Pirate God Skin

Pirate God-level Skin Chapter 33 It's All Your Fault

"How can it be so fast?" Torrepol's hands couldn't help shaking. "How long has it passed?"

Doflamingo looked at Mo Yan, gritted his teeth and uttered the words "Black Devil"

"Ha ha."

Mo Yan smiled, "It seems that you know me. This is easy to handle. Pay your debts obediently. Don't think that the debts of the Chinese Empire can be owed at will."

Doflamingo was so angry that he just owed a debt to the Knight King. When did he become a debt to the Chinese Empire?

Moreover, he came to beat his base camp and killed a bunch of his men, even asking for debt repayment.

I'll return your uncle

"Super Strike Whip"

Doflamingo's face was sullen, and he attacked without saying a word.

Dozens of transparent silk threads are entangled and condensed into a huge string, bombarding them with terrifying power.

"It seems that you haven't eaten enough lessons, it's just interest."

Mo Yan looked cold, and his figure disappeared and appeared on the other end, avoiding the bombardment of the overstrike whip.


A big hole blasted from where Mo Yan was standing, and Doflamingo took a sip, and quickly hit Mo Yan at the other end.

"It's useless."

With a swing of Mo Yan's wand, his body disappeared again, and the overstrike whip was once again empty.

"Damn it, do you have the same spatial ability as Luo?" Doflamingo's face was somber as to drip water, "No, that's not right, it's several times faster than Luo's."

Although Luo is young, he has already eaten the fruits of surgery and can use roo to move in space.

But for Luo's spatial movement, he must first create roo, and he was limited to exchanging positions with another object. The launch was many times slower than Mo Yan.

In other words, Mo Yan is a super powerful version of Luo with no prelude, no CD time, and no signs of bearing.

"Overlord and domineering"

Doflamingo suddenly exploded into a fierce domineering domineering, like the real pressure all over the palace, many soldiers were shocked to faint even if they escaped the ravages of sculptures, Doflamingo only wanted domineering domineering Slightly affect Mo Yan's speed.

However, with Doflamingo's overlord look, Mo Yan's Occupational Cerebral technique was sufficient for perfect defense, and his attempt directly failed.

"Over the whip line"

The attack beyond the whip line is smaller, but the speed is faster, but it is still empty.

"It's annoying to flash back and forth"

Doflamingo sat frantically and made useless attacks, but he couldn't even touch the corner of Mo Yan's clothes.

"over there"

Finally, Doflamingo's domineering and domineering captured Mo Yan who had just appeared, but again, he had no time to attack.

"Got it, Dover"

Fortunately, he was not the only one present, but also the top official Torrepol.

"Slimy Launcher"

Torrepol spewed a large amount of lumpy mucus from his body, and he also saw Doflamingo’s plight. As long as the mucus can stick to Mo Yan, there is no need to worry about Mo Yan’s appearance.

Mo Yan frowned when he saw it, and before the Apparition was too late, he raised his hand and released the armor to block the mucus.

If it was just Doflamingo, Mo Yan could still play around with him, but adding a top cadre would be more difficult. Torrepol was not a vegetarian.

"If you dare to throw such a disgusting thing at me, let's charge some interest from you first."

Mo Yan used his old magic wand to point to Torrepol "The Shadowless"

The invisible huge slash quickly rushed towards Torrepol. Although the attack was invisible, Torrepol knew that the Dark Lord had made a very dangerous attack, and the slime on his body suddenly swelled.

He is the clearest person who investigates the Dark Lord. Naturally, he knows that the Dark Lord’s attacks cannot penetrate weapons or armor. Don’t look at Torrepol’s fatness, but he is actually very thin, with a large layer of mucus as a defense. .

"I can see his weakness. He can only use one ability at the same time, so when the slime blocks his attack, I use the ability to stick him"

The battle plan flashed through Torrepol's mind, and it was perfect.

In the next moment, the Shenfeng Wuying slashed to Torrepol's body, but directly cut off all the mucus and took Torrepol's left hand by the way.


Torrepol screamed with an unbelievable look, how could this be, why on earth

Only then did the sprayed blood show Shen Feng Wuying’s slash, Shen Feng Wuying’s remaining power remained undiminished, and tore through the floor of the entire room behind Torrepol.


Doflamingo yelled when he saw this, and he attacked Mo Yan with another attack, and returned without success this time.

"You bastard"

Doflamingo looked at Mo Yan who reappeared, his eyes breathing fire.

By now, all of his top officials had been killed and injured by Mo Yan.

Mo Yan is equivalent to picking his entire Don Quixote family

"Remember it clearly. The reason why he broke his arm is because of your fault." Mo Yan said coldly, "Your dishonesty, your offense, your arrogance."

"I will kill you"

Doflamingo attacked Mo Yan frantically, and several apparitions of Mo Yan flashed onto the tower opposite the castle.

"Don't worry, Doflamingo, you are not in a hurry to die at this time. I am not the only one who is causing you trouble."

Hearing what Mo Yan said, Doflamingo listened and forced himself to calm down.

Mo Yan, what does this mean

Mo Yan quickly said, "You can't eat alone as a human being. I'll let him finish the rest. Good luck."

"Who is the other one"

Doflamingo roared and asked, but Mo Yan didn't answer him, and disappeared with a wave of his magic wand.