Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 273

At this moment, Edward Weibull follows Miss Bajin

Miss Barkin said: "We have to find a way to contact His Majesty Lynn."

The world government suddenly flew out of the Qiwuhai system and launched an encirclement and suppression of Wuhai

This plan miss Barkin caught off guard

If it weren’t for Edward Weibull by her side, she might be in jail

The world government is capricious.

Untrustworthy thousand

Although Miss Barkin can also go to Kaido, or Charlotte Lingling.

But will Charlotte Lingling and Kaido take care of her?

Although Miss Barkin and them were once members of the Rocks Pirates.

However, their relationship is not harmonious.

Therefore, thinking about going, the best place for her to go at the moment is the Utopia Kingdom.

The Utopian Kingdom is a neutral country.

The world government and navy will not do anything about it.

This time the world government suppressed Wuhai.

Hancock and Moria are almost fine.

Because they are all protected by Lynn.

Under Lynn’s protection, the navy could only do a good job and burn the palace and castle.

"Oh..." Weibull scratched his head in a naive manner.

Anyway, wherever Miss Barkin wants him to go, he will go

It's not just Miss Barkin.

Since the world government abolished Qiwuhai, there have been many pirates who want to join the Linn Chamber of Commerce

The idea of ​​most pirates is simple.

As long as you can have a good income.

Bi Jing, not all pirates want to be a pirate.

Join the Linn Chamber of Commerce and get shelter from the Linn Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time, you can also get the guarantee

Moreover, the point is that the family can be taken care of.

Even pirates wanted by the Navy can get new opportunities in the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The navy is tolerant of this.

Of course, the premise is that the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is willing to accept them.

Nuoqigao said to Lynn, "There are more and more pirates joining us recently."

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

It is normal to want to take refuge in Lynn.

Lynn looked at Bartolomio, "Leave it to you."

"Me?" Bartolomio pointed to himself.

Lynn said: "According to the rewards and criminal records, I will sort the list and send it to me.

Review here."

"Okay, brother." Bartolomio nodded.

Later, Lynn said to Bartolomio, “If you encounter something, if you don’t know how to deal with it

, You can ask Ku Luo more."

"Good brother." Bartolomio obeyed Lin En's words.

at the same time.

On Guro Island, Ace and Lu Fei meet.

It was learned from Lu Fei that Lu Fei was going to the ghost island to rescue Robin.

Ace also heard the name of Nicole Robin

Know the important pieces of Robin.

If you want to go to the final island, Robin is indispensable.

And Jinweimen and others did not forget to emphasize the sense of existence.

They hope Luffy can accept their plan

The so-called plan is to find Guangyue Sunhe first.

With the light of the moon and the leadership, the hearts of the people of the country will be gathered together and the samurai will be overthrown together.

The reign of Kaido.

However, Ace said: "If it's just to save people, then I should be able to help."

"Really?" Nami asked excitedly.""I am a friend in Hezhi Country."

The friend Ace said was of course the daughter of Kaido, Yamato.

It shouldn't be difficult for Yamato to help rescue Robin.

"Can we know who he is?" Kanjuro asked immediately.

As an undercover agent, he wanted to detect news.

If you know the identity of Ace's friend, then you must remind Orochi to kill him as soon as possible.

Ace didn't think much, and said, "She is Yamato, the daughter of Kaido."

When Ace said Yamato's identity.

Everyone was stunned, almost petrified.

Kaido's daughter

This is too exaggerated!

Kanjuro wanted to remind Black Charcoal Orochi and let Black Charcoal Orochi act first.

But Kaido’s daughter

However, although it cannot be killed, it can be guarded against.

At this time (the money is good), Usopp said: "I think we still need Uncle Lynn's


The opponent is the Four Emperors.

The strength of Charlotte Lingling and the BIGMOM Pirate Group makes the Straw Hat Pirate Group's memory fresh. Now facing Kaido, who is also the Four Emperors, it is natural not to be careless.

Marco said: "Chairman Lynn’s White Dance in Wano Country has overseas territories.

Provide shelter, and supplies."

The area where the Linn Chamber of Commerce is located has been defaulted to be an overseas territory of the Utopia.

In this special area, the force of any country is not allowed to intervene, even the world government will not attack.

Of course, the premise of neutrality is that the utopian kingdom will not actively attack any country.

Chapter 374: White Dance, Lynn's White Dance!

The Straw Hat Pirates Arrived in Wano Country

The country of Wano today is completely different from the country of Wano a few years ago.

The current Wano country is divided by three forces.

The capital of flowers, here is still ruled by the black charcoal serpent.

Baiwu, here is the area managed by the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

Ghost Island, the base camp of the Beast Pirate Group.

The boat of the Straw Hat Pirates stopped at Wujian Port.

In Wuben Port, there are a large number of men in linen short robes every day, and porters at the pier.

Porters earn 800 baileys per day

However, most of the daily wages of porters need to be turned over to Heitan Orochi.

With an hourly salary of 800 Baileys, they may only have 200 Baileys left in their hands.

And the price of food in Hezhi country is extremely high.

You can buy a pound of rice at 200 Bailey in the East China Sea.

700 Pele is needed in Wano Country.

Ordinary people in Wano are the objects of enslavement.

However, even enslaved.

These porters are also willing to work here.857

Because they can work fifteen hours, even twenty hours.

Just work hard and you can feed the whole family.

The ordinary civilians of Wano Country didn't think about such great things as the founding of the country.

They just want to survive

Responsible for the security of Wujian Port is a group of samurai troops wearing Sword uniforms.

This group of samurai troops are permanently stationed at Wujian Port.

They are allowed to saber and have law enforcement powers

Today's Baiwu is an overseas territory

The serpent cannot rule here.

It is different from a man in a short robe and barefoot.

These samurai are dressed neatly and cleanly, and they spray some perfume to make them look more temperamental.

Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Yuzo looked at all of this, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Usopp and Nami found the liaison office.

They are going to the liaison office to contact Nuoqigao.

Luffy, Ace and others, followed them.

"Suojiang, follow up, don't get lost... So... Suojiang people?"

Sanjimoto wanted to remind Suojin

When I turned my head, I could no longer see the cable drop.

"This guy

Sanji held his head.

Brin on the side sneered covering her mouth.

Seeing Brin smiling, Sanji also smiled.

Now they are married.

There are not only a large number of cargo containers piled up in Wuren Port.