Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 316

The adjutant replied


Ghost spider still has a question mark

The base was attacked?

Is Barrett alive again?

"It's a revolutionary army."

The adjutant quickly answered the ghost spider's doubts.

"What?" Now the ghost spider is even more confused

How could the Revolutionary Army attack the naval base?

This has never happened in the past?!

However, the Revolutionary Army has always avoided direct conflict with the Navy in the past.

At most war with the army of the world government.

The navy also focused its attention on the pirates and was not very focused on attacking the revolutionary army.

at the same time.

Akino has received the news of the attack on the G8 branch.

The revolutionary army is declaring war on the navy!

"Where is the ghost spider?!"

Chi Inu asked coldly.

Brandy replied: "Go and hunt Kenny Hill."

"Immediately mobilize reinforcements from G4, G6, and G7, G5, forget it, don’t

G5 is tuned."

Aka Inu thought of G5 Smogg without any thoughts.

"Yes." Brandy immediately sent a fax, following Akadog's orders

The G4, G6, and G7 branches of the Navy mobilized the fleet and rushed to the G8 branch immediately.

At this time, the fighting situation of the G8 branch was completely controlled by the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army is in absolute advantage.

Because of Linn’s funding, the revolutionary army’s fortified troops even used H

2S nerve gas.

H2S nerve gas can make people lose combat ability in a short time.

It's not just H2S nerve gas.There are also PX-2X peace defenders.

And the revolutionary soldiers who ate the fruit of the artificial devil.

At the same time, it is also equipped with a Hailou stone sniper rifle.

Rear Admiral Elberta within, temporarily lost combat capability.

Under the erosion of H2S nerve gas, the seamen who were too late to put on the gas masks fell one by one.

The light beam of the Peacekeeper directly penetrated the thick steel plate."We are the G8 branch, and we can’t hold it anymore. The Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army’s offensive is too strong.

At this time, the naval communications squad in the G8 branch was in contact with the reinforcement naval fleet.

Although there are large telephone bugs in the base, they can report the information immediately

However, the revolutionary army’s offensive progressed so fast that they could not support them until the reinforcements arrived.

Chapter 431: Don't give the red dog face at all!

Use H2S nerve gas, as long as you treat it in time, you can survive

The Revolutionary Army also knows this.

Therefore, they will use it on the battlefield.

This helps to quickly clear the battlefield and end the navy's resistance.

"The Irma United team quickly moved the supplies away, and the Garu United team deployed explosives."

Karas is commanding his men.

This battle was an "experience they had never had before."

The investment in technological weapons has made wars more efficient.

The enemy has been defeated even before the melee encounter has happened.

At this time, Sabo saw a seaman with a broken leg.

The seaman's leg was broken by the "Nine-Eight-Eighty" shell.

"Medical class!"

Sabo shouted at the distant medical team.

Soon, medical cattle ran over.

"Stop him bleeding."

Sabo said to the soldiers in the medical squad.

"Our enemies are the world government and the Tianlong people." said.

"But he is the enemy." The soldiers in the medical squad did not understand

Sabo said to the soldier.

"I, I understand."

The soldier nodded, and then joined forces with his companions to bandage the broken leg marine soldier to stop the bleeding in the shortest time.

"Everyone must be fast."

Sabo then continued to command.

Their mission is not only to attack the G8 branch, but also to destroy the G8 branch base, making him lose the function of berthing and repairing warships.

On the tactical level, destroy the enemy's logistics.

When the reinforcements of the G4, G6, and G7 branches arrived at the G8 branch.

The attack has ended.

The G8 branch has been blown up.

The wounded soldiers of the G8 branch were all carried to the ship. The seriously wounded were also simply rescued.

"I am Dauberman and I have arrived at the G8 branch, but we are late and the revolutionary army has left."

On the flagship of the G7 fleet, Dauberman is contacting the ghost spider.

The navy soldiers are at sea, watching the ships floating on the sea, the ships are full of navy

"Immediate treatment."

Dauberman gave the order.

Later, Daubman learned from the slightly wounded soldiers what the revolutionary army had done after breaking through the G8 branch.

Navy headquarters.

"I know."

The red dog put down the phone bug.

Dauberman has just reported.

The Warring States Period said to Akadog: "This attack is a targeted combat arrangement of the Revolutionary Army.

More than just pertinence.

It was almost caught off guard by the navy.

Take advantage of the ghost spider not in the base, sneak attack the base.

At the same time, a lot of poison gas was used, even as a defender of peace.

"Based on the photos sent back before the fall of the base, it can be judged that they had obtained a large amount of arms.

Zeng Guo's expression was still very calm, he analyzed.

H2S gas is not very rare in the new world

"However, as long as you are equipped with enough gas masks, you can deal with H2S gas.

Since Caesar made it and sold it to the New World, this gas has been well received.

"Peace Defender PX-2X shape, this should be related to the bear’s undercover, the revolutionary army has

Master the production and manufacturing technology."As for the source of the large-caliber artillery obtained by the Revolutionary Army

Around the world, a large number of arms were sold, including the Bucky Pirates, and many forces participated in the sale of the Warring States Period and told Akadog.

Although the analysis of the Warring States Period was correct, the Warring States Period missed a very critical issue.

That is the capital chain.

The Navy investigated Kaido's arms sales network0

Kaido produced arms in Wano Country and sold it to pirates including the Bucky Pirates.

When Doflamingo was not in prison, Doflamingo was the general agent.

However, after Doflamingo's imprisonment, the general agent does not seem to exist.

Kaido directly sold the goods to the Bucky Pirates.

The Bucky Pirates will ship to all parts of the world.

From the current intelligence obtained by the Navy, it is a trade between Kaido and the Bucky Pirates.

But, who is the matchmaking?

Who made Kaido and Bucky United go online?

The Warring States did not expect this.

Moreover, the arms transaction is a large transaction, and how the funds are exchanged.

This is not a simple one-handed payment, one-handed delivery

Because among the pirates, how to ensure a sense of trust, and not be hacked by black people.

However, what Akinu cares about now is the Navy's next actions.

"Will the revolutionary army still launch attacks?"

The red dog asked the Warring States period.

Warring States looked serious and said, "The possibility is very high."

"In this case, the intelligence agency should provide information."

Akadog 4.6 points the problem to intelligence agencies

Whether it is the navy’s intelligence agency or the world government’s intelligence agency.

Blue Blue...

Blue blue

When the red dog is about to get angry

The phone worm on the desk rang.

"What's matter?"