Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 47

Besiege the Golden Lion with all his strength, or get distracted to save Rogue Town.

If you are distracted to save Rogue Town, the Golden Lion will most likely escape.

However, if you do your best to deal with the Golden Lion, the town of Rogge will be destroyed.

When justice faces a choice.

Then we must be concerned about the issue of choice.

However, the Warring States Period is different from Karp.

The Warring States period was quite rational, just as he personally ordered the destruction of O'Hara.

He knew that the existence of O'Hara would bring greater disaster to the world.

Therefore, in order to maintain stability, he can only do this.

Sacrifice a small number of people in exchange for the safety of more people.

Today's Rogge Town is also the object of sacrifice.

"I contact Gumir."

Crane was about to pick up the phone worm.

Warring States then said to Crane: "Little Crane, I must declare this kind of thing."

As the admiral of the navy, the Warring States Period must have the consciousness to bear everything.

This is also the difference between Warring States and Karp.

Marshals and generals, the higher they go, the greater their rights, but the greater their rights and responsibilities.

The Warring States period knew this well, so he would take responsibility.

Although Karp refused to be promoted to general again and again, he seemed chic, but he actually avoided responsibility.

The hero was made by Cap.

However, in the O'Hara incident, the person who had to bear the infamy was the Warring States Period.

If Karp was a general, then O'Hara would have to face him.


The voice of the Warring States period echoed through the telephone worm, and then through the broadcast in Rogge Town: "Encircle and suppress the Flying Pirates with all your strength, and you must not let go of the Golden Lion!"

"Mr. Warring States what?!"

Tea Dolphin was stunned for a moment, he had just chopped down two fierce beasts.

"Yah la la la..."

The Red Devils hunter Rafinho said in a mocking tone: "It seems that the navy has not changed. I want to see the town of Rogge destroyed, la la la la."

Rafinho was also a navy, but after seeing the pedantic nature of the navy, he chose to defect.

"Shut up, you bastard!"

Cha Dolphin catches up with Rafinho, swinging a sword and slashing hard.

call out!

Rafinho directly shaved, avoiding the slash.

The slash instantly destroyed the entire street!

The tea dolphin is not weak, but not as dazzling as the red dog, yellow ape, and green pheasant.

However, like Taotu, he is also a candidate for the general candidate.

Rafinho knows that tea dolphin is very powerful.

However, when dealing with people who are better than yourself, you must not head-on.

With a cigar in his mouth, Huoshaoshan looked at the fierce beasts raging in the town, gritted his teeth and stopped looking at them.

Huoshaoshan is not the first time to participate in the Demon Slaying Order.

Therefore, he knew that there must be a trade-off.

"Fight against the Golden Lion!"

The ghost spider rushed to the floating island high above the moon.

Taotu glanced at Luoge Town, and stepped up into the sky with moon steps.

Taotu, Daubman, Ghost Spider and others all rushed into the sky.

Their goal is the golden lion.

Catch the thieves first.

Chapter Fifty-Four: The opportunity to seize the fruit of fluttering is here!

Pirates are not without the organizational discipline of the Navy.

Moreover, the Flying Pirates' loyalty to the Golden Lion is not high.

When the Golden Lion was arrested, some cadres withdrew from the regiment.

Therefore, as long as the golden lion can be caught, the flying pirate group will collapse.

With Taotu and others appearing on the floating island.

Huang Yuan's'pressure' dropped sharply.

Although the yellow ape seems to be very'hard work', so far, the yellow ape has not suffered any injuries.

Cardi and others could no longer besiege Huang Yuan, and instead fought Taotu and others.

Air and ground.

The navy and the flying pirate group strangled with all their strength.

Except for the green pheasant that is still under siege, and not forgetting to seal the streets with freezing gas and freeze the beasts, there is no one in Luoge Town to take care of the civilians in the town.

At this moment, Dorrag looked at the fierce beasts raging in Rogge town and clenched his fists secretly.

Ivankov couldn't help it anymore, "Dorag, can't wait any longer."

Dorrag didn't bring many people here today.

Moreover, the cadres in the current revolutionary army are scattered all over the world.

Without rallying, the power of Dorag, Ivankov and others would be too weak.

Lynn looked at the situation in the town from a distance, muttering to himself, "Dorrag, what would you do?"

If Dorag chooses to save the town of Rogge and directly show up to deal with the beasts, it will be targeted by the navy.

Even if it can retreat in the end, it will miss the IQ. If the Navy gets IQ in the future, the revolutionary army will be in big trouble in the future.

On the contrary, if Dorag takes advantage of the chaos and enters the floating island, it may destroy the IQ, and the future revolutionary army will be less hidden.

Of course, the premise is that Lynn does not intervene.

In this battle, Lynn's combat power was not counted at all.

A huge mad cow smashed a row of houses and was chasing a group of civilians.

Seeing that these civilians will be trampled to death by mad cows.

"Dragon Claw!"

A figure leaped high and appeared in front of the mad cow.

In the air.

The index and middle fingers of Dorag's right hand are bent and close together, the distance between the ring and middle fingers is separated, the ring and little fingers are bent and close together, and the thumb is slightly bent.

The gesture is the same as that of the three dragon claws.

The dragon claw hit the top of the mad cow.


The skull of the mad cow shattered, and the claws poured into his head.

The whole mad cow fell to the ground instantly.

"Shemale Fist·Fantasy Strike!"

Ivankov also appeared.

After Dorag and Ivankov took action, they quickly rescued hundreds of civilians.

Dorag said to Ivankov: "Guide them to take refuge."

"I know."

Ivankov nodded, and then said to the panicked civilians: "You all come with me."

At the same time, CP4 Chief Haydn had discovered Dorag.

This is a great achievement!

If Dorag can also be caught, then his promotion and fortune is a sure thing.

Therefore, Haydn immediately contacted the navy, and he hoped that the navy would assist him.


After Dorag appeared, he showed great strength. He moved quickly between the roofs to deal with the beasts.

Under the leadership of Ivankov, the revolutionary army quickly organized the residents of Rogge to take refuge.

Lynn looked at the direction Dorage was in, and muttered, "It's still not ruthless enough."

If Lynn was Dorag, he would never make a move.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

The revolutionary army is too benevolent for women.

However, this is also one of the results Lynn wants.

As long as Dorag appeared, Lynn would have a chance to seize the power of the Golden Lion, as well as IQ information.

Sure enough, after learning that Dorag had appeared in Roger Town.

Warring States' attention began to shift to Dorag.

Blue Blue...

Blue Blue...

At this time, the phone worm in the arms of the green pheasant began to call.

The green pheasant took out the phone worm.

The phone worm imitated Crane's expression and voice: "Pay attention to Dorag and don't let him escape. This is an order from the world government and cannot be defied.

The green pheasant frowned and looked at Dorag who was in the town, moving around to deal with the beasts and save the civilians.

However, let him do such a thing!

Too despicable!

"Dare to be distracted?" Kolas sneered.

"I will accept your head!"

The rapier in Kolas's hand, wrapped around the armed domineering, aimed at the heart of the green pheasant.

At the same time, Eric also jumped up, and the knife in his hand slashed into the back of the green pheasant's neck.

However, the rapier penetrated the chest of the green pheasant.

But the green pheasant did not respond.

Eric's knife even split the green pheasant.

The green pheasant grabbed Coras's rapier and Eric's knife.