Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 72

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't shake Lynn half a step.

How can this be!

Small has already used all the abilities that can improve'strength and' speed

It’s just that he can’t accept it

At this moment, Major Joseph came in.

Major Joseph said, "President Lynn, Hogan has been released on bail."

"If this is the case, then I won't bother

When Lynn finished speaking, he let go of his hand, turned and left the office.

Only Smogg with an extremely ugly expression remained.

Lin En had already subdued him without even pulling out the knife!

Small thought he was very strong, but he didn't expect...

"It seems that I was too naive in the past."

Smogg laughed mockingly.

In the past, Smogg never put anyone in his eyes

But today, Lynn taught him a lesson.

Let Smogg feel the power of monsters for the first time

Understand the real gap between yourself and the world.

Lynn walked ahead, Hogan followed.

Along the way, Hogan was flattering, thanking Lynn for his kindness.

Lynn was silent.

In this way, Hogan followed Lynn back to Windmill Village along the way

In Fengche Village, some businessmen have received news and rushed back to Fengche Village.

Hogan covered his face in front of everyone, and now he was still palpitating, "Thanks to

I'm the president, otherwise I might really go to jail."With the president, what are we afraid of in the future.""

"Yes, there is a president to protect us."

The members of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce were as happy as if they had won a battle.

As if starting today, the Great 2.0 Sea is their world

However, Lynn still looked calm. He looked at Hogan and asked: Selling arms to pirates,

Did you inform the Chamber of Commerce about this?Hogan was taken aback for a moment, he naturally did not tell the Chamber of Commerce.

Lynn asked again: "Who inspected his goods?"

At this time, a security guard who was responsible for inspecting the cargo on the ship immediately stood up

Lynn said, "Hogan will no longer belong to our Chamber of Commerce. In addition, you have also been fired.

Hogan was saved for the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce and for Lynn's own face.

Hogan was expelled because he did not report to the Chamber of Commerce and sold the goods to the sea in private.

When the security guards inspected the warehouse, they did not find arms because of their negligence, so they also had to bear the responsibility.

Chapter 87: This hypocritical guy!

Hogan was expelled from the Chamber of Commerce.

However, Hogan is more fortunate. He is just an ordinary member of the Chamber of Commerce and has not yet grasped higher-level information.

Therefore, Lynn does not worry that after Hogan is expelled from the Chamber of Commerce, he will find ways to retaliate against the Chamber of Commerce.

Because he doesn't have that power at all.

This time, things are quite satisfactory.

First of all, Lynn took the initiative to'fish out people' and brought Hogan out of the navy cell.

This has revealed Lynn's methods.

Instead, other chambers of commerce cannot do so.

In this way, the reputation of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and the reputation of President Lynn will once again become the focus of the East China Sea merchant circle.

With word of mouth and fame, naturally, however, there will be more people who want to join the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, other members of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce may also leave the original chamber of commerce and switch to Linn Business.

This is similar to the magnetic attraction effect.

Continue to attract businessmen and funds to enter the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

In the end, it will make the Lynn Chamber of Commerce stronger.

If Lynn’s investment in the means of production is a snowball, then the Lynn Chamber of Commerce has truly exploded out of the “potential” after the Hogan incident.

Joining the Linn Chamber of Commerce, you can get asylum, and this asylum is not just empty words.

Lynn did what he said.

Integrity Lynn, Lynn who does what he says, Lynn who will never abandon his promise

Lin En once again accepted the report of Donghai Financial News Agency.

The reporter who interviewed Lynn was Hannah.

Hannah is now a gold reporter of the Donghai Financial News Agency.

Because of Lynn, she was able to interview not only the nobles but also the navy.

Moreover, recently in the media circles, there have been rumors that Hannah is Lynn's lover.

Hannah wanted to take the initiative to clarify, but the president did not agree.

In the eyes of the president, scandals and rumors have one thing in common, and that is attention.

As long as there is attention, it can attract people's attention.

When Hannah saw Lynn, she took the initiative to apologize: "Sorry, I originally wanted to clarify, but our president did not agree. He wanted to stir up this topic. After the topic was fermented, he would publicly clarify and ask the rumors. apologize."

"It's okay." Lynn didn't mind.

It is normal for businessmen to be hyped.

Moreover, it can also increase visibility.

Merchants are different from celebrities. The most important thing for a businessman is integrity.

As long as there is no problem with integrity, the quality of the products produced and the services provided are recognized

Then all "lace news" is an alternative propaganda.

What's more, Lynn is still very young, not yet married, and he has a topical degree of himself.

"Chairman Lynn, the number of pirates in the sea is increasing, and riots have broken out in various countries and regions in the East China Sea, which has seriously affected the economy of the East China Sea. Will it affect the development of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce in the future? What do you think?

Stop talking about the scandal, Hannah went straight to the subject.

The rise of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce in the East China Sea is already a major news, and the attention is increasing every day

Therefore, launching a series of news about the rise of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce will surely trigger new hot spots.

"First of all, we are people-oriented, based on the principles of fairness, fairness, and integrity as the foundation for the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce.

Second, we have strengthened communication and contact with the Navy and established our own security guards to ensure the safety of every voyage.

Finally, we strictly control the quality of our products and put consumer experience first, which is an important reason for our rapid development."

"For the future, I am still relatively optimistic. In this regard, the sales growth of the chamber of commerce can reflect this.

At the same time, I believe that the people of the East China Sea are struggling, brave, and yearning for a better life, so they are full of expectations for a better material life."

"Of course, I also call on all parties to be able to reason and restrain their lives is priceless."

Lynn talked freely, avoiding the most important things.

He said nothing about the status quo of the East China Sea.

The revolutionary army and the pirates are still the internal problems of each country.

He didn't want to talk.

He only mentions that Lynn Chamber of Commerce will have good products, good services, and own exclusive routes.

At the same time, have their own armed forces

And the close relationship with the Navy.

Just talk about advantages

In other words, this interview is just a'soft advertisement'

Further publicize the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Hannah also continued to ask “Will Lynn Chamber of Commerce have plans to go to the great route in the future?”

Lin En said: "Of course, I want to promote the East China Sea people's longing for a better life to the world, so that the world can understand that the East China Sea is not the weakest sea, we just yearn more for peace and a better life. "

Lynn’s words have already represented that he wants to build the Lynn Chamber of Commerce into 600 the Light of the East China Sea

Not only to become the wounded savior of the East China Sea, but also to make the people of the East China Sea proud of Lin En

In the East China Sea, there are not only Roger, Karp, but also the great businessman Lynn.

Smogg looked at the newspaper, then shredded it and threw it in the trash can.

He thought Lynn was as annoying as the bureaucrats.

Merchants are indeed a group of disgusting things.

Call for restraint and rationality?

The president who condoned members of the Chamber of Commerce to sell weapons to pirates?

Saying these words from Lynn really made Smogg feel sick.

It's hypocritical to the extreme!

Lynn is definitely not a good person.

Smaller believes this.

However, Small was indeed stimulated.

"Let me tell you what is true justice."

Smogg went out to hunt for pirates during the day and practiced at night.

In his heart, there is a strong desire to prove himself.

Lynn's understanding of the world is not wrong.

The world government's treatment of Qiwuhai is a stain on the navy.

This is not wrong.

Then, it is up to him to use his strength to change these.Recommend, share!(Kamivx

Chapter 88: The road to the world's largest swordsman!

Haiyuan Calendar September 19, 1515

The sea breeze slowly passed.

The villagers in Shuangyue Village are preparing for the festival-the village festival.