Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 495: Accepting Confessions Under Torture

“Mom, you can have whatever you want. It's Sulu's treat!” After introducing Su Rushan, Gu Rushan sat with him by the side of Gu Daoshan and ordered Su Rushan, "Though you don't drink much, you have to have a few more drinks with my father today! ”

Gu Daoshan smiled slightly at his wife Zhang Fen. Zhang Fen lived with her husband for many years. She was very tacit. She knew that her husband did not like Su.

With one of the most basic conditions, Su Qiu did not meet.

According to the consensus between herself and her husband, her daughter must marry someone older than herself. Su Xiao looks a few years younger than Zhu Shan. This sister's love is not only an idea in the heart of Gu Daoshan, but she cannot accept it herself. However, the work in the scene still needs to be done. After all, the family will be reunited in Yan Jing. Let's persuade the daughter to end this relationship after dinner.

“That won't work!” Zhang Fen frowned, "How can you let Su Xiao break the bill? We don't have a habit of taking advantage of people. Your parents can afford this meal. ”

Gu Rushan smiled slightly and obeyed her. She knew that her mother disagreed with herself and Su Xiao. She also has a delicate heart. In fact, she does not agree that it is good for her. Tomorrow, she will tell her parents directly to end this relationship so that Su Xiao doesn't have to lie to her family. But she is bored again. Is age really that important?

She suddenly hit a smart guy, didn't she like over-aged men? Since when does she think that age is not an obstacle to love?

Gu Rushan is a very rational woman who knows the consequences of women being older than they are. Women aged earlier than men, and if they were four or five years apart, when women were forty, men were thirty-five. A woman of renewed quality, by the age of forty, will also become a leech, while a man of thirty-five is still in his prime age.

“Come on, since my mom can't afford us, then we won't have to grab the bill.” Gu Rushan was afraid of Su's embarrassment, so she tried to use her good offices. She said this as if it gave an illusion that her parents were worried about them.

Zhang Fen sighed, the daughter is also an outgoing girl, actually helping her boyfriend to lift the siege.

Gu Rushan ordered the whole duck feast. In addition to the roasted duck in the main furnace, there are also traditional dishes such as "Saltwater Duck Liver”, “Mustard Duck Palm”, “Rohan Duck”, “Crystal Duck Sibao”, “Sauce Duck Prowl”.

The workmanship and ingredients are relatively straightforward. Take Luohan duck as an example. In the marinated skimmed duck, add the duck meat pellets, green beans, carrots, meat peel and other six or seven ingredients into the filling. It tastes refreshing.

Gu Rushan had never eaten authentic Quanjude before, but to prove that Yan Jing was doing well, eating Quanjude roasted duck was common practice, so she prepared in advance. Without introducing the waiter, she herself said the classic practice at the beginning, and the waiter standing beside her listened.

After ordering the food, Gu Rushan rose to pour tea for everyone. When he poured tea for Zhang Fen, he was “accidentally” knocked over by Zhang Fen, so that the white dress was stained with yellow juice.

“Mom, you...” Gu Rushan turned to Zhang Fen without a word.

“Oops, dude, I'm sorry, I just stumbled upon it.” Zhang Fen Dao, “go wash up in the bathroom, otherwise tea stains will be difficult to clean. ”

Gu Rushan was also speechless. In order to meet her parents, she wore one of the most expensive dresses. She saw the tea stains. Later treatment could be destroyed. She was helpless: "I'll go to the bathroom! ”

When Gu Rushan got up and walked out five or six meters, Zhang Fen laughed: “I'll see if I can help!

Gu Rushan rubbed the stain with his hand and saw Ma's expression come mysteriously. She awoke and didn't have a good airway: “Ma, you didn't mean to get my clothes dirty, did you? ”

Zhang Fen sighed and nodded: “Yeah! I wanted to say a nice word to you. ”

“You know how expensive my dress is, you know?” Gu Rushan almost blew away.

“Don't rush!” Zhang Fen spoke heavily, “Your father and I have been pressuring you to marry, putting a lot of pressure on you, but the marriage is not a trick, not a man, so we decided to marry you out. ”

Gu Rushan heard Zhang Fen's unexpected remarks and was unhappy: “Is there anything wrong with Su Xiao? ”

Zhang Fen waved his hand and sighed: “Too young! ”

Gu Rushan was so angry that he cried, “Didn't you object to me looking for uncle before? Now I'm looking for a young man, and you're not happy about it? ”

“We object to you looking for an uncle for fear that you will be deceived by a married old man. As for Su Xiao, he is too young. I am afraid he will not be able to take care of you, and you will have to relocate him in the future.” Zhang Fen continued to persuade. She did not specify that Su Xiao's economic conditions were probably not very good either. At least she did not have a room. Gu Rushan has rented a house so far, otherwise she would have moved in together.

“I'd love to!” Gu Rushan insisted.

“All right, all right! Then drill the horn tip, and don't blame me for not reminding you.” Zhang Fen saw that the ideological work could not be done, and So-sex dismissed the harsh words.

While the mothers and daughters were talking in the bathroom, Su Xiao was also accepting "torture to extract confessions” at the dining table!

Yuan Cuizheng lowered his voice and asked: "Do you have a house in Yanjing? ”

“No!” Su Xiao continued to answer honestly.

“Are you going to buy a house in Yanjing?” Yuan Cui is a little disappointed. The lack of a house means that she is not a native of Yanjing. If she goes into the household account, it will be even more problematic. After marriage, she will have children, and education will be enough for two people to have a headache.

“Neither do I!” Su Xiao went on to say an answer that was not ideal.

No wonder! At this age, Su Xiao has only been out of society for a few years. He doesn't even have a deposit. How can he plan to buy a house in Yanjing?

Yanjing's house price has been rising, which means that the small account will also cost 45 million. Mindful of this, Yuan Cuidong was a little excited. He made a lot of money over the years. Not only did he have two suites in the county, but he also bought a futures house in the city. At the end of the year, he could get the keys and prepare for renovation.

Du Bing's uncle is a cowman with a face in the county, so what? His daughter is not married yet, and her boyfriend can't even talk about it.

There's a contrast, there's a gap, there's a bit of fun.

“I hear you're a TCM. How much do you earn each month?” Yuan Cui's face was thick, and he asked straight away. Yuan Cui found that Su Xiao was really average on an economic basis, except that he was better than his husband.

“I didn't count that!” Su Xiao said honestly.

Yuan Cui was a little upset. She asked: "In front of us, you don't have to cover up. Less is less. My uncle doesn't like dishonest people. ”

Su Xiao was about to say a number nonsense. Gu Rushan had already returned from the bathroom and smiled at Yuan Cui. “What are you talking about? ”

Yuan Cui whispered: “We're asking about him. He's a little dishonest! ”

Gu Rushan was unhappy. “Ask me if you need anything," he said calmly. ”

Yuan Cui chuckled: “Don't be so loud, I'll help you with the gates. ”

“It's none of your business!” Gu Rushan had a bad impression of Yuan Cui.

Yuan Cui is a flaming woman. After marrying her cousin, she ran almost all her relatives around. If you give her an insurance policy, that's fine. If she doesn't give the order, she won't give a good look. What's more, once again, she stares at a relative for a month or two to insure her, and it doesn't work out. She also publishes the list of fruits and gifts sent out for such a long time, which makes the relative extremely embarrassing.

“How can you talk to your sister-in-law like that?” The Doo soldiers are more protective of their wives.

Yuan Cui's face was red and white for a while, his voice was extremely low, and he said to himself: “I have bad eyesight, I have found such a bad boyfriend, and it is strange that no one should talk! ”

Though no one else heard it, Su Zhi understood lip language, but was able to understand Yuan Cui's hostility towards himself.

Su Xiao is only an actor pulled in temporarily today. He is not fit and can only pretend to be deaf and mute.

Shortly afterwards, the waiter started eating, Yuan Cui deliberately used his native language to communicate, which was a strategy to cool off Sulu.

Su Jiaoshan sat next to Gu Daoshan, and Zhang Fen was separated from Gu Rushan, so Su Jiaotong did not have much opportunity to talk, so he focussed on the food on the table.

Duck meat is an excellent nourishing food for TCM. Most of the food eaten by ducks is aquatic, meaty, sweet, cold, into the lung, stomach and kidney meridian, "this grass program" records, “the duck Lord makes up for the strain, the most disinfecting heat, urinating, deedema, swelling, dirty sores, eclampsia. ”

Seeing Su Xiao doesn't talk much, he just buried his head to eat, and Gu Rushan's family's impression of Su Xiao was quite different.

Gu Daoshan didn't even want to look at Su, and only touched a drink with his nephew to express his inner dissatisfaction.

Gu Rushan sighed. Though she and Su Xiao were pretending to be a couple, her relatives were so cold that she had a heartbreaking feeling. She secretly took out her phone and lost a message to Su Xiao, "I'm sorry, it's embarrassing. ”

“Little things, starting tomorrow, we'll have to be able to officially ‘break up' and be free of each other.” Su Qiu replied quickly to this message.

The dinner was finally coming to an end because of fear that Su Xiao would pay secretly, leading to passivity, Zhang Fen came to the service desk in advance to prepare the bill, but she was surprised that someone had already paid for it or that it was a woman.

Zhang Fen walked back to his seat, curious: "Hey, did you just go ahead and buy a ticket? ”

“No. Didn't I say you two were buying?” Gu Rushan said unexpectedly that she glanced at Su Xiao, and Su Xiao shrugged with a smile.

“Let's ask, someone else paid for us, at least to thank us!” Zhang Fen spent thousands of dollars hiding this table meal, but it's not a simple affair.

Gu Rushan stood up at the service desk and asked who was paying for them, and the waiter didn't hide it. “It's the second-floor luggage room guest who paid for you! ”

Gu Rushan was confused: "What is the guest's last name? ”

The waiter said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, we don't know. ”

Gu Rushan was just about to go upstairs to see who was doing the right thing. At this point, he was walking from upstairs to the next acquaintance.