Pirate God Skin

Pirate God-level Skin Chapter 117 Return to the Navy Headquarters

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The warship rides the wind and waves on the sea at great speed.

Mo Yan was sitting on the top of the warship, blowing the sea breeze, closing his eyes and carefully comprehending the feelings of the three navy officers after the First World War.

With such a battle that reached its peak, Mo Yan had a hunch that his domineering would be able to take it to the next level.

"Master Mengmu, we are almost there."

A seaman tremblingly came up to inform, his eyes full of fear.

In his opinion, the three navy generals are the pride of the navy, and Mo Yan, who can shake the three naval generals alone, is simply the most terrifying devil in the world.

This surpassed the fear of One Piece, and made the Marines add the word "adult" when they called Mo Yan on "July 27".

"I see, go down."

Mo Yan opened his eyes, and Marin Fandor was faintly in the distance.

A total of fifty warships lined up in the harbor, seemingly extraordinary and a deterrent.

Mo Yan knows this very well, but he is not worried at all. Does Warring States have the courage to work with Malin Vando and do it himself?

Let’s not talk about the threats of all the members who came here, only the four emperor-level combat power he showed can make the warring States worry about Chabusifan.

Although to be honest, Mo Yan had almost exhausted his spiritual pressure at the time, and his arrogance was almost unable to withstand the collapse of his body, so he readily agreed to the truce proposed by Huang Yuan, but the problem was that Mo Yan did not act. Come out, the navy doesn't know.

The unknown is always the greatest source of fear. If Mo Yan's limit is not seen, the Navy will never dare to act rashly.

"Here, Navy Headquarters"

Suddenly, the navy on board cheered.

When they arrived at the navy base camp, they immediately got support in their hearts, and they were all relieved.

Although it was not far from the Chambord Islands to Marin Vatican, they were under great psychological pressure along the way with the killer star Gengmu Jianpachi.

The three navy generals who had returned in embarrassment that day had silently told them that even the three navy generals could not really protect them from Gengmu Jianba's hands.

The green pheasant smiled bitterly when he saw it, "This is the first time. It is clear that there is a navy admiral with him, but the soldiers have no sense of security at all."

Huang Yuan shrugged helplessly, "You missed a little, this time all the admirals are going together."

The red dog's face was pale, and he didn't even want to say anything.

At the port of the Navy Headquarters, a VIP table was placed on it, and on the other side of the table, there were many chairs arranged in a trapezoid shape.

The heavyweights such as the Warring States Marshal Buddha, the navy chief instructor Zefa, the naval hero Karp, and the naval chief of staff crane all sat in the first row, and all the navy of the rank of lieutenant admiral were also among them.

"Look, the one on top of the warship is even more wooden swordsman"

"It's the man known as the world's largest swordsman"

"And he also drew a single draw with three navy generals"

With the rank of lieutenant general, the battle situation of Aka Inu and others is not a secret to them, and they all whispered immediately.

Warring States’ face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip out of water. He had never expected that he had dispatched all the three highest combat forces of the Navy Headquarters, and this mission could fail.

And in the end it fell to the point where it was forced to increase prices and seek peace.

"This is simply the greatest shame in the history of the Navy"

The Warring States roared in a low voice, and Zefa next to him shook his head and said, "No way, who can guess that we have all done our best, but the other party suddenly has the strength of the Fourth Emperor."

While speaking, Mo Yan had already stepped in the air and fluttered down to the VIP table.

The pure white captain Haori fluttered behind Mo Yan, and the huge wild sun inserted around him was extremely deterrent.

"Do you really dare to come here alone, even more wood sword eight"

The Warring States Period said in a deep voice, this kind of dangerous invitation looks like a Hongmen Banquet, it is really a shame that Mu Jian has the courage to come over.

Mo Yan smiled faintly, and said, "Since you are called a wise general in the Warring States of Buddha, then I believe you will definitely not ignore the threat of the Dark Lord being able to move people in any space."

The expressions of Warring States, Zefa and others changed. They were indeed secretly worried about the invincible ability of the Dark Lord. If the Dark Lord brought all the members of the Chinese Empire to the navy headquarters, what would it be?

Seeing the dramatic changes in their faces in the Warring States Period, Mo Yan lightly snorted, "Your navy has already made a wrong judgment. If you don't want the navy headquarters to become a mess, then you shouldn't make another stupid decision."

The face of the Warring States Period that Mo Yan said was blue and white. Originally, he wanted to give Mo Yan a prestige, but he did not expect that he would be dismissed in the end.

The Warring States period decided not to take its own humiliation anymore and started straight to the point. "We have decided to accept the conditions you mentioned. We have also confirmed the safety of Saint Rozwald, but there is still a problem."

The atmosphere on the court suddenly became a little serious, and the lieutenant generals behind subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water.

Mo Yan asked calmly, "Are there any questions, let's talk."

The Warring States period brewed, "This is what happened. At first, we didn’t expect that we could only redeem Saint Rozwad, so we didn’t make any preparations. Now there are only eight Devil Fruits that can be given to you at the Navy’s 15 headquarters. about."

Mo Yan frowned, "only a little more than half"

Warring States nodded and said, "Yes, we need some time to collect the remaining Devil Fruit, so we can only give it to you tomorrow."

As soon as the voice fell, Karp and the others tensed all over, watching Mo Yan's reaction nervously.

Fortunately, Mo Yan looked calm and said, "Yes, prepare a superior room for me. I will forgive you until tomorrow."

"It's just that if you breach the contract tomorrow, you know what the consequences are."

Mo Yan's words turned sharply, and for a moment, the back of the navy was full of coldness.

No one can ignore the threat of the Four Emperors.