognized Su Tao.

"Su Tao? Is that the genius doctor?" The friends next to him often follow the entertainment circle and react.

"Hurry up and shoot, but I didn't expect to see the celebrities with my own eyes!" More and more people picked up their phones to shoot Su Tao.

The airport ground crew found that something was wrong, and immediately arranged security forces to control the order. If there is any special incident, it will be no good.

Su Tao underestimated his influence and popularity, as well as people's mentality to join in the fun. If you shoot from the air, you can see a dense crowd of people concentrating towards the group of people where Su Tao is.

He Yue didn't realize this situation either, frowning and said: "I knew I had notified the airport in advance and increased security measures."

Dong Dawei said with emotion: "We have picked up a lot of times, so where will this happen? Even if Song Hao leaves the station, it is impossible to cause such a big momentum."

He Yue analyzed: “We underestimated the popularity of Su Tao. Song Hao’s fan cluster is under the age of 23, and is dominated by young students. However, Su Tao’s popularity not only covers young people, but also at all ages. Every level is well-known. Because his name often appears in the social, health, and even political sectors. Except for those who follow the entertainment sector, although the rest are not as fanatical as young people, they all have certain economic strength In an airport, which is relatively high-end and business environment, there are more hidden fan groups."

Dong Dawei opened his mouth wide, looked at He Yue in surprise, and said with emotion: "Director He, you seem to make a lot of sense."

He Yue also knows that her analysis contains many elements of imagination, but the unexpected scene at the airport today is indeed shocking and unexpected.

He Yue suddenly discovered that she might have misjudged Su Tao's popularity. In terms of fan activity alone, he might not be as good as Song Hao, but in terms of popularity and influence, Su Tao was even above Song Hao.

Almost everyone in Huaxia has heard Su Tao's name, but they will not blindly chase stars like the young girl in Huaxia, and Song Hao's popularity is relatively too narrow.

He Yue suddenly had an idea that if he succeeded in activating Su Tao's potential fans, he might be able to fight Song Hao.

To make another simple analogy, Su Tao’s name is similar to a writer like Jin Yong. The vast majority of people in China have read his novels and watched his TV series, but no one pursues Jin Yong crazy and shouts on various social platforms. His "husband".

But as far as the show is concerned, Su Tao’s value far exceeds Song Hao. As long as it is properly promoted, everyone will pay attention to the show, to see how the famous Chinese doctor expresses himself in reality shows, and the daily life of the genius Life, is there any difference from ordinary people?

He Yue whispered to Dong Dawei: "Did you take the picture of the airport commotion just now?"

"Take it, take it!" Dong Dawei nodded.

"That's great." He Yue's eyes lit up and said confidently, "It's no accident. In the first episode of the appearance of a few guests, we must be able to beat others."

Dong Dawei nodded repeatedly and smiled honestly: "Of course, almost thousands of people rushed over just now. I have lingering fears, I am afraid of causing a stampede! Even if other groups use extras, the money will definitely not be able to hire so many. People, and there must be human traces in the pictures, it is impossible for us to shoot so realistically!"