Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 2330 give him more support

Yue Zun’s call represents the attitude of the Chinese medical community. At this moment, there is no longer a distinction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. There is only the glory of the home country. If Su Tao succeeds in becoming famous in the world medical community, others will only be better than Chinese medicine. Thumb, but not accounting than Su Tao's expertise in traditional medicine or modern medicine.

Yue Zun still smelled a lot of pressure, so he cheered Su Tao on.

In the beginning, the western medical community may have been indifferent and disdainful of Su Tao, but with his brilliant performance in the campus shooting, many people have recognized his strength after the operation.

There are many videos about Su Tao, but the sources are all spread by China. It is difficult to say whether there is any suspicion of cost, but Su Tao's performance in NY Hospital has not undergone any treatment and is entirely a demonstration of his strength.

Now no one would question his medical skills, and many medical experts are a little looking forward to the upcoming World Medical Tour Conference held by Su Tao.

Yue Zun originally thought that Huaxia's medicine lies in the continuous introduction of new equipment and technology, and by recruiting international medical experts in universities, it will be in line with international standards and catch up with the development level of international medicine.

Su Tao gave Yue Zun a brand-new direction, that is, starting from his own traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and constantly digging his own advantages, thereby driving the overall development of medicine.

The current Sanwei Group is no longer just a pure Chinese medicine empire. After being incorporated into the Rising Group, it has combined with Hongyatian and the two major hospitals to transform the corporate hospital into a comprehensive hospital.The doctors and equipment of these hospitals are fully supported by three powerful investors, forming a new hospital force.

Sanwei Group's professional transformation of old hospitals will completely subvert the Chinese people's stereotypes about private hospitals.In the hearts of the Chinese people, private hospitals are not only expensive, but also irregular in many aspects, especially under the control of a certain faction, there are too many shady scenes.

After Sanwei Group enters the field of private hospitals, it will completely improve the layout of the medical field, which will not only provide patients with better services, but also purify the industry, and completely remove those unethical and irregular companies from the industry.

However, the pressure faced by the Sanwei Group is still huge. When the Sanwei Group enters the private hospital industry, it will inevitably affect vested interests. Therefore, there has been a rebound and often touch small frictions, such as private enterprises under the Sanwei Group. Receive complaints and reports from time to time.

Yue Zun secretly helped the Sanwei Group resolve many conflicts. At the same time, he also met with big-time figures in private hospitals to ease their conflicts. Although he has been controlled by himself in a short period of time, he will not be surprised. For some time to come The internal fingering may suddenly erupt.

Su Tao is flying higher and higher. Seeing him now galloping on the international medical stage, and gradually blooming brilliance, Yue Zun has a kind and proud feeling. He also secretly vowed that China’s medicine must be recognized by the Western world.

But Yue Zun spent most of his life's efforts and failed to achieve this. Since Su Tao is now farther than himself, he certainly has to support him.

Now that the country’s economic strength is becoming stronger, many fields are constantly approaching the world’s top standards. Yue Zun also believes that the prosperity and leadership of medicine is also a matter of course. However, in order to truly achieve leadership, it is not just to ignore it, but to someone Leading the crowd to charge forward, Su Tao is undoubtedly the suitable candidate.

The drug research outsourcing machine set up by Su Tao in Country Y represents the signal that Huaxia Medicine has hit the pinnacle of medicine. In the future, more cutting-edge medical technologies will take root in Huaxia Medicine.

Yue Zun hung up Su Tao's phone, condensed his eyebrows and thought for a long time, and called his teacher Professor Thomson. Thomson is a pinnacle scholar in the field of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular in Western medicine. Although he has retired for many years, he is still the Medical Association of M State. The honorary president, the status is respected.

The most admirable thing about Thomson is his excellent conduct. Not only does he recruit a large number of disciples, but he also has students all over the world regardless of national boundaries.

Yue Zun has worked and studied in his team for two years. The personal relationship with Thomson is very good. During the holidays, Yue Zun will take the initiative to call to send blessings and occasionally send gifts. Thomson also appreciates Yue Zun very much. Yue Zunneng The detached status in the TCM expert group is also related to Thomson's status in the international medical community.

The medical profession pays attention to the relationship between teacher and student. Although Thomson has many apprentices, Yue Zun is a very close disciple, so he will be given more support in terms of resources.Therefore, Yue Zun is not only famous in China, but also has a place in the international medical community.

"Oh, Yue, you are not the one who would come to me to chat with me, what's the matter?" Although Thomson is over eighty years old, he has a cheerful personality. He is very happy that Yue Zun has found himself on his own initiative.

"Teacher, I have something to ask you." Yue Zun said in a deep voice, "A friend of mine is about to hold a medical tour in NY."

"You must be the young man Su Tao." Thomson reacted quickly. "You mentioned this child to me before and thought he was the hope of Huaxia Medical. I think you were bragging. However, I have seen The video of his surgery on the Internet is simply astonishing. Who would have thought that humans could perform operations as precise as a Nobel robot."

Yue Zun breathed a sigh of relief, but Su Tao's influence suddenly became so great.

However, Su Tao's influence is only temporary, and it is not enough to make him a world-renowned doctor. Almost all world-renowned doctors are accumulated by decades of word of mouth. This short-lived performance is not enough to make him He stands tall in the apricot forest of the world.

What Su Tao needs to do now is to fight steadily, continuously consolidate and accumulate his own experience, and build a good reputation.

"I hope you can give him more support." Yue Zun said solemnly.

Thomson was silent, "This can be nothing like you."

Thomson and Yue Zun have been acquainted for so many years. Yue Zun has never taken the initiative to make any request with him. On the contrary, Yue Zun has done a lot of behind-the-scenes work for Thomson, such as organizing papers, organizing under the clerk, managing contacts, etc., although Yue Zun has gradually moved away. Thomson’s team, but Yue Zun made great contributions to Thomson’s success.

Nowadays, a leader in any industry, he is not alone in the fight, and he has a meticulous operation team behind him.

"What does he mean to you, it's worth it!" Thomson said strangely.He had originally cultivated Yue Zun as his successor, and planned to hand over the team to Yue Zun for maintenance after he retired. The premise was that Yue Zun could not return to China and would stay in M ​​country to work.

At the beginning, Yue Zun firmly refused this temptation, and returned to his unit without hesitation, starting from the grassroots level, steadily and steadily to achieve the current achievements.

Thomson is paying attention to Yue Zun's progress. He is helpful to Yue Zun, but only provides some support in subtle ways.

"Teacher, you know me very well. I have always hoped to use my own strength to promote the medical development of Huaxia. I am old and farther and farther away from my goal, but Su Tao is different. He is not only young, but also walking. It must be farther than me. When I was at his current age, I did not have the courage and courage to do such a bold behavior. The world tour doctors, show my talents in front of the world, and promote the traditional Chinese medicine." Yue Zun said mockingly.

Thomson sighed: "I understand what you mean, you will train him as your successor."

Yue Zun was startled slightly, and suddenly said, "That's right."

Thomson grinned and said: "I used to train you as a successor, but you didn't do what I thought, which made me depressed for a long time."

Yue Zun didn't expect Thomson to bring up this past. In those years, Thomson did not deliberately contact him. Later, he made unremitting efforts to resolve the relationship between the two.

"Fine, I know your national sentiment is very heavy. I will protect your successor, as long as he does not violate the law and discipline, I will protect his safety in country M, and at the same time not let the medical profession make him difficult." Tom Sen said confidently.

Yue Zun breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, teacher."

Thomson shook his head and sighed, "Why should we be so polite?"

Yue Zun smiled and said: "When will I come to China Xia again, I will show you the changes in China Xia and repay you with practical actions."

Thomson took off the frame and said with emotion: "I haven't been to China for more than ten years. To be honest, I still miss it a bit."

Now is the information age. Thomson has many channels to get news about China. As the world's second largest economy, China's changes have changed the views of many Westerners.

Hanging up Yue Zun’s phone, Thomson’s heart was ups and downs. At the beginning, he trusted Yue Zun a lot. Even Yue Zun joined the nationality of M country as a high-tech talent, and he has secretly helped Yue Zun sort out the relationship, but Yue Zun Just so stubbornly rejected his kindness.

Thomson was very repellent to Huaxia's students, thinking that they were all unfamiliar wolves.

Now Thomson has understood that almost all Chinese elites have a strong sense of serving the country, which is incomprehensible to the people of other countries.

Thomson thought for a while and said hello to several old friends in the Medical Association. On the one hand, he advertised Su Tao's World Medical Tour Conference and asked them to buy more tickets and support; on the other hand, he also revealed to them. The signal, Su Tao is not without support. It belongs to Thomson's relationship. Even if you start with him, you still have to look at yourself.

Several phone calls made by Thomson shocked the medical community in Country M. He originally thought that Su Tao's holding of this event was an act of grandstanding.

Unexpectedly, Su Tao has such a strong relationship. The medical industry is full of expectations and attention for Su Tao's event.