Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 46

Nami saw through Sauron's idiotic attributes at a glance, and joked.

"Nonsense, who said I was Lu Chi? I just just"

Sauron blushed, 039 just didn't say why for a long time.

"I don't care about your girl, let's go." Sauron, who was furious and furious, held the rudder and planned to cross Luo Lin and return to Shuangyue Village first.However, the direction of its navigation has gone wrong.

"Big brother, big brother, the direction is wrong!"

"Brother, Shuangyue Village is over there, and here is the opposite direction."

"Oh~~~" Sauron was immediately confused.


Nami, Weiwei, Keya and others who witnessed the whole process were already laughing crazy.

Even Robin was amused by Sauron's natural road idiot.

Luo Lin didn't smile.

Not because I feel bored.

It was because there was something more interesting to him now in his sight.

The last few hundred meters to Shuangyue Village.

0………For flowers………

From afar, boats of all sizes are parked on the coast of the island where Frost Moon Village is located.

There is also a small, seemingly inconspicuous dragon-head ship mixed in between the fishing boats.

What made Luo Lin more interesting was a certain sign on that ship.

"That is"

At the same time, Donghai Shuangyue Village, Yixin Taoist Temple.

The boys in Shuangyue Village with shaved flat heads sweat and dance bamboo knives in the dojo.

The master's room in the depths of the dojo.

The master of the dojo, Koushiro, was meeting his friends with a smile on his face.

"Kengshiro, don't you still consider going to Bardi with us?" said the middle-aged man wearing a green windbreaker and an inexplicable red pattern on his face.

"Mr. Koushiro, you are also our comrade, just follow us to Bardi, we need your strength."

The boy wearing a gentleman's top hat and a water pipe behind his back spoke.

"Yes, yeah, Uncle Koushiro, everyone in the revolutionary army is thinking of you." The revolutionary girl Kerla stared at beautiful eyes.

"Hahahaha, you are Sabo and Kerla, you haven't seen each other for ten years, you really have grown up." Koushiro smiled.


At this moment, the children's surprise shouts suddenly came from the training ground.

"Teacher, Brother Sauron is back.

"Handsome pirate hunter, Brother Sauron has found his way back!"

"Sauron, is that kid?" Long asked.


Koushiro nodded.

"That kid is a good seed. If he can train in the revolutionary army,

Before the dragon digs a corner, his expression suddenly changed.

At the same time, the squinted smile on Koushiro's face disappeared.

What emerged in turn was unprecedented solemnity.

"Mr. Long, Mr. Koushiro, what's the matter?"

Although Sabo and Kerla could not sense the terrifying pressure in the dark, they felt bad from the expressions of the two dragons.

"Dragon, it really is your kid!

The next moment, a young and hearty voice came, blowing open the door.

"you are

After seeing the appearance of the young man standing outside the door, the calm face of Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, suddenly showed extreme shock and disbelief.


"Long time no see, big nephew!!!"

Chapter 71 The Past of the Dragon!Revolutionary teacher?


"Big nephew!"

After thirty-six years, Luo Lin and Long met again.

A simple greeting contained countless complex emotions.

There are shocks and shocks, incredible, madness, and even ecstasy beyond words.

Koushiro, Sabo, and the girl Kerla who were already ready for battle.

At this moment, he was already stupid.

The leaders, founders, pioneers of the revolutionary army, the uncle of their idol Mr. Long, and the big nephew of the young man outside the door who looks like he is not even thirty!These two symmetrical titles continued to float and echo in the minds of Sabo, Kerla, and Koushiro for a long time.

Because of the excessive shock, the expressions on their faces began to change significantly, subconsciously and unconsciously making facial expressions that they would never be able to make in their normal state.

"Four Five Three" is no exception even for the always elegant lady Kerla.Yan Yi's expression at this moment is no less than that of Robin in the development of the original plot when he learned that Straw Hat Luffy was arrested.

Koushiro: 2a


Sabo: (д)!!



Then there was a long silence.


Long, the supreme leader of the revolutionary army, once more than 30 years later, once again let out a hearty laugh.

If this scene is seen by other soldiers of the revolutionary army, it will inevitably be overwhelmed.

Because they never knew that the powerful and powerful dragon leader would laugh like ordinary people.

"Uncle Luo Lin, I know, I know, I know you will never die!

You are the undead king of this sea!"

After laughing, the corners of Long's eyes also saw tears for the first time in more than 30 years.

Long strode forward, opened his arms, and hugged Luo Lin heavily.

"Big nephew, haven't seen you for many years, you are so promising!" Luo Lin said with emotion.

Forty years ago, Luo Lin, Karp, Warring States and others were promoted to lieutenant generals because of their outstanding military exploits and were able to have their own subordinates.

At the beginning, the navy crew assigned to his ship included Karp's precious son, Monki Dron.

Take the close relationship between Rollin and Karp.Luo Lin can naturally be regarded as Dragon's uncle.

At that time, the Monkey King was just a rebellious teenager, and his face was cold all day long.

He was very dissatisfied with his father Karp's move to arrange him on the ship of his acquaintance.

Even Karp asked him to join the navy.

Such a rebellious young dragon naturally would not call Luo Lin "Uncle" willingly.

But only one month.

When Luo Lin took him back after killing him in the New World for a month.

The rebellious young dragon who had resisted Luo Lin no longer disappeared.

Instead, Luo Lin's number one little fan, Dragon... even Yu Long willingly called Luo Lin "Tutor!"

The magnitude of the changes before and after is not surprising, and it directly shocked the navy.

At that time, Sengoku, Karp, Crane, Zefa and others were very surprised by the dragon's transformation.

Ask Luo Lin, Luo Lin will naturally not say.

After all, that was the secret between him and Long.

The change in Juvenile Dragon's attitude towards Luo Lin was not because of Luo Lin's ability to outperform his father.

Nor was it the peculiar means that Luo Lin used to face terrorist opponents without dying, and finally forced the opponent to collapse.

The reason for his admiration of Luo Lin was only a few words that Luo Lin said casually.

As a traveler, Luo Lin was also very curious about the experience of Long, the most mysterious revolutionary leader in the Pirate World, when he was young.

Coupled with the commission from his friend Karp, Luo Lin is even more concerned about the young dragon.However, this kid was too rebellious at the beginning, and he didn't even bring birds to his orders as an officer.

It was not until later that Luo Lin accidentally said something that caught the dragon's attention, and it also narrowed the distance between them.

Luo Lin also learned that the reason why the dragon was so rebellious was not due to puberty.

It comes from his thinking about the navy, the government, and even the world.

Why is there so much injustice in the world?

What is the difference between commoners and nobles?

What kind of princes will Xingning?

According to Zhang domineering, could the Tianlong people do less evil than ordinary people?Why does the Navy want to protect these privileged criminals?

Isn't the real duty of the navy to maintain justice and order in the sea?Why fight for the evil Tianlong people?

If privileges can be eliminated and the class between commoners and nobles can be eliminated, will the number of pirates on the sea be greatly reduced?

Etc., etc

The young dragon, who was only a teenager at the time, had a high level of thought in his mind, which exceeded that of most people in the world.

It was as if his birth was specially sent by the world to correct this distorted reality.Even Luo Lin was stunned by the profound question of the young dragon, which was far beyond his age. He unconsciously gave birth to the idea that he was born to change the world.At that time, Rollin, who was just holding and chatting with the dragon, suddenly looked right, no longer joking, and his expression was more solemn than ever.

He has decided to give the boy in front of him all the modern revolutionary ideas he knew about the world in his previous life.The whole teaching process lasted a week.

Until Luo Lin ran out of memory in his mind and said nothing to say.

Even so, even Luo Lin's narration of revolutionary thought is not systematic and detailed.But Luo Lin's thoughts also brought unprecedented shock and shock to the dragon at that time.

Just like Sauron who accepted Luolin's kendo guidance two days ago.

Luo Lin's thoughts are like a light in the fog, pointing out the direction of the dragon's chaos and leading him to the present day.

After more than 30 years of development, the lonely lamp has been lit in every corner of this sea.

And one day a prairie fire will be formed, sweeping and illuminating this dark world."Uncle, no, it's a mentor. Now we are no longer alone. Our like-minded comrades have spread all over the world. We are all your followers." Long Buddhism proudly reported to Luo Lin 40 of his more than 30 years. Coming effort.

"No, Long, they are all your followers, I did nothing." Luo Lin shook his head slowly.