Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 2347 I Can Only Die

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through my mind. First, a picture of his daughter Yansha appeared, and then he was frozen in Su Tao for some reason.

Jiang Qinghan has studied psychology in depth. When a person is in despair or loneliness, the person that comes to mind first is undoubtedly the most important person in his life.

Yansha is her biological daughter and the most important person in her life. If she encounters danger, she can stand in front of her without hesitation and protect her with her life.

The reason why the image of Su Tao appeared is probably because of instinct. Su Tao appeared at the first time when he was in a dangerous moment countless times, so that he could turn the danger into peace.

Jiang Qinghan knows deep down in her heart that Su Tao's shadow flashed in her mind, and it was not just a need for protection. If she died at this moment and fell into hell, before drinking Mengpo Tang, Su Tao would hesitate to forget her memories Important reason.

Jiang Qinghan has thought about the relationship between herself and Su Tao countless times. She is a teacher and apprentice, and a relative, but she knows that a special kind of affection continues to thrive from its budding state and has now become a towering tree.

Su Tao has hinted at himself countless times as to how he should respond if he pursues himself.

Each time Jiang Qinghan avoided this slightly embarrassing and ambiguous topic, but she knew clearly that the voice of her refusal was gradually weakening.

The feelings between men and women are difficult to explain in words. When Su Tao regarded Jiang Qinghan as the most important person in his life, why didn't Jiang Qinghan regard Su Tao as his object of support and protection.

If a bullet flew towards his chest, Jiang Qinghan would stand in front of him without hesitation, because Su Tao had used practical actions to protect himself countless times.

Everyone will have dreams, regardless of age, as long as there is a signal tower to accept emotions, they will become irrational because of emotions.

If he died like this, Su Tao would take care of Yansha for himself. Thinking of this, Jiang Qinghan felt relieved.

"Give me a gun." Jiang Qinghan and the Zifa woman actively demanded, "I believe you, you are not malicious to me. We are now in the same camp. Only by fighting side by side and fighting together can we have a chance to escape smoothly."

The purple-haired woman glanced at Jiang Qinghan complicatedly, drew a pistol from her waist, took out three shuttle bullets and handed it to her, "Will it be useful?"

"Yes!" European-style guns are slightly more difficult to handle than the Chinese style, but Jiang Qinghan has studied it systematically, so there is no obstacle for her.

Under the pressure of the car group, the five convoys came to a halt in two rows, and the people inside one after another stepped out, using the cars as shelters, and started shooting forward.

The enemy planned to capture Jiang Qinghan alive, so he didn't use a weapon of mass destruction.

Jiang Qinghan's palms are all sweaty. Although she has experienced many life and death encounters, it is the first time that she has met this kind of scene where the two sides are fighting.

She took a deep breath, tried to keep her gun steady, and gently tapped the trigger. Twenty meters away, one person fell to the ground.

The purple-haired woman looked at Jiang Qinghan in surprise. Even the sharpshooter, in such a fierce battle, it is quite difficult to kill the enemy with one shot.

Before she had time to react, one person emerged as a target and instantly became Jiang Qinghan's dead soul.

The soldiers in the command vehicle quickly realized that something was wrong, and there was a powerful man with accurate marksmanship on the opposite side. He quickly ordered: "Everyone be careful, increase firepower resources, and don't give the opponent a chance to shoot black guns."

"What if it hurts the target? The above request must be brought back to life." The adjutant next to him reminded.

"When it comes to the battlefield, how can you follow the above instructions? According to the current situation, it will be extremely difficult to bring it back to life, so now we must quickly destroy the enemy's lethality. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the enemy. Whatever happens, the consequences will be borne by me." The soldier has very rich combat experience and quickly issued orders.

Large-caliber bullets quickly appeared on the scene, and the densely packed bullets were like hail. Even the thickened steel body plate after modification could not resist such powerful firepower. The first few vehicles instantly turned into sieves.

"I advise you not to resist meaninglessly. Now there are reinforcements coming here and handing over Ms. Jiang. You can avoid death." The artillery stopped suddenly, and the soldiers picked up the loudspeaker and started the persuasion mode.

A cold color appeared in the purple-haired woman's eyes. She glanced at her friends around her, and from their expressions and states, they had begun to waver.

Country M does not have the death penalty, and treats prisoners more graciously. These professionally trained fighters can easily become the boss when they arrive in prison, and their lives can be very moist.Moreover, the prisons in country M have many loopholes. As long as you pay attention to the methods, you can find a way to escape.

Many movies about jailbreaking in Country M are modified based on real cases.

Death or humiliation to live, many people will choose the latter.

"The other party has too many people, and the equipment is far better than us. Let's give up the mission?" The bearded soldier near the purple-haired woman holding a steel gun said with a trembling voice.

The purple-haired woman put her muzzle against his chin and said coldly: "Dare to say one more frustrating thing, I will let you see God now."

The bearded man knew the character of the purple-haired woman, begging for mercy: "I just suggest it."

"You are disturbing the military's mind." The purple-haired woman hit the bearded chin with a rifle.

Jiang Qinghan sighed secretly. He didn't expect this woman to be so tough.

The opponent is not eager to attack, and seems to be giving himself time to consider.

"Tempt the other boss to speak." Jiang Qinghan and the purple-haired woman made a gesture.

The woman with purple hair took a deep look at Jiang Qinghan. She immediately knew what the plan was and wanted to adopt a strategy of capturing the thief first.

Now that there is no time to consider the stakes, the purple-haired woman twisted Jiang Qinghan into her arms and pointed her gun at her temples, "Let us go, or I will kill her now. I know your plan. Use her as a hostage to threaten my boss. Now as long as you kill him and the boss has no worries, then our task is complete."

The commanding soldier said in a cold voice: "I admire your courage, and even dared to pull your teeth. It is impossible to let you go. At most, you will be treated better when you are in jail."

"Then you can only die." The purple-haired woman took out a dagger and stabbed Jiang Qinghan in his arm.

Jiang Qinghan cried out violently, and his whole body twitched violently, almost limp to the ground.

The commanding soldier looked angry in his eyes, "Well, as long as you keep her, I can let you leave safely. You give her to us first, and I will be your hostage."

"Okay, come over to me." The purple-haired woman said coldly.

Commanding the soldiers to move slowly towards the purple-haired woman, when he was about three meters away, he suddenly touched his waist.

With a bang, the bullet pierced the shoulder blade of the commanding soldier.

The commanding soldier looked at Jiang Qinghan in disbelief, because he found that the bullet had been shot from the pistol in Jiang Qinghan's hand.

I was actually fooled by these two women!

The rest of the people were at a loss when they saw that the commander was controlled by the opponent.

"Keep on attacking, leave me alone." The commanding soldier said angrily, he had been grabbed by the beard, and his forehead was holding the muzzle.

The adjutant sighed and shook his head with the others, "Don't hurt him, you can leave."

Any team that wants to be cohesive will not give up the lives of brothers, otherwise, the team will be completely separated.Even if the task can be completed right now, but next time you encounter difficulties, who would dare to charge forward?

The woman with purple hair let out a sigh of relief.

The commanding soldier sneered: "You can't escape, don't try to struggle anymore."

Jiang Qinghan's commanding soldier directly stuffed dough into his mouth, causing the purple-haired woman to be taken aback.

"Don't be influenced by him. If there is a will, there will be a miracle. As long as you continue to move forward, there will be miracles." Jiang Qinghan said this and suddenly realized that his tone was particularly like Su Tao.

I have to admit that I was actually affected by Su Tao in many cases.


Hanzhou, night, half past nine.

Yansha and Xiaowen walked out of the school gate side by side, and a teenager rushed out beside her, and stuffed a letter into Xiaowen's palm. Xiaowen waved to the teenager by surprise, "Hey, did you send the wrong person?"

Yansha snatched the love letter from Xiaowen, and after tearing it open, she smiled and said, "Don't plant and blame, this time you are really a fan of yours, or a junior, tut."

Xiaowen blushed, took the love letter from Yansha, and tore it to pieces in twos or twos, "It's really annoying."

Yansha deliberately raised her face and snorted: "My love letter, you didn't read it less, why I read you one, you are not happy, it is really stingy."

Xiaowen hurriedly shook her head and said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you, I mean that schoolboy is too annoying. I don't like anyone, but I actually like me."

Yansha pinched Xiaowen's cheek and smiled happily: "If I were a man, I would like you too. I am so good-looking and I can read books especially. The only drawback is that my chest is small. A little bit, but it’s okay, there’s everything in a neighboring country."

Xiaowen inserted her hand into Yansha's squeaky nest, and said out of breath: "Let you talk nonsense."

Yansha trembled with a smile. Seeing a black-faced middle-aged man approaching in front of her, she hurriedly put her finger to her mouth, "Stop making trouble, Director Jiang is here."

Director Jiang is the director of the teaching department. He is a famous black-faced god at the school.

"Hello, Director Jiang!" Xiaowen greeted her actively.

"Well, hello, go back to be safer." Director Jiang met Xiaowen, who was often on the podium to receive commendations, and smiled at Yansha.

Yansha only felt terrified, and then realized that she has made a lot of progress in her studies, and she is no longer the original scumbag, so Director Jiang does not need to have a deep grudge against herself.

Xueba really has many benefits and conveniences.