Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 400

Lynn said: "Don't make any small movements, just stay like this, and finish watching quietly."


Streisie's fingers entangled his arms and looked domineering.

Lynn said: "I don't even need to blink, you will be killed, do you believe it?"

After hearing Lynn's words, Stracy stopped again.

Lin En said: "Look carefully at the results. As for the tasks of the Tianlongren, it doesn't matter whether they are executed or not."

Seeing Lynn turning around, Stracy suddenly moved.

This distance...

She is very confident.

"I reminded you."

As Lynn spoke, a cold flashed across Streisie's face.

Stracy fell to the ground.

"So fast……"

Streisie murmured, her body getting cold.


Chi Inu was panting heavily, his physical strength was exhausted.

In this matter, the surrounding scenery has already become scorched earth.

Magma destroys everything around.

If it weren’t for Shanks’ blocking, the red dog would completely cover the surface of this island

On the magma.On the other hand, Shanks’s left cheek is missing a piece of meat and his lips are also missing.

The clothes on the upper body had long since disappeared, and the skin burned extensively.

Fighting with Aka Inu, want not to get hurt?

That is almost impossible.

However, overall, Shanks' condition is not bad.

Although Shanks’ reward is not the highest among the four emperors, his strength is ranked among the world’s monsters

, Absolutely at the forefront "It seems that your plan is going to fail 413."

Shanks continued to stimulate the red dog with words.

"You wicked parties will all be wiped out, just like the white beard three years ago" Chi

The dog also responded to Shanks with words."I am not the same as White Beard. I am much younger than him and younger than you."

Shanks is also an old pirate. How to provoke his opponent with words and make his opponent lose in anger?

Control, this is a required course for the strong."In front of the old man, you are just a follower of Roger, and you have the courage to realize Roger's last wish.

There is no amount, you are really a coward, Roger is really blind when he chooses you."Aka dog mocked Shanks unceremoniously.

Just as angering Ace with agitation.

The red dog knew that Shanks’s weakness was Roger.

Bi Jing, Roger has taught Shanks too much, and he is the person that Shanks respects most.

"Hahaha." Shanks suddenly laughed. "The captain’s dream will come true today. He

Wait until someone has arrived, but you can't stop."

Chapter 543: Mihawk's knife!

Neither Shanks nor Aka Inu was stunned, both of them knew that the other was irritating themselves

However, Akinu's mentality will soon become unstretched.

Because the navy does not fully control the situation.

Although the number of the navy is large, it obviously encountered a strong resistance

the other side.

Warring States' chest undulated violently.

The fighting continued until now, and he also showed a trace of fatigue.

He is old.

Moreover, it is different from Karp, who is heartless and heartless.

Even though the Warring States Period was almost retired, it was still busy with naval affairs.

He was exhausted physically and mentally, and his physical strength was not as good as when he was young.

Look at Kaido again.

Kaido is in good shape.

Although Kaido received many heavy blows, he showed no sign of falling to the ground.

Durability is also a manifestation of strength.

At this time, Kaido sneered: "Warring States, are your fists weak?"

The fists blasted by the Warring States were not as powerful as before, and the breathing of the Warring States also changed significantly.

These are all signs of poor physical strength.

The Warring States snorted and did not answer.

Dolores snorted and then said to Kaido: "Even if I am alone, I can get rid of you."

As soon as the voice fell, Dolores attacked from behind Kaido, hit Kaido's back with a flying kick, and kicked Kaido directly away.

If the battle between Akagu and Shanks was a head-to-head fight.

The battle between Kaido and Warring States and Dolores was a battle of physical exertion.

Compared with them, the battle between Charlotte Lingling and Huang Yuan is relatively ornamental.

Because the yellow ape can hide and never block, and can block the attack, he will never change his injuries.

This kind of battle gives people the feeling of being evenly matched.

If Charlotte Lingling increases the speed to attack, then Huang Yuan will directly use the speed of light to open the distance

Wait until Charlotte Lingling catches up, then fight back.

After kicking Charlotte Lingling several times in a row, Charlotte Lingling stopped attacking.

"It seems that the overall situation is under control~"

Lynn was floating in the air, watching the battle below

"You can't escape!" Xiao

Gumir and others chased up, trapping Robin and others again.

Gumir is a lieutenant general of the G2 branch base, strong.

And only Nami is left beside Robin

Nami took out the weather bar and said to Robin, "Robin, you go first, let me deal with it here."

Robin looked at each of his friends in the fight, shaking his head and saying, "I will fight him with you.

Gumir sighed, "Although I can understand your approach, I hope you don't embarrass me, and I don't want to hurt you."

Gumir is a well-known moderate among naval dovish generals.

He couldn't bear to let Gumir kill Nami.

Some of Bi Haijun’s practices are indeed problematic

Nami responded loudly: "Since you don't want to hurt us, why should you help the world government? You know that what the world government is doing is persecuting people all over the world."

Gumir rubbed his head and said, "I don't know how to explain this kind of thing. I believe it will change one day, but... Forget it, I don't understand."

In fact, Gumir and many dovish navies have conflicting hearts.

Their purpose in joining the Navy is to protect the strong and the weak, and to protect the good.

The world government is doing all kinds of evil.

Moreover, the justice of the world government has long been corrupted

Change, complete change, restore justice

This is the thinking of many people in the Navy.

However, ideas are just ideas, how difficult is it to implement them?

Gumir pulled out the knife and said, "I'm sorry."

call out!

Gumir is also good at Six Forms

At this time, he disappeared in place with a shave.

Nami only felt that a figure flashed past her, and she didn't even use a weather stick.


Just listen to a sharp metal crash.

Gumir frowned.

His knife was blocked.

It's a black knife, the only one in the world with such an exaggerated and unique shape

It's Hawkeye Mihawk's black knife

""~What do you want to do?!"

Gumir questioned Mihawk.

However, Mihawk is no longer Qiwuhai

"I do what I want. This is my freedom."

Although he lost the identity of Qiwuhai, for Mihawk, he was still free and no one could interfere with him.

Mihawk's strength is very strong, far above Gumir.(King Nuo's)


I saw Mihawk swinging a knife with one hand, cutting left, splitting, cutting horizontally, and cutting vertically.

"You go and do your own thing first. Take dozens of steps back and widen the distance between each other.

After a series of fierce attacks fell, Gumir was already

Mihawk did not pursue Gumir, but turned around and asked Robin and the others.

Under the unbelievable gaze of Robin and others, Mihawk made several slashes, tearing open the navy's encircling net directly.

"Thank you for your life."

Nami and Robin fled quickly

And Brin also found a chance and chased up, but she couldn't let them go.

Seeing them away, Mihawk turned and looked at Gumir, "I don't want to kill, so don't force me."

Chapter 544: The Secret of Love Drew!