Pirate God Skin

Pirate God-level Skin Chapter 62 Not one, but two

Xia Qi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled, "You are a man who dares to fight and kill even the Tianlong people. I admire you very much. Even if you don't tell me the information, I am willing to call Leili for you once."

Xia Qi was a pirate in Roger's era, and was a pair of enemies who often fought against the naval hero Karp. She was a legendary pirate, and it was not easy to get such sincere appreciation from her.

But Mo Yan was a little speechless. Now that I say this, is it a bit of an afterthought?

If I don’t tell you this information, how could you appreciate me for it?

Xia Qi bent down and rummaged at the bar for a while, then took out a small crystal phone worm.

"This kind of phone worm is very rare. It's beautiful, but it's powerful. Even if Raleigh isn't in Chambord, I can find him instantly."

Mo Yan nodded and said, "Then please."

"What a boring man."

Xia Qi took a cigarette and got through the Crystal Phone Worm.

After a while, the phone worm was connected, and a calm and sophisticated voice came from the phone worm, "It's really strange, Xia Qi, this is the first time you called me with a crystal phone worm. I thought you would never Will use this."

Xia Qi rolled her eyes and said, "Stop talking nonsense, come back quickly, I have something to do with you."

Raleigh said in a strange way, "If you have something to do with me, if it is to put a film on the boat, let him make an appointment first. I am still drinking here."

Xia Qi mocked and said, "Leili, it seems that you are really getting less and less useful. Do you think that a mere request for a film on a boat would be worthwhile for me to use the Crystal Phone Worm to find you?"

Lei Li was silent for a while and said, "This is reasonable, Xia Qi, who is looking for me what happened?"

Xia Qi said lightly, "It's the Uchiha Madara who is in the limelight recently."


This time, Raleigh was silent longer.

After a while, Raleigh said, "Wait for me in the bar, I'll go over immediately."

After speaking, Raleigh hung up the Crystal Phone Worm.

Xia Qi put away the crystal phone bug and said, "Okay, let's wait for Lei Li to come back. Do you want something to drink?"

Mo Yan also naturally sat in front of the bar and smiled and said, "Just make me a cocktail of your best, thank you."

Xia Qi twitched, "You really know how to order."

While talking, Xia Qi didn't stop her hand, she started to make a cocktail quickly, her technique was so skillful that she was dazzled.

Soon after, Xia Qi put a glass of scarlet and orange cocktail in front of Mo Yan, "It's cheap for you. Most people can't drink my cup of morning sun, and it's a respect for your red eyes as beautiful as this glass of wine."

Mo Yan picked up the morning sun and took a sip "It's really good."

Xia Qi nodded and signaled, "Thank you for the compliment, you are still very knowledgeable."

As soon as he put down the wine glass, the door behind Mo Yan was pushed open, and Lei Li strode in with a wine bottle.

"You're Uchiha Madara, right?" Lei Li walked to Mo Yan and took a good look at Mo Yan, "Xia Qi drinking this wine is boring, there is no energy at all."

Xia Qi sneered, "So I never make this glass of wine for a rash guy who doesn't know wine."

Lei Li curled his lips, then his face became solemn, looking at Mo Yan.

"Let's say, what are you looking for me or the Chinese Empire looking for me, Mr. Uchiha Madara, the famous general of the town country"

Mo Yan calmly drank the remaining morning light of the rising sun, and also faced Leili, saying, "I have something to ask you."

Raleigh said immediately, "I'm just a retired old man. Don't find me if you are in trouble."

"Don't worry, no trouble," Mo Yan smiled, "I hope you can teach me domineering."

"You won't be domineering"

When Lei Li and Xia Qi heard this, their eyes widened and looked at Mo Yan incredible.

Xia Qi couldn't help saying, "It's impossible, if you are a super master of this realm, how can you not even be domineering"

"That's the truth," Mo Yan shrugged. "So I played very hard with the Admiral. I need to quickly make up for this weakness."

Ask for flowers

Reilly frowned and said, "Sure enough, in the earth-shattering battle on the sea just now, are you and the red dog doing it?"

The red dog had been fighting for so long, the heat wave was rushing and the lava was rolling, and Leily could easily guess who the enemy was against Mo Yan.

"In this way, you won't be able to beat the red dog without being domineering, it's really incredible."

Raleigh sighed from the bottom of his heart that he wouldn't be able to defeat the Nature Element without being domineering. The Chinese Empire really contained endless secrets, and every member that appeared was so mysterious.


Mo Yan said concisely, "It's not just the red dog, I'm fighting with the red dog and the yellow ape at the same time, it's very hard, so I urgently need to learn to be domineering."

"what did you say"

Raleigh just sat down and stood up again in shock.

The facts are far more absurd and unbelievable than he thought

"I thought I was overestimating you just now, but I didn't expect it to appear now, I just underestimated you."

Xia Qi couldn't help shrinking her pupils and accidentally squeezed the cigarette in her hand.

Mo Yan was still very satisfied to make two legendary pirates, especially the legendary big pirate like Lei Li so surprised.

Lei Li took a deep breath and said, "You have to learn to be domineering quickly, how fast you want to be."

With words, Lei Li was already a little moved.

The opportunity to teach a super big pirate like Mo Yan is completely unforgettable. The sense of accomplishment alone has attracted Raleigh.

Mo Yan simply said, "I hope I can learn it in half a month, and it's best to learn domineering in a week."

Half a month is the time limit set by him and the navy, and if possible, Mo Yan hopes to have a week to improve his proficiency and domineering.

"Half a month" Raleigh couldn't help crying, "It's absolutely impossible."

Mo Yan smiled and said, "If you don't try, who knows, maybe I'm a peerless genius who has never met in a million years."

Raleigh was speechless, completely speechless, what else could he say.