Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 2095 Threat From The East

In Toronto, the rainy season began last week. Joshua drove the car into the garage of his new home. Instead of getting out of the car, he unfastened his seat belt and quietly smoked a cigarette.

Joshua is not a smoker, but he particularly wants to smoke at the moment because he can release the pressure on his body.

Half an hour ago, when Joshua witnessed Robinson through the video in the mailbox, he felt every cell in his body cheered.

He has been rushing to fight with Ferry Pharmaceuticals during the recent period. He not only reads every report of his old friend Meister carefully, but also did not miss every comment under the report.

In the beginning, under the public relations of Ferry Pharmaceuticals, all major websites were deleting the replies that were not conducive to Ferry, but then, Ferry seemed to lose the ability to control, not only more and more comments, but also more aggressive .

Joshua knew that his personal strength was insignificant compared to Ferry, and he was also prepared to be overwhelmed, but he did not expect that, as he had expected, the power in the dark would add to the flames.

When Joshua’s mailbox received the video, he became a signal that you can rest assured to retaliate against Ferry Pharmaceuticals, there will be that hidden power behind to protect yourself.

Joshua’s judgment was not wrong. Ferrer Pharmaceuticals first encountered public opinion attacks, followed by the outbreak of debt problems, and the stock price also fell all the way. After seven days, Ferrer Pharmaceuticals had to issue a bankruptcy notice. A behemoth collapsed like this. Although it is not the key reason, it is a direct fuse.

Not only did Joshua’s “betrayal” of his owner not be criticized, but because of his justice, he won the praise of countless citizens. At the same time, Joshua’s own pharmaceutical company also gained a good reputation because of them. I believe that a conscientious entrepreneur who dares to stand up and fight against the powerful Ferry Pharmaceuticals will never produce products that violate morals.

Eisenhower was the first channel dealer to call Joshua, "I must apologize to you, because of my shortsightedness and cowardice, I once refused to cooperate with you."

Joshua smiled tolerantly, "You are also forced to be helpless, I can understand."

Eisenhower smiled and said: "Ferry Pharmaceuticals declared bankruptcy, which is very happy. Without its shackles, I think the cooperation can still continue. I don't know if you agree to complete the contract renewal.

Joshua said readily: "Of course there is no problem. We have known each other for so many years and believe in each other's strength."

Eisenhower breathed a sigh of relief: "Tomorrow I will go to your company in person to discuss the issue of contract renewal."

After Eisenhower hung up the phone, Joshua was relieved, because things seemed to be going in a good direction.

He was about to go out when the phone rang again, and there was a clear female voice, "I'm Han Ying."

Qiao Shuya was slightly startled, but he did not expect that it was his own investor representative, and quickly said, "Excuse me, what's the order?"

"Give you ten minutes to explain what you think about the crisis of Ferry Pharmaceuticals. If you are asked to be the aftermath of Ferry Pharmaceuticals, how do you change the current unfavorable situation?" Han Ying asked briskly.

Joshua was surprised by Han Ying’s question, and fine sweat appeared on the tip of her nose. “The biggest problem of Ferrer Pharmaceuticals now is debt and capital. Because of the early annexation model, the debt ratio is extremely high. Now banks are collecting debts. The physical industry cannot provide cash flow and can only declare bankruptcy.

If I take over, I will sell assets first, spin off industries that cannot generate profits, and use this part of the funds to repay debts.Secondly, Ferry Pharmaceuticals wants to return to business as usual and make consumers recognize it. First, it must hold a press conference to make a sincere apology; second, it must appease the distribution agents and let them recognize that the products still have strong vitality and are worthy of their sales. ..."

Unknowingly, Joshua said for a full twenty minutes. Although it exceeded the stipulated time, Han Ying did not interrupt Joshua because he had a thorough understanding of the issue of Ferry Pharmaceuticals, just as Su Tao judged. He knows Ferry's situation very well.

"Congratulations, you passed my assessment." Han Ying waited for Joshua to stop, and said calmly, "I have mobilized capital to acquire Ferry Pharmaceuticals. Assets you think are useful to you will be transferred to you later. Integrating into the current company system, I hope you can maintain a good mentality and maximize these assets as soon as possible."

Qiao Shuya's eyes widened and he couldn't speak. He obviously didn't expect Han Ying to have such a wealthy arrangement that she would directly acquire Ferry Pharmaceuticals.

After Ferry Pharmaceuticals declared bankruptcy, the accounts were frozen, the assets were sealed, and all were handed over to the bank.

The bank will auction Ferry again. The lean camel is bigger than the horse. Although the auction price will be very low, it also needs to use astronomical wealth. Who would have thought that Han Ying would complete everything without acting up, and would also return these assets. Leave it to yourself.

"My goal has been Ferry Pharmaceuticals from the very beginning!" Han Ying made a brief explanation, "You are a good manager and have the ability to start Ferry Pharmaceuticals again. I want to achieve profitability within half a year. Can you do it?"

"Although time is tight, I will try hard." Joshua said solemnly.

Guessing that Han Ying was about to hang up, Joshua suddenly said sincerely, "Thank you."

Han Ying said strangely: "Thank me? In my values, everything is profitable. You should thank yourself for being a valuable person."

Joshua secretly thought that Han Ying was really a weird person who couldn't communicate, "If you didn't protect my wife and daughter secretly, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to make up my mind to fight against Ferry Pharmaceuticals."

Han Ying was startled slightly, shook her head and sighed: "Then you thanked the wrong person. I did not arrange for someone to protect you or your family. I guess this matter should be related to another person."

Joshua originally thought it was Han Ying who arranged it in secret, but Han Ying didn't even know, "Please tell me."

"Su Tao!" Han Ying said lightly, "You don't have to be grateful to him. On the entire chessboard, you are just a pawn he used against Ferry Pharmaceuticals. Including I will buy Ferry and give it to him. You are also in his expectation."

Joshua was dumbfounded, the cigarette burned to the end of the cigarette unknowingly, and his fingers were scalded.

Of course he knows who Su Tao is?

The founder of Sanwei Biomedicine.

Is it just a bureau to invite yourself to participate in an innovative drug release conference from the beginning?

If so, then Su Tao's city mansion is too deep.

Since the launch of the innovative drug release conference, Su Tao intends to challenge the two pharmaceutical groups, Ferri and Noy. He wants to take this opportunity to change the world's pharmaceutical landscape.

Joshua is a former executive of Ferry. If he can increase the bargaining chip in his hand, it will definitely arouse Ferry’s vigilance and cause an incident that hurts and compels Joshua. Under threat, Joshua will expose the old man. The ugly behavior of the club.

The taste of being exploited was very uncomfortable, but Joshua was relieved very quickly. After all, he did not suffer any loss in the whole process, and neither his wife nor daughter suffered any harm.

Moreover, the entanglement between himself and Robinson, even without Su Tao's intervention, would explode sooner or later.

Now through this incident, Robinson has been arrested and his most threatening opponent has disappeared.

He became the biggest winner.

Joshua cleared up his mood, got out of the car, and opened the door.

Before his wife Muriel was wearing an apron and was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Dorothy was watching TV with his grandpa and grandmother, watching the warm scene, he was determined to protect this long-lost harmony.



Kreisman looked at the documents submitted by the assistant, with an incredible expression in his eyes, "Is only completed the order of 10 million US dollars?"

The assistant nodded and said: "The ten innovative drugs launched by Sanwei Biomedicine are launched to the market faster than expected, and the profits provided are far greater than our old drugs. Only our own channels are willing to continue selling. Old medicine."

Kreisman questioned: "Why are they so efficient? It took only half a month to get the patent!"

The assistant smiled bitterly: "They started purchasing raw materials for new drugs as early as a month ago. We did not detect this behavior at the time, thinking it was their normal purchasing activities."

Kressman's eyes widened, and he sat on the chair blankly, staring blankly at the ceiling.

His own mistakes in judgment made the losses of Noy Group worse.

Originally planned to use the time difference between the replacement of new and old drugs to clean up the inventory, but I did not expect that the opponent would not give myself this opportunity at all.

Kreisman waved helplessly to the assistant and sighed: "You go out and let me be quiet."

The assistant left the office, looking at the ailing Kressman with sympathy.

For the failure of this strategy, Cresman must bear all responsibilities.

As his direct subordinate, there is no room for survival in the company. He has to consider his future.

Kressman took out a resignation letter from the drawer. The content of this letter was very long. It not only summarized his work during his tenure, but also pointed out the "threat from the east."

He knew that the senior executives of the group would not care about his worries, because in their eyes, the Sanwei Group is just a company that has been established for less than five years. How can such a company shake up the pharmaceutical giant with a foundation of hundreds of years? ?

But as a professional manager, he must complete his last task.

Kreisman’s resignation was submitted and was quickly approved, which caused such a large loss. Kreisman took the blame and resigned, which is the best way to deal with it.

Although Noy Pharmaceuticals has lost its leading position in antiviral drugs, Noy Pharmaceuticals still needs other drugs as supplements. It may lag behind Tosca and Elber, but it is still the third largest pharmaceutical giant.