Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 1664 Joining the army (19)

"I want to come, it's true." Seeing that he didn't answer, Li Yunyue said again.

"Huh!" Qian Baihu sneered, and didn't bother to deny it in front of Li Yunyue, and said proudly: "Even if it is, so what? Yue Baihu, I am waiting for you to find evidence!"

Since he dared to do it, he was not afraid to investigate it!He doesn't believe he can find it!

In other words, if he had the evidence and stabbed himself out a long time ago, where would he be allowed to stand here?

"You really did it!" Li Yunyue's expression changed, two points of anger became frustrated.

Qian Baihu couldn't help but burst into laughter when he saw this. He was a little bit happy and proudly stood up and said: "Yes! I did it! If you have the ability, you can tell me? Hahahaha, I will tell you. This little thing dared to run into Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu stared at him! The surnamed Yue, unless you tie him to the waistband, otherwise, huh, one day I will find a chance to succeed!"

"Indecent, mean and shameless!" The little princess was shocked, staring at Qian Baihu bitterly.

Being stared at by such a person next to her, she was always ready to pounce on her and bite herself, just thinking about it made her creepy.

Isn't she going to part with Brother Xu so soon?

Seeing the success, Qian Baihu frightened the little princess, and became more proud, and laughed more arrogantly.

Li Yunyue looked lightly, gave him a deep look, then suddenly turned his head to the bushes on the side, arched his hands and slightly bent over, and slowly said, "Master Niu, did you hear that?"

Lord Niu is the one who is in charge of them.

Niu Qianhu hummed softly, and came out from behind the bush, his face sinking like frost, staring at Qian Baihu coldly.

Qian Baihu was dumbfounded and changed color suddenly.

He turned his head fiercely and stared at Li Yunyue, shouting angrily: "Yue, you yin Laozi!"

With a wild roar, he slammed towards Li Yunyue.

Why is Li Yunyue afraid of him?He raised his eyebrows and sneered slightly, and did not retreat but greeted them.

The wind passed by the palms, branches and trees were broken, grass leaves rustling, crackling and crackling.

The little princess subconsciously moved closer to Niu Qianhu, with a pair of black and white eyes staring at the two fighting in the forest without blinking, his eyes were shining, and his expression could be said to be excited.

Niu Qianhu glanced at her and couldn't help but smile: "You are not worried at all!"

"The one with the surname Qian is not our adult's opponent!" The little princess said without thinking.

Niu Qianhu was startled, he hehe laughed, glanced at her deeply, and smiled again: "You have confidence in you adults!"

"That is!" The little princess raised his thick and long eyebrows, and said proudly: "Our adults' martial arts, dare not say that the martial arts is the best in the world, and there are few opponents!" At least, his father beat him... …

Niu Qianhu laughed and said no more.

The little princess suddenly remembered something. He glanced at Niu Qianhu, tangled for a moment, thought it would be better to explain it, yelled "Sir Qianhu!", hesitatingly said: "Actually, the villain and Lord Yue It’s really innocent and nothing! The villain doesn’t know why the rumors are so ridiculous! The villain dare to swear by his life, please believe in the villain!"

Niu Qianhu glanced at her and said with a smile: "This is what you are talking about! I believe it!"

"Really?" The little princess breathed a sigh of relief and was surprised and happy, and smiled happily: "That's great!"

Niu Qianhu smiled and said, "Yue Baihu is not that kind of person!"

"..." The smile on the lips of the little princess was stiff. Isn't she just such a person?

The two people in this room were talking, and a scream came in vain. Following the reputation, Qian Baihu fell to the ground in embarrassment in the chaotic grass. The long sword in his hand was long gone, and his left hand was placed on his right arm, mostly bleeding.

In front of him, standing condescending Li Yunyue.

The little princess glanced at him, and was happy in his heart: Now, the trouble is eliminated!She doesn't have to worry about being stared at by a pair of disgusting eyes all the time behind her back!

The little princess couldn't help but feel a little upset. She knew this was just a game. She would just sit here all morning, so why bother to work!A few blood stains were drawn on the back of the hand, and the skin of the tiger's mouth was broken, and there was a fiery pain. The palm and fingers were also painful, and the arm was sour.

Back to the residence, Li Yunyue took the ointment to her.Seeing her rubbing her hands and hissing, she suddenly took her hand and squeezed it hard.

The little princess was shocked, and drew his hand back like a fire, staring at Li Yunyue vigilantly.

Li Yunyue smiled, and said, "Your skin doesn't look so tender, so how can it hurt like this with a slight movement? It's really not good-looking!"

The little princess had a red face, and a little startled in his heart, and said, "I've been like this since I was a kid! I wonder too!"

Fortunately, Li Yunyue didn't ask further, and waved her to go with a smile.

The little princess was anxious, but it was rare that he didn't talk about it, and left in a hurry.

Li Yunyue laughed and couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He shouldn't be holding his hand like that, plus all those rumors, must he frighten him?

However, his hands are so small and soft...

Damn it, why did he think of Jinjin again...

After a large-scale inspection and rectification in the Weisuo, Qian Baihu and other leading dealers were all subjected to military law and sent to more remote places to take up posts according to the severity of the crime.

Of course, it is not equalization, but demoted or dismissed.

Ordinary soldiers who participated were punished according to the length of time involved and the amount of money involved. The general trend of the health station changed, and everyone no longer dared to take risks easily.

When such a major event comes out, everyone is in awe, and can't take care of oneself. Where is there to talk about other people's gossip?

The rumors about Li Yunyue and the little princess naturally decreased!

In the semi-annual border inspection period, it is arranged by thousands of households and executed by a hundred households.

Li Yunyue is responsible for the seven or eight borders of Yinmahe Town, Luofu Village, and Nianzhuang to the northwest of Qingwu Town, totaling more than 300 miles.

After marking the place, Li Yunyue ordered Zhao Bo, Zhao Damai, etc. to prepare, leaving the three of them at the guard station, and the rest of the soldiers set off with him, leaving early tomorrow morning.

Li Yunyue left the little princess in the guard without thinking.

Now that Qian Baihu has been taken away by law, he has no more threats, and he can safely leave him behind.

It's hard to patrol, and his small body, let's forget it!

Where is the little princess willing to stay?I packed my things enthusiastically during the day, and slept in Li Yunyue’s room as usual at night, wrapped in a quilt and smiled at him: "My lord, if I don’t wake up tomorrow morning, remember to call me!"

Li Yunyue glanced at him, and said unhurriedly: "Tomorrow, I will go out to patrol the sidelines. I may not be back until about half a month. You can also take a good rest during this period. Don't be busy!"

The little princess was taken aback, suddenly opened the quilt and sat up, staring at Li Yunyue and said, "My lord, don't you take me? No! I want to go too!"