Pirate God-level Naruto System

Chapter 26: Flying Thunder God Slash

Klick heard the pirate's words and slapped his head fiercely: "What kind of demon method of Tama, is this a demon fruit capable person?"

The pirate clutched his head in horror and said, "Hug...sorry... the leader."

It turned out that just now, when the navy and the pirates were fighting, Lei Yin happened to arrive, and he set fire to kill a large number of pirates.This scene was seen by part of the pirates and the navy including Monka.At that time, the navy was about to be wiped out by Klick, and it was Leiyin's action that made many navies survive.

The navy saw the strength of Lei Yin, and the remaining soldiers gathered in the square at the same time, waiting for Lei Yin to make another move.The pirates also gathered to Klick's side to see how the leader handled the matter.

But what's the matter with flame?

It turned out that Leiyin released the newly learned C-level ninjutsu, the art of fireball.

At this time, on the square, the pirates and the navy involuntarily stood in two groups, as if waiting for the decisive battle between Klick and Leiyin...

At this time, the major couldn't help but ask his lieutenant who had just returned from embarrassment: "What's the matter with that fire?"

The lieutenant pointed to Lei Yin: "That kid did it."

"A demon fruit capable person of the flame type?"

"This, my subordinates don't know."

This is the East China Sea, and there will be no strong people in a hundred years, so little is known about Devil Fruit.

Klick said to Leiyin with his face: "There is really a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. You break in and kill my people, don't you want to retreat."

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?"

At this time, a lean man in a red snake gown waved two "T" crutchers with his left and right hands and said to Klick, "Boss, this kid will take care of me."

Klick sneered coldly: "Alright, let them taste the hammer."

Upon seeing this, Joseph and Johnny also said to Lei Yin: "Brother, don't bother you to do it, let's deal with this guy."

"Hey, you guys..."

Before Lei Yin could finish speaking, the two of them rushed up...

Lei Yin, who is familiar with animation, knows that this person holding two T-shaped hammers is [Ghost] Akin, the captain of the Klick Pirate Fleet. Despite his thinness, his personal combat effectiveness is very strong.Sanji was defeated in the original work.

In fact, what Lei Yin wanted to say was, "Don't go, you will definitely be beaten."

But before finishing talking, the three of them were already fighting together. As expected, Joseph and Johnny divided by two... they were overthrown.

A Jin proudly stepped on Johnny's body and pointed at Joseph's head with a [T hammer], "I don't take any pissing and take pictures of myself. At this level, I dare to fight with me!"

Seeing the plight of the two, Lei Yin half-hidden his face and couldn't bear to look at them.In less than two minutes, it was still two-on-one. These two guys were beaten into this virtue. These two little brothers were really a headache.At this moment, Akin raised the hammer to Joseph's head, and he was about to die...

All of a sudden, blood was splattered!

Flying Thunder God Slash-White Blade!

I saw that where the three of them were, a white light slashed across, directly cutting through Ah Jin's outstretched arm, and the T-shaped hammer fell to the ground without hitting Joseph.


Everyone didn't even see when Lei Yin had already flown in front of A Jin.

This is a combination of Lei Yin’s newly learned B-level ninjutsu [Flying Thunder God Slash] and the imitation of his own ninjutsu [White Blade], to give a very fast blow.

With this blow, Lei Yin did not draw his sword. If he draws the sword, A Jin's arm has been broken at this time.

"The speed is still not as fast as I thought." Lei Yin muttered to himself.

Although Lei Yin is still dissatisfied with this, but for everyone watching,

"Then kid, how did you do it?"

"Is this... [Six Types-Shaving]?"

"Six-style-shaved? I just heard about it, I haven't seen it..."

Lei Yin's move caused another round of discussion.

Not to mention [Flying Thunder God], in the East China Sea, there are few people who can [shave].

Although Ah Jin had a long and deep wound on his right arm, his momentum remained undiminished. He waved a T-hammer with his left hand and attacked Lei Yin...

"You are really a stubborn person."

With that said, Lei Yin attached Chakra to his leg and flew a kick on Ajin. Ajin flew out a few meters with a hammer and fell to the ground and fainted.

No one dared to step forward, but Klick saw the strength of Lei Yin, and he felt a little drumming in his heart.

Can breathe fire, teleport, and kill the most powerful captain on his ship in two hits.

The next one, I’m afraid it’s me...

Klick opened the armor of his right arm, and stretched out a small-caliber cannon at Lei Yin: "Boy, although I don't know what your background is, it doesn't look simple."

Lei Yin smiled suddenly: "Thanks for the praise."

"But, no matter how good you are, can you stop the artillery?"

As he said, the muzzle of Klick's right arm flashed three times in a row, and three cannonballs hit Leiyin...

Lei Yin took out three kunai from his [Inventory], with Chakra attached to it, and suddenly threw it in the direction of the cannonball...

Kumo hit the cannonball precisely, and the cannonball was bombed in midair without injuring anyone at all.

"Even the shells can't hurt him!"

"Is this guy... invincible?"

Seeing Lei Yin easily stopped the cannonball attack, the pirates showed a look of fear.

When the Navy saw this scene, it was relieved a lot, because now the Navy and Lei Yin are teammates in the same camp. If Lei Yin can win, it will represent the navy's victory.

The major exclaimed excitedly: "Come on, boy, although you don't know who you are, you must defeat Klick!"

"Come on, kid!"

"Down with them!"

The navy supported Lei Yin.

It is really uncommon for a regular army to support a person.But forget it, Lei Yin thought, even if the navy does it, apart from increasing the number of casualties, it might be of no use.

At this moment, Klick really felt scared. He couldn't hide the jealous look on his face. Let alone the strength he showed before, now even the burst of shells can't hurt him. How can you still take him?

What is this kid's ability?

I'm afraid he can't understand even if he breaks his head.

Upon seeing this, Klick turned around and said to the pirates under him: "Little ones, you go and get rid of that guy for me!"


The pirates showed a dilemma: "But, the leader..."

Klick said angrily: "Are you going to disobey my orders?"

The pirates looked dumbfounded one by one, thinking to themselves: aren't you going to deal with this kid?How did you become us?