Aunt Zhang dropped the coachman and looked straight inside. Dulan turned pale, squeezing a smile at her awkwardly, and said with difficulty: "Zhang...Aunt Zhang..."

"Don't call it that! Our Li family has nothing to do with you!" Aunt Zhang waved her hand and stared at her coldly: "What are you doing here?"

The originally very angry driver was stupid, looked at this, looked at that, and shouted, "What's going on here!"

He has been driving the car for many years, and he is a straight-tempered man. Only then did the carriage catch up with the female passenger in the carriage, saying that it was the one who caused her trouble, and begged him to hurry up. He believed her because of her young age and weak power. who knows--

"That's it!" Seeing that several people had blocked the little widow, Song simply told the coachman the reason.I have to warn a few words to assume that this has never happened, and don't mention a word outside tonight.

Hearing this, the coachman's expression turned bad, he didn't accept the silver that Song gave him, and he promised not to say a word, then jumped out of the car angrily, picked up a clean stone and sat down on the side of the road.

The Aunt Zhang was still pressing Duran, and Duran hesitated and insisted that he was visiting relatives.

The implication is that it has nothing to do with Aunt Zhang.

How could Aunt Zhang tell her to coax her in a few words, and sneered, "Residents? I never knew that your Du family and relatives were in our Dafang Village! I have never seen anyone walking around! You said, Which one is it?"

Du Lan had already calmed down a lot, and said: "I didn't say that my relatives are in Dafang Village. I just passed by here! I, I'm going to another village!"

Really shameless!

"Really!" Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "So I shouldn't have blocked your way! But my son said that you seem to have some misunderstanding and want to explain to me. Now you can explain it! Oh don't worry, Xiao Brother Jun, please go back and pick up my son. If there is something, let’s make it clear in person!"

"Okay, I'm going now!" Zhang Xiaojun nodded, and immediately drove the car.

Dulan was taken aback and hurriedly shouted: "No, no! No need!"

Where does Zhang Xiaojun care about her?With a shout of "Drive!", the sound of horseshoes was already gone.

Dulan's face looked panic, blue and white, biting her lip at a loss.

Explain here?Is there any explanation here?is this necessary!

Who should explain the black light?

Moreover, after only taking Sanhe, Zhao didn't come. She couldn't say many things at all, and even if she said it, it wouldn't make any difference.

Originally, she had planned to explain clearly and provoke the excitement in secret. It would be better to slap Zhao twice in front of the crowd. Who would not sympathize with her?

At that time, the Li family will have to give her an explanation anyway!

She agreed to this explanation, she had already planned it, that is, enter the door of Li's house!Regardless of the size of the Zhao family, I will follow Li Sanhe to take care of him in the future.

As long as she enters the door of Li's house, she believes that doing other things is not difficult.She has nothing to spare, but Li Jia can't spare it!

Especially Li Sanhe is now the big shopkeeper of the oil mill. I heard that several semicolons have been opened, and there are all nearby counties...

He has a good future, how can he ignore his face?

But she did not expect that Li Sanhe did not promise to take her back to the village.

In order to maintain his gentle, delicate, and kind-hearted image in his mind, Dulan agreed very softly despite his disappointment in his heart.

After thinking about it, she decided to go alone.

At that time, even if he blamed her, he would have something to say, saying that he thought about it and felt really sad, for fear that they would go there because of this incident. Who can say that she did something wrong?

She was very slow, preparing to enter the village after dark, so that they would not be able to drive themselves away tonight.

As long as you enter the door of Li's house, and the night passes, she is a widow. Shouldn't they give her an explanation?

Still that sentence, she gave it up, but they couldn't!

Therefore, Duran, who had made up his mind, came with full confidence, and even planned how to cry, how to be more pitiful, and to win everyone's sympathy.

But she didn't know what she was doing, she hadn't even entered the village yet, so she asked Aunt Zhang to lead someone to stop her on this road!

There is no place in front of the village and no shop in the back. Who can she cry to?

Can these people brought by Aunt Zhang listen to her cry?It's good not to laugh at me!

Dulan was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do!

Not much time, Li Sanhe was confused and called Zhang Xiaojun.

Seeing Du Lan, Li Sanhe was even more dazed, and said in surprise: "Du, Sister Du, why are you here?"

Sister Du!!

Duran heard his name and almost didn't faint.

When she saw Li Sanhe coming, she made a pitiful look, but tears really filled her now.

Aunt Zhang didn’t allow her to speak, and said indifferently, “Don’t you have anything to explain to me? It just so happens that my son is also here, I’m listening, let’s talk about it! When you’re finished, I’ll send you to your relative’s house. How convenient is it for you as a single girl this big night!"

With a word, Aunt Zhang blocked her retreat!

Dulan trembled and tears rolled down.

What a cruel heart, this is to kill her!

Now that I explained it clearly, what else did she use as an excuse to go to Li's house?I'm afraid that opening the mouth of Auntie will immediately say something bad and warn her not to interact with Sanhe in the future.

If she listened, wouldn't it be wasted?If you don't listen, will Sanhe still pay attention to her?Will it be suspicious?

Duran's body kept shaking slightly, her lips trembled, and she couldn't say a word.

Just as everyone was waiting for her to speak, she suddenly bent her knees, "plopped" and knelt in front of Aunt Zhang, kowtow and cried: "Auntie, please, please! I'm not there anymore. A place to go! Please take me in! I just want to have a meal and a place to live. In the future, it will be enough that no one can support me when I grow old! I can’t fight for anything or grab anything. I will take care of your old man from now on! Please old man! I will give you old kowtow! I will give you kowtow!"

"You!" Aunt Zhang was so angry that she couldn't speak.

What is this called!

She looks like a big villain with her!

Nguyen and Song exchanged glances, and they looked very unappetizing.This kind of woman is clearly a spoiler!How can I get in!

The two came forward tacitly, and forced Duran up from the ground one left and the other right.