Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 649: The Man Meets the Goddess

The island countries and the Republic of Korea have great cultural differences. Since the last century, they have become more westernized in all aspects. Although some cultural traditions are still influenced by their predecessor, Huaxia, their educational, medical, financial and many other aspects have drawn on the successful experiences of the developed countries of the West. This pattern of plagiarism led to the rapid development of the country, recovering for a short period of time, even after the defeat of the war, once the second largest economy in the world.

Despite its success, South Korea is still in awe of Huaxia culture. In particular, it has become increasingly dependent on Huaxia's vast consumer market over the past few years. It appears that South Korea is constantly exporting products and culture to Huaxia. In fact, South Korea is also passively adjusting its products to the market needs of Huaxia people. This is an interactive process, and even to make more money, Korea has changed even more.

After giving Sakamoto Kei right acupuncture, Osamu only came up with a bowl of medicine soup. Because of the strong taste of medicine and the bitter nature of the medicine, Su reminded Sakamoto Kei right to take a sip. Kei Sakamoto's mood is still doubtful. For Su Xia, a young man from Huaxia, it is difficult to fully trust him. However, seeing Osamu and his daughter trust Su Xiao so much, he still pinched his nose and drank the medicine.

“You get up, try to walk a few steps, move a little!” Su Xiao whispered a reminder.

Osamu only helped with the translation. Kei Sakamoto tried to move his hands and feet. He flashed a different color in his eyes. Indeed, his original feeling of very tiredness disappeared. He burst out of his stomach a hot air, making him feel like he was full of strength.

“I'm in good shape!” Kei Sakamoto said with excitement, “Am I completely cured? ”

Osamu only hastily explained: “This is just the effect of acupuncture. If you want to adjust your condition, you need to continue taking the medicine. ”

“Thank you!” Kei Sakamoto held Osamu's hand to his right, connecting the channels.

Osamu smiled embarrassingly at Su Xiao and warned: “It was Mr. Su who cured you, you should thank him. He is the master of national medicine in Huaxia and you are lucky to have him treat you. ”

“Really?” Kei Sakamoto looked at Su Xiao's young face in confusion. Although there was still some suspicion in his heart, he thanked Su Xiao continuously.

Although Su Xiao said that he did not understand Kei Sakamoto's right words, but from his expression, it is true that his heart is more grateful to Osamu only. This is also the normal psychology of people. Su Xiao did not care too much. He secretly observed Osamu only. Although this guy said that he was a little short, slightly fat, did not look handsome, his hair was messy, but gave a good feeling, belonging to a relatively low-key and restrained personality.

From some details, Osamu only seems to have a fondness for Natsuki Sakamoto, because every time Osamu talks to Natsuki Sakamoto, he can't help but feel the red cheeks on the ground, his nose sweats, and his eyes dare not look at each other.

As for Natsuki Sakamoto, he was all about his father, and he didn't notice anything different about Osamu.

However, Natsuki Sakamoto was quite grateful to Su Xiao because Su Xiao helped himself twice in a row, first in an underground bar to rescue himself from the wolf group's claw, and second to cure his father.

Nai Sakamoto had a palpitation and felt that Su Xiao brought hope and light to himself. Like Prince Charming in the fairy tale, Heaven sent him to save himself.

Kei Sakamoto's condition was quite good, but he had to be kept in the hospital to observe. Su and Osamu only gave some details of how to handle his condition later, and Osamu only recorded it carefully with a pen.

“It's noon, Su Zhijun, please have a light meal in the canteen of our hospital!” Osamu only saw Su Xiao wanting to leave and offered to invite him.

Naiyue Sakamoto also saw Su Xiao's intention to leave, and said hastily in the language of the island, "Please also invite Su Xiaojun to stay for dinner. ”

Su Xiao was sincere with the two of them, thinking that Dasen only had a good chance of helping him build a pharmaceutical factory, he smiled and promised.

The cafeteria of Kyoto Medical University's affiliated hospitals has a better environment than most hospitals in the country. In addition to fast food, there is a separate compartment. When Natsuki Sakamoto prepared the order, it was stopped by Osamu, who eventually paid for it.

Many people not far away saw Osamu rarely bring two people to dine in the dining room, and all showed surprise because Osamu was usually not a good person at the hospital and had almost no friends.

On the one hand, it is because Osamui's character is relatively restrained, and on the other hand, it is difficult for everyone to understand Osamui, who is obsessed with Chinese doctors, to think that he is a stranger.

But soon someone spotted something wrong, and one of the bald male doctors said in surprise, "Isn't that Sakamoto Natsuki? ”

“Yeah!” Another slightly fat male doctor was surprised, "I've been looking forward to her new work, but then the studio released a note that she had quit permanently and didn't expect to see herself here today. ”

Doctor Bald shook his head and said: “I heard before that Osamu was only the attending doctor of Natsuki Sakamoto's father, and I didn't expect to see it confirmed. I have to say, Natsuki Sakamoto himself is prettier than on the screen. ”

"But I still like Natsuki Sakamoto, naked, which is so charming. ”

The bald doctor lowered his voice: “Otherwise, let's go over there and say hello, maybe we'll get a kiss! ”

Dr Wei Fat laid down the tableware neatly and said: “This is a good idea. The good things can't be enjoyed by Osamu alone. ”

The bald doctor's name is Naoto Oshima, and the slightly fat doctor's name is Nobushin Nomura. Both are well-known doctors in the hospital, and they belong to the middle power in their respective departments. Not surprisingly, they will definitely become senior managers of the Kyoto Medical University's affiliated hospitals in the future. Because their fathers were elderly people who separated from the hospital, they had an innate advantage over people like Osamu, who were only able to enter the hospital at a later stage through their own efforts.

Naoto Oshima and Nobu Nomura did not have much fondness for Osamu, because Osamu was extremely unmatched, and the two people showed good intentions many times. He was invited to dine together and relaxed. Both were refused by Osamu. Therefore, he felt that Osamu was destined to be only a marginal figure.

However, Dasen is only of great significance to the Institute of Chinese Medicine. In these two years, he participated in the research and development of several types of Chinese medicine, which can create hundreds of millions of islands of national currency each year, which makes him attracted the attention of some hospital leaders. As a technical backbone, no one will be willing to throw away a money shaking tree.

Although young, Osamu is extremely familiar with the formula of Chinese medicine and is hard-working, so it is an unsubstituted core force at the Institute of Chinese Medicine. In fact, according to some hospital leaders, there is no need for Osamu to be a doctor at all, as long as he is dedicated to the work of researchers, but Osamu feels that he still has to use Chinese doctors flexibly for clinical purposes, and he spends two or three days a week participating in consultations, mainly in internal medicine.

Su Xiao sat in a delicate private compartment. After a moment, a waiter placed the delicate plates on the table. Dasen rarely invited guests here. The last time also because Master Qian Hung came to the hospital, he invited guests here, so he looked a little nervous.

Su Xiao saw Osamu snooping at Sakamoto Natsuki from time to time and sighed, which is that the man met the goddess's normal reaction.

The three of them ate and drank for a while, the compartment door was knocked, and Naoto Oshima first pushed the door in, laughing out loud: “Osamu, you are too difficult, you are actually buying in the bakery today. Are these your friends? We came to see them. ”

Otomori was only red-hearted because he didn't speak well. “This is Dr. Su Qiu from Huaxia, and this is Ms. Naiyuki Sakamoto, my patient's family. ”

“Natsuki Sakamoto!” Nobura Shin said happily, "Osamu, let's be honest, it's actually for Naiyue. Honestly, we're all her fans. Want to take a picture with her? ”

Daemon Weidun looked at Sakamoto Natsuki in a heavy way, his heart was angry, Sakamoto Natsuki was already shadowed, indicating that she wanted to return to normal people's lives. If the two people took photos and uploaded them to social platforms, it would inevitably cause some enthusiasm, for Sakamoto Natsuki, it was an extremely disrespectful behavior.

“No!” Osamu simply refused, “She didn't like it! ”

Naoto Oshima said with some dissatisfaction: "Osamu, this is your fault. Miss Natsuki, how can you decide for her if she doesn't speak for herself? ”

Sakamoto Natsuki's expression was uncertain, and since she left the film world, she had rarely taken photographs with anyone else, because most people had photographic requirements, given her special identity. It was a memories she wanted to forget, and Osamu would only speak for herself if she saw the inner activities of Natsuki Sakamoto, although she was restrained.

Osamu only said angrily: "She's my guest. I don't like it when you make her do things she doesn't want to do. Please get out of here. ”

Su Xiao sighed. Although he could not understand what they were saying, from the tone of Osamu only, there was a sense of sword drawn crossbow, standing directly opposite Nobuyasu Nomura and Naoto Oshima.

If it were to be handled by Su Xiao, he had many ways to alleviate this awkward atmosphere. In euphemistic terms, for example, Natsuki Sakamoto is not suitable for taking pictures with others today.

Nomura looked at Otomori's only eyes with disdain, "Otomori, you're too angry. Miss Natsuki, I know someone more authoritative than him, and if you'd like to take a picture with me, I'd like to introduce you. ”

Natsuki Sakamoto took a deep breath and smiled and refused: "Thank you for your kindness! I still have a lot of faith in Mr. Dassan, so I won't take pictures, because I haven't taken pictures with anyone since, and I beg your pardon! ”

“Then leave it alone!” Straight from Oshima left angrily feeling disillusioned.

As for Nomura Shin, he took a hard look at Osamu, followed the door with a shady expression, and carried the wooden door of the compartment with him.