Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 140

There was a loud noise from the audience.

Not only the marines who had received Luo Lin's treatment, everyone present looked at Luo Lin with enthusiasm and admiration.

Looking at the young figure, it seemed that it was their faith.

Under the enthusiastic gaze of the marines, Luo Lin walked calmly and walked to the tearful old Doctor Andrew.

"Get up, all such big people, how decent they are still crying."

Luo Lin grinned lightly, and lifted Baci, who was kneeling on the ground in excitement.

"Lieutenant General Luo Luolin, it is really you! You are really back!"

With Luo Lin's support, Old Ender got up tremblingly, his eyes blurred with tears.

But it couldn't obscure Luo Lin's appearance.

"Luo Lin"

Tina on the side heard Old Andrew's address to Luo Lin and repeated it subconsciously.


On the other side, Ain caught the keyword eye of Lieutenant General 039.

This man was a lieutenant admiral of our navy!

Lieutenant general decades ago!!!

At this moment, in the hearts of Tina and Ain, the mist that enveloped Luo Lin's body dispersed a little, allowing them to see a vague corner of the truth.

Bring the dying back to life!

A lieutenant admiral with such a miraculous power would definitely not be an unknown person.

It's absolutely right to leave a deep and colorful trace in the history of the Navy.

However, these new-generation navies have never heard the slightest legend about them.

There must be a huge secret that can shock the entire world.Tina and Ain looked at each other, and they both saw their desire in each other's beautiful eyes.

The desire to solve this puzzle.

Luo Lin didn't care about the huge curiosity of Tina and Ain.

At this moment, Luo Lin also looked at the old man in front of him with nostalgia.

Decades ago, when the old man was still a young man, he used to be the combat doctor on his ship.

A special military doctor who takes part in battle more than cure.

At the beginning, Luo Lin was worried that his talents would be buried, and wanted to send him to Karp to be an orthodox military doctor.

It's just that Andrew didn't agree with his death.

During the years on Luo Lin's boat, he was not good at medical skills, but he learned a thorough understanding of seeing, hearing, and armed sex.

Even wanted to change jobs at one time.

But 36 years ago, after Luo Lin disappeared.

Andrew was also discouraged. He had no ambition to fight behind Luo Lin, and he picked up his medical skills again.

Up to now, it is also considered to be outstanding.

"It has not been seen for decades. In the field of medical treatment, you really have the demeanor of a general."

Luo Lin patted Old Andrew on the shoulder and praised.

"No, no, Lieutenant General Luo Lin, if I can, I would even like to follow you and charge forward."

Old Andrew shook his head,-his face frantically opened.

"Haha" Luo Lin smiled and shook his head.

Andrew, just call me Luo Lin from now on, after all, I am no longer a lieutenant general.

Luo Lin said casually."how come

"Okay, okay, there should be other severely wounded seamen on the warship, so leave it to me next."

Luo Lin interrupted.


Old Andrew nodded heavily.

After Luo Lin's miraculous treatment, the number of severely injured navy men on the warship totaled two hundred and three, and all of them recovered.

No one died from serious injuries.This has created a miracle.

Upon learning this news, the entire warship suddenly fell into a boiling mood again.

"Who is that gentleman?"

Seeing Luo Lin leaving the warship and heading to the coast, Brigadier General Daikin and others were unconsciously shocked and muttered.

"Perhaps that gentleman is the true Lord God.

Corporal Leiluo and the seamen who were cured by Luo Lin were all enthusiastic.

"Why do I have a sense of deja vu with that magical method? I seem to have heard it somewhere."

Especially Major General Mulla said.

"Me too, I always feel that this is not the first time this happened in the Navy."

A military doctor also frowned suspiciously.

"I remember. When I was in the G2 branch, I seemed to have heard Lieutenant General Gumir say that another young marine suddenly said. "Thanks, old man."

Zefa got up and opened his arms to give Luo Lin another hug.

"Hey, hey, you're not a little girl, so you can hug and hug you, and you don't want to respond."

Luo Lin joked with a smile.


Zefa laughed indifferently and threw the prepared wine to Luo Lin.

"But this time those little guys can survive, thank you really." Zefa said."Thank you, it's just a matter of effort. Even if I am not the navy now, I am still me." Luo Lin said.

Chapter 184: White Beard II!Zefa's killing intent!

The west coast of Thousand Sail Island.

Luo Lin and Zefa sat and drank around the reef.

The seamen on the warship resurrected from the edge of death looked at the two people on the reef from a distance.The eyes were all curiosity, shock, and unstoppable fanaticism.

"Report, Teacher Zefa, just received the contact from Lieutenant General Bastiou. The battlefields on Qianfan Island are basically over! Our army has won a great victory!

The brigadier with a hooked nose and a single orange ponytail hurried over and reported loudly.


Zefa nodded.

"By the way, Kibin, is your body okay? I heard especially Mulla said, you used iron to harden ~ eating the enemy." Zefa asked, with a hint of helplessness in his expression.

Among all the students he has taught.

Brigadier General Kibin is the one who likes to use six iron moves the most.

Obviously so far, he has no idea how many times he has fallen down because of his blind confidence in the iron block.

By the way, this kid is really on the same side-the end is hard.

Luo Lin, who read Zefa's mind, almost squirted out the wine that he had just drunk.

It turned out not to be three times.

It has been thirty times.

This is really an iron-headed baby!

On the first iron one, I would like to call you the ironest!Luo Lin looked at Brigadier General Kibing, thinking silently.

Feeling the admiration 039 gaze from Luo Lin, Brigadier General Kibbing was flattered for a while."Report Teacher Zefa, I don't trust it, thanks to this gentleman, my injury is completely healed, and I feel that my iron is stronger, and I will be able to perfectly block the enemy's attack next time."

Brigadier General Kibin heard his chest,-said proudly.

Zefa: "???"

He wanted to ask this stunned green, where did your confidence come from?


At this moment, Luo Lin, who read Brigadier General Kibin's thoughts, was also speechless.

Did I just admire your iron eyes?

Luo Lin shook his head.

I really didn't expect that his ridiculous eyes would be filled by this kid's brain.

However, Luo Lin didn't want to be as unreliable as Karp's.

"Hey, boy, your iron training is outstanding enough, almost enough, but your armed color and seeing and hearing color are still far from being domineering, and you have to focus on domineering practice in the future."

Luo Lin's heart and soul.

Upon hearing this, Brigadier General Kibin was taken aback.

Then an extremely enthusiastic color appeared on his face.

"Yes, sir!"

Brigadier General Kibin first gave a standard military salute.Immediately afterwards, he seemed to feel wrong, and quickly changed to bow.

Seeing the head iron disciple who was excited and ready to practice domineeringly, Zefa couldn't help being speechless.

I have said so many years, the result was not as good as Luo Lin's words.

But overall, the results are good.

Although he will leave the navy soon, it is always a pleasure to see these disciples getting better and better.

"Come on, drink and drink."

While Zefa was talking, he was eating half a bottle of wine.

"Hahaha, Luo Lin, do you know who else came besides me in this operation?"

Zefa asked with a laugh.

"I know, that little girl in Gion."

Luo Lin took a sip of wine calmly, with a slight headache.

"Have you seen that girl in Gion." Zefa's eyes widened in surprise.

"When I first arrived on this island, I saw it from a distance, but the girl probably didn't find me." Luo Lin said.

"It’s all here, why don’t you see that girl in Gion?


"Guardian, guardian." Zefa quickly changed his statement.

"That kid was taught very well by you, and no longer needs my protection." Luo Lin said."Yes, the general alternate of the navy headquarters, Huang Yuan and the three of them are the strongest girl in Gion. In order to become stronger, she has suffered a lot." Zefa said.

As the mentor of Tomi Gion, Zefa is the most clear about Gion's efforts over the years.


Luo Lin thanked him softly.

"What is there to thank you for between us, but I think you should really meet-see Gion's head, when I heard the news of your death, Gion's girl cried for a year, no one would use it ." Zefa said.

With that said, before Luo Lin responded, he was going to be on standby in the distance, especially Major General Mulla called over.